Fat """""people""""" hate thread

Give one good reason why we shouldn't harpoon all of these useless wastes of space

>protip you can't

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Don't you just want to stab a bayonet through this fat fucks stomach?

That which we hate says more about us than those we hate. OP, find something more productive to do with your energy. Your hate and judgment are killing you faster than obesity would. Wake up please.


>t. fatass

Day of the vegetable coming soon fatasa

>Your hate and judgment are killing you faster than obesity would.

Idk man. Obesity really shortens your lifespan.

why do other people's waistlines trigger you so much? Are you some sort of pervert?

Q: They ask why we don't use the metric system.
A: Because we measure everything in tons.

shut your fat mouth you fat fuck.

No I'm not overweight. However, there have been times when I was unhappy with my body. I learned to change it up by cleaning out all of the emotional baggage. Just because you think you look great on the outside doesnt mean you are attractive. People can feel your ugly on you when you hate. Like I said, wake up.

Can't wait till we kill all fat fucks
We need daily fat hate threads again

>No I'm not overweight.

Ungh... if only their lives truly were shortened. We have to pay for all these sick fat fucks during their slow, long, unemployed, obese descent into the grave.

Enough with the slow suicide shit of living off crap, smoking and being a drunk or addict. Just admit you want to die and fucking do it quick and clean instead of dragging society along with your bullshit fake cowards suicide.

>No I'm not overweight.
Oh of course...

Because they are gods children.

>yfw you wanna kill fat people but everyone in your third world meme country is just skin and bones

>Implying you wouldn't get turned on by lying on that bean bag of a belly

>mfw thinking about that horses spine

Curious, do you love yourself?

Fucking top kek

He's just being an asshole. Post a picture to shut him up.

Post reactions from the fat fucks from that thread


No, it's happening here too

>lameass webm that looks suspiciously like a home video
fuck you user, you're that ham planet!

He doesn't bother me. I'm just here calling a spade a spade.

And trying to better understand this deep seeded hate that some of the people of pol seem to carry. Hard to change that which you do not understand so I consider this a treasure trove of research opportunities.

If anyone wants to explain why they genuinely feel that they hate another they have never met and know nothing about that would help I think. How does that work internally? It perplexes me...

Sounds like you weigh 400lbs.

Bump. The only good fatty is a dead one

Post your best fat hate pics
I need more for my folder

Because their not enlightened beings,help them see the light.

And I came here to call a fattie a fattie

Expected a eurocuck flag

How the fuck do you even get this fat? I can't comprehend this.
To me, the point where fatties can be considered human is Tony Soprano in the later seasons of Sopranos. Even that guy, the actor actually died later due to health complications and he wasn't even all that fat.

ITT: Skinny Lanklets. It's called bulking you know!


is this man real

Chile has high levels of obesity.

Maybe you should consider worrying about your own pathetic life rather than whining about other people's pathetic lives.


More examples of how drinking Diet Coke as a person with Metabolic Syndrome, and its collective body disorders such as Obesity and Diabetes, can derange your body's ability to properly produce insulin and spurs weight gain when combined with a high carb diet.

At least you're honest. Points for that!

Bulking is a deliberately ambiguous word to covertly describe piling on rolls of fat whilst implying that the objective is to obtain muscle.

There are no points on Sup Forums, only (you)'s

I drink 2 litres of Coke 0 a day and my body fat is around 13%

Guys there's so much hate and anger in this thread I'm really not happy about it. Why don't we try something to get us all on the same page? Let's get in our pyjamas and post pics of us with our penises "accidentally" poking out our pants. Bonus points for foreskin. Or like playful pics like were having a pillow fight but with a sexual element like maybe visible pubes or bum cracks. I'll change into my pyjamas and get us started


Come at me!

>You do not understand
>Treasure trove of research opportunities
>Perplexes me

We have a code five pic rated I repeat code 5

It is time for the light workers to get their heads out of the sand and mix it up. This is certainly an interesting adventure in polarization.

Learning a lot. For example, I've learned that people have folders of pictures of obese pictures. Interesting.

Save your harpoons for these terrorist fucks.

You dont have metabolic syndrome.

artificial sweeteners actually have no effect on healthy people, inversely they are effectively equal in destructive power for those with metabolic syndrome.

Average Republican & Trumpster

Hey, i've been in Iraq!

>Give one good reason why we shouldn't harpoon all of these useless wastes of space
There's so many of them nowadays that this phenomenon has to come from somewhere. Like something the industry puts in our food. It's not like people decided one day "I'm getting fat now, I'm going to damage my blood vessels and internal organs, get diabetis and become ugly."
It's the food industry, and the government is probably behind this also or knows about it and shuts up because they're "greased".

The problem is this: I don't think fat people are innately bad but it's a slippery slope, fat parents tend to have fat kids, are more likely to claim welfare, are more costly if your country has public funded healthcare.

And the truth is once society becomes accepting and comfortable with it, suddenly so one gives a shit, you end up with a country full of obesity and a laughing stock for other countries.

Yup. Seems to work swell on roids though. It's really quite amazing.

Ive heard that they completely kill the natural flora in your digestive tract. Havent had a chance to dig deeper on that. I do know a lot of ladies with IBS who drink diet coke as a water replacement. Related?

I hope I never have to take a mugshot. I couldn't bear to face the truth of how age beat me with an ugly stick.

How old are you?

lol this can't be true right???

>give me one reason why we should violate the NAP

Houston has been a dumpster fire. The shelters keep asking for "stretchy pants" and plus-sized womens clothing. Seems every rescued person is some dumb nog hamplanet with her tree keeds.

I fucking wish.

Free will has to be restricted to prevent degeneracies such as these.

A lot of them are very delusional. They think five minutes of exercise (usually very light) is enough to counteract the vast amount of calories they consume.
It ain't hard because too many people do it.
Dump sugar & alcohol for at least three months. Lots of veggies with some fruit and start with brisk walks every damn day. Then healthy fats, more cardio and some lifting especially for guys.
Former fatty who dropped 95 pounds in his mid forties so age is no fucking excuse either. No gym membership, surgery or medication.

Free will is an illusion until individual degeneracies are removed. Until then you're in a prison of one.

this guy rips your head off

I think it is true sir

I guess this belongs here.

If you don't want to kill a fat person rn you will next time you have to stand near them and smell their God awful cheddar cheese shit stench

> be me at 24yrs old
> be 300lbs @ 5'10"
> cannot see my dick without a mirror
> supposed to be jolly
> supposed to lie to myself and accept inner beauty
> I know it's a crock of shit
> I feel guilty about destroying my body when I overeat
> I cannot climb stairs without gasping
> my clothes and behaviours are all affected by my weight
> turning 25
> see myself nude in the mirror for the first time in a long time
> imagine I'm looking at someone else and how I would perceive them
> fuck this
> quit office job and start labour job
> stop drinking pop and eat less trash foods
> age 26.. Lost 60lbs
> by age 27 I had been running and using bodyweight exercises
> down to 185lbs
> never felt so alive and good about myself
> don't feel guilty eating burgers pr pizza etc.
> because I don't over eat anymore
> sex life has improved and can fuck cuties that weigh less than the fat I had shed (115lbs)
> all aspects of my life improved
> fatty friends that have seen the changes ask "how?"
> I tell them.. They say they want the same but do nothing
> start talking shit because it's easier than getting to where I am
> fuckem.. I have more friends now and theu can stay sucking at life
> 35yrs old now
> stable at 200lbs for 5yrs
> mild exercise but mostly calorie counting
> have 22yo Ukrainian gf
> back in an office job with full benefits and decent pay
> none of it possible if I had stayed a fatty

I fucking HATE fat people that choose to stay fat. My obesity was a result of my upbringing, but as an adult I chose to change it.
Excuses make me puke.. It wasn't actually hard at all.
I never went to the gym regularly and most of all the weight was lost by stuffing less food in my face.
Fuck fat people and their acceptance movement. It's a crock of shit.

you fucking commies are the same as the fascists, you all just want a strong daddy to tell you how to live, how about you start living in the current century retard

This is why these threads are necessary
They need to look in the mirror and this won't be a safe space for obese faggots

I went to the grocery store yesterday during the afternoon, I normal go early in the morning when its not busy, and saw so many fat women with huge asses, front asses and elephantitis ankles and shitty tattos, fatties love shitty tattoos. It was fucking disgusting


I'm getting turned on seeing his intestines and blood being over the place

Weight really is a self control thing, my fucking dog I had in middle school taught me that. I lowered how much food he got and he lost weight. Once he lost it, I went back to giving him all he wanted and he didn't gain it again.


It "triggers" us because we have to pay their welfare and thanks to Obamacare, their healthcare.

You're clearly a fat-ass given that you defend them. Lose some weight you fat fuck.

I noticed fat people generate a lot of body heat and body odor. And it's especially bad in the summer.

If you are in a class with one, I recommend sitting in the opposite end of the class room.

Looking in the mirror I guarantee these manatees know they look like shit.
They think about it constantly.
It's bald faced lying EVERY time they claim otherwise.
Not a single fat-to-fit person I've met has refuted that fact. Many still fat people have admitted it to me as well once they know I was like them. It's a smokescreen to allow them to not feel as bad for being evolutionary failures through poor self control. We need to stop accepting it.

100% self control.

European Fanta is god-tier, but why is it so many fat fucks I see drink Diet Coke?

Pls 2 bump anti-fat thread; anti-fat red pills, picture of these hamplanets are some of the best appetite suppressants out there.

We imported the spics to do the shit-work when the blacks started getting uppity. Not the best plan...

Agreed that they know it. The self hate people have far outweighs that which comes from others.



I myself have lost 5 kgs (11lbs for the autistic) in a few months just by cutting down on candy and snacks. It's literally that easy. Work out every once in a while to boot (even at home with dumbbells is good enough) and BAM, you now have a healthy weight.

Exactly why they will never be satisfied by an acceptance movement.

Fat people are disgusting

Simple as

Is there really an acceptance movement for obesity? I'm down with offering a loving and accepting environment for people to grow within, but turning a blind eye to an addiction is foolish. And that's how I see this issue. So many distortions from our natural state arise from addiction in one form or another.

However, while I am not turning a blind eye I also recognize that shoving a mirror in someones face often does more harm than good. People will only see what validates their world view until they wake up. Slippery slope.

There's a huge one.. No pun intended.

>It's bald faced lying EVERY time they claim otherwise.
this is blatantly obvious to anyone who knows about human psychology. Someone who is truly happy and satisfied with themselves doesn't feel the need to tell everyone about it, nor do they have such a reaction to anyone who contradicts them. When you really accept who you are, people trying to insult you with it doesn't bother you.

Doesn't help when food production corps put salt and sugars -way more fake sugar like High Fructose Corn Syrup, aspartame, and sucralose than real sugar- in everything, because of Reasons such as "muh preservatives" and "to make it taste better".
Yeah, these fatties have a lot of self-control issues when it comes to food, but it doesn't help things when there's so many chemicals in the food which fuck with your body and metabolism. Our minds live in bodies build to survive scarcity, but our bodies live in times of plenty, and some ways need to be changed.

>The tonne, commonly referred to as the metric ton in the United States

> sugar is addictive.. No shit
> learn to read nutrition labels
> don't eat processed shit
> don't eat too much

It's another excuse.
The moment someone points out Calories-in vs. Calories-out weight can be lost.. Even on a fats sugars and salts.
As I said.. I eat pizza, burgers, cubes of sugar in my coffees, etc. I just learned to cap my consumption.

yeah, but you can make weight loss harder with your diet, if you eat a pack of suggar every 2 hours you will constantly keep your insulin high, so you will hardly loose fat, but stiill be hungry

BTW: Why are fat fucks demanding to be worshiped instead of watching what they eat and trying to exercise to better themselves?

Perhaps it means that fat = lazy worthless ass.

I eat pizza, pasta, cheap kraft macaroni, chips, burgers, fried chicken, and much more junk and if anything I need to gain weight. I won't pretend all that crap is healthy, but the idea that eating that stuff makes you gain weight is dumb.

One actual reason there's so much weight gain is that being thirsty can trigger the same signals as hunger. Whenever I think I'm hungry I have a glass or two of water, about 50% of the time that makes it go away.

Also True.