Could it be that muslims are not always wrong?

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These dirty french fucks. They really should have been all blown up afterall.

What does this gay shit say?
I ain't speak no langa-ges.

Ui ui mon frere

Basically that hurricane of yours was great because it drowned the nazies

"god exist", they laugh about how the nazis in texas gets flooded

And, the (((liberal))) critique

nuke france

>god exist
>he drowned all the texan neo nazis

That doesn't make any fucking sense though.

They still haven't learned their lesson.

Is France redpilled on who the (((neoconservatives))) are?

Just rewatched the terrorist mowing down people outside tbeir headquarters. Feelsgoodman

That's why my first reaction when i heard of the massacre was joy.

Texas voted trump, there is a large population of Christians there so in libtard language = nazilend. And by that logic floods are good because nazies drowned

They have a right to offensive speech, and this is Sup Forums, but just wondering if France thinks Texans were the main drivers behind the Iraq War bc of Bush

I never gave a fuck about Charlie Hebdo. When someone told me about the news, my reaction was "Oh it was about time".

Sandniggers still need to be deported though.

this communist newspaper need a second purge

They learned not to make fun of Muslims. Do you think some Texan will go and bomb them?

>they get terrorist attack'd again, but by American people
>reverse of Charlie Hebdo 2014 (or was it 2015) happens

Are europeans so retarded that they dont realize the vast majority of people who drown are always niggers too poor to evacuate?

If people unironically get offended about this, kinda pathetic for a triggering Nazi board, but it does seem in poor taste to make fun of such an immediate natural disaster.

Around French never sit on the bench.
Around French feel the stench.

Help me

houston is the 4th largest city, soon to be 3rd
all the "nazis" already left and came back in boats

Charlie Hebdo has capitulated to islamic terrorism and announced they won't mock muslims anymore.
Who cares about the opinions of cowards?

Texan here, don't put it passed us.

It says something along the lines of: 'God exists, he has noticed (or drowned, I can't read that font properly) all the neonazis in texas'
Basically leftist 'all republicans are nazis and deserve the gaschamber of liberty and friendship!' narrative.

Around the French, keep your finger on the trigger

The joke is on them.

Houston area is predominately non-white and leans heavily blue. It's actually something of a Black cultural capital of Texas; Beyonce is from there.

Interesting that, assuming "dieu existe!" is true, he chose to smite the one region in a hyper-conservative state that elected a lesbian Democrat as a mayor.

Just take a joke.
You guys are no better than salty muslims when you cry about a shitpost from a shitposts only magazine.

there's not a single french in charlie hebdo

And yet the major targets of the storm were Democrats

>God exists by giving white people more water so they eventually drown
>while Africa can't even have a dip
Based French understand God's true favorite race

Charlie Hebdo is, was, and will allways be a shit trotskyst disgusting newspapers.

You guys didn't realize it when the attacks happened because you were too focused on " muh based free speech under threat by muslims ". But those guys are leftist scum. Fuck them.


Jesus christ Europeans really don't know very much about us, do they?

>when you were "with Charlie" after they got snack bared and they now praise your city drowning.
I unironically want a truck of peace the pay them a visit

typical neo-nazi victim of the hurricane:

That is so fucking stupid and unimaginative, even for a satirical magazine. About on par with your average Twitter comment. It's not even offensive, just retarded. Is this magazine popular in France?

In France people believes that Texas is full of KKK members with cowboy hats shooting poor black people everyday. They seriously hate Texas but they don't know a single thing about it, it's amazing

My recent trip to Texas was pretty damn blacked


But it should be:
Around the French, keep that trigger clenched

It's not, people only knows about their covers but never read the fucking rag

don't mistake the medias for the people but is right

Why would Europe care about which state is or isnt right wing anyways?
Most americans couldn't even place 2 european capitals on a map

>He was unironically" WITH CHARLIE "

Your fault for being a retard that doesn't even search a little what he supports. They are scum and need to die since 60 years.

Bitch is complaining about having a mic in her face and being interviewed when she sat there with the reporter till it started.
>We wuz trapped fo 5 days

>mfw Dieu existe

Its a low cost "finger in eye" satire, on the level of pepe shiting in hilarys mouth but without the edgines.

French have some national qualities but their humor is on par with germany

That's a meme, you've been watching Jay Leno and the jew crew finding people in ((Los Angeles)) trying to find France and pointing to Australia. I have traveled to many parts of Europe as have most people I know, and at the very least the biggest difference I've noted in my life between Euros and Muricans is that the Euros are more than willing to provide their unsolicited opinions or thoughts on an area they know nothing about and have never visited, which most Americans who haven't visited a particular region in Europe will readily admit they haven't.

The pompous need to pretend they know and understand the United States is deep in French culture in particular. Instead of asking questions or trying to learn the situation before speaking, they make assumptions and go with it. I can't tell you how many times I've had a European who has never been to Arizona for example told me and a group of people exactly "how it is in Arizona". I lived there for a few years and practically every assumption they made was wrong, it was astonishing to see someone attempting to prove his great knowledge from what he saw in Wile E. Coyote cartoons.

I've heard of a gay mayor elected recently, would watch out for frogs raining

Most french don't even know where Texas is but it's still heavily stereotyped as full of racist rednecks playing cowboys and shit in media

Well, their stance on faggotry and womens' rights is pretty based.

The thing that really gets me about all of those "interviews" is how they could literally just ask whatever question and dub over the audio, you never see the faces of the person asking the questions, and then the "moron" just responds befuddled by whatever question, not necessarily the one that millions of viewers all across the world see when they tune in to the electric Jew.

>jewish humor

Trigger rhymes with nigger, so it works too

Charlie Hebdo is Jewish. They will shit on everything, but nod the Jews.

Everybody who passed middle school knows where to place Texas on a map. It's arguably the one US state with the most recognizable borders

What's happened to Jews over the last decade or so? They wrote The Simpsons during its golden age, Seinfeld, tons of movies during the 80's and 90's... For some reason now they seem to be a lot less funny than they used to be. Only Jewish show that I find funny nowadays is Nathan For You.

They must not realise Houston voted Hillary and is filled with Katrina Niggers and Democrat city dwellers

not a critique. they stated facts. and they made sure to point out the stupidity. Forward did nothing wrong.

question is, why are no other publications writing about this in English?

If someone can't place Alaska, Hawaii, California, and Florida on a map they're either retarded or have never looked at a map before.

Tuck Fexas

they have done a couple of funny ones a long time ago though


The lesbian mayor was elected a while ago. She got unseated by a black guy last year.

Yet the most affected areas are full of liberals.

Who the fuck cares where exactly a place is? Culture matters more than material objects - most Europeans couldnt do the same and probably couldnt identify Australia on a map of Oceania

Are you telling me Wile E Coyote isnt an American biography of an Arizonan coyote?

Pay attention everyone: this is how you spot the actual French poster who is also based.

Why do blacks talk English like that? is it some kind of accent that develops when they live together?

Unironically yes. It is their own language. And then there is this

This is a real African language. No joke.

They dont have the ability to be right or wrong, only white people have.

I think the saddest thing about this really, is denying the important role France played in America's founding.

The Jews have made us enemies, when we are historically the closest allies.

...Nazis in Texas? wtf?

I'm from texas and there's no nazis here. Why dont the french know more about america.

>wtf i love islam now

Greatest country

People in France are actually really fucking nice. Maybe the nicest people I've ever met.

It could be that acting aggressively American in a French place might rub them the wrong way, but if you just make an effort to speak the language or say "parlez-vous Français?", their manners will make them literally incapable of rudeness.

Also, lol at Americans calling them traitors for not supporting the Jew war in Iraq.

Do the French realize that Houston as a majority voted for Clinton?