A queen's sexuality shall not be repressed by old white men with small dicks!

There is literally nothing wrong with this

>Parental consent needed for a tattoo
>No parental consent to be sexually active

Whew lad.


I'm sure this has no adverse effects on these children

Pregnancy prevention should be mandatory for all females under 20 years old. Nobody needs them making worms before that.

>If it turns out to be a strong correlation it could be another benefit to taking birth control, allowing women to start families later in life.



They do it anyway they can. Having a daughter today is like having a disease if you care about her.

Quit being so misogynistic! You just want to oppress women you patriarchal fuck!

>implying access to birth control is going to dictate whether someone is sexually active
No horny 14 year old has ever gone "welp, I don't have a condom, time to not fuck this girl I'm in love with"
Denying access to birth control or generally making it harder to get is only bad for society
Kids are going to fuck anyway, might as well allow them to be safe about it

You;re right. I guess we should force them to marry again and live with the consequences of their actions. Thanks commie scum.

or you can actually parent your kids and not let them slut around you dumb nigger

This! Children shouldn't have to be taught about things such as personal responsibility and having consequences for their actions!

If we don't give birth control to girls who have just started puberty, we have literally no other options for preventing teen pregnancy. Also, birth control has no negative effects or downsides on neither the individual taking it nor society at large.

This, desu birth control should be completely paid for by the taxpayers and readily available in bathrooms in public middle schools and up.

In the longterm it'll have more benefits for society (more fertile women, prevents more unwanted pregnancies) and any women empowerment is in a step in the right direction.

t. terrible father
Actually, no. You'd have to actually make it with a girl first, you flag tells me you ever have or will.

How is not giving them condoms going to teach them about consequences?
If anything, using birth control seems like the responsible thing to do.

notice how the only ones who hate degeneracy are beta's who cant get laid, you wouldnt think degeneracy was so bad if these hot teen chicks were sucking your dick.

the way you try to hide that you cant get laid is by saying you choose your lifestyle as a conservative "nazi" gentlemen on pol

who (((created))) these apps, I wonder?

meant for

>giving 13 year old girls pills full of estrogen that raise their chance of estrogen-induced cancers and put them into puberty even earlier while promoting carefree promiscuity

Just give them a fucking condom

Birth Control proven to alter the brains chemistry making women more neurotic and prone to bi-polar disorder.

>give it away to children for free

This is your brain on leftism.

>I advocate permissive society
>you claim I'm advocating authoritative society
Dunno how you worked them mental gymnastics but good job, I'm sure you'll do well at the Olympics

Isn't this actually dangerous? Like, not every birth control method works for every girl. People can actually be hurt by this.