Subversion of Knowledge


Sup Forums help me out here. I am a long time lurker and a sporadic poster at best. I have read much and I know that there is much I have not read. But it didn’t bother me much before. I am more interested in ancient history than modern day politics. However, we know that archetypes have remained the same so what was there, is happening now. We know of the subversion of social paradigms, economic models and the social engineering itself. A handful of posts I see also tackle the effect of subversion in Religion.
But just this week I had an epiphany. I noticed something during my work which I had never noticed before (I would attribute that to rigourous inputs from Sup Forums).
I asked, why? Why was the archetype reiterating like a recursive function? Unless a set of specific numbers aren’t in the equation, the function will not recur. So from where did the same set parameters coming?
I have studied in Middle-Eastern Theologies, Greco-Roman Theologies, Archaeology and History. Due to my interest, on the side (besides academics), I also dabble in the conspiracy side of the Middle-eastern history. I am not ashamed to state that I believe in Paleo-archaeology and Ancient Aliens.

Other urls found in this thread:


So here are the things that happened:
1. The first person to sensationalize AA was Erich Von Daniken. His books were more illustrative and rhetorical than outright definitions. I found it interesting. They were evocative rather than spoon-feeding. They were speculative, rather than giving me solution. It made me think and to read, to research, to find. But then,
2. I found Zecharia Sitchin and his Nibiru. His series ate 3 years of my college life. I was so obsessed with applying it to every stone-tablet discovered in the ME that I was convinced that he had the smoking gun.
But this is the epiphany that occurred to me recently:
Zecharia’s theories are definitive rather than speculative. As if, he is telling me that he is right and I must blindly follow his findings. He spares no opportunity to plaster every mythology as the whims of Anunnaki but in the same sentence he corrects me, the reader that a certain God of a certain ideology of a certain scripture is somehow beyond this. That it is the true god. His insinuations are all over the place yet when a certain society’s beginnings are concerned, he goes and clarifies that “it was somehow divine, heavenly decree; a chosen bond”.
It didn’t take me long to realize that Zecharia’s books have done more damage than anything contributive to the Ancient Alien theories. His Anunnaki and Nibiru are more famous and based on that, every other theory is automatically ridiculed. As if by design!


There is no opening. His works damaged the social perception every other non-canon sources. Even a theologian or historian blows the scathing milk of Middle-Eastern history before drinking it. Credible discussion regarding Dead-Sea Scrolls (which were discovered much later), Book of Enoch and in the end, the Sumerian culture itself is marred beyond saving. It has become a taboo, something which cannot be discussed without the fear of ostracization. In academic field, this is equal to suicide and incrimination. I realized who Zecharia Sitchin was. Needless to say I was not surprised.
I am more surprised that how defensive people are regarding discussions of origins of mankind, genetic vindication, religion.
Book of Enoch How dare you suggest that there could be racial difference?
Sumer and Anunnakis this belongs to /x/
The Council of Babylon this belongs to /x/
The Bankers of Babylon this belongs to /x/
Am I wrong to come to these conclusions Sup Forums?

I go to /x/ quite a bit, there would probably be more people with info to contribute there.

Hmm you are correct. I should post this in /x/ after all.

We are the aliens, we are also the angels and the demons.

Our thoughts, dreams, and imaginations create our interpretation of reality.

It's that he questioned the translations (His full right)
Then translates it into AA stuff
and 'corrects' it some times allong the way with the excuse that it's 'evolving'

It's one thing to question mainstream views, but to claim YOU are correct with your self made up 'I am an experienced translator, I am the best' bullshit doesn't do well.

I would suggest the Dead sea scrolls, good translations out there (I believe Meyers).

Screencapped, I will try to educate myself about Sumerian culture and everything else you mentioned.


>Ancient Aliens.


That was the point that I came to the conclusion myself. Even if we are to stand on the outrageous fringe of Ancient Alien concept, his arguments were too much implied.

>translations boastfulness
I am there with you.
Forget the blatant error in Annunaki=They who came from Heaven to Earth but much of his implied translations derail the credible translation so way out there that I can't even Tsukkomi it.
For eg. Dingir he says is "Rocket People". While it is "Bright Ones". In terms of Genesis, it is much closer to Nahasch.
He also uses colloquial Hebrew to force ascendant Linguistics which doesn't work. Linguistics is descending in nature.

>Dead Sea Scrolls translation - Meyers.
I have four versions with me. The most recent ones from the Academia are also good.

kangs n shit nigga

Yes. I have seen this. A good theory, but it completely alienates the possibility of sentient intervention. It translates all archetypal attributes to celestial events. I am not saying that it is not possible but I am not sold on the idea that there was no input from the sentient kind (be it human or non-human sentience)

There are much more to the field than Tsukalos's "It's the aliens" meme.
I will not urge you to abandon your belief but you must know that there are good materials out there which are more methodical and argumentative than run-of-the-mill charlatans.
Ancient Alien is not always automatically Annunnakis or Nibiru.
If you happen to read Middle-Eastern stone-tablets on you own. You will notice few things on your own. Without even implications from others.

have you seen this?
>An ancient Babylonian tablet whose purpose has been a longstanding mystery reveals that the ancient Mesopotamian civilization beat the Greeks to the discovery of trigonometry by more than 1,000 years, researchers say—and their methodology might even hold lessons for modern-day mathematicians.

Archive or screenshot please

Yes. We studied the archetype of planetary records and syncretism of planets and their rulers. The Babylonians (the Chaldeans) concurrent with Medians (Persians) have vast mathematical and religious treaties on planets and affair of gods.

They are however still 2000 years younger in terms of the archetypical implications. The Egyptians and Sumerians present quite a dissonant view on "planetary" and "godly affairs".

Please note, the rod and the ring in his hand


wew. aint that some shit.

Sumerian mythology was written down on clay tablets and preserved.
Most of them have been translated and Oxford has an online collection of all the manuscripts which have been made of them.
Nibru isn't a planet. It's the name of an ancient city whose tell has been extensively excavated and Sumerian society is extremely well documented and understood.
Sumerian mythology was adopted by many later groups, including the Amorites and subsequently the Israelites.
If you are interested in learning more about the origins of Semitic religion then there are many fine books on the subject.
Or alternatively, aliens.


they dont come from outer space. they come from a different dimension. Outer Space is a giant hoax.


Divine truth. This is your answer. This is l of your answers ever. Right here for you to see.

You should look into the Antikythera mechanism, if you don't know what that is already.

The ancients were quite a lot smarter than we usually give them credit for. It's painful to imagine where the world would be today if knowledge like this hadn't been lost for 2000 years.

what is your opinion on the dogon people in mali?

they are a tribe of literally mud-hut tier africans, with no technology to make lenses, yet they know all kinds of accurate info about space that is totally unobservable without amplification. the famous examples being that they told some french explorer in the 30s that sirius is a binary star system, and exactly how many moons jupiter has.

could they have been in touch at some point during their tribe with the egyptians? or do you think the ayyyyys just plopped down and talked to the guys they knew noone would believe. they have a lot of strange rituals, even by african standards, where they dress up in stilts and weird masks.

Will watch that but right now im watching this :

since i started to investigate big pedo / torture / sacrifice rings in western europe.
So far i dont think I want to go deeper.