My step brother was murder and they gave the killer 18 months in jail

My step brother was murder and they gave the killer 18 months in jail.
I know we abbos are hated but my brother did nothing wrong.
He was stabbed for winning a fight, i don't hate whites and I'm not making this a race thing, I'm taking about how the justice system is fucked and it hurts all of us but i know without it we are fucked.

Other urls found in this thread: 83.pdf 28 Nuclear DNA.PDF

he probably shouldnt have started the fight too....

Ur an abbo?

My condolences

It's okay to hate whites if you're not white.

Was the killer a boong too?

You know when some pretty white boy starts backing away from a fight with a 5 foot abo or Indian who's decided he's black? That's not weakness or cowardice, it's "this shit is likely not worth it."

Your brother did many things wrong and it is very healthy for you to admit it.

>I'm taking about how the justice system is fucked and it hurts all of us but i know without it we are fucked.
Can I blow your mind? People like what I just described, the cowards, they don't actually need this system and actually wouldn't be fucked without it.

We do it for you.

My condolencs lad, sorry for your loss

An abo killed a guy on Christmas with a cricket bat in front of his family and only got 3 years in my town. Don't play the fucking victim card, your people get more than enough concessions.

>my brother did nothing wrong.
Try to live in civilized society, dirty ape.

>It's okay to hate whites if you're not white.


>Ur an abbo?
He's using a computer. It's literally impossible for him to be pure abbo.

>abo fighting in the street like a fucking animal
>abloo bloo bloo why we so hated

You'll be treated like a human being when you act like one. Not before. You're lucky you don't get hunted for sport, you fucking monkey.

No he was. white he lost the fight and stabbed an hour after the fight.

The cunt should have gotten 28 years like it should be. I'm pulling any victim card. I want justice for all.

Well yeah. We're all not full abbo anymore. No such thing as full bloods.

Link (says 5 but he was released after 3)

you don´t understand genetics do you

But it's true. Races don't mix.

Go avenge him.

Here here lad, keep your chin up. You should read Scott Adam's orange book, it's very uplifting. Kek bless.

>My Stepbrother
>An abbo
Kek, was he your fathers wife son?

Sorry. I'm not pulling the victim card** I don't like that sgit and everyone should own up to there shit.

>Admits to being a subspecies of humanity
>Brother most likely via degeneracy of your parents gets into a fight as wild abbos do, much like a bull charges a red sheet
>Brother put down like a bull that's gone wild and trampled someone to death
>Man who shoots wild animal sent to jail for 18 months

Sounds like a pretty harsh sentence desu

I lived in Alice Spring as a government contractor for 2 years. Abo fights= best fights

Borther in law.

(1997) Barbujani et. al., find a human genetic distance of ,155. There are no recognized subspecies.

(2001) Kim et. al., find an Asian dog genetic distance of ,154. There are eleven recognized subspecies.

(1994) Roy et. al., find a North American coyote genetic distance of ,107. There are nineteen recognized subspecies.

(2002) Schwartz et. al., find a Canadian lynx genetic distance of ,033. There are three recognized subspecies.

(2014) Jackson et. al., find a humpback whale genetic distance of ,12. There are three recognized subspecies.

(2008) Lorenzen, Arctander & Siegismund find a plains zebra genetic distance of ,11. There are five recognized subspecies.

(2003) Pierpaoli et. al., find a European wildcat genetic distance of ,11. There are three recognized subspecies and five biogeographic groups according to (Mattucci et. al., 2016).

(2007) Lorenzen et. al., find a Kob antelope genetic distance of ,11. There are two to three recognized subspecies.

(2003) Pierpaoli et. al., find a European wildcat genetic distance of ,11. There are three recognized subspecies and five biogeographic groups according to (Mattucci et. al., 2016).

(2007) Lorenzen et. al., find a Kob antelope genetic distance of ,11. There are two to three recognized subspecies.

(2003) Jordana et. al., find a south European beef cattle genetic distance of ,068. There are eighteen recognized subspecies.

(2004) Williams et. al., find a red winged blackbird genetic distance of ,01. There are twenty-two recognized subspecies.

There's nothing wrong with gentlemanly fist fights, you can say what you like about boongs but they usually fight fair.

I really can't imagine a white dude stabbing a boong though, must have been a druggo or something.

(1997) Wise et. al., show that the genetic variability within humans is 0,776. There are zero recognized human subspecies.

(1997) Wise et. al., find a chimpanzee genetic variability of ,63. There are four recognized subspecies.

(2001) Uphyrkina et. al., find a leopard genetic variability of ,58. There are thirteen recognized subspecies. 83.pdf

(2001) Eizirik et. al., find a jaguar genetic variability of ,739. There are nine recognized subspecies.

(2000) Culver et. al., find a puma genetic variability of ,52. There are six recognized subspecies.

(2002) Schwartz et. al., find a Canadian lynx genetic variability of ,66. There are three recognized subspecies.

(1998) Paetkau et. al., find a North American brown bear genetic variability of ,5275. There are nineteen recognized subspecies. 28 Nuclear DNA.PDF

(2000) Waits et. al., find a Scandinavian brown bear genetic variability of ,687. There are nineteen recognized subspecies.

(1996) Garcia-Moreno et. al., find a coyote genetic variability of ,629. There are nineteen recognized subspecies. They further find a Gray wolf genetic variability of ,574. There are thirty-seven recognized subspecies.

(2001) Girman et. al., find an African wild dog genetic variability of ,643. There are five recognized subspecies.

(2001) Kyle & Strobeck find a North American wolverine genetic variability of ,55. There are two to three recognized subspecies.

(2001) Walker et. al., find a Scandinavian wolverine genetic variability of ,325. There are three recognized subspecies.

I'm guessing it wasn't a schoolyard fight. Your tribe likes to initiate fights over very little.
Using a weapon is a valid tactic if you're trying to leave a hostile situation, but your attacker won't let you, and if you're outnumbered.
Dealing with your Tribe, you don't like 1 on 1 shit, I'm guessing your step-bro had family with him.

My condolences. Don't get b8'd into street fights.

tell your brother to stop getting in fights, it's degenerate. well.. tell him next life anyway

(2000) Polziehn et. al., find an elk genetic variability of ,395. There are seven to eight recognized subspecies.

(1995) Forbes et. al., find a bighorn sheep genetic variability of ,6235. There are three recognized subspecies.

(2000) Reinartz et. al., find a bonobo genetic variability of ,535. There is one subspecies.

(1999) Paetkau et. al., find a polar bear genetic variability of ,68. There is one subspecies.

(1999) Wilton, Steward & Zafiris find an Australian dingo genetic variability of ,445. There is one recognized subspecies.

(1996) Garcia-Moreno et. al., find a domesticated dog genetic variability of ,5085. There is one recognized subspecies, and there are many breeds.

(2000) Turkheimer presents his Three Laws of Behavioral Genetics and explains their meaning.

Turkheimer begins by stating, "The nature-nurture debate is over. The bottom line is that everything is heritable, an outcome that has taken all sides of the naturenurture debate by surprise. Irving Gottesman and I have suggested that the universal influence of genes on behavior be enshrined as the first law of behavior genetics (Turkheimer & Gottesman, 1991), and at the risk of naming laws that I can take no credit for discovering, it is worth stating the nearly unanimous results of behavior genetics in a more formal manner."

The Three Laws are as follows:

? First Law. All human behavioral traits are heritable.

? Second Law. The effect of being raised in the same family is smaller than the effect of genes.

? Third Law. A substantial portion of the variation in complex human behavioral traits is not accounted for by the effects of genes or families.

In short: no one is born tabula rasa.

(2005) Philippe Rushton and Arthur Jensen (author of, "The g Factor") conclude that IQ is the greatest indicator of future success in Western societies when inter-generational income dependence is accounted for.

They also found that IQ is at least 50% heritable and likely nearer to 80% heritable. To draw comparison, height is 70-90% heritable.

During their analysis they concluded that Whites have a minimum of 75% IQ heritability.

Feels bad man. I would like to know more about the circumstances though. Was it mid fight or was it definitively after the fight ended?

(2004) Plomin & Spinath discuss intelligence in the wider context of genetics, genes, and genomics.

Their discussion is multi-faceted; their analysis illustrates proof of the genetic heritability of intelligence, the immense weakness of environmental explanations for intelligence, changes in heritability during development, a multivariate analysis of IQ and various testing metrics, gene expression profiling, and genomics.

This is an excellent compilatory piece.

(2009) Rushton & Jensen refute erroneous claims made about the nature of the Flynn Effect and its relationship with the Black-White IQ gap.

In their conclusions they state, "We conclude that predictions about the Black–White IQ gap narrowing as a result of the secular rise are unsupported. The (mostly heritable) cause of the one is not the (mostly environmental) cause of the other. The Flynn Effect (the secular rise in IQ) is not a Jensen Effect (because it does not occur on g)."

(2001) Rushton & Rushton show evidence for racial-group differences in the form of brain size and structure, IQ, and musculoskeletal trait variation.

Their analysis shows significant variation in both the structure and sizes of the brains of Negroids, Caucasoids, and East-Asians. In addition to this, they have found differences in the skull shapes and structures of the races, alongside differences in average height and weight and all parts of the bone and muscle structures from the neck to the feet.

>Dealing with your Tribe, you don't like 1 on 1 shit

Not true, Abbos are not niggers.

Kill his killer.
But then you go to hell.

Sorry about your brother . I hope you find peace of mind . Good luck .

(2007) Shatz analyzes the relationship between IQ and fertility.

They find that IQ is negatively associated with total fertility rate, birth rate, and population growth rate. This means that higher IQ populations are less fertile than lower IQ populations.

(2013) Michael Woodley, Jan Nijenhuis, and Raegan Murphy conclude that Western IQs have declined by an average of 1,6 points per decade since the Victorian Era.

Higher IQ people are more productive, healthier, and are more creative. The reduction in IQs across the West has been met with a marked decrease in average productivity and general health despite vast increases in average wealth, nutrition and access to healthcare.

The cumulative reduction in IQ is between 12,45 and 13,35 points or roughly one standard deviation on a normal IQ bell curve. This represents an eight-fold reduction in the number of geniuses and a counter to the Flynn Effect.

The resultant decrease in IQ is attributed to dysgenics in the form of outbreeding and negative mate selection within populations. The importation of migrants of different races and ethnicities preempts the outbreeding and subsequent loss in IQ. This effect has sped up as migration has increased.

18 months for killing a man? link to news article?

Gotta be honest with you, I actually admire you. I would've killed myself if I had abbo blood in me. It's literally not much different than being directly related to animals. And yet you still go on, trying to live your life.

Jesus Christ, mind if I copy some of this for later usage?

>Do pigmentation and the melanocortin system modulate aggression and sexuality in humans as they do in other animals?

> In 40 species of wild vertebrates, darker pigmented individuals are more aggressive and sexually active.
> Cross fostering studies and pharmacological dose manipulations establish the role of the melatonin system.
> We review the human literature within and between populations and find similar relationships with pigmentation.
> Darker individuals average higher levels of crime, sexual activity including HIV/AIDS, and lower IQ.

im curious what you want our of this thread then, you first brough up you were abo and that you didn't hate whites, if this is just to moan about the shit sentence maybe r9k is more your speed


You are a nigger. Stop trying to make yourself sound less sub-human with your fancy made up racial slurs

Please immediately swallow a shotgun blast.



I have a solution. Go back to Europe you faggot
La raza stands with all indigenous people dealing with foreigners in their land.
Fuck pilgrims. Stay strong abbo bros

My condolences my Aussie dude.
Hope you get better.

>never been a fight
That is why you losers are getting cucked hard

He was killed way after the fight (an hour after) by the an older man in his 40s. My brother was 47 and the killer was a ice addict white.

>the justice system is fucked and it hurts all of us but i know without it we are fucked

That sums it up really. "Democracy is the worst system except all others that have been tried". Similarly our legal system is not infallible, often not even good, but better than anarchy nonetheless.

What's really missing is a legislation eliminating feature. Old laws, obscure and vague laws, laws that are never used, they should be purged.

Thats bullshit meme half bloods made up to feel more abo

Abbos are not niggers.

You guys made this out to be race, i told my story and said that i was more worried about the system not who did what.
I was justice for everyone.

im 5% negroid and i called an abo nigger and he hit me, yet abos have nothing to do with niggers even though my ancestors were literally kangs and his were not

And you niggers are shooting each other and nobody's cares.

>He was stabbed for winning a fight


they consider themselves part of the negroids

Nice blog post.
Got any of them proofs?

You got my condolences man, it's just an oddity hearing from an abbo on here. If it makes you feel any better, the guy will probably be a repeat offender (since he was a murder) and may end up getting a lot longer of a sentence in the future.

I hope. Thanks user.

>hearing from an abbo on here
timestamp or it didn't happen

Do something about it in 18 months then, hope you get off as lightly noonga

Tell me you have this all saved somewhere

Nuke the abos when?

I don't believe your story. you're probably just another basement little white boy who makes up stories for attention.

but if you're true and honest all I want to say you is: just go and kill the motherfucker who murdered your brother. murderer motherfucker needs real punishment. you should not let him get away with it. think your honour and pride. shoot and kill him. never think again.

That's because of your retarded liberal justice system, friend. If you didn't have a froo froo pussy bitch nanny state then the murderer would've gotten a proper sentence: 30 to life without parole.

When people know they can get away with killing someone with little to no consequences, they tend to do it more. Ironic that these libshit policies ended up hurting one of their prized pets, abbos.

This story is a perfect embodiment of liberal retardation.

We need a system likes yours.
This shit is unbelievable

>I know we abbos are hated but my brother did nothing wrong.
>i don't hate whites and I'm not making this a race thing, I'm taking about how the justice system is fucked
Here's where you fucked up OP. You made it sound like the system is rigged against non whites. Basically why half the thread hates your guts, and the other half are being unusually sympathetic.
Anywho, hope your brother's murderer gets what he deserves.

Didn't mean to link

You things aren't people. Killing you animals can't be murder.

Fare game mate.
I know user. Sorry didn't mean to sound one sided. Really i think the system works against alot of people of all other back grounds. Not just mine. I'm more white then abbo. But I've seen both sides and i know both can help one another but abbo have to stop hating whites for the past, and whites for the way blacks are, we've all been fucked but we can have a future together. I know, ive seen it and i have hope for it. This whole murder case has just got me all fucked in the head. This is the first murder I've ever experienced, i could never be ready for this. I wish it on no one. It hurts alot

shoot him in the face, god father close up style, only way to be sure... one day your brother will thank you


faggot you sound like the bitch in his parents basement hating on the real world around you outside of your hyperbolic faggot chamber

he's on Sup Forums u kike

Congratulations your in the top 1% Of abbos you are smart enought to write semi complete sentences and how to use a computer your are one exeptional nigger.

Sadly I'm a shitty phone poster.
Get my laptop in a few weeks. Why a laptop and not a desktop?
I move around alot and a desktop would be a cunt to disassemble and move around all the time.

I thought about it. But i think it'll just make things worse, especially for me.

I'd murder the fucker 5 years after his release, letting things cool down, then gut that fuck and bury him in the bush or feed him to crocks. Leave cell phone at home, no internet searches on where he is at from personal computer or wifi.

But I'm a tad insane for shit like this and I'm patient.

hahaha get fucked subhuman nigger

Remind me to never piss you off kek

>(1997) Barbujani et. al., find a human genetic distance of ,155
>no where in the actual paper is genetic distance mentioned
did you extrapolate that number yourself? If so, I'd like to know how


ahhahaha based poland

fair dos,hope the gets whats coming to him,a fight is one thing,murder is another