David Icke

What are your opinions and thoughts about David icke?
Is he ultra red-pilled?

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Ultra red pilled in the sense that he earns shitloats of money by selling bullshit to gullible useful idiots.

He's probably one of the satanists he talk so much about. The Fukushima video he made seals the deal. Nuclear bomb etc = hoax

David, go away.

Promoting your agenda here will make you only look bad.

t.not a shape shifting lizard

Socialism sympathizers, the real useful idiots m.youtube.com/watch?v=K4kHiUAjTvQ

The niggers and muslims you import probably earn as much on welfare...

Literally the final red pill

>Nuclear bomb etc = hoax
Care to give me the basic gestalt so I don't have to give Google my time

Y'know that video where he uses sand on a subwoofer or whatever that was. Different tones creat different shapes? I think I know what he's trying to do. Good luck to him. If he figures it out; he'll be a hero. AS LONG AS HE SHARES THE RESULTS!

I imagine in a reality where everyone is good socialism would probably be cool.

Ha! We make sure they get evenly distributed around Europe. You're welcome ;)

certainly right about some things, has some interesting presentations
while im not so sure what to make out of his draco theory

He sure knows alot about reptillians... perhaps is part reptile him self no?

There's a good documentary about him being in Canada a decade or so ago, and how the Green Party there were trying to shut his show down but ended up actually getting it more attention so more tickets were sold.

If David Icke and his message were genuine, he wouldn't charge 100$ per head. Add the DVDs and 20 or so books and it doesn't look good.
His objective should be to spread his message to the largest crowd possible.

Some of the stuff he says is true though

Trips of truth.
>tfw I started on the final red pill

432Hz is the true redpill.

he's so far off the spectrum he's infrared pilled.

I don't know if he's next level woke or a shill to discredit anti-globalists

Controlled opposition. Throws in some obvious truths people knew anyway to give himself credibility, and then an endless stream of nonsense.

This happens more often than you think, and has happened throughout history. I fully believe Hitler for example was put in place to further humiliate and destroy Germany, and the folly invasion of Russia with enemies pounding Germany at all other fronts sort of proves my point IMHO.

Same goes for George Lincoln Rockwell, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Lincoln_Rockwell - founder of the American Nazi Party. This man ran around like an idiot saying ridiculous things, encouraging violence, and doing absolutely everything in his power to allow the media to destroy any possible success of growth of white nationalism in the USA. I completely believe that the US government in the 50s and 60s planned ahead for the potential rise of white nationalism by installing their own people to lead influential groups and then control and destabilize the movement from the inside. Rockwell was previously a US Navy Commander, and was murdered by someone in his own group (probably discovered or suspected that he was working against them)

>GLR was controlled opposition
fuck off, shlomo

Muslim-loving alcoholic followed by mongs.

Let's put it this way, if his bullshit about reptilian shapeshifters is real, I will eat my hat. The guy sucks, but is a decent enough lolcow.

And if people are wondering what purpose this would serve, the government's agenda to ridicule any ideas of conspiracies with a society trope of 'look at that idiot david icke'. The 'conspiracy theorist' trope is generously applied to the brains of everyone through media, decades of it, to ensure anybody who discovers some sort of conspiracy can easily be ridiculed and have little credibility.

Combine with 216 at half the decible and it works well.

I think it makes sense from what I've head connected to some of the law of one. These aliens are genetic farmers in a sense. The go and start life and modify DNA and let it blossom into a whole variety of life. The Draco started the dinosaurs but apparently another group crashed/ruined their work. Humans were brought into form by this new group.

Rockwell did for American Nazism what Hitler did for Germany. Destroyed it. They were both controlled opposition and you're retarded if you can't see it.

Bet you got more niggers and muslims than we will ever have stay mad fuckboi

I'm already there! It's different for other people! That's the joke!
444Hz is mine. It sounds like a dial tone, waiting for someone to pick up!

Keep this thread alive!


Of course National Hero Winston Churchill isn't though

Kys my man
Listen to his speeches on youtube, he's legit and intelligent

I'd like to go and see him, apparently he does 8 hours without notes. He's fucking nuts though.

Nice try, i live in one of the most conservative countries in Europe ;)
And the few muslims (not even one thousand ) we get they eventually emigrate out of here because we're not a communist welfare state...

He's a silly, attention grabbing charlatan.

Obviously he had to appear that way.

Do you think the CIA would not be highly competent at an operation like this?

Let me phrase things a different way. Do you think it would have been in the interests of the 50s/60s US government to control groups of people that could forment some sort of popular political strife? Do you think it's in the realm of possibility that perhaps they did this by putting their man in charge of a group and then rallying everyone to that group, while planning it's eventual downfall, to cause the demise of the cause?

If you think I'm rambling like a lunatic, look at how the US government covertly (often CIA involvement) controlled the governments of whole countries at various points over the last 60-70 years.

lacerta files might be worth reading if you're into this subject
i meant this topic will remain one of these "maybe, maybe not topics" as you're not gonna be able to properly prove it while you wont be able to disprove it either

Sound or electromagnetic frequency?

Reptilians = jews, just like 'They Live' it is a movie goy. We are stuck in it as long as jews print money.

>What are your opinions and thoughts about David icke?


I don't think you have an idea how many troubles Rockwell ran into for trying to spread his message. You're delusional

It's funny because the truth is hidden in the entertainment while the media is fiction.

OD'd on the redpills im afraid


I made a note to look into it. Have any thoughts on ascended consciousness?

well he's no William Cooper but...
David drops a lot of great red pills aside from his reptilian garbage

Sorry I'm in like three other threads.
Long story short, i'm not sure yet; but it DOES work.

I have the WHY, I just need the HOW.

literally who

wtf is this shilling shit
random fringe characters 'le obscure' >what can u tell me of this person i chose up my ass
fuck off

In the past I would have said he is full of shit, after writing my own book and doing my own research, I am open to reading some of his work anyone have any suggestions as to what I should read? Keep in mind I am a scientist and Buddhist I don't want opinions or stories I want solid confirmable evidence

>ascended consciousness
wew, i have yet to read through all of julian jaynes material but i have a feeling his work aswell as the pineal gland might be very related to this

Hitler was not controlled op, only someone not very educated on how the world really would think this. Well I take that back, I can see how someone could think this and could even present a good case for it, but it's not true

all the footage of nukes going off looking composited together, and Galen Winsor did lectures where he would eat uranium with a geiger counter to show that it was just energy and not actually harmful.


you can actually present a good case for this assumption but it isn't true imo. But again, it could be

I gave him an honest chance and spent hours listening to his theories, but it really is total bs. He has a bunch of interesting ideas and elaborate conspiracy theories, but pretty much nothing to back it up. I don't understand how someone could believe him. At least Alex Jones has lots of evidence and proof to back up a lot of the crazy shit he says.

Icke's logic often seems to be something like:

at least this guy is awake

David Icke summed up in one picture....

If you know something user share it. I will share anything with anyone that asks. Many here know me, my credibility, and god tier red pill status fwiw

He was reasonable at Hereford FC but wouldn't buy him for more than twenty quid now

he's right though
there is a grand conspiracy and many lesser ones
stick your head back in the sand though sheepie

The thing is user, this isn't far from the truth. Not of reptilians but I have gone as far down the rabbit hole as you can go and have written my own book. Whoever these people are they aren't men, not as we know them anyway unless they are time travelers, or Atlantians

We have those too around here. We call them standing waves though.

I have seen too many hours of this shit. The only problem I have with David is that people watching him starts to hate the system and reptillians like I did in the beginning.

So what do you do? How is it working?

Well his is the thing, I don't know who (((they))) are but I am pretty sure they aren't human. I won't buy into reptilian claims until I see the evidence. However there are factions some good and some bad. They are here in fact if you know how to find them or if you show you know certain things they will find you. They even told me before I would want to join them, they are always watching me. I could prob make a thread right now and get them to come to it


E=mc2, right? Under the right conditions, energy can become mass, and vice versa. Transmutation.
Energy can also 'be', and not 'be'.
Interdimensional Portals.

Make an equation that proves this correct.
Tip: Don't limit your thinking to 3/three dimensions. Use as many as you need.

good posts bumping

I have pretty conclusive evidence they aren't men like us, men could not be so precise over 1000's of years or as lucky as (((they))) have been

Fascinating - mix of geopolitics and clairvoyance that is either profoundly mentally ill or inspired.
Walks the fine line between the two but seldom boring.
Echoes a lot of what Rudolph Steiner said, but people gloss over it (good and evil human race, black brotherhoods etc). Lifts a lot from theosophists and turn of century mystics.
Hounded by ADL shitlords and perhaps his best defence is fact ppl think hes crazy, no point in encouraging legitimacy through martyrdom is what I would think if I was an evil space weevil who runs gsk.
Is it real? Kind of, to an extent, or scariest of all all of it. A lot more grounded and well informed than I thought he'd be. Also predicted accurately some things, not through wild guessing which is odd.


Actually I am a thermo dynamics engineer, I follow, continue? It sounds like you are talking about the higgs field and what they are currently searching for now "the paste"

I kind of got the vibe that the pineal gland could possibly interact with source/higher level consciousness. I'm not sure how or why yet though. My guess right now is that the Morphic feild actually exists and the pineal gland can effect it.

He's Paul Joseph Watson's bio father

That's a pretty sick shell suit

transmutation is alchemy not quantum physics
>Energy can also 'be', and not 'be'
meh you are gonna have to be more specific, at face value this incorrect but of course there is anti matter etc, you have to be more specific. If you know what you are talking about why be cryptic?

1st law of thermodynamics energy never ceases to exist it only changes form

>When you can't be anti Semitic so you call them lizard people.

Don't just be rattling off some bullshit you heard in YT vid, do you know what you are talking about or not?

The ignorance of normies never ceases to amaze me. How have you not heard of David Icke? He was right about quite a few things, namely pedos in the British media. I've never heard him speak but I see a few shilly responses here....I'm checking him out.

I worked with him for a while. He started his own internet tv broadcast a few years ago, which went tits up.

They are lower dimentional beings. What David won't tell you is that these beings love us and want to keep us safe. It's the same way a farmer loves his animals. They are feeding off our energy.
And btw. they are not all jews. It's a lot of factions where some of them are nazis and some of them are jews.

From my book:

Chapter 8: Weaponzied Language
There is a lot of mystery and folk lore surrounding secret societies, most written off as “conspiracy theories”, but what is a conspiracy theory really? The term conspiracy theory was first used by liberal historian Richard Hofstadter’s (a Jew) attacks on the “New Right.” Yet it was the Central Intelligence Agency that played the greatest role in “weaponizing” the term due to the public skepticism toward the Warren Commission’s findings on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the CIA sent a detailed directive to all of its bureaus. Titled “Countering Criticism of the Warren Commission Report,” the dispatch layed the groundwork for making the term “conspiracy theory” a weapon to be wielded against individuals or groups calling the government’s increasingly clandestine programs and activities into question.

This memorandums affect on American politics and public discourse are explored in a book by Lance deHaven-Smith a political scientist at Florida State University titled Conspiracy Theory in America. Dr. deHaven-Smith created the state crimes against democracy concept to interpret and explain possible government complicity in events such as the Gulf of Tonkin incident, and political assassinations in the 1960s, and 9/11. I won’t even go into these subjects in this book, but if you want to research them yourself you will find it is no big mystery who is responsible for all of these things, it is always the same organizations for the same reasons, simply follow the money, it always leads to the same place.
This kind of weaponized language and by extension thought and behavioral manipulation is designed to control what topics people are comfortable discussing and how they are viewed by society if they do discuss them. By creating and using these weaponized terms they are able to discredit and even create hostility towards individuals without even listening to or analyzing what they have to say and those wielding these weapons are able to mold public opinion, perception and culture, and finally in the end behavior. They are effectively creating taboo subjects to keep inquiring minds from looking into or exposing activities they don’t want looked into or exposed and molding society at large to ostracize and punish those that do. This is a very Jewish mentality and tactic in nature since in the Talmud it states that Jews are free from blame for committing evil deeds if they manipulate others into doing them and don’t actually commit them themselves

'Sup BM.
Tranmutation of lead into gold has been done decades ago by bombarding lead with subatomic particles to increase the atomic weight/atomic number, but the cost of this (in energy) is way moe than the value of the gold produced. It isn't quantuum physics, though, it's chemistry/nuclear physics.

“Thus R. Zera maintains that no penalty is incurred for indirectly causing one's death.”(Talmud Sanhedrin 77a).
This of course only matters when it is for whatever arbitrary reason they choose, there are no restrictions of punishments for murdering getiles if they have “sinned”.
“It is permissable to kill the Righteous among Nations even if they are not responsible for the threatening situation,” he wrote, adding: “If we kill a Gentile who has sinned or has violated one of the seven commandments – because we care about the commandments — there is nothing wrong with the murder.”(Rabbi Yitzhak Shapiro, in the recent book “King’s Torah”)
If you look back through history you will see how this time honored psyop tactic has been commonly employed by the Jews. We can see it illustrated in the below quotes by Hilaire Belloc, H. H. Beamish and Henry Ford, where the Jews have attempted to create an environment where if someone simply mentions the fact that a person doing something shady is a Jew they are attacked as a bigot, just as we saw them do to Vice President Spiro Agnew in an earlier chapter.

"It was (is) the instinctive policy with the mass of the Jewish nation, a deliberate policy with most of its leaders, not only to use ridicule against anti-Semitism but to label as 'anti-Semitic' any discussion of the Jewish problem at all, or, for that matter, any information even on the Jewish problem...If a man alluded to the presence of a Jewish financial power in any region, for instance, in India, he was an anti-Semite. If he interested himself in the peculiar character of Jewish philosophical discussions, especially in matters concerning religion, he was an anti-Semite. If the emigrations of the Jewish masses from country to country, the vast modern invasion of the United States, for instance (which has been organized and controlled like an army on the march), interested him as an historian, he could not speak of it under pain of being called an anti-Semite. If he exposed a financial swindler who happened to be a Jew, he was an anti-Semite. If he exposed a group of Parliamentarians taking money from the Jews, he was called an anti-Semite. If he did no more than call a Jew a Jew, he was an anti- Semite. You cannot long confuse interest with hatred, the statement of plain and important truths with mania, the discussion of fundamental questions with silly enthusiasm, for the same reason that you cannot long confuse truth with falsehood. Sooner or later people are bound to remark that the defendant seems curiously anxious to avoid all investigation of his case...I say it was a fatal policy; but it was deliberately undertaken by the Jews." (Hilaire Belloc, The Jews, pp. 160-161).

H. H. Beamish, in a New York address, October 30 - November 1, 1937 "In 1848 the word "anti-Semitic" was invented by the Jews to prevent the use of the word "Jew." The right word for them is "Jew" . . . "I implore all of you to be accurate -- call them Jews. There is no need to be delicate on this Jewish question. You must face them in this country. The Jew should be satisfied here. I was here forty-seven years ago; your doors were thrown open to the Jews and they were free. Now he has got you absolutely by the throat -- that is your reward."
By simply calling something a “conspiracy theory” the implication is that the information being presented can be dismissed out of hand as simply “crazy talk” and that people with legitimate evidence and facts to support their claims of an alternate interpretation and conclusion (or the truth as we can now call it) are crazy kooks for questioning the official narrative. Let’s analyze this line of thought however. Those with the power in society that control the money, information and institutions that are always trying to consolidate and expand their power and influence, that we all know are corrupt, are attempting to imply someone should be dismissed and ostracized for questioning their narrative of events that were orchestrated by them in order to achieve an outcome that benefits their agenda, by getting us, the public to silence these individuals rather than having to do it themselves which would bring additional scrutiny and provide further evidence of the corruption. There are countless examples of how this tactic is used in society today by the modern “left”, and cultural Marxist groups, which is why they so fervently attack free speech and try to police speech and thought through PC culture. Political Correctness is effectively a culture control tool. They are attempting to control what is and isn’t permitted to be dicussed by getting the members of that society to police themselves.

>transmutation is alchemy not quantum physics

Google "the Sun", you dopey prick.

It is no different than what is done in communist societies, the state encourages members of the society to inform on family and friends through coercion, torture and bribery creating an environment of fear and retaliation to keep subjects they deem “anti-revolutionary” from being discussed. They want to put your mouth and your mind in a prison. As I stated in an earlier chapter communism is nothing but a new and improved form of Feudalism with the Jewish bankers as the Kings, and the Dukes, Earls and Knights all Jews appointed by them to “state” positions to rule over the non-Jewish populace.

Let me know if you all want more

>They are lower dimentional beings
proofs or go back to x

>If David Icke and his message were genuine, he wouldn't charge 100$ per head. Add the DVDs and 20 or so books and it doesn't look good.
This kind of argument is so stupid. "You're in high demand, therefore you're message is a lie."
"You're asking for money, therefore you're a liar. If you were starving to death I'd be more willing to believe you."
Fucking retarded, no matter WHO you're talking about.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand thread derailed - nice job faggot

Ike is out of his mind but he does have glimpses of the truth here and there

Oldfag here, and English ex-pat.
Can't quite believe what happened to him after seeing him presenting sports on Midlands Today - prior to that I think he was a goalkeeper for Cov.
And next day he's the Son of God. Funny old world...

hi brother. Yeah I know lead has been transmutated into gold in nuclear reactor in fact I have seen it done, however there is an odd term only really applicable to that single process and this term was used specifically because it is a legacy term from alchemists trying to do this very thing

I'll bite
why did hitler went to tibet, what did he discussed with the monks, what's the deal with the swastika?

I have the theory that tibet was like where ancient astronomers would gather, obseve the stars and share the knowledge. But something fucked up happened. And yes, "aryans" where there at some point

It's kinda semantics really, but alchemists were trying to just transmutate lead to gold it is just the easiest because their atomic weight is so close you can't do this for other elements, at least not yet. Transmutation in alchemy was basically turning any element into another using alchemy. However this may soon be possible but not using alchemy rather quantum mechanics and sub atomic building blocks

>these beings love us and want to keep us safe
A-are you a Joo?

you're fag

youtube 432mhz for the sound - plenty of eg's

for electromagnetic - royal-rife-machine.com/

— 'If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.'
Nikola Tesla

I used to know some guys whowent to scooter rallies, etc, they went to one of Isle of Wight and were at a loss what to do after the rally ended - so some bright spark got the idea to go, en-masse, to Icke's house. This was in the 1990's, before the lizard men sftuff, he still wore the turquoise tracksuits and was in his "Son of God" phase, around the time of THAT Wogan interview. Not much happened, but he DID come to the front door, to be met with catcalls and derision. If only phone cameras were around back then...
I have wondered as a youth if atomic theory itself was the "Philosopher's Stone".

Icke knows about the Serpent Archons.

a lot of retards here use this reasoning I am yet to understand it, we can't spend our lives doing the research to bring people to the truth if we can't make a fucking a living doing it. This is how the kike strangle any movement against their power, de-platform and demonetize

I would argue that transmutation for the alchemist was more about the transformation of their soul rather then actual chemistry. They were known to talk in code and use a great deal of metaphor in their work. While their was a degree of what we would call chemistry in their work we have to remember that both the internal and external world were not as separate to these people as we make them separate today.

Oh and do you have a link to your book. I need to download a copy to my e-reader and give it a read. Your threads on the Illuminati have me a bit terrified. I have the feeling their are going to launch a massive psyop and things are not going to go well for the common man.

>and was in his "Son of God" phase,
Wasn't he fucked over by The Sun with that phrase? Like, he didn't actually say he was the SOG?