Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Every1 is 2 lazy to bake edition

Upcoming events:
15.10.2017 Regional election in Niedersachsen
15.10.2017 Austrian legislative election

>AfD Basic Program's list of contents in english

>AfD's Basic Program (in german)

>Hart aber Fair with Gauland


>Petry's Interview on NATO, Refugees, Sharia, Turkey and Borders
>AfD MEP on Trump's victory
>60 Genders - AfD's Steffen Königer gives the Greens a Reality Check
>AfD pro-Syria on FB: "Merkel must go!"

>Meme Collections 2.0
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

>Einzelfall-Map (Isolated cases - crime map)

>Resources from the 2016 election

>We are going to start translating and converting all english memes in Germans.. An example of this would be taking a smuggie, translating the mug liberal into German and slapping a CDU logo on his shirt..
>The Chad/Virgin meme is hot right now too so we could make some of those as well but let's start with the smuggies. It I'll be easy and fast
>Ignore shills, don't reply to Schulz/Antifa faggots /defeatists

If you can spare some shekels:

They accept PayPal


Unlocks today at 11:30 am

Other urls found in this thread:

For german Anons who want to go the extra mile:

The AfD is still looking for people who can spend some time before the election to placard posters.

Also if not even more important apply as Wahlhelfer to prevent election fraud. (Check your local deadlines at your town hall) You get even some money from the government for this, between 60-90€

Or if you don't want to spend the entire election day at the polling station, please go there as Wahlbeobachter. Every citizen got the right to be there when they count the votes! Just go there a few minutes before 6pm on election day. You don't need to do anything else.



Heil Hitler



Headlines of the last 24 hours:

>Petrys immunity removed

>AfD gives pepperspray to kids

>Gauland reported for Volksverhetzung

Die Fahne hoch!!


Feels bad, man. Only 70 % AfD because they gave the wrong answers contrary to their former speeches to attract Normies.

Nevertheless, both votes AfD!

Online poll from August 23rd:

Although unrealistic result (obviously) it Shows how strong the Internet Support really is

>Islamists call for train-hits

Dont know if i should laugh or cry

I got 70 too. Honestly many question they asked were not really that important anyway, so I´m happy. i had Afd at 70 percent, then FDP at 65 and then CDU at 53 percent

It's real. It's fucking real!

Warum weiß ich davon nichts? Und warum weiß ich sofort davon, wenn Bernd Lucke mal komisch seinen Arm hebt oder Alexander Gauland "entsorgen" sagt. Was zum Teufel einfach nur.


Wot? This was N*E*W*S last year. You should've heared from this at some point.

This is a real quote from her, this is pure madness.


yeah i know i didn´t make a new one, but you seem to always use the same wojac so fuck you Hans-OP

>Warum weiß ich davon nichts?

Du bist vielleicht noch zu jung, und warst damals nicht live dabei.
Oder du warst damals noch ein Normie, der das als eine schlechte Lüge der rechten Hetzer abgetan hat.

Auf jeden Fall weißt du es jetzt, und kannst mit diesem Thema Propaganda/Wahlkampf betreiben.


Dat Response.

>G-g-guys it isn´t as it seems... Merkel just has to communicate better that she doesn´t care at all, that she is responsible for the refugeeflood.


you know, i once was as brainwashed as the dude in your picture. i thought multi-kulti is good and stuff. i didn´t even know why, i just was told tha tis is good and we need it.

Make sure to confirm that you Support the Party which you think you Support:

Share that with friends and Family aswell. Some might be voting for the AfD because they are surprised with their results

Wahlmomat is flawed. You can not weight on how much you care for certain topics and you only have 3 options per question. ISideWith is the best test but the questions are made for US/UK politics.



Don't forget to also add

Did (((they))) squeeze him out, or was it just a coincidence that he got caught?

>yes. Insert all you opinons a stupid wahlmaschine. And after you fully went protestant you can all work for me.



Fucking Kike-tier questions:

>3/38 Obergrenze für Asylsuchende

>Für die Aufnahme von neuen Asylsuchenden soll eine jährliche Obergrenze gelten.

I don't want a ceil-number of asylum seekers. I want N*O non european immigration.

Obergrenze von M I N U S 200.000 pro Jahr!

~ Höcke

Neuss. Seine süßen Töchterlein waren früher schon ausgesprochen fickierbar!

merkel will win that shit

hoffnungslos, ihe habt eure chance verpasst. Wenn eure einzige rechts partei nichtmal 25% machen kann.

Solange es nicht 51 % sind, ist es sowieso egal. Und die habt auch ihr nicht geschafft.

Yeah cause I I never want to make These Generals, but since noone seems to care and I´m only more active at the beginning, the Generals always tend to be on fucking page 9 or 10 without a new thread, that´s why I always use this pic, since it´s the first in my ordner and I don´t have my pics sorted.

>Die AfD holt 4 Jahre nach Gründung schon über 10%
>Das ist schlecht in Deutschland
Geh deine Schwester ficken du Schluchtenscheißer

exactly! And even Alice the Dyke has now appropriated that meme.

Was, wie, wo? Hast du deine Schwester ausfüllen lassen?

Und wie lange hat FPÖ gebraucht? 40 Jahre?


interesting, we have completely opposing fews, but the CDU is for both of us at the same level. they are truly good to all but good for nothing.

>Zeig dein Gesicht für die AfD

Ich wette der wird seinen Job verlieren.

Okay.. But there is this one Thing, how is it called... ah yeah I remeber... Nazi guilt! That´s why so many People are cucked, we have the worst start Hand. besides we always had CDU or SPD in first or 2nd for 68 years now!

is that a fake account? If not, than the AfD fucked up in that part. Bigly. Sad!

keke, der arme sieht ein bissl nervös aus

That's the official account

NPD 75%
AFD 53%
Linke 50 %
MLPD 47 %

Was ist dieser Wahl-O-Mat bitte für eine Scheisse?

Okay thx. Well I still disagree with that Action ,the way Antifa attacks us all. it might Show some People that the AfD has normal People tho, however i still think they shouln´t hhave started that hashtag

Feminist gets bottle on her head... lul

Indeed a dangerous game. Then again, the more people show their support publically, the more it encourages others to vote accordingly and make it more socially acceptable. At least that's what I think is their idea behind this and I hope it can work. Now if these people actually end up losing their job or get their lives ruined one way or another it really backfired horribly.

topkek, NPD is truly based but unfortunateky they won´t be able to regein power

Die Forderungen der NPD speisen sich im Wesentlichen aus ihrer völkischen Ideologie. Sozialpolitische Maßnahmen wie das von ihr geforderte "Müttergehalt" sollen nur "Deutschen" zustehen. Die NPD fordert eine Einheitsversicherung und lehnt die Hartz-Gesetze ab. Eltern sollen bei der Stellenvergabe bevorzugt werden. Familien sollten als "kleinste natürliche Gemeinschaft jedes Volkes" außerdem ideelle Förderung erhalten. Die Partei wendet sich gegen die Ehe von gleichgeschlechtlichen Partnern. Eine "ethnische Überfremdung" durch Zuwanderung und eine "Veramerikanisierung" der Gesellschaft lehnt sie ab. Die "Vermischung der Völker" münde in einen "Ethnozid". Die NPD positioniert sich gegen Auslandseinsätze der Bundeswehr und gegen eine Einbindung Deutschlands in die Europäische Union. Stattdessen plädiert die NPD für ein "Europa der Völker" und eine Volksabstimmung über die Abschaffung des Euro und die Wiedereinführung der D-Mark. Den Antisemitismusvorwurf weist die NPD mit dem Hinweis von sich, dass "unter dem Vorwand der Schuld für jüdische Interessen" die deutschen Steuerzahler "finanziell ausgequetscht" würden.

Scheiß Sozialist.

Typical kekistani retard, thats clearly a fake you mongoloid.

Bist du auch einer von denen die Glauben das der Wahlomat irgendeine Aussagekraft hat?

see nothing wrong with your stats. you obviously like some things the other parties do, but you share the ideology of the NPD.
better read the Wahlprogramm of the AfD if you havent. you can download the short and the long version of their program. the short version is pretty good, you can download the long version if you are really interested.

Rate me.

das rite

my dudes what is Solidaritätszuschlag
im doing a little quiz and i cant understand this term

Hat er. Mmn sollte man trotzdem 65 plus Prozent bei der AfD haben. Was auch immer, wenn du sie immer noch unterstütz ist alles in Ordnung. Wichtig ist nur, dass du auch ein paar bekannte /Familie/ Freunde übewrzeugst

Du scheinst ein nationaler Sozialist zu sein.


It`s basically more taxes for the People.

Money for the rebuild of Eastern Germany. Today not longer necessary.

Geht mir eher darum das ich sowohl im Rechten als auch im linken Extrem hänge laut dem Ding.

Same here. Die Partei renders the Wahlomat even more useless because of lol so random xd -answers like "upper limit on refugees?" well the Mediterranean Sea is the limit so YES!

It's a term used to give the russian raped countries money after the the fall of WALL

It was an additional, temporary tax for a specific purpose, then it never got abolished, because there was always a new "reason" as to why we needed that tax.

staged, mogrel!



We Will Have Won

They Said I Was A Dreamer


having to activate a vpn every single time

i am not a Nazi, but...

With hola it's easy. Also hooktube doesn't need vpn.

so basically these are my highest and the 4 main parties

Herkunft der Inhalte Deutschland auf USA umstellen.


>Angela Merkel will sich nicht festlegen.


>31. March 2018
Merkel: Everyone is welcome. 3 Million more """Syrians""".

Of course. They don't want the women and children, they just want the strong black/arabic bulls.

Wahlkampfsteilvorlage für die AfD

i just dont fucking udnerstand how can your main right party be led by a literal dyke "businesswoman"

id rather commit sudoku than even consider supporting such a party regardless of program


Wird in der Lückenpresse aber höchstens im ntv Ticker erwähnt, sonst nirgendwo.

The internal tensions make it difficult to find a suitable candidate


Well, you're living in a such non-country that no migrant wants to go there so you can allow yourself to be picky.


thats literally like if i called you a poor uneducated retard because your country consists of east germany

im an upper middle class guy living in a highly developed area with a shitton of mirants and refugees from ex-yu

Niemand außer AfD-Befürwortern oder Hardcore-Umvolkern liest Trixies Twitter.

Wieso is die AfD nicht mehr populär, wenn die Mehrheit mit ihnen einverstanden ist?

Why is she so based? Oh god please please please get the to 15 percent. Imagine SPD and AfD to get the same amout of votes. That´s be awesome

You haven't received one million Arabs and Niggers in one year. We in Germany have to elect whatever is the least bad option.

Btw I didn't attack your people, they're nice, but I just said that you didn't get this much human waste.

Got any tips to become upper middle class? Like which Job should i learn, or what should i study?