You cant stop WW3

Soon. September 9 is a major NK holiday.

Us travel ban begins very soon on Sep 1...

So fucking excited for ww3
Anyone else?

China won't even name America in thier comments. They just say "some countries...". They are cowards and I don't think these fuvking mongoloid chinks realize that Trump isn't bluffing. They are going to get BTFO so hard.

so fucking excited. I hope it puts the entire world into mad max 2 conditions. The fire will cleanse us.

There are only 2 situations where North Korea would declare war on the U.S.

>1) Food crisis becomes so bad that Kim just says "fuck it" and lobs a few missiles at Guam and Hawaii.

>2) Kim manages to stockpile enough missiles to wipe the U.S. off the map, so he just says "fuck it" and wipes the U.S. off the map.

You aren't going to see a traditional war fought in your lifetime user, its time to accept that. The future is cyberwarfare,proxy wars, and ethnic propaganda.

yeah, i see myself making a thread on Sup Forums 5 minutes before the whole net goes down (probably next week)
>tfw get super excited just writing it

Yesderday they came out saying they will NEVER allow a war on their borders.
Yep they are entering a huge food crisis, kims backed into a corner - but i want USA to strike first so China can join in for NK
Kim is a loose canon. See how the China-india borer clash fizzled out? Well it doesnt look like a chance with Kim firing missiles over fucking Japan now. Kek.

Think we're hardcore enough to MOAB their fucking parade?


You fucking idiots think the deep state will allow another world war? There is not reason for it they are fighting over 130 years world wide right now. Business is booming.

wow north korea is stealing food,is really happening this time

Checked and yes. Fuck the cities

Are you that Australian Defense Ministry insider who sometimes posts here warning about a future China conflict?

>sticky regional bug out generals right before the happening

your nothingburger days are coming to an end next week

checked AMA

Roll for WW3

the digits cant do anything now, nearly all the dominoes have fallen. The last will fall on September 9th

honestly think that China has more to gain in the longterm with NK eliminated as a threat. Japan and SK are dependent on the US to keep NK in check. With NK gone the US's position will seem less necessary if China plays their cards right and gradually step up to being a major regional power

This won't be WWIII but it will be the first time since WWII that an atomic weapon is deployed in combat.

And it won't be the US firing it, but Japan might be the target, or one of them.

And yeah it's happening. Estimated casualties:

From atomic weapon(s): 500,000
From standard weapons: 2.5 mil
From starvation, disease, infighting: 200,000

PA here wishing the West coast good luck. We are all counting on you

more info please

it will be a massacre

>1 million trained men in NK army

n korea is a sideshow

we can take them out and ww3 has not begun

i guess i have 3 days of Destiny 2 to play

>yfw tokyo gets hiroshima'd

Popcorn is on standby.

I'm getting reeaaaally tired all of a sudden.


and what will you do to china?

there is no ww3 idiots, america will stomp nk over the course of 2 weeks and china will come in, say they did all the work, and annex nk. trump will allow this.

Please tell me it's actually finally happening please this world is so awful just end it

Literally nothing.

Someone gets it

China, Russia, and Iran. The Ordo Triumvirate, manifestation of masculinity.

The network of fun will rise oil prices past 5$USD. Hope you guys liked Harvey.

: ^ )


Why do 12 year olds like you even bother to come up with war situations.

>Soon. September 9 is a major NK holiday.

Yep. Goodbye North Korea.
I just wished that our government would at lest let them nuke the west cost first. Fucking liberal scum are an embarrassment to humanity.


china said they will stay neutral if nk starts shit

Nk will do a missile test near Guam, USA will shoot it down and strike NK first.

Let the entire earth shake

>steal food
what food?


china isn't going to commit suicide over north korea, nigga calm down

there are real threats for ww3 in the world. this isn't one of them

>real threats
>NK (main ally China, Iran and now possibly Russia due to RUS-US diplomatic issues) fires missile over Japan after developing successful ICBMs and very close to miniaturizing nuke