/leftypol/ bans me for not liking identity politics

>/leftypol/ bans me for not liking identity politics
>Sup Forums mocks me for not subscribing to white identity politics

Where do I go to talk about politics without idpol?
I just want to discuss our future secular totalitarian pan-European computer planned state.

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pls respond

bans v mocks
Keep searching retard

Stay on Sup Forums

Identity politics is fucking caner and I know your feels Bulgaria.

Though I am opposite. I am a libertarian who just cares about muh freedoms and muh business and fags on here and elsewhere all just want to talk about MUH IDENTITTY MUH RAYCE MUH JENDA

Identity politics is the low IP casualization of politics that any old retard can enter.

The authoritarian vs libertarian scale of politics has always been less intelligent than the left vs right economic side to it. But this identity politics side is pure retardation on all sides.

A computer would plan for the future, redistributing some wealth to the workers so that they can have families and produce the next generation of consumers, keeping the system running.
A computer won't plan Europe's economy. The rich MUST get richer no matter the future consequences.

Who cares if the whole thing collapses? The rich will just move somewhere else. I plan to be one of them.


who the fuck cares about bulgaria?


If the distribution and allocation of resource, and production of goods, is calculated, why would you need money?
Money is a tool for democratic economy, you vote on what gets made by buying it and vote on how much it costs, etc.
If you have a planned economy, money is useless. Nobody is asking you what gets made, or how much, or if you value it, its all planned. No need to vote.

what i like about this image is that this girl saw her nation conquered and destroyed for trying to live on earth more harmoniously than before. but yesterday, on the 30th of august, over 80 years later, long after her death, someone saw her beauty, and said, i will protect that. i will keep her memory alive.

learn more basic identities and act and react in accordance to them.

a man is a man only because he lives by rules that he has set for himself.

you seem to have a right idea, there. keep working on it.



Afraid to lose control
And caught up in this world

I've wasted time, I've wasted breath
I think I've thought myself to death

>learn more basic identities and act and react in accordance to them.

No, I don't like identity politics. I want the whole Humanity thing. I want the low utility people removed, either physically or letting them die without breeding, and I want a global (yes, I am a globalist unironically) united humanity looking towards sustainability, growth and towards the stars.

u think niggers are gonna just sit still as you kill them?

globalism makes no sense. let africans be africans in africa

I don't want to "kill all niggers". I just want to let low quality human material die without reproducing. This has been done historically. Recently Israel did it to the ethiopian jews.

You have a home here faggot
Just don't you dare post any beastiality from bl*cked or I'll castrate you


Motherfuckers can't even keep a secular state over the pillars of western civilazation.

Your future is muslim or christian. Pick.


what about the identity of love, and the identity of hate? (that's what i meant by basic, i could have worded it better in retrospect)

what about lifting the low people up?

> united humanity looking towards sustainability, growth and towards the stars.

you vould make a *fine* Nazi

Aryan essentially means that 'you live by your imagination'. it means that your tertiary brain (neocortex - imagination/second sight) controls your secondary brain (limbic system - emotions/spirit) controls your primary brain (basal ganglia - reptilian instincts). it's partially genetic, and partially epigenetic, meaning, just because someone isn't Aryan now, doesn't mean they might not be, at some future time.

they said that we came from mars, 'on sound and fury they will fly'. well, the 'nazi salute' is actually a magical gesture that can be used to monitor your level of Airy-ness. (air being the elemental archetype of thought and ascended humanity).

Wilhem, the typical patriarchal name of the chiefs of the Fatherland, is a compound word. The components are Vrill, and Helmet. Vrill is a mystical concept of breath control (Air, Aryan) analogous to the Hindu concept of Prana. It is a Sound produced by placing the upper teeth against the lower lip, and creating a buzzing V sound. Vibrations are what Nazi Rocket Scientists understood that nobody else could grasp, even after stealing the plans. The concept of a "Vrill Helmet" is left to your own Imagination; remember, To Be Aryan, Is To Live By Dreams.

I will dedicate part of todays work to your dream of humanity amongst the stars, to the Nazi Space Crusaders, to the Nazi Templars who will cleanse earth of Heresy.

perhaps he simply hasn't seen a good enough religion. lets make a new religion, one that he will love.

We got a rare one.

United humanity, even with white dominance would be boring. I prefer the good old neighbor wars for territory, national minorities, balance of power and influence. Lot more fun and potential for ambitious people



>Identity politics is the low IP casualization of politics
your attempt to try and rationalize politics as anything BUT identity politics is the low IQ casualization you mong. All politics is identity politics and always has been. In addition, you greatly reduce the amount of internal idpol when you actually manage your borders and keep a homogen society. This shit only exists to the degree it does in relation to the amount of diversity. Diversity creates this. We want to eliminate it and get back to other issues. But you completely fail to understand the concept at the very deepest core if you think you can have small government and individual liberties in a non-white country

>I want the whole Humanity thing
so you're a fucking globalist scum then

>worshipping communism
You disgusting spoiled brat, the dead people from Budapest would hang you for being a traitor.

>secular totalitarian pan-European computer planned state.
Sound like something rebbit would love

The fact you had to write up a whole bunch of strawmans there to even get an argument out is laughable.

And no identity politics is not politics. It's the cancer killing politics. Go KYS you low IQ scum. Identity politics is the low IQ retarded casualization of politics. Real politics is economics debate first, and then debate on freedom, liberty, authority and the individual vs the collective. Your fucking identity as a white identified trans aryan hitler gendered Panzer tank has nothing to do with this you fucking freak. Stop dumping down politics with identity shit.

Identity politics was invented by elites, to get low IQ morons who would never have had an interest in actual politics, to get an interest in politics and destroy all political discourse with their idiot opinions on their identity.

The only way to avoid identity politics is to have a homogenous state. So either deal with all against whitey, soon to become all against all or advovate for peaceful expulsion of the invaders. There's no middle ground.


I am not even kidding here, they are exactly what you are looking for.

Is your homogeneous state going to be all men? No? Then you will have gender identity politics.
The point is to have a state strong enough to suppress them before they turn hostile, and a population educated enough to not indulge.

Instead of thinking what is best, people think "what is best for my tribe" and this kills effectiveness worldwide.
We can't stop burning coal exactly because we have national level tribalism and "it will help your economy more than mine", instead of a unified and single ECONOMY that is the effective allocation of all available resources to all places that need them to produce utility for us.

Which board. I am not kidding, I am desperate for escape from idpol.

Your home is here. If you're not a pussy. There are many diff opinions here but none of us are afraid of criticism. And we don't ban. Moral of the story... don't be a fuckin pussy.

/r/politics I would guess.
/r/the_schulz/ also offers you idol worship for an EU nationalist who will bring about (or at least try) the " future secular totalitarian pan-European computer planned state".

I am not a nationalist. Nationalism is idpol too.
I just wrote pan-European in the OP as a joke, I'm a globalist as explained in other posts.

I guess you confuse me for an EU advocate?

Markets and human wants and needs are to complicated for your gay pipe dream. You would need a computer with unimaginable power that includes the ability to be physically tapped into every human brain and would need to be able to predict the future with precision. And of course you then would be a slave. Litterally the matrix scenario. Fuck off.

That's not how it works. Only when you have a homogenous state you can have a true diversity of idelogies, otherwise you just have ethnic groups working against each other. Obama is a good example, a lot of his policies served to empower what he regarded as 'his' people, e.g. Obamacare was a wealth redistribution from the white middle class towards blacks and hispanics. Chinese and Indians in the West will aim to capture institutions, Blacks (USA and increasingly Europe) and Mestizos (in the USA) will aim for more gibs, Muslims in Europe will both aim for more gibs and turning Europe into the hellhole they came from.

You not liking it does matter jackshit compared to Human nature, have you tried asking Muzzies why they want to turn Europe into the shit they came from with the policies they endorse? They think it's good for Muslims. Asked Chinese why they want to capture our insitutions? Good for the Chinese.

Ironically, Gender IDpol are largely artificial and the result of another ethnic group aiming to further its interest, you can consult Kevin Macdonald's work on that.

Sargon's comment section

>You would need a computer with unimaginable power
You can easily distribute that calculation, it doesn't need to be done on a single machine.

>tapped into every human brain
What? Just an extended Google is enough, modern web service providers already know more about your wants and needs than you are willing to talk about during surveys anyway.

>you would be a slave
A slave is someone without rights. I would not be without rights, thus I would not be a slave.
I would lose my freedom to make wrong decisions, since right decisions would be made for me by more qualified systems instead. Thats fine.

>I am not a nationalist. Nationalism is idpol too.
Then both /r/politics and /r/the_schulz are the perfect place for you, both of them hate nationalists with a passion.
>I'm a globalist as explained in other posts.
You will perfectly fit in then. r/neoliberal/ is also an option.

Sargon has his own reddit board, you'll like it I'm sure.

Btw, once a truck of peace comes down the street or a band of 'youths' wants to behead you, be sure to tell them how much you dislike IDpol, I'm sure it'll work.

Who says I am not anti immigration?

Being anti immigration has nothing to do with identity politics. I am anti immigration for economic reasons and also for some cultural reasons, such as non anglo's not valuing freedom very much and pushing for a larger state.

Fucking krauts like you ruined America with your freedom hating statist "culture".

>normie forums (e.g. reddit, mainstream news article comment sections)
Neocon, SJW

>nu-Sup Forums
Neocon, Nazi

I feel you brah. I come back to Sup Forums every few days just to check it out but I don't recognize this place any more. There's nowhere good any more. It think it's time I just stopped giving a shit entirely.

I checked these and they are 100% idpol. You either don't understand, or are mocking.

>A slave is someone without rights. I would not be without rights, thus I would not be a slave.
>I would lose my freedom to make wrong decisions, since right decisions would be made for me by more qualified systems instead. Thats fine.
Reread that to yourself a couple times. Right decisions for who? Giving up rights to make decisions is litterally slavery.

>Right decisions for who?
Nice identity politics.

They're already there, make not mistake Australia has had massive inflows too. How do you propose with the ones already there without resorting to identity politics? How do you prevent further immigration without claiming the rights of the natives to the land? Because immigration is really fucking good for the people running the government and having influence. Appealing to native culture is identity politics already.

Maybe it's related to the fact that in 2015 alone 2.5 million immigrants came to the USA and Europe's leaders have also made it quite clear they aim to replace the natives?

sargon of akkad's comment section

whoops already said that

>Being anti immigration has nothing to do with identity politics
Since you admit that their culture is incompatible with yours, you are defending your national identity against their cultural identity
You are just trying to avoid the label of identity politics for [reasons]

>Nice identity politics
Are you regarded? Thats not identify politics. If a computer makes decisions for you then its going to do so logically and that most likely means that many of those decisions will not be beneficial to you and can be destructive to you. Yeah fuck that shit. There is this thing called nature and individual responsibility. Learn it.

>the rational thing to do is going to be destructive, thus i need to follow my feels
This is how you end up studying egyptology for 5 years and selling hotdogs, because you didn't listen to the destructive analysis telling you to become an architect instead.

Why do you only want one culture? Why are you shilling for one world wide culture? Why do you support other cultures stealing from my culture? Why do other culture's feel they have a right to my country?

Humanity cannot fall under global rule because every where on the globe is a different place with different people with different needs. Think of the Irish potato famine, the government was in britain so they didn't care about Irish problems. The US is already struggling to appease both the city shitters on the coast and its rural farming population because they have vastly different problems, cultures and views on the world.
In addition, under a global government humanity would lose national identity, which has been a massively important part of human history, society and culture. It would destroy a piece of the soul of the human race. People feel no obligation to a government that does not represent their people.
I think that even if you bring in sci-fi shit, global government means global power. Which gives certain people the tools for global tyranny. It would take the entire world to be able to dethrone a global government, and that is basically impossible due to even just geography and ignoring all the other factors.
Basically you sign away the future of the human race to people who do not care about you.



>X can't exist, because of the problems that X would solve


It doesn't solve those problems though.

>counterfeit a valid post by reverse shilling behind a meme flag to damage control your thread getting btfo
JIDF detected. Abandon thread.

All politics get shredded here and the race/religious motivations behind it. This just so happens to be a white Christian oriented board, deal with it.

>Natives of the land

Abo's have nothing to do with this. Us Anglo's conquered the land from them, we aren't natives. We can't use your argument.

I am against immigration for economic reasons.

I know identity is there, but I try not to bring it into politics. Referring to identities to bring up the point that for example, the Chinese do not value small government and freedom is barely identity politics, it's just a cultural observation for why we should have less immigration from chinese. I wouldn't want to ruin that argument be associating it with identity politics.

Australia is a nation founded by whites, It's exceedingly easy to use his arguments.
>the Chinese do not value small government and freedom
This is literally identity politics, dumb dumb.

>I just want to discuss our future secular totalitarian pan-European computer planned state.
Can't have this without white identity.


Tell me how do you define identity politics then.

>Where do I go
to hell user, straight to hell

you'll like it, they have cookies there

>founded by whites

Disgusting, take your continentalism elsewhere. It was founded by the British.

Cultural heritage is not identity politics.

Cultural heritage is literally pure identity politics, what the fuck is your definition of identity politics?

Gender identity. Sexual orientation. Racial identity. Tranny shit.

Not with the racial identity, simply accepting the fact you are off X ethnicity and that you have cultural heritage is not identity poltics anymore than being aware of the fact you are born the gender you are. It's taking it to far and making it a lifestyle and making it into a large part of yourself, to the point of making your identity your gender and ethnicity, saying shit like THATS RIGHT I AM A WHITE MALE WOOOOOO WHO ELSE HERE IS WHITE AND MALE!!!!!! that's fucking cringey and cancer.

If you describe yourself as "I'm white and male and lets fash the nation", something that is clearly visible from looking at you anyways, rather than describing yourself as "Hi I'm a plumber, I love motorbike riding, fishing and hunting, and in my spare time I read books on English military history" then you have fallen for the identity politics cancer.

Your perception of Chinese IDENTITY impacts your POLITICAL outlook on accepting them as immigrants.

Your definition seems arbitrary since you exclude cultural identity but fine.
Even if you are only concerned about the cultural identity you're bound to end up being a racist anyway since every nigger culture is incompatible with white cultures and so are asian ones (although to a lesser degree).
Now since the whiteness is under attack it's expected that the whites would rally under the banner of whiteness.
I don't side with the whites because I'm white. I choose to side with the whites because I'm white AND under attack for being white and the only way we can repel this attack is by working together against the common enemy.
You can't repel this attack by being anti-identity politics just like you can't win wars by being a pacifist and denouncing warfare.

Isn't the punchline that all politics involves some level of identity in It buddy?

Ain't gonna happen. The dumbest retard knows better than let commies near the seat of power.

I don't give a fuck about culture, I want HUMANITY as a whole to do well, continue existing, expanding and creating.
The culture that facilitates this growth and advance can stay, culture that prevents it will go.

Sure thing but how do you deal with the fact that maybe 0.01% of populations shares these views and everyone else is tribal?
I guess we need to enslave, indocrinate or exterminate 99,99% in your hippie utopia

>work for the benefit of foreign tribes in the expense of your own
Guess who historically did not reproduce.

1. You exaggerate numbers tremendously, I hope for comedic effect and not due to delusion.
2. Yes, we need to fix that, and a strong government can and will do it. It wouldn't be the first time.

You are so cucked by identity politics you can't even consider the possibility of abandoning it.
"Your tribe"? What? If you need to belong so bad, make the whole species your tribe.
>b-b-b-b-but niggers bawwww
Low utility humans won't procreate. Anyone who is left will be worth existing, so you can't point to them and say they are too lowly to be your brother, regardless of race. If they exist, they deserve existing, and have a place in the system.

Just ignore it. We can have predominantly white civilisation without white identity politics, meritocracy or nationalism is enough.

You're so cucked by illogical globalism that you can't fathom doing what's best for your genetic line.

>nationalism is not identity politics
Oh jeez.

Every human has 99.9999% of your genes, retard.
And your genetic line will die if we can't ration our resources property, by playing war and competing who gets to burn the most the quickest.

based aussie cunting it up again

the nature of america's conflict is:


never forget it, become a WASP and you shall be free

You just argued against your own position and used identity politics way to prove to us all that not only are you retarded, but you agreed with us all along

>Cultural heritage is not identity politics.
HAHAHAHAHAHA youre a fucking literal retard

>Every human has 99.9999% of your genes, retard.
So does a banana, the small numerical difference means quite a bit, and I logically intend to propagate that which makes me different.
>wah wah I hate competition because I lose
Already knew that, my man.

By the way, I can guarantee your people would be better off under superior Polish leadership.

>going to /leftypol/ ever

I don't get why they need a "politically incorrect" board for themselves
Their "arguments" just reflects the mainstream medias talking points. Its perfectly save for reddit.

The WASPs got largely replaced by Jews because they were too open to outsiders. That had dire consequences for America as a whole because Jews don't feel as connected to America.

>humans i am not related to are like bananas to me
You are mentally ill and won't make the cut.

>waaah waaah strawman waaah
Posting from my office, where I manage a few people and am paid several times average wage.
Whats next, calling me a virgin, or short?

>1. You exaggerate numbers tremendously, I hope for comedic effect and not due to delusion.
No you're the one who's deluded.
Not a single nigger cares about your "progress" and "humanity".
Chinks only care about themselves
Mudshits care about spreading their cancerous religion everywhere
And most whites only care about their daily dose of dopamine
You probably live in some college bubble

>2. Yes, we need to fix that, and a strong government can and will do it. It wouldn't be the first time.
This time gommunism will work I promise

why are the ppl who cry about identity politics gay?

>eastern europe is poor as fuck
>years of socialism destroyed economies
>hurr durr central planning is the future

>You are mentally ill and won't make the cut.
Not an argument, my man. The fact is that tribalism is perfectly logical and you have yet to give me a single reason not to think the way I do.
>waaah waaah strawman waaah
It's not a strawman, you literally stated aversion to competition, the fact is that in most wars someone comes out benefiting greatly and you dislike this because you only see yourself as losing. This viewpoint most likely pervades itself deeply into all facets of your life.

>people other than my tribe are biologically incapable of not being selfish tribalists
>by the way i am a selfish tribalist

Post discarded.




>The fact is that tribalism is perfectly logical and you have yet to give me a single reason not to think the way I do.

>And your genetic line will die if we can't ration our resources property, by playing war and competing who gets to burn the most the quickest.

>Using "selfish" as an insult
How's your wife's son doing?

>And your genetic line will die if we can't ration our resources property, by playing war and competing who gets to burn the most the quickest.
That's not right at all, the lines of betas who are conflict averse (you) will die off.