Why is nigger culture so strong in america?

why is nigger culture so strong in america?

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Why are you importing millions of niggers? You're next, Hanz



coz it is kinda like having monkeys in tutus prancing around the place. It is entertaining I suppose.

A tactic of the democrats. Keep people stupid and dependent on the state.

This I guess, because their absolutely degenerate "culture" and "music" is so bad it's hilarious, really

>I'm biggest most niggest nig
>Most Shiney rock
>Much Alcohol
>Banana hoard very strong
>Fuck books I learned from a lower income neighborhood with a high crime rate
>Should anyone claim that they are more niggest that I, I submit, that this is in fact false. I further assert that I am the niggests nig in this territory. Should one take quarrel with my words, I invite them to an informal duel using firearms.
>I am proficient in the sale of narcotics, and there are various women willing to fornicate with me

Because Americans are niggers and mongrels? You don't ask yourself why nigger culture is so strong in Ecuador or Peru or Brazil because it is obviouus why it is prevalent. America is the same thing, it's a country that is majority nigger and spics.

black people by themselves are not the problem, gangsta rap, thug culture and Islam is the problem.

Sup Forums is being slid. Wikileaks mysteriously went down and pizzagate arrests close to the Clintons are happening! A retired US army colonel who was on the advisory board of a Haitian mining company along with Hillary Clintons brother Anthony Rodham was arrested for "Bribing Haitian Officials" yesterday:

Countries that have little to no niggers have it too, mind you, but it's pretty much non-existent outside their circle-jerk, I hope it stays that way

Why is turk culture so strong in germany? Answer jews and media.
Also most germans love niggers because they think they're all like Eddie Murphy and Morgan Freeman

((( I haven't a clue )))

America is a faddish place with a lot of very bored people in it.

Nigger culture is just a trend. Nigger music has a beat that the kids like, and music is everything to kids, so naturally they've adopted other aspects of the culture too.

10 years from now who knows what will be the predominant trend, though just like this time, it will probably be rooted in popular music somehow. One thing is certain though, the nigger culture fad is coming to an end. It never held much substance in the first place and a good beat will only get you so far.

blacks are also a problem

Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.

Its not just america. Its the entire anglosphere.

>Muh fuggin Bix nood muh nigga

I think you might have been subverted and demoralised, Hans

they can be civilized if they abandon thug culture and Islam: youtube.com/watch?v=fPmruHc4S9Q

What about this guy?


All of our rock musicians have been getting sidelined or suicided. They moved the one country station to Premium tier on cable.

The fact is the kids get whatever Shlomo is pushing in the soc-ed psyops. Right now he's pushing nothing but niggerdrone.

ATLiens is a pretty killer album tho

Not gonna lie, I was pretty much being brainwashed with nigger culture in my early to mid teens. One day, it just hit me, I realized how fucking retarded black comedy and rap is. I think it may have been Dr Doolittle or some shit that made me realize it.

I still have friends today that say, Hey user, did you see (insert black comedy movie here), that movie was hysterical!"........ wtf

The point of the cartoon is lost on me
Americans did not vote for Obama because he represented the worst parts of black culture, it was because he did not. Obama acted "whiter" than a lot of whites, also good whole schtick was "hope and change".
I guarantee you that a lot of white people saw that, and said
> Maybe a positive role model like Obama will help cure some of the ills of the black community
Well, it seems they were mistaken

Niggers do not have a genuine culture, they left that back in Africa. That is why you see crazy ass shit like kangz and yakub and everything else. So now it gets manufactured for them every time they sing a bix nood song or catch a ball. It's not hard to see how pandering to a race with a low i.q. and a desperate need for self esteem can guarantee infinite shekels.

they will never be civilized like whites atleast as a group, certain individuals will be able to do ok.

dude as a software developer I just happen to watch my Object Oriented Tax Calculator Inventory System in Visual Basic.Net tutorials and often black guys create them so apparently they are not all bad.

Without nog culture:
>Get gibs
>Use responsibly
>No longer need gibs
With nog culture
>Get gibs
>Blow on bling, hoes, and crack
>Still need gibs
>Continue to vote (((Democrat)))

This. While music fads do influence culture, (((media))) can control music fads. Nothing around but niggabeats and slutpop unless you dig for it. Party drunk pop-country if you're lucky.

The Jews

Because Colonial america made the mistake of importing them.
Because democrats farm minorities for votes and also illegal votes.

Because they choose ignorance.

Exhibit A: youtube.com/watch?v=2LRz0dqgcpI