Why are racists so stupid?

Why are racists so stupid?
>Jews are bad because they rule everything and have high IQ
>Niggers are bad because they ruin everything and have low IQ
Which one is it Sup Forums ?
Average Jew IQ is 115, Average Black IQ is 85.
Seems like antisemitism is just simple jealousy.

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You're getting it wrong.
I don't necessarily agree with it, but this is the reasoning:
>Jews are bad because they ruin everything. They happen to be intelligent.
>Blacks are bad because they ruin everything. They happen to be unintelligent.

When looking at this and society in general we must remember they are 1-2% of the population. Only when looking at the sheer odds can we understand the level of subversion and nepotism.

>One Jew.. 1:50
>Two Jews in row.. 1:2500
>Three Jews in a row.. 1:125,000
>Four Jews in a row.. 1:6,250,000
>Five Jews in a row.. 1:312,500,000
>Six Jews in a row.. 1:15,625,000,000
>Seven Jews in a row.. 1:781,250,000,000


Lynn places Ashkenazi IQ at 103, actually. In fact, the 115 measure is one the least common used.

The ol super intelligent Jew myth

Iq isn't the only thing that matters

Jews lack empathy no one says they're bad solely because they're smart you strawmanning dipshit

pretty much this

White non-jew here.

My IQ was 115 when I was 12.

Intellectual supremacy of jews is a myth, as is white "jealousy". It isn't because of intellect that they succeed. They succeed because they are deceptive, ruthless, and greedy.

Success through crime, corruption, deception, nepotism, treason, blackmail, and terrorism is wholly unimpressive, and actually quite despicable. Being anti-jew is hardly a product of jealousy, but a normal, natural, and commendable, human reaction to despicable jew behavior.

Judaism is a mental disorder containing strong elements of narcissism, sociopathy, and psychopathy mixed with a masochistic persecution pathology. It is the self-declared enemy of the rest of humanity, and must be stopped once and for all... and for all time.

Fuck jews, and fuck Israel. I wish them both a speedy demise.

Can you source a single white supremacist that says whites are superior because they have the highest IQ.

You realize, that everyone under the IQ of 145 has no chance what-so-ever to archive anything in the big picture.
And when the jews are 2% and have an average IQ of 115, then with a normal distribution (for the sake of argument lets say 15 points deviance)

whites have 100 % - 99,73 % = 0.0027 * 80% = 0.216%
jews have 100 % - 95,45 % = 0.0455 * 2% = 0.091%

This means that close to a THIRD of all people with an IQ over 145 are jews.

And don't forget, that you can have an IQ of 160 and higher. And there this numbers get even more crushing

mental gymnastics and statistics dont mix well...

epic movie
all Sup Forumsacks should watch it

>don't tell me where it is wrong.
The math is right. I have a degree in statistics. If you claim that yews don't have an average IQ of 115, then I will accept that, as there is no way I could test that. But the Math is right.

Oh definitely user, I got it on my favorites board under favorite movie.

"Hast du nicht behauptet, man könne dich nicht höher hängen als unseren Zumpftbruder, den Schmied Hans Bogner?!?"

Ashkenazi Jews have higher verbal intelligence than average, but lower spatial intelligence than average. This is probably a result of the fact that attaining manhood and full status as a member of the Jewish community was tied to learning how to read (which is what the whole Bar Mitzvah thing is about).

Their holistic IQ score may not be that much higher than average, but many Jews have unique verbal reasoning abilities that give them a natural ability to write/argue persuasively.

On the other hand, there's also a large contingent of autism spectrum Ashkenazi Jews, who have poor social skill and empathy, but have unique gifts in the areas of math/science/logic/physics/music/etc. Those are the ones predominantly responsible for the disproportionate number of Jews who, for example, win Nobel prizes.

The Ashkenazi Jewish population contains an unusual concentration of individuals with savant-like abilities, but their cognitive abilities are less well-rounded than what's seen in many other groups.

Also, it seems like those unique cognitive abilities are associated with inbreeding and terrible recessive traits. Eg, genes which can give you special cognitive abilities if you inherit them from one parent, but can kill you or horribly handicap you if you inherit them from both.


They both hate white people and they both shit all over everything they touch so no one else can make use of it later. Since the majority of the population are brainwashed to overlook these two simple truths, it seems like the "racists" who do recognize this are the ones who are smart, not dumb. The ones who are dumb are the ones who reveal too much of their power level too soon and end up being perceived as a threat to that status quo.

High functioning sociopaths: healthyplace.com/personality-disorders/sociopath/high-functioning-sociopaths-and-the-damage-they-cause/

Under normal circumstances, such as in past times, people like this would be shunned by society, and they have indeed, in the past, been kicked out of every country they have been in for this type of behavior. The only things that keeps it from happening in 1st world nations today are cultural brainwashing, control of the banks and a huge victim complex that generates guilt.

jews are bad because they are parasites, and most of them are jewish supremecists

niggers are bad because they are violent stupid apes, for the most part

Did you know that Jews actually do disproportionately well for their IQ level? You can only write some of it off to culture, but it is mostly nepotism as Jews are a tribal creator, they live off the Europeans because they can hide among them, they also refuse to assimilate and if world war II isn't clear cut Jewry then I don't know what is. They don't value European lives, they happily let Europeans die for their ethnostate, and they are completely immoral. Niggers are also just subhuman, where as Jews are the white man's adversary, and the Asian (excluding the Chinese) is the white man's ally, honorary Aryans with a deep and rich culture.

Because hitler was stupid

>Seems like antisemitism is just simple jealousy.

tfw you picked the right side of history: youtube.com/watch?v=wRnSnfiUI54


Actually, the average Askanazi Jew IQ is about 98, same as their ethnic stock.

We get some very bright ones to the US. The do have a higher than average IQ because of the founder effect, but not 115. That's propaganda.

Asians are smarter, but they have different genes regarding behavior that led them to a stagnant culture. Which is fine. 3000 years a stable and unchanging culture has it's advantages, but it's not my vision for humanity.

The whole Jewish Master Race excuse for Jewish racism and discrimination is a fail.

Yes, goy: all hard work, IQ and education.

You are implying that all races share the same exact distribution pattern for IQ and that's been proven false many times over.


It's ALWAYS a Gaussian distribution

fuck dude i'm a 140 and i dont understand you

it's statistics. just look up normal distribution /gaußian distribution and then look how they behabe at the edges

I've met many pure-blooded Ashkenazi Jews in my life and here are my observations:

- They tend to have extremely low affective empathy (i.e. an ability to empathize) and very high cognitive empathy (i.e. an ability to understand other people's actions and motivations) which gives them a good ability to manipulate others;

- They tend to have very high verbal intelligence, above average mathematical intelligence and below average spatial intelligence. All Ashkenazi Jews are extremely good at anything related to language, but few of them are math geniuses;

- None of them are loyal to their host country unless it's Israel. They either despise it or treat it is a contemporary residence to organize their dirty schemes;

- None of them respect the law and order, and they are inclined to exploit loopholes in the law to enrich themselves using their "hacker" brains. Jews can be relatively beneficial for your country only if your country has extremely stable and well-functioning institutions AND you don't live in a nation state (e.g. you live in the New World mongrel nation with no real national identity that Jews want to undermine). In this case Jewish brains will work for enriching themselves within the framework of law and indirectly benefit the economy;

- All Ashkenazi Jews can be roughly divided into three groups: "Trade-oriented types", "Science-oriented types" and "Activism/journalism-oriented types". Sometimes some of those type merge into one;

- The most common MBTI types of Ashkenazi Jews are ENTJs, ENTPs, INTJs and INTPs. In European samples those types are typically the rarest and are represented mostly in business and science;

- Many Ashkenazi Jews suffer from schizophrenia spectrum disorders (especially schizotypal personality disorder), autism spectrum disorders and personality disorders of odd and dramatic cluster (e.g. narcisstistic, histrionic, and especially antisocial personality disorder).

>they are completely immoral

>Seems like antisemitism is just simple jealousy
jealousy of poisoning greedy parasites?

>Asians are smarter, but they have different genes regarding behavior that led them to a stagnant culture
smarter ON AVERAGE, but with a slimmer distribution, so less retards and less geniuses(such as myself), lacking creativity, good at small improvements, but not anywhere near yuros on major breakthroughs

They are really superior. They have brought down all the ancient European institutions, all the European empires, and finally they have now corrupted and degraded European culture and people. I don't know what is their aim but surely they will achieve it, only thanks to people's stupidity.

jooz infiltrated politics almost completely after ww1, we're just trying to make the world great again by ousting them and allowing whites to be back on top like they used to be...who wouldn't want their race to be on top? Some sorta self hater?

It's not jealousy, it's competition.

fuck I'm ENTP

Muhammad Ali Tells The Truth - 1971
