"Irish also were slaves!" Not so fast goyim

"Irish also were slaves!" Not so fast goyim. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_slaves_myth

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Every nationality has been enslaved at some point in history.


About equivalent to the "women were chattel" myths thrown around in gender studies classes, would you like me to source someone reputable actually buying into this shit?


Nah. Not every nationality. BTW I'm still waiting on Italy to pay me reparations.

Is there a rule for bait images?

>The most biased articles ever.
>Provides no real sources for right-wing articles and instead gets them from "psychologist experts" and people who literally never use said right-wing terms.
>Spends have of their SJW article talking about how Trump is actually an sjw.

Lol, now I know why you're stupid. It was learned.

No. Just have to search everyone's computer for it on DOTR and use rope accordingly.

>Australia was forcefully colonised by a different Irish
You are a fucking idiot and wikipedia just got btfo.


Read the autobiography of Benjamin Fucking Franklin you illiterate faggot. I don't mean the Wikipropaganda entry on the book, I mean the actual book you lowbrow, low IQ, low testosterone jackass.


Never fucking ever come to the conclusion that anything you read on wikipedia is true unless it's the most boring paragraph on something that has nothing to do with human history.

Even then, take it with a grain of salt.


I definitely would have betrayed the white race for prime scarjo

Why are people so triggered by slavery? It's a valid method of getting people to work in less advanced civilisations. It's literally just a more primitive version of wage slavery.

Her father is Swedish

Because it was a loophole. It was foul play in every Western civilisation, like outsourcing.

Each slave was taken as a replacement for a job.

Well, a lot of slavery tended to be pretty brutal. Muslims weren't exactly kind to their slaves. To my knowledge, most white slavery of other whites or of Africans was a lot more benign.


Anyone who has ever met a single Muslim knows how it goes.

Maintaining tools and property is a very European thing. Others just wear it down to the nub and get a new one.

Slaves were the same.

>Africans kidnapped for the Atlantic slave trade

Africans weren't kidnapped, they were sold into slavery by other Africans

Technically, some of those slaves were kidnapped before being sold by other Africans.

This oppression.olympics doesnt mean anything when theirs an actual.hostile threat.

>it's was foul play
Fuck you are dumb

It was the alternative to just killing all criminals and prisoners of war.

The fuck do you suggest doing with an army you've beaten made up of people who hate you? Life was hard as fuck do you really expect people who have to do gruelling physical labour 12 hours a day being ok with murderers and thieves getting to just sit in a cell all day doing nothing? Do you honestly think they even had cells everywhere to put people in?

>Irish made merchants who benefited from slavery
Name one. Because I can name plenty of Jews. Clearly, Ireland is not diverse enough.

No, you legally had to feed slaves. The Irish were indentured servants and used as breeding stock, too. You didn't have to feed indentured servants.

whites ended slavery, which everyone practiced

>links to you a link that proves that there were slaves that werent slaves because of their nationality but you still deny it

Just a reminder that Saint Patrick, the most important and beloved person in Irish history, was a 5th century AD Briton slave kidnapped by Irish warriors.

It all depends on your definition of slavery. Being paid poorly with company coin, which can only be spent in the company store is not being free. It was bad enough that the revolt from it caused us to get unions and the term "red neck".

Slaves all the same.

Serfdom, anyone?
Being someone's property?

Stopped reading right there.


Firstly, fuck Wikipedia. Didn't Oliver Cromwell enslave a bunch of Irish and ship them to the West Indies? Why did Montserrat celebrate St Patrick's day, I mean before the volcano?


>Page created January 2017

How Jewish.

Most of 'black people" in the USA are sub-saharan african migrants
In fact descendants of 'black slaves' are vanishing

" For the first time, more blacks are coming to the United States from Africa than during the slave trade."

" Nigeria and Ghana are among the top 20 sources of immigrants to New York City."

" it is already redefining what it means to be African-American."
" The steady decline in the percentage of African-Americans with ancestors who suffered directly through the middle passage and Jim Crow is also shaping the debate over affirmative action, diversity programs and other initiatives intended to redress the legacy of slavery."

" "Senegal became too small," said Marie Lopy, who arrived as a student in 1996"
" Agba Mangalabou, who arrived from Togo in 2002, recalls his surprise when he moved here from Europe. "In Germany, everyone knew I was African," he said. "Here, nobody knows if I'm African or American." "

Please archive it

>article created this year
>lists a bunch of ludicrous conspiracy theories in order to sully the validity of a few historical claims it doesn't even attempt to refute

of course the wiki grognard braintrust considers this a noteworthy and necessary article