Hey india kiss my ass

hey india kiss my ass

vogliamo i marò porco dio


Chinkaro detected.

Indians are brown Aryans.

suck my italian dick you red leaf

You have to go back, Gurmeet.

ridateci i marò porco cristo

indians have shit street...what a weak peoples...

mario luigi spaghettio delizioso

tonio trussardi is the best chef in Italy

Bravo OP

i hate indians...cause they are so stupid...they didn'have a space program...

grazie figlio di troia

indiams are just nigger from india...and i'm right

>TFW Indians literally shit on Italian troops in ww2

u stupid canadian...india doesn't exist in WW2...ghandi doesn't born yet

i hope all nindians(nigga + indians) dies cause yje fuck moo moo

Gr8 b8 m8

i don' hate canadians....but i start to hate you and your stupid red leaf...i hope a bear kills you

Wtf i love India now

shut the fuck out you gun giver to baby

today i feel racist...cause indians fuck my moo moo

Why do you care? Since when have Indians involved themselves into Italian politics?

don't you dare...just fucking no...i'm honna blow up russia...ok?!?

Are you Muslim by any chance?

i can kill a imdian with my feet in his bagina

no...i'm just a real italian guy...i hate indians cause they stoled my marò

>be india
>two italians guys are fishing
>some indians die for no reason
>make the italians guys prisoners...
Is this metal fucking slag level?

sorru guys....i'm angry cause my friend lorenzo carmine is dead...i want him back... i miss you Lorenzo...pray for him

As if you Italians aren't content with manipulating Indian politics for decades you now also want to undermine our Justice system? Screw Italy, screw the Sonia Gandhi and Screw you.

Why in the seven hells do you think the italians, of all people manipulate Indian politics?

go away you netral nigger...go crush on africa if you want

Sonia Gandhi is an Italian left wing politician in India who has constantly trodden on the rights of Hindus in order benefit Muslims and Christians. They probably regard us as Pagans and want to destroy our culture similarly to how they destroyed baltic polytheism as well as polytheism in the new world.


troie mi fotto.le vostre mamme...fottetevi indiani di merda....io vi picchio tutti