WTF Karl Marx is /ourguy/ now. I'm a Marxist now

WTF Karl Marx is /ourguy/ now. I'm a Marxist now.

Sometimes i wonder about this shit man, the only European countries that survived the immigration were Communist at one point.

And they're generally hostile to jews/western degeneracy

This is making me think

Former Soviet countries are more patriotic, this isn't a puzzle. Soviet Union was, is and will always be superior to evey other country.

Lurkmoar before posting, newfags.

Yeah, and Marxism is just more huckstering.

It's a (((scheme))) even more dangerous than capitalism.

How the fuck is that related to anything we posted?

Maybe you're the one who should stop trying to fit in so hard and spout random lines he read from here, newfag

I was responding to the quote in OPs image, dipshit.

>listen go-guys,the capitalist Jews that oppose me are bad,go topple their rule and hand the means of production to (((the state)))
>I promise we won't betray you

that was the mainstream back then tho
the same way you could openly claim blacks and indians were inferior and no one would care

Soviet Union was doomed from the start, it was NOT a pre-Marxist highly advanced capitalist country. Which is what Marx defined as the necessary conditions for a successful socialist revolution.

Instead it was a backward shithole that got instantly boycotted the crap out of by the Bourgeoisie in every Advanced Capitalist country, while it was desperately trying to create a modern economy and industrialize along the lines of the European countries that were like two centuries ahead in Capitalist development.

Thus the revolution was inherently unsustainable. Wrong time, Wrong Place, and even the Wrong people. Lenin kept despairing about the direction of Germany from 1918 onwards btw, he thought that things would be fine as long as the revolution would be successful in Germany so that it would ally with the Soviet Union. Didn't happen, everyone knows the rest.

Both Communists and Zionists were competing against each other at recruiting from the vast pool of radical Jewish youth, promising to solve the "Jewish question" once and for all. (so one problem, two different proposed solutions)
They were radicalised at the time because of persecution, which doesn't mean that persecution itself was completely without reason.
You see this with people like Trotzky who attended the Zionist world congress too. He attacked the Zionists there because he wanted to unite jews behind his ideology.
That's btw why you also see Israelis being generally hostile towards Communism, while liberal jews in the West are often hostile towards Zionism in the same way. (George Soros for example, who actively tries to harm Israel)

The tragedy is that both solutions are failures. Communism obviously was, but Israel most likely will be too.
Zionists seem to have achieved their goal, but their premise, that they could get away with displacing these "natives" there is a major mistake.
Muslims will not stop attacking Zionists until Israel is dissolved, so Zionists find themselves in the situation that they have now extremely hostile relations to Muslims, even though they were very friendly towards each other for over a thousand years.
Once the regular cycle of Antisemitism in Christian lands reoccurs they'll find themselves the first time in history being hated by BOTH Muslims AND Christians.
Problem is I see no good solution for this issue.

Communists in America are literally the degenerates. Did you forget American celebrities were audited for being communist sympathizers back in the day? Or are you choosing to forget

Communism actually did solve the problem quite adequately with the Jewish Autonomous Oblast. It just didn't solve it globally, only locally within the USSR.

The problem of course however was that it existed alongside Israel, which created a pull from less-known Jewish Oblast. It's very sad that Zionists helped, or if think Yeltsin was Zionist - actually did, tear down the Soviet Union / International Communism. There is little reason why their solution was not the appropriate one. The Jews should have their own majority area in a secular fashion, instead of being nomads and financial leeches and "the eternal minority", or alternatively on some Zionist Crusade against others.

So the Jewish issue is already solved. The Zionists and their allies just did no accept the solution.

The jews were purged in the Soviet Union during Stalins reign. After that most of them were not allowed to rise in society anymore.
Also have a look where the Jewish autonomous oblast is located, they've put it in this remote location for a reason.
I also haven't looked up how jews were moved there, but I very much doubt they voluntarily moved there.
They obviously want to live among Europeans if we don't attack them, but they refuse to assimilate. And by assimilation I mean that after a few generations they should be Christians and don't self identify as Jewish.
Just like any Italian that moves to Germany for example. We don't need special laws to protect these Italians because their offspring will be German without coercion.

I actually dont think Karl Marx was an evil man by himself

He's just saying it like it is, not necessarily condemning it. In context, he's referring to the question of how to deal with increasing Jewish demands on German society. Jews want the Christian state to give up its 'biases', with no requirement to give up their own Jewish biases--an impossible situation.

He's not pro-Christian or pro-Jew, just explaining what they are--two sides that co-mingle:
"From the outset, the Christian was the theorizing Jew, the Jew is, therefore, the practical Christian, and the practical Christian has become a Jew again."

In conclusion he says:
"The social emancipation of the Jew is the emancipation of society from Judaism"

In other words, to harmonize in a Christian state, it should be made impossible to engage in huckstering. Blocking that nature of Jews leads them to be more Christian.

No, why should he be. Did he do something evil?
Well, he was very aggressive and mocking all kinds of people, but I doubt he could have foreseen what would come out of his ideas.
Socialism is btw a recurring idea that can even be found in ancient Iran, Greece and many other places being implemented, with disastrous consequences.

No he is not. Marx was just another kike swindler

Huckstering is not the problem, being tribal and following double standards is.
People of one nation of course have double standards when dealing with outsiders, meaning people from other nations, but you cannot have this within one nation.
We see this btw not only with jews, but also with Muslims and many other groups.

The Bolshevik revolution east of the Vistula river resulted in the nazification of modern-day Slavs due to the fact that it was a Slav nationalist project in nature. In spite of outer appearances, the communist parties of the Eastern Bloc enacted an aggressively pro-infrastructure development state capitalism across the board. Later on, they developed "car for every family" and "weekend picnic" programs to appear as rich as the West, despite western Europe still being poor in the early sixties and America being able to afford all of the things she had because all of the globe was paying them back reparations or loans.

Communist rule in Slav lands and their immediate neighbors was highway to hell of full commitment to heavy industry, science, and medicine, at the expense of developing a supply of consumer goods, which is the cornerstone of the "the East is poor" meme

Slav communists were de facto fascists, until the day the rulers of Moscow became demented and paranoid about letting the younger cadres replace them

marx is literally a anti-christ you dipshit

The "communists" in America are subhumans who somehow managed to be hated by both the actual commies and the nazis. The guy I was replying to was talking about Eastern communism, which is true - all post-commie countries in Europe are free of degeneracy. The current China and North Korea are also free of degeneracy if we exclude some of the shit that poor people do