Being the only white guy in an all nigger school (story))

Just so you guys know this is not a fake story made up by some shill, I am goimg to tell you my tale of going all 4 years in highschool being the only white guy in a school that is 98 percent nigger. Blacks always complain about going to a mostly white or other nonewhite school because the people do not understand them, to translate that to us it would mean they are not lazy sub-human apes so the white kids would not understand the "struggle in the in the hoodz." But the truth is most nigs have a positive experience, they probably get to fuck tons of white girls because "RACEMIXING IS GOOD" And if anyone messes with them or calls them out on their crap they will just get chimped on and called racist. But if your like me and you go to a mostly black school it is sooooo much different. Imagine getting surrounded every day by these apes with knives and btass knuckles, getting called "white ass nigga, white boy," and "cracka" every fucking day. And imagine if you spoke out against one of these chimps not only would you get beat on by at least 7 at a time but you would be blamed for the fight because muh "racist." This actually happend to me my senior year, I was busy going to next class when I acidently bumped into some nigger, he fell on his chimp ass and got up, "White boi u just azk for a death wishz?" His friends helped him get up, there were three of em, I was about to walk away when one punched me in the stomach, I actually reacted quickly and pushed him back, but next thing you know 4 extra niggers along with the 3 started wailing on me with actual brass knuckles, A teacher (4) stopped the fight and when he asked what happend one of the chimps said I called him a nigger, and I was blamed for the WHOLE FUCKING FIGHT! I than got a 4 day suspension and I was rejected from all my AP courses (was taking 2). One of my favorite teacher never wanted talked to me again, and when I talked to her, she called me racist! Fuck niggers, Amen.

I also went to a school where I was one of 20 or so white people. I never got shit from niggers but I've always been a really big guy. You should work out more and do something to build up a thicker neck. Thick necks make you less of a target.

u r a nigger

Fuck off, racist scum. Get fucked by a black, I'd laugh. Get fucked by a white, I'd laugh. Fuckers like you have no fucking respect for your fellow man. "OH, BUT NIGGORS DONT RESPECT ME!!" Fuck off. Respect is earned, and alt-right scum fucks like you in all honestly don't deserve respect. Get stabbed by a 'nigger' and bleed the fuck out I'd laugh.

And you fucks wonder why whites (SOMETIMES) hate being white? Because of shit like this, right fucking here.

Shoot yourself with smaller bullets to build immunity to large ones.

that's some shit my burger friend

plz tell me this is bait

Those were pretty tough times, lad, I'm glad it's over

I bet those Maoris enjoyed having their land taken, fuck-head.

Go to Sup Forums for this

Hell fucking no, racist Canuck fuck-face. Go back to not owning your own goddamn country.

White boi LARPing as a nigger?
shamess bump.

Nope this did happen to me.

Hell yeah I'm fucking white! I just give a fuck about my fellow man, unlike you fake Americans.

It was about 6 years ago, Not a big guy but in good shape now.

I just got done eating a Mcflurry for the first time in years. The spoon shape has not changed since the last time, and for whatever reason is physically uncomfortable to eat off of. Is it shaped specifically for nigger mouths?


Wahh boy hoo sorry your got your pussy bullied and have to cry about black people on the internet. I went to a mostly white school and experienced a lot whites being assholes to me on a daily basis because I'm black, for literally no reason other than being black, from teachers and students alike. Entitled racist white people are scum like everyone else.

Hey, Aussie, not everyone is racist scum who hates on the false pretense that their "RACE IS GETTING KILLED OFF". Nice conspiracy, as well.

Can u stop bumping this shit thread with your shit bait.

OP nigs are chimps, I'm sure you know this better than I.

I also went to a school that had a lot of blacks. I was not the only white guy but there were plenty of blacks. They all feared me and called me "the crazy white boy". The one time one fucked with me I jumped up and shouted what did you say to me while picking him up and slamming him into garbage can and then I kicked him in the head.

This dude was way bigger then me and was the bully of their group. When they saw me bring him down that easy none of them wanted to fuck with me. I wasnt a pussy and I learned how to fight. My dad made sure of it since he knew how it was growing up there.

Aw, sad that the Aboriginals want some recognition too?

I bet your dad wore this "cool white cloak that made the bad, bad men go away!" too.

I actually support the US alt right. Cumskins will always have a special place in my heart.

Fuck off. Should have some respect, cunt.

Nice stories from everyone.

Niggers gonna nig.

>Be one of 3 white people in school population of 1500 niggers

OP's story smells of bullshit. Yeah the niggers are going to jump you 10 at a time if you fight, but the administration knows they're all niggers too. They're not going to excommunicate you because a nigger said you called him a nigger.

This, my high school had a shitload of niggers. I even remember one of my construction teachers talking to me about one of the black administrators and calling him a nigger. They know niggers cause problems.

Yeah true. Hell, even if you did say nigger no one will ostracize you for it when you're actually in the heart of darkness. They all know.

you understand niggers are ambush predators?
all you have to do is look in their direction, have some situational awareness and no one will fuck with you

>at school
>brain my business
>sandnigger start shit
>whup his ass (you say that?)
>teacher: "what hapen"
>him: "he call me nigger"
>teacher: "didn't, i was outside the door and heared"
>sandnigger: "why didn't you stop before he beat me"
>teacher: "you deserve to be beaten"
better times

You should have called the cops, made a huge deal about the blacks attacking you and lying about the racial insult, and gotten a lawyer and sued the school. Get your parents involved.

You took it quietly.

Nope just an old school Italian.

yes. negroes = cancer......they have no honor

lol no you dont only when it fits your narrative
>fucking parrot

That kind of institutional bias sounds exactly right. The schools believe whoever it is convenient to believe, which tends to put them in alliance with whichever kid is most manipulative. Usually the bully, not the target. I can see how the same response pattern would result in uncritically believing a lie spouted by three black kids with black knuckles on beating on the lone white kid everyone hates. Kids don't learn good lessons from institutional cowards, but teachers are still disarmed, and the bravest teachers are unhireable.

>my favorite teacher never wanted talked to me again

LOL is it that fucking bad to call a nigger "nigger" in USA?

I mean niggas call themselves niggers all the time. Why is it so bad when a white dude calls them nigga?

Anyone got that meme
"is he thinking about other women?"
but he's thinking about the future of europe

kek demands it

Are you poor?

The poor and niggers are treated the same by the American oligarchy. Put in shit schools, brutalized by cops, etc.

>White women think violence against white men are OK

Read this , And It's Really Hurt

This is what boomers want

White women are most privilege being in society ( get what ever they want, just they have vagina) and race-traitor

Fucking society systematically pushed whites man out of jobs and restricted access to job opportunities, education

Fucking HELL

I think it's because it temporarily breaks the self-delusion that they are anything but a nigger and they lash out with pent up self hatred.

T. Nigger

The only reason they can use their vagina to get what they want is because too many men are fucking thirsty for it.

Stop being a cuck, you piece of shit.

Nigger didn't try to read just like white whore didn't listen what boy said

Mother Fucker , You think every single problem cause by some evil white boy not a entrepreneur

frightened white kid waving some flag are more responsible to inequality than A banker , businessman like warren buffett and jeff bezos

You are the reason why America becoming more brazil tier shit-hole

Your are the reason why poor people getting more poorer

Attacking Some particular race and gender will fix society , Eh?

gusset what masters live in gated community are laughing at you

Fucking imbecile causing nothing but endless conflict instead soving problem


Here, Satan