Repent Ye Wicked, for the 2nd Coming of the Lamb is Nigh

The great testament to the inevitable & most terrible results of sin:

Has been playing out on earth for 1 prophetic week as alotted to the adversary, the dragon:
To lay forth his case and to show how much "better" he can rule than the Most High with his own kingdom, earth.
For if he cannot even bring stability to 1 world, how then could he at allrule the whole of creation,
let alone bring endless peace and joy to it?

We have seen clearly the misery that rises geometrically with him in power.
Ephesians 6:12:
" 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. "

The 1 week being as time to God, with 1 day to Him being 1000 years to us.

We are nearing the end (verily, we are _very_ near)

By the Jewish calendar:
Sunday - 0-1000, Monday - 1000-2000, and so forth.
We are right now at "sundown" on friday, which is when honoring of the Sabbath is initiated:

We are so very near the end of year-5777 of the dragon's sole chance to prove his case before the universe.
Sabbath is imminent:

Hebrew Year 5777 ends on September 20th 2017.

The 2nd coming of the Lamb is the inauguration of the Millenium.

Christ beseeches thee: repent, that he and all of the saints might have thine dear company for all of eternity.

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The only 2nd that I care about is the 2nd Amendement.

Do your worst.

actually we still have 5 years til the meteor wipes us all out permanently

>''Le happening xDDxDdx''
It's like you guys want something, ANYTHING, at all to look forward to in order to not kill yourselves. This isn't even a weekly thing anymore, it's daily.
Stop it, nothing supernatural is going to happen. Hollywood movies aren't real.

Im not saying he is arriving on the 20th, or anything like that, just that time is so very limited that I believe many alive now will not taste death of the flesh before he shows up

>Stop it, nothing supernatural is going to happen. Hollywood movies aren't real.

"it has never happened, therefore it is never going to happen"

if ye do not repent there will be a hole in Christ's heart for all time where you might have been with him and all the saved of the earth.

Thus, repent and let go of all of your sin and pain and hate and then follow the savior.

Time is limited? Relative to what? To humans? When is it going to happen? ''Soon'' could literally mean 5000 years from now, because 5000 years is quite literally nothing in relation to the earths age. Hell, even 5000000 years are nothing in the grand scheme of things.

>Relative to what?

Did you not even read it?
"that I believe many alive now will not taste death of the flesh before he shows up"

>when is it going to happen?

"for no man knoweth the day, nor the hour"

Though I believe we will likely be able to discern the year.

I can assure you it is within 200 years.

And better than 99.9 percent likelihood within 100

What are you doing with your life when you're not larping?

what I don't get a personalized message their pastor? gotta quote three and not just thee.

Why would you assume such?
That there are no saints on the earth?
or that any you might encounter online, or merely on this site, must be in-genuine?

>what I don't get a personalized message their pastor?


I feel like I'm being trolled by Buddhism hotline.

You weren't able to give even an ounce of verisimilitude in your posts. There is no reason to continue this conversation.

That is your power of free will given you by your maker.

The entire power over your destiny, to accept or reject him, as the devil did.

If you have decided then you have decided, and none can change this except you.

well pastor bob if you can't respond to everyone why should they take the time to care about your message. No money for your collection basket this time.






If you desire an excuse to deny Christ, you will not fail in finding one.

And it seems you have.

well if I donate money to your church will that change my relationship with him pastor bill?

and so, please be serious and do not kid yourself that such can be a matter of cynicism or satire or humor

Christ doesn't enjoy humor?

it does not appear once in the Word
nor does even the word "fun"
only "joy" and "happiness"

>"joy" and "happiness"
sounds like a lot of fun

I shall pray for you

funny how this thing appears then all the happenings happened at once

well.... still...
I really dont think all of that sept 23rd stuff is anything at all

Might be, but is just to gaudy and razzle-dazzle if you will of end-time signs, as far as signs can be, or are imagined to.

Also seems to convenient.

But of course it may very well be a real genuine sign and portend or coincide with something great and real and obvious.

i would break into a cold sweat if the center of the forehead there was globally anti-podal to Jerusalem

lets find out
here's the cords for Jerusalem
31.7683° N, 35.2137° E
now to find out the cords for the forehead

the steppes of purgatory, of Dante's Purgatorio, were anti-podal to Jerusalem, is why It comes to mind