If you say both Antifa and Nazis are bad well, I got bad news for you.

Other urls found in this thread:

No, I am a nazi

>you're either with us or you deserve death
And we're the Nazis

That man is the perfect example of why the left is losing.

regular nazi here m8

Considering Antifa's actions in the 30's led to the rise of the Nazis to bring back law and order to the streets, it can be argued that Antifa is worse because they actively create Nazis/

Huh I wonder why National Socialism is on the rise.
Probably because people are sick of the media and have so little faith in MSM that the Nazis seem like the rational ones.

there is a term for posting on twitter
It's called being a fucking twit

>pedophiles that have children sex slaves who are kept obedient through heroin addiction are bad
>nazis are bad too

Only if I can be a Nazi first
And a Nazi sympathizer second

only antifa is bad

This. Christ these people are so fucking history-illiterate it hurts

How do these people respond when the streetfights between communists and national socialists in the dying days of the Weimar Republic are brought up? "Yeah well those dumb kraut commies didn't fight hard enough, hell they probably WANTED to kill six million Jews"

>Both sides are terrible
>That means you support one side
Where the hell do these people get their arguments from?

Sieg fucking heil, kike.

Sounds like you're a commie sympathizer son.

Better a National Socialist than communist scum.

Im convinced anybody that unironically compares Trump to hitler has never actually picked up a history book

Good, let them attack the norimes they'll get rekt by a CC holder.

Why are left-wingers so closed minded? Why do they all have one way minds?

>all lives matter

>nazis, communists, and terrorists attacking innocent people are bad

Aren't liberals/"progressives" supposed to be open minded and open to critique and new ideas? Why are their brains formed in such a way that they can't process new information?

From other idiots.

If saying "Nazis and [insert anything here]" makes one a Nazi sympathizer, then logically you are either a Nazi sympathizer or you think Nazis are the only bad, not merely in existence, but even hypothetically possible.

>if you're against nazis and gommies you're pro-nazi!

Trump's been compared (negatively) to practically every authoritarian leader of the 20th/21st century

They had articles comparing him to fucking Hugo Chavez - I think we're just waiting on a
>Why Trump is America's Stalin/Castro
to round it out

And the other are soon to be first time helicopter flyers what about it

All American is lower than dog. You're doing to find out. Soon.

Bomb California plz.

yea and there is a term for people who say "both sides are bad" and one side is antifa. They are called child molestors

Adolf Hitler Promotes Multiculturalism

But guys, Hitler did endorse Multiculturalism. What is this guy a bigot?

>rapist fights with a murderer
>saying both sides are bad makes you a rape sympathizer

lefts will kill all whites
i call this genocide and the end of all
west world is broken , china/russia enjoy this

"Nazi" basically means anyone who didn't vote for Hillary Clinton.

More Nazi-creating antifa-ggots

look at the state of that cunt


You must be a real bad movement when you make the Nazis seem like a reasonable compromise.

Since I am a Jew who thinks both sides did wrong there, especially Antifa, I am a Jewish Nazi sympathizer according to them.

I would punch him in the liver and he would beg a "nazi symathiser" to shoot him out of mercy.


This is why I turned to Hitler's voice of reason

> When leftists are violent and rioting I just like to close my eyes and point at the nearest Nazi for being who they are as the reason for the lefts violence and looting

So what would he say about the battle of Stalingrad?




Except the other side are also Nazis. So therefore Alex Halpern can shut up instead of posting on Sup Forums the infamous hate website. Ok Alex Halpern...just stop nobody believes you antifa lies of oppression

Ive always had an affinity for underdogs. I dont like Nazis though. They are almost always mouth breathers.


White straight men are all Nazis now.
Fucking hilarious that all these establishment conservatives and lolbertarians who disavow and grovel for shekels are still Nazis.
It's Nazis versus Commies now faggots.
Either pick a side or that fence you're sitting on will disappear up your manginas.
1488 death or glory
Hitler did nothing wrong.

>Nazis are bad
Well, yeah
>Commies are also bad

>both sides are Nazis
>condemn them
>"you are a Nazi sympathizer!"
How the fuck do you win!?

"If you walk far enough to the left and far enough to the right, you'll find the ground that both are standing on." - David Icke

If hating Communist leftist makes me a Nazi sympathizer then you can call me Hitler.

does mommy merkel know you have this image saved on your computer?

Maybe I'm not a fan of either group? But seeing how dishonest liberals are about the situation I'll always side with Nazi's over Communists.

i sympathize with fellow nazis

Liberalism has devolved into a religion during the past 100+ years

How can you blame a reaction on an irritant

I'm TransNazi
I'm a natural Libertarian that now identifies as a Nazi.

You don't.

Because they are the irritant.

They reject our rejection of their irritation/existence.


I'm a communist nazi liberal

Can Tranny's be Nazi?
Asking for friend and all

>a fucking leaf

cancer is bad, aids is bad. oh look i'm pro cancer.

Nancy Pelosi confirmed Nazi

No that's totally crazy illogical. NAZIs (if Nazi = evil) can have evil opponents. Obviously.
All the insults that are overused here, you deserve them. You are as wrong as saying 2+2=7 and it's noxious about it.
Are you mad or is someone LARPing as a proper muppet?

But I don't say that Nazis are bad?

Dew itâ„¢

i'd rather side with nazis than commies

freedom of speech is something taken for granted but it is a wonderful, wonderful thing. the commies/antifa vs nazis argument is essentially an arguement over who has the more appealing version of suppressing free speech.

i respect the usually pro family values of nazis so nazis will get a quick death by bullet. commies get the rope. so yeah, fuck you, commie you're just selling a defend brand of oppression and I'm not purchasing.

t. freedom loving american

I support the commies not being literally Nazis, but the Nazis aren't literally Nazis and they aren't commies, so the Nazis get my vote.

What if both sides are nazis?

Which side should I be sympathetic towards?

got some really bad news for you OP. what you are doing is alienating moderates. antifa is scum and most people know that. why do you think the liberal media is starting to uncouple itself from you.

thanks for letting Trump have a second term you stupid twats. people will always choose law and order over the chaos antifa creates. thanks for being useful idiots bruv

Both sides of what? National socialists and International socialists (commies) are the same shit, the latter being more dangerous to the world because it ain't capable of building a functioning economy so everybody starves.

It's now basically being said support democrats or you're a Nazi. Great winning strategy there.

>hating both sides means your on one of the sides
liberal logic once again, ladies and gentlemens


what if its nazis vs super nazis

Why did I read the rest of that faggot's twitter?

>super nazis

But both sides are nazis!

They both wanna control what i say, see, do.
They both wanna inpose on some right i aleady have.
And both wanna beat me for it.

But the worst are these fucking lefty sympethizers
They would one nazi group win only based on the amount of brown color people in the crowd.
And that shit dont fly with me because im neither white nor brown.

>Drowning is bad
Decapitation is bad too
> wow you must love drowning

>And both wanna beat me for it.
Have a "nazi" ever actually gone and beated you because the way you looked or the way you dressed?

"Nazis" and neonazis have gone soft in the last few years now that they can bant on the internet. Most of them are cointained in some shitty place they rent with a stinky wet sofa and such.
Antifa has a structure and a lot of support and they'll actually beat you up.


Nazis are probably fairly uninterested in beating you unless you're a Jew or a fag desu

there's also a term for people who make excuses for Commies.
they're called 'useful idiots', and they tended to get shot once the Reds were in power.

I am unashamedly a Naxi Sympathiser

Thought police come arrest me

Ask this guy why he supports making homosexuality a crime, deporting minorities and stealing from them, mass murder and rape of women and children and forced starvation. When he's confused, point at the Soviet Union flags that antifa likes to wave. He won't be able to sustain his virtue signalling.

Please end us.

are you a communist sympathiser?

There's only one side that's bad

Both side are bad but it looks like the Nazis need some help keeping the other retards in check. Its like WW2.

>dude trumps dumb blame on both sides lmao fuck nazis

You know, I've been thinking.
Hitler and the rest of Germany didn't just wake up one day and decide to genocide the Jews.
Maybe the Jews actually did do something to warrant that response from Germany? Maybe, perhaps, there is blame on both sides?

>one side is openly Nazi
>the other side act like Nazis, but insist they aren't Nazis
The ones who are open about it are more trustworthy. If they're willing to call themselves Nazis then you at least know they're being honest.

Do people honestly believe this? You'd think most adults would realize how the "Good Guys" are often much worse then they would have you think.

>Antifa are anti fascists, it's in the name! Are you a fascist or something?

>Nazis aren't actually socialists, they just named themselves that so you'd think they were!

Why are leftists such fucking retards?


Anyone who would side with Communists over national socialists should try living in some of those hell holes. Communism as an ideology resulted in millions more deaths than Nazism caused, even if you attribute every death in world war two to them. These people are either braindead or brainwashed to side with Marx over literally any other ideology. The only good Communist is a dead Communist.

I love, that leftists are only care about the names of the organisations...

>you oppose Antifa, so that means, that you are a fascist
>you oppose BLM, so that means, black lives are worthless for you
No, i'm aganist the ACTIONS, not the names.

If i would create an organisation with the name "Dogs are cool", and our group's main focus would be raping dead bodies in the cemetery, and if people would oppose the organisation, i can imagine that leftists would defend us with this: "What's your problem? Do you hate dogs?"

twitter nigger says whattttttttt?