Daily Boomer Question Thread

Fuck I hate boomers so much

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Just get a job and a wife, you lazy millenial fuck!




They do not know that they will be remembered as the Hated Generation for generations to come.

>I bought a house for $20k why don't you have a house
>I paid for my tuition working a paper route in the summer
>Just meet a nice girl, there's so many great young women out there
>You'll have to take care of my debts when I die, sweetie. Sorry!

The main thing they ruined was the job market, by letting women in the workforce, real wages fell by half. Used to be you could support an entire family, buy a house and car with a fucking job pumping gas.

Boomers unironically think Israel is our ally

yes. pretty much.
in pre 9/11 america
summer jobs for kids would easily pay 1 ounce of gold per week in fiat cash currency.

17+ years later.

the same job will pay 1/3rd an ounce of gold or less in fiat currency.
and that's just gold.

Let's list the sins of the boomer. I'll start

>send the nation into a death spiral of debt to pay for their own social programs and retirement plans, expect their children to pay it off

Go out there and ask to see the manager, give him a firm handshake and don't take no for an answer champ

Yeah frig off randy, frig all goes down in any communal showers. Kys

Most of them were average hard working people that were taken advantage of by the govt. and some of them were our parents. Without the internet you would be as oblivious if not more oblivious than they were. Quit being such a edgelord faggot snowflake

This is wrong though.

Boomer hippies started identity politics.

Fuck I hate boomers. Id like to say the will be remebered as the most hated generation, but, do to their choices, it is possible their will be no one left to remember them.

I wish anyone born prior to 1960 would die tomorow. The world would be a better place.

>Removes fuel crisis and fucked up housing prices.

Keep up the OC
Good stuff

Greatest Generation (GG) starts a company. GG builds the company from the ground up. GG hires American workers, uses American products, and takes great pride in what his company will do for his family and his country.

GG gives his kid Baby Boomer (BB) a job, knowing that BB will work his way up and someday inherit the company GG built. GG knows that this company will prosper and help the family for generations.

BB eventually inherits the company. BB gives his kid Gen X (GX) a job for a while but eventually fires GX to save costs. BB sends most jobs overseas and imports cheap foreigners to do the rest. BB tells GX to make his own way in life like BB did. GX must now compete against cheap labor.

GX has a kid Millennial (ML). ML complains about the low wages, lack of jobs, and competing with the offspring of all the foreign workers BB imported. BB calls ML entitled and whiney. BB says how hard he had it and how he had to make his own way in life while ML is just too entitled.

BB sells his father's company, cashes out, and retires with riches he never plans to give to his kids. He is going to spend all his money before he dies while collecting social benefits from tax revenue from all the foreigners his political peers continue to import.

This story applies to every aspect of American society. One generation took everything their parents gave them, cashed out and squeezed society for everything it had. They handed their kids and grandkids the financial and social consequences, and had the audacity to blame everyone but themselves for what happened.

Old boomer here. We didn't actually DO anything. We were just on the ride.

They're still alive, they see the wreckage around us and the much greater wreckage to come, and yet they stick to their bullshit. This is the same reason I don't give the "Greatest Generation" a pass, they clung to the bullshit in the face of all that has followed. Fuck them both.

This is either a master level troll or boomer delusion is terminal.

The Klintons and Podestas are a very, very small sample.

Yes, it's all the fault of the white people...

You make it sound like every BB inherited a business. Do you know how stupid you sound?

Some of us have been working our asses off for decades fighting just the shit you are bitching about. Hell, I have been a Freeper for 20 years. I been in the streets waving "Sore Loserman" posters. I was at the "March for Justice" in 1998. I was there the day the passed 0bamacare.

"Identity politics" is a slur just like "populism"

Identity politics is human nature and has probably existed as long as politics has. Though, in saying that, the Boomer generation made USA minority identity politics mainstream and supported while condemning any white identity politics.

Uh oh! Boomer alert!

What's next? Call me a "troll" and a "Soros shill"

Boomer, Boomer, you cancerous tumor

My parents are bb's.
Many boomers were fed shit themselves by their masters and there was no net in those times to find out much about it.

Something you may want to consider. While I ain't that guy he makes a point. Consider this, all the fucked up crap you guys are bitching about is the result of the votes of the moron parents who were drug addicts and alcoholics and neglected you. Those of us who actually raised our kids and educated them worked like hell to try to prevent what those morons did but we got out voted by the degenerates so we got Klintons and 0bamas. Don't blame those of us who tried to prevent what has happened.

>master level troll
Top kek but I think it's the latter. Nothing is ever those people's fault. But in England they are now growing old in places relying on non-whites. They know they fucked up.


Just go up to that nice gal, give her a nice handshake, hand her your resume, and marry her! It's that simple!

That's fair. At least you kept the torch of civilisation alight. You were just outnumbered by idiots.

the west will never be saved until the last boomer heads to the grave


The "Greatest Generation" were our parents. Very few went to college. None of my 6 uncles went above 8th grade. They were "simple, honest, hard working people with integrity. All had several kids, none divorced, almost all of us at least had a shot at college. They are all gone now but what made them great was simple, honest integrity.


Exactly. Turns out we didn't shoot enough at Kent State.


nope, they knew what they were doing. they just wanted to be comfy and pass the problem to somebody else. they were greedy and selfish. you try and say it's the govt cause you're a boomer and don't want to take any responsibility.

you didn't want to shake the boat cause you're conformist cucks who just want to virtue signal. unless your ass is on fire you don't care and will just virtue signal until that point. you'l dance on your children's corpse to virtue signal but scream for help when you're harmed

Your dream can be so. Dreams come true when we make them come true.

>boomer genocide when?
>if not you, who
>if not now, when
>profit like a mother fucker

A nation needs heroes
Blood and soil, my dudes
>but mainly just blood

>The "Greatest Generation" were our parents.

oh, so you're 70?

I have spent 30 years fighting hard against 10 of the 11 items you listed.

64 next week.

I can't stand you greedy old fucks, all spazzed out on xanax and red wine, telling me to "pull yourself up your boot straps" while pajeet and pedro take all the jobs because YOU let them in

I disagree with the attack on Christians. I think it's unwarranted. I didn't make this chart. How old are you?

Most of us didn't realize you couldn't actually believe the media until about 25 years ago.

Boomers asset stripped the country's wealth.

64 next week.

I think pol misses how damaging the hippy movement was, and this wasn't boomers. Boomers were born into degeneracy.

is this a larp or are you edgy like this all the time? Everyone is born into their own set of circumstances. Most people try to work their way out of them. Only niggers blame other people for their problems. You sound like a nigger wanting reparations. The irony is probably lost on you

we all do. im praying for a pandemic which will finally end them.

Not all of us. It would appear it was just the 48% of the 1%. I am realizing this only recently.

What brings you to Sup Forums?

Irrelevant. The nation must be cleansed. Your generation must die for its sins.

You are all old. We could just wait, and let time take its toll.

But slaughtering you all will be much more fun.

Praise God, in all His glory, for He will deliver the enemy into our hands, and order shall reign supreme once more.

>oh, my bad...
>I meant praise Kek


Careful what you up pray for. The pandemic of 1918 killed mostly young females.


Staying on top of what is going on. And insomnia.

It's called an analogy. It applies to businesses, to farms, to real estate, to college, to the job market, etc. They inherited the richest environment for success in the history of the west and squandered it away for greed.

They took what their parents saved for them then took out a line of credit in their child's name.


>it's the govt fault
>it's others fault! they did this not us
then you try and say only niggers blame others? sorry but your generation had 40 fucking years to try and fix this trainwreck which people KNEW was going to happen. there was people out there telling you the truth in the 60's and kept telling the truth for 50 years afterwards. you didn't listen and now just want to blame the govt cause you know it's your responsibility.

i didn't say my personal problems are your fault. i said this fucking country crashing and western civilizations fall IS your fault. i'll manage my own life, but that's a separate thing than how you boom cucks destroyed western civilization out of greed.

dont respond to the meme flags, meme flag.

Boomer only age group that sees a positive in most recessions.

>my fucking almonds

You do realize that chart is skewed by Soros, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates,...

god so cringy

And a whole bunch of us were screaming and trying to warn about the debt and we were called "tinfoil hat" and worse. No one would listen, the Rats just traded votes for gibs from degenerates.

you goys just need to work on that firm handshake

Sigh, the baby boomer generation is so fucked up that they don't even know how to acknowledge their short comings. The mere fact that they want to crucify the legacy of their forefather's generation for their lack of tolerating words like shit and fuck, yet make nigger a 4 letter word and calling someone racist or a nazi akin to what calling someone a witchwas 100's of years ago is just sad. They can't even understand the importance of religion beyond it being a hugbox where fuck ups go so that they can forgive themselves.

Yup, they are dumb

They sold us out for trinkets like the Natives sold their land for blankets and beads.

REGISTER www.dailyboomer.com and make a satirical boomer/cuckservative page.

I'm still not giving you reparations

Gotta love Boomer mentality, "Stevie Jobs made a computer phone! WE are the smartest! Back to the 4th grade vocabulary and garbage eating.! "

Don't even get me started about the fucking credit death spiral.

>be boomer and demand Social Security
>shove a 12.5% tax rate to pay for the Ponzi scheme
>cash surplus could be saved, but instead we take it to spend on other retarded programs. Better keep paying that 12% though.
>cash predicted to run out in 20 years, fuck it keep spending. We can do it on credit
>sheeeeeeit the entirety of our ponzi scheme was invested in US securities, which are now decreasing in value.
>oh well gotta spend more to cover those social security benefits
>lather, rinse, repeat

I second this!

i like

pretty much this.

Brace yourself. You heard the US has 300 million weapons and billions of rounds of ammunition? Just who the fuck do you think actually owns that shit? Democrats? LOL. Bring a lunch because our uncles all fought in "The War" and the one thing they taught us well is how to shoot.



*slightly irritated noises*

Yes, many such cases. Very sad!

Nevertheless, extermination is the only solution. Boomers will go to the camps first. Then uberjews. Then sexual deviants (except hot lesbians). Then anyone browner than a paper bag.

I will be taking control of the alt right very soon. Prepare u anus.

Wrong. It's the "tough" times that are waking our generation up. The Internet helps.
I'm not saying that we are poor but the American Dream doesn't exist for millenials. Good Riddance.

I support this

Just stop calling yourself a boomer you obviously do not identify with them despite being in the same age group.

did i ask for anything in my posts you fucking retard? do you think you dumb fuck boomers created the universe or something moron? america is fucked and the western civilization will crash cause of boomers. i'll continue living cause i don't need you or anything you touched. you aren't the creators of life. i'm telling you are directly responsible for the collapse of 2000 years of history and the most scummy worst generation that earth has created.


white men controlled humanity and now people are worried about white genocide not even 100 years later. just hope the spics and niggers don't dig up your grave. i'll be in asia living in the new eastern civilization that will send us to the moon.

Before or after GG committed white genocide to satisfy their masters?
Such integrity to fight like minded people so the future could be black.

It all ended with the boomers. The connection to our past. The Greatest Generation all knew how to farm, or at least grow gardens, can, hunt, use tools, repair a car, make home repairs.

Boomers were handed the greatest economy the planet has ever known and they sat back and allowed past traditions to be lost while they ate microwave dinners and bought useless Chinese garbage on QVC.

>Create welfare systems that can only be propped up through increase in population.
>Promote a frivolous lifestyle and consecuenseless sex to your son/daughter's generation.
>hyperinflate housing + education markets so that they will never be able to afford the two key ingredients to having a large family in a post industrailized society.
>Import shitty immigrants to plug the gaps and prop up the failing welfare program.
>Force their children to work on the same level as the immigrants.

Fuck I hate boomers

no gibs for you commie

Kek. What percentage of American boomer women are "depressed" while hanging at the lakehouse?. Zoloft to the rescue!

IOS and Android are OS for illiterate dumbfucks

Gen y, and x, could so easily use the internet to make some non retarded policies and take power. But they don't. Instead they are caught up in retarded antifa vs 'nazi' fights, seething with a hatred not seen since the 1930s.

Just lel. I'm so glad I'm gonna get a fat ass inheritance from my boomer mum. I deserve it so bad.

I have more respect for dogshit than the young population.

Jesus, don't get me started on Social Security. You realize it was a Ponzi scheme foisted on us? They stole almost half a million dollars from me over 45 years. You realize it was started in the 30s? You realize the Rats have been raiding it for 50 years for their "do gooder nanny state"? It ain't boomers you need to blame, it's Democrats.

>manage to find something in this horrendous post ACA job market that nets me 20/h
>buying a home
>50+ people still tell me I should find a real job and settle down

What the fuck?

so fucking pathetic. your brain is just like the usual greedy scum boomer. all you can think about is gibsmedat. stuff like pride in what your ancestors created don't even exist in your mind. it's just about getting little trinkets.

china is more capitalist than the west btw retard

Bring a lunch, punk. And GET OFF MY LAWN.

Fees are massive on it though

Needs a .net or .online or .news

if you had any pride in your ancestors you wouldn't be wasting all you time jacking off to anime, complaining for gibs or posting on Sup Forums

This guy is pretty good by boomer standards. He acknowledges that the anger directed is a result of legitimate mistakes.

He's wrong overall tho. Boomers destroyed america. Millennials would have been a hundred times worse but by the time it's their turn, there won't be much left to destroy.

>teleports behind you and alks but says nothing