Serious question pre-millenials

Does anyone who grew up in the 80's/90's or earlier remember that girls of that era were much happier?

I think social media is the main culprit.

There used to be individualism, now social media molds them into the same flower crown/dog face filter wearing, virtue-signalling sheep, who aren't happy.

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They acted younger. They dressed younger. They were more ignorant and innocent. If you have older symblings, look at an old middle-school or high-school yearbook, and see what girls were wearing, and I'm not talking about their formal photos, I mean look at the candids. Social media fuck EVERYONE up, but we still had extracurricular bullying. Lists were very common--girls and boys would rank each other (like that southpark episode) according to all kinds of metrics, and it could be a source of embarrassment and stress. But frankly, you didn't have to deal with stuff outside of school. There was still plenty of teenage sex, actually more than now, but it all seemed more awkward and experimental. No one was trying to mimic porn or movies. Also, steady boyfriends and girlfriends seemed more common. It was a way of dealing with insecurity and confusion to just have a steady for as much of high school as you could manage.

Nah, it's college. All my little cousins were fine till Goblestein forced a "critical thinking" class on them. I sweat the whole purpose of that class is to make you resent your parents.


In college things were good, never political, that was seen as boring and nerdy, now there are things like this and I just feel sad, that they're so politicised and so serious when they should be enjoying the best years of their lives and not worry about stuff like that. It's like they're being manipulated and robbed of something.

It's the fact society has become more lika judaism. Sick, perverted and twisted beyond natural comprehension. Only jews thrive in this mentally sick environment their media has created. This makes any normal person sick, thus so much prescription drugs for the masses.

you beat me to it, I think both modern colleges and social media have taken young peoples freedom to just be themselves away quite a bit.

Everything was fine before emo came out. Not even joking. Everything before emo was just normal shit. That's when "lifestyles" were marketed instead of just mere products.

...but I'd like to throat-fuck you as you make that face

there's more pressure to fit in with the herd now, both in society and in the digital relm. Maybe they don't realise it because it's all they've known as is normal to them.

There have been insane activists at campuses since the late 60's, but after the civil right/vietnam era died down, those types became a tiny ignored minority. Only the professors were radicals by large, and the fact that the student body overall wasn't interested in their bullshit kept them somewhat in line. The 90's saw a surge in Political Correctness (see: PCU), but there was no Internet to amplify the vocal minority so most students could go about their day and not notice them. Ever once in a while you'd see a small group demonstrating, or handing out leaflets, but it's never got bigger than that, and the administration had nothing to do with them. Now those same groups have official organizations with salaried advisors employed by the university.

You know what's funny? Even though UC Berkeley had it's PC moments even before I was born, it was, for the most part, a good university. Now it's a waste of time and full of faggotry.

>I got all As and a 4.0 gpa! I'm going to Berkeley!

>I'm going to Berkeley just like all the other niggers and faggots

i noticed everybody was happier, Circa 2002 over here Muslims started to act out ( the death of Pim Fortuyn, the legendary and now sadly historical figure who would have stopped the islamisation) we were starting to see their true colors, In the 1990`s they mostly were normal citizens at the schools that i have went too, As for girls, Yup, But i blame parents shoving their 8 year olds smartphones in their faces ( the little children in my neighbourhood walk around with iPhones and Samsung Galaxies)

We are doomed.

it certainly seems that way

I dunno man. I remember this girl in 1989 used to cry every fucking Friday in school about boys just before home time. She used to call lads 'male chauvinist pig!' for fucking nothing. Yeah she was a fruit loop but there were others like her in my year at school.

I haven't interacted with a lot of Millennial women, esp younger ones. The ones I see around town have kids now and seem perfectly normal. I'd say Gen X girls were about the same in terms of happiness, the main difference being they had better relationships. I don't know if it's because everyone was calmer/less atomized or what. Millennials seem to have progressed to either no expectations at all or completely unrealistic expectations.

I have met several Millennial boys/men who were very clearly damaged by the internet.

We were good up until we had to combine the water fountains so we couldn't put fluoride in one and not the other.
Thanks, Democrats.

Growing up in 80's/90's means you ARE a millennial, numbnuts.

t.Fellow millennial

>I think social media is the main culprit.

Social media has devastating effects on ones' mental health.

>"I'm not a racist, but white people should give me free stuffs cuz dey wite ppl en am black yo."

female happiness has been in a steady decline since WW2, ever since women started being treated like men and became (((liberated and free)))
men are happiest when they can be men and women are happiest when they can be women

Girls then were incredibly happier.They weren't bogged down by third wave feminism and they were content to be the beautiful aloof creatures they were. There was the whole "equal rights" thing, but it was anchored in realistic parameters, not like it is now. Social media and college/gender studies had a LOT to do with fucking up girls and making them terribly vain and angry for no true reason.

Agree, less bullshit back then no social media and cell phones.

>Social media and college/gender studies had a LOT to do with fucking up girls and making them terribly vain

You reminded me of another factor, the social media selfie

Ok girls used to spend a long time in front of the mirror to look good before going out, but I wonder how long they spend now posing, finding the right filter, and taking literally thousands of selfies in a never ending mission to find the non-existent (((perfect))) selfie.

And then to think of the perfect caption to put on it.

And then hustling for likes.

That must be depressing for anyone in all honesty. Let alone a young person who shouldn't be worrying about that or being so self conscious/ vain.

If here was ever a use for third wave feminism, it's to make girls happy again, and teach them that social media is a trap, in many ways, and to enjoy being young while they're young.

When I was young girls didn't even care how they looked unless it was a special occasion like a ball or something.

Now you'd have to search the needle in the haystack to find one without makeup on 24/7.

Imho they have to compete with all other girls around so it's a vicious cycle of who's prettier with an endless amount of social media attention grabbing.
I don't blame them, it's just times have changed and peer pressure expects them to behave like this.

this is all true plus they grow up and have whores as idols who all have plastic surgery and look nothing like there natural state not to mention these girls look at instagram all day and have to compete with photo shopped pictures of other women, and have to deal with the fact that being a slut is now 'feminism' they are fucked, for those going through puberty this will cause big problems.

>Does anyone who grew up in the 80's/90's or earlier remember that girls of that era were much happier?
Most 80s movies and TV shows do an honestly really good job of depicting teens and some aspects of teen life during that decade. So, you can watch them yourself and answer your question. Teens were more connected because there was less pop culture to consume. It was much harder to seek out really out-there stuff. If you were odd, you didn't have to worry about the whole world knowing you were odd-- just your clasmates. However, there was plenty of pressure to fit in back then vs today because the only social circle you had were your classmates. It was a small community and you couldn't run away and escape from it. You could form deeper and more personal relationships back then, which can very much increase happiness.

Pretty much this. Pretty much all the same problems but a LOT more face-to-face and on a much smaller scale.

The 80s and 90s were practically the golden age of race relations. Things were going along pretty well.

But then the special snowflakes had to have a civil rights movement of their own so problems were invented. Now race relations are back in the toilet.

All because middle-classed white girls are bored and needed to champion a cause.

I don't think social media is the specific cause here, but make no mistake it is its own host of problems.


The average 14 year old girl today in my country has around a thousand followers on snapchat and they litteraly do nothing but take selfies or other social media related stuff.

Even when they are out with their friends all they do is have their faces glued to their phones, barely looking at each other.

And did I mention that most of the followers are litteraly 30 y afghan/arab men that send them dick picks im not even kidding.

These girls litteraly all fail at school because during class all they do is take more selfies.

This country is doomed.

You know what's weird? I look at a girl's friend list and it's more than people I even know. 900 people? Seriously? And sometimes young girls add strangers from across the country, some being adults.

Internet male mass-attention is hyper-normal stumuli for women. It's does for them what porn does for men. They're literally addicted to likes. Their entire evolved psychology is made to do one thing and one thing only: compete for male attention. Instagram is porn for women. There no reason to do anything else but take selfies. THAT's how you attract as many potential mates as possible.

>The 80s and 90s were practically the golden age of race relations.

crack babies
Bernie Goetz
Florida tourist carjacking
Tipper Gore's this-music-made-by-black-men warning labels
three strikes laws

Take off those rose lenses and put down the hash pipe.

I bet she has a white bf

>were much happier?
No. Social pressures were abound. Cliques were the thing. You were supposed to go and get an education, and instead, you got peer pressured into everything you didn't want to do, or did sports and other activities you had little to no proclivity for because it was expected.

Parents were working their asses off because Carter forgot to stock pile oil reserves, and was posturing USA to be SA's bitch boy. Teenageers eventually WENT TO WORK to get away from overbearing (or completely neglectful) parents. They learned from boomer parents that they should go to college and get a career. Some did, some didn't. Some couldn't because the 80s enjoyed a RAPID ACCELERATION of minority rights, affirmative action, and culture shift. This caused many to sort of "give up", get a 9 to 5, rent apartments, meander around with no sense of direction in life, and ultimately fall into things like smoking, alcoholism, degeneracy, until they began wasting away before their 40s.

You got away with things more easily, though, because of the lack of evidence floating around on an internet of social media that didn't exist back then. In some ways, this helped people cope with pressures and occasionally relieve stress.

Ferris Bueller's day off was a super massive success because it was the High School experience that everyone wanted, and rarely ever witnessed in real life. That movie was escapism in the same form that Video Game arcades were for many back then.

>In college things were good, never political, that was seen as boring and nerdy
Hence the problem. Founding fathers wanted all citizens to be engaged to keep the shadow powers from slowly taking away all our civil rights. The vocal conservatives back then warned us, but we were too concerned with shaming people like Sebastian Bach because he didn't like faggots, and MTV was trying to teach us tolerance instead.

We did everything the opposite of what we should have done from 1975 on.

>girls of that era were much happier?
Everyone was happier in their childhood.

>The average 14 year old girl today in my country has around a thousand followers on snapchat
Same here.
I remember when mobile phones started appearing in schools.
It was all downhill from there.
First it was people listening to ringtones and annoying the teachers, which was fairly innocent, but when internet connections appeared with the budding social media, it was all downhill from there.
>You have a facebook?
>NO?! What the hell, you need to get one!!
>How can you even be in contact with people without having one?
God dammit I hated that.
Also I think one of the biggest contributors to the downfall was the change in music and culture it brought.
It was when the rap became more prominent somewhere along 2005 and started affecting the culture, turning other western world more Americanized and niggerized.
No more innocent fun like the 90s Venbaboys and Scatmans, but now it was all about having those sagging pants and tilted caps while listening to 50cent.
And this of course encourages the trashy whore culture that kids rebelling and seeking attention are more than willing to adopt.

Except children today are histrionic angry faggots, so you've sort of missed the point.


boy am i real fucking tired of hearing about race

I flat-out dismissed your view in the early 90s when I was young.
It turned out that my friends who had a traditional life where the woman primarily stayed home and raised the kids, maybe a PT job, were happier, and raised happier kids than those who did not.
I am now at the point where I am not going to accept that this could be another cause.
'Traditional' marriage is the cause.

The death of femininity has been the death of female happiness.

>men are happiest when they can be men and women are happiest when they can be women

something else (((they)))'re fucking with

men being neutered everywhere, as well as mtf transgirls everywhere, and women being told to act like men all the time.

Feminism wanted to give women the option to work but ended up making women have to work.

Because doubling the labor supply halfed the demand.

Born in 82. And no, not really.

The only people who remember that happy days/leave it to beaver shit are in their 70s, and senile. Women have always been miserable piles of shit in every generation. Stop blaming liberalism for everything, it just makes you look like a moron.

it started to get much harder to impress a chick around the 2000's because of the social media, the "you ain't shit i can do better" mentality arose rapidly

I never once blamed liberalism Einstein

everyone was happier

>Women have always been miserable piles of shit
Blatantly untrue and it was because men had the ability to give them feedback
>seen as Patriarchy opression
Having a strong Father in an authority position benefitted women by helping correct their missteps, in the same way men are now stronger because women can correct them.
It is liberalism, and liberalism weakened women and allowed them to do things they shouln't have and thereby become fully miserable piles of shit instead of normal humans with a social feedback network.

I remember OP.
Back in the late 80's early 90's the girls were way different.
Relationships back then were BIG things. If Jack got with Jane everyone in the school would know about it through word of mouth, and the relationship lasted.

We had one black kid in our secondary school then too. He actually didn't act like a nigger and went on to be a doctor who still works locally too.

Now I'm much older I see girls a third of my age wearing what I'd call a hookers uniform. And none of the boys want to be anything good anymore.

If you ask what they want to be when they grow up you don't hear "Policeman", "Doctor" or "Fireman" now.
Instead you hear "Rapper", "YouTube LetsPlayer" or "Twitch Streamer".

Your right with social media making them all fit into a mould.

I'm racist and...

>Relationships back then were BIG things. If Jack got with Jane everyone in the school would know about it through word of mouth, and the relationship lasted.
It's because of the social conditioning. Peer pressure encouraged you not to cheat on your partner, to be faithful to the relationship. People liked knowing you as a "pair" and your social circles became an enforcer of that.

Now, the same peers that used to tell you to be good to your woman/man are the same ones telling you IT'S CURRENT YEAR GO FUCK WHOEVER YOU WANT NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO STIFLE YOUR SEXUAL FREEDOMS THROUGH SHAME -- etc. The society that used to want to see you paired off wants to see you as another lone competitor for the same shitty prizes now. Community died.

Modern high school is a fucking joke now and I think it's because everybody is this "just be yourself" bullshit.

GenX femanon here. Slightly older than what you are asking for (grew up in 70's-80's BEFORE THE INTERNET) and yes, we were much happier than millenials and GenZ. Think of social media as fashion magazines + 200 channels of (old) MTv pumped directly into your brain 24/7. Social media is a weapon of mass destruction of society for the reasons you and say.

>they don't realise it because it's all they've known as is normal to them.
exactly as planned to accomplish this in order to destroy Western civlization.

On the other hand, the soy-boy phenomena did come a bit from emo and adding in the hyper-PC to SJW transformation and we see the insanity that prevails and the fact that these people not only see but experience the world through the looking glass and they really and truly cannot see that.

Feminism and SJWism was very strong in the 80's and 90's too, but the main beneficiary was white girls and women. They had the whole movement boosting them, and nobody had effectively cried foul yet.

There were no men's rights / mgtow / game movements.

There was no intersectionalism fighting them for the gibs.

There were no Muslims there waiting on the supposed left to bring them back farther right than they could possibly imagine.

It was all for them. Of course they were happy, it was life on easy mode.

Our HS is so outrageously pro-girl and anti-boy it's ridiculous and toxic. Everybody in the supposedly elite Science Research program was a girl, except for my kid, because they had already destroyed all the other boys. And then the whole thing was so retarded and the teacher hated him for not being girl-like, that he dropped out and left it to be pure female.