What was the moment when you were a liberal that was pushed to the right?

What was the moment when you were a liberal that was pushed to the right?

Do you question the moral standing you are at now?
Where do you see your views going in the future as the social climate changes?

I know there are more of you here.

Other urls found in this thread:


Chicken T-rex also rustled my jimmies beyond boiling point.

How about being called a Nazi for not wanting illegal immigration for starters

Being a liberal brexit supporter.

I was never truly a liberal but I went to a liberal university and tried to fit in. Then at the uni I met a cute traditional girl from old country and we became good friends.Once i talked to her about my other faggot friends doing stupid things and she told me to cut them off because they are idiots. And I did, never looked back. I reverted to sanity the moment the need for social acceptance was gone. And it was a woman who saved me

My redpilling started with feminist professor in my high school which brainwashed almost every girl in class while also teaching them that there is too little feminist and that men can be feminists. Btw where I come from (Poland) it is forbidden for teachers to indoctrinate students or even talk about current politics outside of the teaching program. Suddenly every girl was a victim of harassment and oppressed by all men and wanted toys to be gender neutral. wtf even

8 mana is too much for that, fuck

Fucking Wizard of the Coast give me my goddamn Angel tribe commander deck RIGHT FUCKING NOW

I remember during the Bush administration, I could watch and entire Daily Show without raging.
Maybe it helped it was the international version, they make it slightly less retarded than the one for American audiences.


It was a different time when people believed that being sad was caused by your own negativity.

You go fucking make babies with that woman right now.

The fact when you start looking at liberal news articles and 99.99% of them are based on taking things out of context.

Going to public schools made me racist. SJWs and extremist liberals pushed me completely to the right. Just 5-6 years ago I was a left-leaning centrist with borderline hippy friends, now I'm all for a white ethnostate.

Also this. The fact that there is clear propaganda in mainstream media pushed me over the edge

I was never a full fledged liberal, I was just a full fledged ignorant mother fucker who didn't know shit about anything. What little I thought I knew was merely crap put in my head by the tv and the radio and the internet and whatever other messaging was surrounding my oblivious day-to-day life in the 90's and early 00's.

9/11 was a dull knocking in the distance - not enough to wake me, but enough to make me realize I might be asleep.

Voting for Obama - yes, I voted for Obama in 2008 because I was a fucking idiot back then, I admit it - was the beginning of the end of any left ideas holding sway over me. As soon as he got Congress to force through that bullshit Stimulus Bill - laden with pork, which was an exact example of what candidate Hussein said he would never sign - I started to wake up.

Then the Red Line in Syria finally made me admit I had to wake up right fucking now, something was truly fucked in the world, and it was long past time to start figuring out what it was.

That was five years ago. I've been swimming up towards full woke ever since.

I was a hardcore rino for a long time. I was a commie who for some reason supported the Republican Party. Then in high school I showed up to the republicans club and every year the club got more right wing. Now I'm here

Looks like dinosaurs went extinct because they all became flaming homos.

I think I kind of snapped during a discussion with an ex gf, we were both so tolerant and progressive but that one time I felt so irritated by the fact that status quo was so questionable for her from the get-go; like, her blind belief that every generation before her was naturally OH so fucking retarded because they made these oppresive and unfair laws and now SHE knew better because she was smart, cute, wore glasses and it was 2010. Yeah yeah, OF COURSE, you're the first intelligent person on the history of this planet, you fucking arrogant know-it-all piece of shit. I still miss her.

she's getting married this fall at the age of 25! she feels almost like a sibling to me now so there's no regrets, only joy. But I do hope one day I'll find a proper person to share the life with

Long story.

I was exposed to conspiracy theories at a remarkably young age in the early 90s. Back then, Christian Conspiracy theorists and journalists were doing what Infowars does now. I was always like a Christian Anarchist philosopher who was still really patriotic but because of my Native heritage it is literally in my DNA to have an aversion to freakin' big gubment.

Bill Clinton happened. I was woke during those years. Then George W. Bush happened. I was woke af during those years and I reeeeeally didn't like him because, well, he's a globalist. But then Obama came along. It was the Bush Obama synergy (?) that pushed me to the left.

After watching Obama for a year or two I started realizing that he had no intentions of doing most of what he said he would.

Then Dr. Senator Ron Paul came along. After spending years trying to go through the mental gymnastics it took to even remotely convince myself that Obama was a "good guy", Ron Paul brought clarity. It was mostly what he said about the sanctity of life.

As a Native, it was like being hit by a tidal wave. What kind of fucking Native American would entertain ideas like state funded abortion?! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!

I spent a while being a libertarian. But then what was happening to Europe with the rapefugees started too really sink in.

And I realized that we really do need a strong military.

Trump pulled me to the center. Or rather Alex Jones's version of Trump pulled me to the center. I'm still waiting on certain results to tell me whether or not he is who I think he is. It's important to see this through for me for a little while longer because I always wanted to join the military and I may actually get to serve my fucking country with a real fucking patriot as commander in chief. Something I never in a million fucking years would have done under the last four presidents. Fuck them and thank God! Yuh know, hopefully.


I now realise that what pushed me to doubt in everything leftists say from that point on was the smug satisfaction on their faces when talking about their victimhood. I was disgusted by them but didn't know why back then. Now I think that it feels good to them to be a victim when also having an easy life. I assume it feels relieving when people belive your victimhood cus it lifts all your responsibilty, like when you kick your bro as a kid and then he starts shouting at you so you start crying and playing a victim and parents buy it and he gets screwed even more(then you have the smug secret satifaction I'm talking about). Its so childish yet truly evil when done by adults and unhonorable. In general I think evil is childish and ignorant. So now I hate false victims with every inch of my idea about morality.

When Obama was too chickenshit to address the immoral wrongdoings of blacks doing crazy shit, esp after Micheal Brown.

>Pirates confirmed in next MTG set
>Expect a Blackbeard variant
>This is the big Pirate captain of the setting of Ixalan

Wizards of the Coast, only growing more faggier since Avacyn Restored.

I played a game when the Ammon Bundy spectacle was going on: I went to a few left wing sites and a few right wing sites to compare and contrast how they were interpreting the event. My expectations were that it would fundamentally be the same story on all the sites with different emphasis being placed on certain facts to make the story favor the publication's own political side.
That's not what I found though. I found RADICALLY, FUNDAMENTALLY different "facts" on every side. To say I found my experiment horrifying is an extreme understatement. I began comparing and contrasting while applying logic to the situation, and unfortunately the story on Fox News, the one I had always called faux News and never watched, was the most plausible.
CNN made outrageously stupid claims by comparison. So did MSNBC. Breitbart was OK, but light on details as they were still coming out.
I lost respect for the MSM that day. I realized then just how much of an agenda partisan politics were playing in how people were getting their information.
It made me understand how I was looking at the world through a narrow keyhole, and I decided to expand that view. As the lies I had accepted at face value for my entire life began withering in the cold light of truth, I knew I could never again be deceived like that.

When I showed support for Trump on goybook and lost 200 goys in the span of an hour. Called a bigot, racist, fag-hater, etc. I was floored with the willful ignorance that was on display. Then pizzagate hit and I watched with my mouth wide open as liberals all went apeshit saying it doesnt exist...made it obvious that lefties are all childfuckers at heart. Disgusting. Liberalism is a mental disorder due to a mushed frontal lobe, losing the ability to reason with logic. Seeing liberals spiting verbatim Colbert and Hillarys talking points. They lost the ability of independent thought a long time ago.

>Do you question the moral standing you are at now?

As long as I am on the other side of the establishment I'm good. Whatever pisses them off and messes up their investments is a good deal.

Dang, it's like looking into a mirror. Only I never supported Obama, I was a neo-con kiddie. After they screwed over Ron in 2012 I abandoned the party and went full Libertarian. The reason I voted for Trump was because the whole Republican party seemed to hate him, that and because Gary 'Aleppo' Johnson was pants-on-head retarded.

When I was in a college ethics class and half the class was talking about privilege/racism/sexism and other shieet. It was the first time I had ever heard the word cisgender/about implicit association tests/check your privilege.
The pure insanity of that class drove me away from liberalism, it's funny the class was pretty much divided male vs female on all this shit including a based black man constantly shitting on all this faggotry although there was the token antifa type faggot.

For me, it was the opposite. I was a red-pilled motherfucker...then I realized that the entire premise of "conservatives" was based on lies, ignorance and an intellectual failure of epic proportion....

now I dont take pills

My political views have never changed, just the label.
I've always believed a fascist system doesn't work well for a large-scale society.
I hate political correctness to the point of homicidal thoughts but I try to remain optimistic about the majority of people, not the loudest minority.
I still judge a person by their actions and the content of their character rather than their race.

The only thing I've really changed my views on is eugenics, I've went from being pro humane-eugenics to pro aggressive-eugenics. Prisoners who serve a term longer than ten years should be forcibly sterilized. Repeat offenders should be forcibly sterilized.
Every single person with AIDS should be euthanized immediately, same with every other aggressive STD.

>What was the moment when you were a liberal that was pushed to the right?
I read the Koran and the Sunnah of Muhammad.

> Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago

Pirates are awesome. But why the hell are they captained by Rosie O'Donnell?

DNC wikileaks made me realize the Democratic Party was a criminal syndicate that collaborate with the media to distribute psyop campaigns and that all the Sup Forums memes I had seen passed around on other sites were actually true.

Yeah no shit! But to be fair, he was exhibiting straight up Targeted Individual level behavior.

There's like way more to my story but you get the gist. Patriotism counts. People who aren't patriotic or nationalistic have no idea what this country is really about.

But the thing is, I am absolutely 100% not scared of the left. I'm not scared of them advancing their agenda to the fullest extent they possibly can because it simply doesn't work. It's unsustainable.

When I realized the DIVERSITY meant less white straight Christian men... not equality, not meritocratic employment, not race blind, not sex blind, not religion blind, not sexual orientation blind...
DIVERSITY means *I* am discriminated against by the very people who want no discrimination, EXCEPT FOR ME

All through beggining life and high school, I was far too involved in my own business to care for politics, it was my first year at uni that turned me, when my endoctrinating cunt of a psychology teacher told us that the IQ test was biased against minorities, she told us that white men were pushing the US's problems, and that all white people have some inherent racism, along with how men kill themselves more often than women purely because we have access to guns. Lies. At the time I was kind of shocked, and then Trump came along and I casted my crap vote for Bernie and dove head first into the alt-right. Really a big change in my life. Now I'm somewhere between Alt-right and natsoc. I am an In shape Aryan with zero girl problems and I am proud of it but sometimes my old normie self knocks on my door asking if what I am doing is bs. Dont give a shit though, too much righting on the walls and too many red pills to be taken.

Don't get comfortable, both parties are criminal syndicates and there's no fucking way Trump has clean hands either.

If they're a politician or a businessman then they are dirty, there has never been an exception in history. The only difference between an honest politician and a dishonest one is only one of them is smart enough to not get found out.

I think everybody is aware at this point.


Never was. Both my parents were conservatives, and raised me as a conservative. Looking back, they were probably closer to classic liberals.

1. I was 19 and I'd worked my ass off to become a manager at a sub shop. I did so trying in all honesty to give the people that worked there the highest wage possible. When I saw the tax and regulatory burdens preventing me from
doing so, I realized that the left are liars and that if one set out in all earnestness and goodness to help people by one's own capacity, you would still come out right wing. It ended the left's claim on virtue in my mind.

2. Yes I always question it just as one should question everything. However I have not seen one piece of objective evidence that the left is good. Therefore I am proud of my beliefs. They took a lot of thought and effort and courage to achieve.

3. I believe that the decrease in fossil fuel usage is very likely to solve whatever climate change problems we may or may not have because batteries are improving. I'm sure that by that time the left will have concocted some other end of the world scenario to scare people because fear is what their philosophy depends on. Google global cooling. They always invent new ways to scare compliant people. They want to extinguish human joy in any known way. It's how they are controlling you now.

If it makes you feel better, McCain wouldn't have been any worse.

And I'm a retarded faggot.

McCain wouldn't have been any better, my bad.

What transitioned you away from Communism?

Live or work in a majority black city for one week. You'll never be liberal again.

jews did 9/11

i met the architects of the western decline.

my journey on the redpill path began thanks to them.

still on it, gradually discovering the truths of the universe.

What in the actual fuck is an about implicit association test?
Jesus Holy Christ user what school did you go to?

What in the actual fuck is an about implicit association test?
Jesus Christ user what school did you go to?

Birds have feathers. Birds are dinosaurs. Dinosaurs had feathers.
Deal with it Texas.


Sargoy redpilled me. I was sick so I had nothing to do but fap and watch jew tube. Somehow ended up watching all his week in stupid videos up to the current date at the time over the course of a couple weeks, at first because I thought it was funny later because I was angry.

My brother send me a picture of a nigglet and I told him it was racist. I had been browsing tumblr for too long and it kinda just blue pilled me slowly.

>the absolute state of (((wizards)))
MtG was pretty based.

9/11 started it and Gordon Brown's, that bigoted woman comment in 2010 sealed it. Before that I was a Labour voter.

>What was the moment when you were a liberal that was pushed to the right?
Easy one for me. Living in the southwest I've seen the effects of illegal immigration firsthand. The Left's blatant denial of the obvious drawbacks to illegal immigration (and labeling anyone who disagrees with them a racist) showed me that what the Democrats REALLY cared about stacking their voting block with Third World welfare leeches, and cared nothing about American citizens. Trump is the first Republican I've voted for and I would do it again in a heartbeat.

>Do you question the moral standing you are at now?
Nope. The hypocrisy of the Left destroyed the morality argument for me. This is no longer about who is right, only who is left.

>Where do you see your views going in the future as the social climate changes?
I have a family now and the stakes are higher than ever. I can only see myself going more right-wing as the social climate becomes more hostile towards white people.

>I know there are more of you here.
I would guess that most people on Sup Forums originally had some sort of left-leaning ideology before the redpill

Before i had seen any alt-right propaganda, just basic bitch anti-sjw stuff, I read a story that Brown university set up a 100 million dollar "diversity initiative fund" in response to some (probably fake) scandal. I thought "what could this diversity intiative mean other than less straight white guys?"
The fact that a college was willing to spend 100 million dollars in order to get rid of as many white guys as possible really turned a switch in my head. My girl had just given birth to our son and I started thinking about a world where denying him an opportunity in university was worth spending 100 million dollars. From there its a pretty short road to 1488 gas the kikes.

I always knew that the Republicans were beholden by corporate interests and thought that the Democrats were somehow different.
Then when the disaster that is known as Obamacare was shoved through Congress and dictated by the insurance companies so they'd benefit the most from it, I realized that both parties were different sides of the same coin.

Instead of actually getting things done, both parties point their fingers at the other and continue the drama that the American people have come to love so much on cable news networks. Neither major party in the US is worth supporting at this point, but a majority of people on both sides are either too ignorant to realize what's going on or satisfied enough with the status quo to care.

Implicit association shows you pictures of whites/nigs and good/bad words and sees how quickly you will associate each with the other. It's basically says you may think you're not racist, but you're a bad goy because unconciously you associate nigs with bad things/whites with good. Also I forgot to include the professor was a fucking leaf.

I went to the University of Louisville, and it actually wasn't that bad. I was dual poly sci and econ and while the college of arts and sciences was kiked as fuck the business school was good. It's where I first learned of the Austrian school of economics/Hayek/Bastiat and learned that anarcho-capitalism was even a thing. The college of arts and sciences was full of libtard faggots though and our student government president was an obese sheboon who was a marxist from what I gathered from our poly sci classes together. I did have one history professor my senior that gave 0 fucks and went on rants about Obama that I'd get a good laugh at while the rest of the class was looking shell shocked.

Altogether, UofL was actually relatively non-jewed compared to the southern ivy I currently go to law school at which is making us do all kinds of kike propaganda outside of class and even made us attend a lecture on diversity and the implicit association test.

I used to be a self hating white with highly nihilistic views and was also a big pseudo-intellect. Then I realized that all of my self hating and pessimistic attitude wasn't doing anything to help me in life. I started to move farther and farther to the right until I ended up here. The right is true happiness.


when I realized leftism always and ever is fascist, while never managing anything better than buggering people

I hope a nigger rapes you till death.
>woke af
>"as a native"

If I ever see you, I'll force you to eat your own mothers pussy flaps. Dumb nigger.

Every single normie I've ever shown /pol to has become a Trump-protesting hard left Progressive/AntiFa

This place is the single greatest source of weaponized autism against Nazi Scum, Racist Cucks, and all the right-wing degenerates.

Thanks for being the best source of the New Organized and Empowered Left!

I've always hated kikes, niggers, faggots, and degenerate whores. They are a sin upon this Earth blessed by Allah's presence.

Sadly, Sup Forums won't work with me, since this place is full of actual retarded racist nazis who would rather side with a coalburning white woman than a hardworking brown male.

>*Shows strangers his phone*
>"L-look, t-this silly racists! Aren't they silly?"

They laught behind your back, just like your parents did.

The election coverage was the tipping point

You keep faggot company then

Go back to your DUmpster with your bullshit.

yeah... it sucks that they couldn't even put in the greatest female pirate ever... a chink whore

there is one, its called kaalia

>What was the moment when you were a liberal that was pushed to the right?
2011 NDAA was when i first started moving to the right. a lot compounded this as time went on.

>Do you question the moral standing you are at now?

>Where do you see your views going in the future as the social climate changes?
further to the right. im pretty moderate right now, i think. the more i see people justifying and normalizing trannys, 62 genders and hrt, the more i lean to the right. i dont think the climate is going to change, i think its just going to push all of the apolitical public to one end of the spectrum or the other,

Never be afraid to trust your instincts. At least treat them as good suggestions for your thinking.

So very true.

(but dont tell them...let keep sperging away like the autists they are)

>The right is true happiness.

>big pseudo-intellect.

Thanks for the confirmation

I'd probably be called a liberal socialist, but I've been getting more and more tired of the mainstream left's behavior as they've focused on identity politics, name calling, disparaging Western history, science denialism, and suppressing freedom of expression. This doesn't seem to be changing, so I'll probably stay alienated from them.

When I saw that everything left was undermining the family.

In the occupy movement

I was at an "occupy maine" meeting when it was hijacked and turned into a group therapy session because "revolution is an emotional journey."

After that, i quickly realized that liberalism was only about resentiment and self congratulation.

Now all the liberals call me a Nazi

God damn Nigel, who took the jam out of your crumpet?

Before the red pills I thought of myself as a slightly-biased-toward-the-right centrist. I don't think I was pushed to the right as much as the left moved so far to the left that I was considered right wing in comparison. The JQ, the shit revealed about the democrats in the US during the election, and waking up to the degeneracy that surrounded me moved me further rightwards.

Seeing my home town being destroyed by refugees and hearing that almost all my girl friends have been sexually harrassed or raped by peaceful refugees.

I sometimes question myself and think maybe its just a few that are bad but as soon as i get on the bus to go downtown reality hits me like a truck.

Litterally swedish doctors are getting death threats when treating these fucking mongoloids and if you stand up to one of these filthy sandnigger they are like fucking zerg, they will get everyone they know on your ass and prob beat you until you leave town, if you fight back the cops will arrest you for hate crime whilst they can get away with just an assault charge, if even that.

being a anti islam liberal
also very disappointed in Corbyn since he was also clearly anti EU.

anyone informed left or right, far left or far right should be anti EU.

Its utterly infuriating to see students who have been spoon fed by the establishment media protesting that "the eu is great" and never wondering "hey, how comes the elites love europe so much, but they're continually screwing us over"

Sometime during the fall of 2015, I remember reading something or other on (((Vox))) about why trannies are normal people, and that I was a no-good, terrible, awful human being for even suggesting that they might be mentally ill.

About halfway through the article, I thought, "This is obvious bullshit, and I will not stay quiet about it anymore. I wonder what else I've been lied to about?" When I kept pulling on that thread, the entirety of the idpol narrative fell apart, and I realized that liberals hated me because of who I am (straight white male).

The rest just came naturally once I started seeking out opposing viewpoints to counter the propaganda that I'd swallowed for years without questioning it. It also helped that I was no longer attending University, thus could not be shamed into silence anymore.

>if I call people who disagree with me autistic, I win!
gets my almond roasted, hot n ready desu

>What was the moment when you were a liberal that was pushed to the right?
Sandy Hook

Oh shit, how can I forget about that? Must have repressed 1997 onwards from my memory. That cunt Blair spouting off about "Education, education, education" and then introducing university tuition fees, when under the Conservatives University tuition was free, and all that other identity politics and globalist bullshit that started in earnest under those cunts. Then in the recent election watching the Labour party saying "yeah, we'll reverse those evil tuition fees imposed by the baby-eating Conservatives and Lib-Dems, we're the good guys, honest goys" really activated my almonds. Even the Conservatives seem like leftists nowadays.

>Be 2012
>Find Sup Forums
Do I question my moral standing now? Absolutely not.
Where do I see my view in the future? Staying the same.

When diversity was shoved down my throat at every opportunity.

When it went from don't hate people due to sex/skin color to all black everything all the time.

Somebody posted this video on /r9k/ 6-7 years ago and I watched it. It may me consider that Nazism might be a reasonable political ideology.


There is only one way that they have pushed me to the right: I care A LOT less when somebody with commie tendencies gets snuffed.

I used to be far left wing like libertarian socialist. I still view the government as evil but a necessary evil. But that ain't what we got. We got a government that employs millions that are suckling at the teet of the beast. Probably the 08 election is what pushed me to the right.

>was pretty liberal in high school and early college
>moved to big city though and reality didn't match the ideology
>left continues to go full retard, start going right
>things accelerate over the last 4 years at a rate I'd never expect
>now unironically leaning towards RWDS

It happened for me, when I had a male feminist English teacher in highschool who still lived at home with his mom and owned cats and would berate all the men in class and always give girls higher grades.

He was a Liberal as well.

i like socialist policies.

for my own countrymen.

Im not like most.

>start as neocon
>become a hippy libtard
>>peace it up man, the airforce is suppressing alien life
>to an antisemite
>learn that's pretty retarded
I swear to god if you one of you fucks, don't even think about calling me a jew.
>now i make funfun of everything, lul.
That's my religion

3rd wave feminism woke me up to the cancer of leftism in general. Then I got wise to how insidiously the media spins things to fit that obvious narrative.

I was travelling through California. I helped some black guy fix his car. We started smoking pot drinking beer. He spiked the pot or the beer. I. Was insane for three days. Thought he was following me to rob and kill me. Jumped in front of a car got hit wound up in the mental hospital. Realized that around blacks never relax. After that the redpills went down easy

I question if I am leaning too far right. Its mostly that I can't stand the left.

I used to be ultra left drugs love anarchy homeless mooching off family.

I feel going conservative is a good first step towards taking responsibility for my life and being a success and contributing to society

Bill Maher's Affleck interview.

There's alot of wrong information out there and there is no substitute for looking up the actual studies and reading through them yourself.

Oh and i think the left is gonna get BTFO'd by its own retardation and hypocracy.
Oh and I think the right will get BTFO'd when everyone realizes humans don't have to work anymore

There will be a revolution, war, and time of straight choas followed by a new-renaissance. Would you chek that out

Gamergate, then the JQ, then I took the fashpill

>taking class on US-Mexican border in summer of 2015
>professor assigns fictional movies and books that are open borders propaganda
>bitches about hatred and bigotry and saving the children
>says absolutely nothing when kate steinle gets shot by an illegal immigrant

pic related was the final straw