What do you think of people who leave Islam for atheism?

What do you think of people who leave Islam for atheism?

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Retards, they should leave it for Christianity

Leave one retarded desert cult for another? That's ridiculous.


I said Christianity, not talmudism
Christianity was born when God created the universe, last time I checked the universe isn't a desert

props to anyone leaving fucking islam, no matter for what, or anything.

When most people leave a religion, they become an atheist briefly, even if they subscribe to another.

I'm glad they left Islam, due to how dangerous it is(and this is coming from somebody who indentifies as part omnist) but I just hope they check out other beliefs instead of "islam sucks so all religion is bad"

Why would you congratulate someone for leaving Islam? It's like congratulating someone for wiping their ass

Progress of a kind.

It was actually created around 2 millenniums ago in the Middle East, but ok.

Better than nothing. Atheist ex-Muslims can be either really awesome (Ayaan Hirsi-Ali) or fucking dumb cunts (Maryam Nawazie)


You don't get banished by your family, or killed or what not for wiping you ass. Well, maybe in India, but that doesn't count.


That's 100% false Christianity has existed since God made Adam

there worst kind are still the "moderate", progressive, or liberal islamists... fuck em all

never wanted to be a piece of paper till now

So that doesn't happen in Canada, they reject common sense and continue to follow the Satanic cult, in my opinion any Arab in Canada who will not convert should be whipped 10 lashes for easy year he was alive.

ITT: A bunch of edgy Christian teens who think the religion they were brainwashed by their parents to believe is somehow less retarded than Islam.

Nice try but I'm the only Christian in my family

Funny how much women hate islam.

All the more reason to enforce Sharia.

Just putting it out there, if I was an omnipotent deity who created a religion, I'd be honored to have a girl that cute rub my book against her butt.

>He takes the Adam and Eve story literally
Proof that leafs are retarded, regardless of what side of the political spectrum they're on.

>So that doesn't happen in Canada
Canada is a meme country, and also does not count. See India.

Sharia Law is Arabic Law
Arabic Law is incompatible with mankind


>islam not the worst
The worst thing christians do in modern day is done by the westboro baptist church . . . and all they do is hold up signs with slightly offensive words on them.

Of course I do, it's just common sense God made man and woman, where do you think we come from? Some ape gave birth to the first human?>your a meme because you don't have honour killings unlike us cultured Europeans

You may leave pisslam, but pisslam will not leave you. They will share the same faith as there faithful brother-sister-cousins, death in the west.

Its all funny and shit, but science prove it to be bullshit. Fucking retard. Christianity is not racist or eugenics, and those are reasons enough to ditch it

Because there is no such thing as race you retard liberal, there is just the human race and the animals
Niggers are not a race of humans they're animals and so are orientals and injuns. The sooner you retard liberals understand this the better

You're welcome

>Christianity is not racist, so you should ditch it
I mean, I get that I'm on Sup Forums, but care to elaborate? Or was this a typo?


Yet Bible peaches about Ethiopian castrates who accept JEWISH god and blablabla. According to them Jews are White. "Neither Greek or whatever"
It's not racist. Fuck it.

He still believes in the made up concept of race, niggers, orientals, Arabs and injuns are NOT our equals they are a beast made by God which man has Dominion over!
If you lay with the beast you and the beast have to be killed, there is no crime in killing an animal! You liberals need to understand this

>it's not racist so it's bad
Just making sure.

By the way, in my interpretation of what happened, humans came from god, blacks came from monkeys.

Omnism, finding middle ground between evolution and creationism.

Yeah it even says the beast of the field will cry mightily unto God, but he has violence in his hands and if you walk contrary to God he will grow in number and make your high ways desolate. Why should Christians fear this beast that cries to God? Because he's violent, he will steal your kids he rapes and murders. This is the Arab and nigger they come to your land and make your high ways desolate (make it poorer) he brings crime, and degeneracy and kills your people and rapes your women and children. It is our Holy duty to wipe these animals out we need to drive them to extinction but the kikes in the schools teach that extinction is bad so nobody wants to make these animals go extinct

Christians are some of the edgiest little snowflakes on earth.

>Mocks the theory of evolution
>Thinks humans were created by dirt and a rib by a supernatural being
Wew lad. Do you also believe that humans rode dinosaurs 6000 years ago?


this makes my day

>Leaving one sky daddy for another


Islam doesn't believe in God, they believe in Allah which is Satan.
Muhammed their most important prophet NEVER spoke to God, but he spoke to an angel of light, he bible warned 500 years before muhammed was born that satan can disguise himself as an angel of light.
Islam is satanic, it says in the Hadith or Quran I forgot which one that muhammed was kissing boys penises in Heaven, according to biblical Law the law God gave to Moses muhammed should have been killed! Why would God choose him as a prophet? He didn't Satan did!

If your leaving islam its pretty hard to go worse even joining the church of the flying spagetti monster would be better

>If you lay with the beast you and the beast have to be killed, there is no crime in killing an animal!
I think you're missing a word or two there.
>You liberals need to understand this
Not liberal, I'm not entirely sure what I am, probably some weird ass mix between authoritarian and libertarian, but I'm definitely not liberal.

Also, I'm fairly confident that if you were to kill, say, a farmer's dairy cow, or something of the sort, it is probably a sin. It's 12:30 pm so I'm tired and can't entirely recall if it is or isn't, but running around killing all the animals feels like a bad idea. Be it blacks, cats, cows, chickens, whatever.

Except mosquitoes, they need to be extinct.

>This is what Templarps actually believe
Nigger, Jesus himself was a shitskin Arab. Moses also married a sheboon and God cursed his son when he disapproved. You LARPers are such cringe.

Yeah the cow is the farmers property, if you kill a nigger that belonged to someone that's a crime but 89% of niggers aren't slaves or were captured by another animal like an Arab so there's no crime in killing them. It's like hunting a deer or fox except the fox and deer are cute a nigger isn't

>One made up story had a prediction that lined up 500 years later in another made up story

Really polarizes my pistachios

>my interpretation
Well THE MAJORITY of Christian and Christian LEADERSHIP oppose racism, support refugees and help them. Fuck you. I literally support the Christian holocaust. If not cucks, then too stupid at least. Damn proud my great grandfather killed a lot of nuns, priests and rabbis

Taqiya is strong in those ones

>Christians are some of the edgiest little snowflakes on earth.
In what way? Being racist? Atheists seem to win that category. Killing people? Of the modern day religions, islam wins.

Forcing their beliefs down your throat and preaching it all the time with a holier than thou attitude?

Well, if you meant the last one, I'm more than happy to put out a relatively large post on that topic.
Give me ten minutes with an atheist and I can convert him to at least agnostic.

Jesus wasn't an Arab just because someone is from the Middle East doesn't mean they're Arab, there's lots of different ethnic groups there, yeah he married the Ethiopian that would imply Ethiopians are human, but we shouldn't anyway the bible says marry someone of your own kind

You're honestly retarded. Islam was simply a lie the leader of the Arab empire (mohamed) spread to control the people in that region for generations. Iran got cucked and changed islam to a better one which is why there's suni and shia crap. I left Islam and went into Christianity and from there said fuck religion.

All it does is cause death and retards to justify their goals while controlling the retards dumb enough to believe it (you).
Also allah is literally the same god that christians believe, if you're going to be retarded, hang yourself before you try to act like you know what you're talking about you disgraceful leaf.

>Give me ten minutes with an atheist and I can convert him to at least agnostic.

Convert through word games with someone who isn't very good at debate and leverage that? Or convert using evidence?

They make me a little bit less racist.

>fuck christians that aren't racist
>you're a racist christian? fuck you

Both, actually.

I've noticed a trend in every single atheist I've come across, and over the years been able to either debunk some of their arguments with common sense, or use their own logic against them.

Not out of spite or arrogance.

>Also allah is literally the same god that christians believe, if you're going to be retarded, hang yourself before you try to act like you know what you're talking about you disgraceful leaf.
Allah isn't Christian God
It's like you would say that for example King Henry is the same as King Charles
King Henry is weak, merciful and hates stoning, while Charles is strict, sometimes cruel and loves stoning
Henry wouldn't be Charles even if you can name them both King

What is your evidence?

christians haven't got the memo that their religion was hijacked by luciferian Jews. Your pope wants you to get gay married, you let women preach god to you.

Jesus Christ will return as a Muslim and lead the armies of the righteous against the satanic armies of the antichrist. Don't let the fake nazi's trick u into believing their freakshow. They're insecure dudes who've been trolled into a corner and got their ride stuck driving over a fat girl, they're not getting out. the only ones on the side of justice and god are the martyrs of Islam.

>Retards, they should leave it for Christianity

>they believe in Allah which is Satan
actually here you seem to know what you're saying. Picrelated and also the chronologically first surah says:
> Then let him call his associates; We will call the angels of Hell.
but then it goes all retarded, as what else could you wait from a christfag:
> it says in the Hadith or Quran I forgot which one that muhammed was kissing boys penises in Heaven
It would be nice if you found it, using such a powerful tool as ctrlF which makes it impossible to hide their dirty pieces beneath tons of meaningless crap.


Go push your lies elsewhere you Jewish animal

I like your reasoning and can say that i can go with that. I always thought it's the same god but different ways of worshiping and stuff. I can say that Christianity was a lot better than Islam.

use ctrlF, faggot
(but most of you would prefer to stay fool than to admit being a fool)
also even though I despise jews, I think they can be admired as well for pulling such level of a practical joke: christfags and mahmutfags both hate kikes and pray to kike's god at the same time. Why were they made to hate kikes? To prevent jewish population from assimilation and thus out of the kohens grasp.

Well, as I said, I convert them to ~at least~ agnostic, and once that is done I try to avoid tempting them to any specific religion. It's less of a preaching and more of a "hey you should consider the following"

Anyways, atheists love talking in absolutes, how they follow the facts and are skeptical of things unless proven, which I support to an extent. But the biggest issue with atheists, they talk about how skeptical of everything they are, but they're never skeptical of atheism itself. I was briefly an atheist for about a week(worst week of my life, depressing as fuck cause I understood what atheism entails if it's right, and it's scary as fuck, and anyone who claims to be an atheist and doesn't have thanatophobia isn't an atheist).

However I dropped it once I started to look at atheism in a skeptical way, and question it.

Fact is, that most people will agree, we're tiny mortals living on a tiny rock who don't even understand how a BICYCLE works, so there is no way we can even begin to comprehend how omnipotence works. We can't be entirely sure there isn't a god. Thats not saying there is, but if you want to be super duper sure of something, you make sure that it's 100% proven, rather than 99.999~% sure. Either that, or admit atheism is a faith.

Which none have yet to do, though, as another nail in the coffin, our understanding of how the universe and everything works changes fairly frequently, especially when you consider, from an atheist's point of view, how long the universe has been around.

And finally, the beginning. In the beginning, god. . . that's something the bible is really known for. In the beginning of everything, there was god, then everything else.
>Your point?
Before the universe, there was no space, but more importantly, there was no time. If there was an omnipotent deity, the most logical place for it to be would be during that. I'm not saying thats the christian god, I'm not saying its allah, or what have you- (continuing)

Yeah I hate the Jews but golly gee they're just so smart. Plus Jews totally believe in god!!!

Jew=atheist, just ask one. You do that and I'll go control f my Quran and find the part where it says those disgusting things which I would even type.

I'm saying that science, at least in a tiny way, from our understanding of it, might just very well back up an omnipotent deity.

And, heck if quantum physics states that casualty can work backwards, IE what we do in the PRESENT can effec the PAST, then a omnipotent deity is a far easier pill to swallow.

Once again, not trying to covert people, just open their minds.

Technically couldn't god be the best of deceivers since god can do everything better than everyone else?

(I bet allah could make some amazing PRANK'D videos)

hermeticism + modalistic christianity + stoicism + fitness + self awareness + self improvement ftw
also, simulation theory is correct and we live in a holographic universe. But that's ok, it really doesn't matter nor have an impact on the beauty of life
last tidbit of truth
heaven and hell are real, yet only experienced as life slips away. It is a rehash of your life in either agonizing detail at your moral bankruptcy, or delighting splendor at your moral success
time has no bearing in this state so act wisely within a moral framework to achieve paradise

>and anyone who claims to be an atheist and doesn't have thanatophobia isn't an atheist

What do you mean by this? This just sounds like anecdotal evidence. There are many atheists who accept death for what it is without fear, as I'm sure there are religious folk who fear death as well despite the promise of an after life. This is purely dependent on the individual in question.

>don't even understand how a BICYCLE works, so there is no way we can even begin to comprehend how omnipotence works

I mean, we understand how a bicycle works but I think I know what you meant. As for the "We can't be entirely sure there isn't a god because we don't understand omnipotence", it's kind of circular logic. You're assuming that the concept of omnipotence is somehow intrinsic to nature and/or the universe and isn't a human fabrication to begin with. If there is no evidence for a claim, then it isn't "faith" to not believe that claim. The burden of proof isn't on the atheist, it's on the one making the claim. There's no difference between what you're saying and me making the claim "I can fly", and when you ask for evidence that I can fly, I tell you "prove that I can't".

>Before the universe, there was no space, but more importantly, there was no time. If there was an omnipotent deity, the most logical place for it to be would be during that.

You just finished telling me we can't begin to comprehend how omnipotence works, but now you're saying logically here's how it would work. I am not saying this as an attack, I just felt it was inconsistent with what you've said.

>might just very well back up an omnipotent deity.
It might, but it hasn't. And until (and if) it does, there's no reason to believe that it will.

>quantum physics states that
If you're referring to delayed choice quantum eraser experiment, that isn't as "past changing" as it might appear. There is more science to it than that.

If you read the old testament, you can notice that the one who pretends to be a god lies from the very beginning. Thus the first image I put in this thread.
And the funny thing is there's so much similar between Jesus and the Snake, you read the final page of the New Testament to notice it yourself. And jews making nations hate eachother over their books are laughing their asses off.

they are the same religion

still are retarded


>for atheism?
you just don't get it, do you?

>retard burger
We have enough you already. Read ypur Bible or go back to Sweden.

>Give me ten minutes with an atheist and I can convert him to at least agnostic.

>There are many atheists who accept death for what it is without fear
I am fairly confident they haven't sat down and considered what death if atheism is right would be.

There are religious people who fear death with the promise of a good afterlife because of different reasons, be it self preservation or not wanting to leave loved ones.

Big difference between that, and thanatophobia, I feel that any religious person who has thanatophobia isn't entirely confident in their beliefs(as am I, but Im not entirely confident in many things).

>If there is no evidence for a claim, then it isn't "faith" to not believe that claim.
Ah, I'm not saying it's a faith to not believe in the claim, I'm saying it's faith to believe that there is no way there is a god/afterlife. Putting faith into science, per say.

>You just finished telling me we can't begin to comprehend how omnipotence works, but now you're saying logically here's how it would work
Ah, I'm saying this is the best guess/chance(Im too tired to think of the correct word to use here) of it working.

>It might, but it hasn't. And until (and if) it does, there's no reason to believe that it will.
Not a reason to believe it will, but not a reason to believe it won't.

Its literally 1:30am, and without knowing your beliefs, I find your post respectable and well thought out, I would love to do this after a good night's sleep(I am trying not to ramble), but in short I'm trying say that atheism is being confident the universe works in a set way when there are too many variables we don't understand.

You bought into the delusion
The light bringer is satan

but didnt arthas kill him?

Let me give you this:
> wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it
Now combine it with the idea of organized religion.
So it is you who bought into the illusion,
for there's brobably neither god nor satan,
Only some mastermind organisations, controlling the sheeple over their teachings.

>I am fairly confident they haven't sat down and considered what death if atheism is right would be.
For myself, and I think I can speak for others too - is that death would be just like before we were born. No existence or thoughts. There is even something nice or poetic about the thought of "returning to the nothingness from whence we came" if you choose to see it from that point of view.

>Ah, I'm not saying it's a faith to not believe in the claim, I'm saying it's faith to believe that there is no way there is a god/afterlife. Putting faith into science, per say.
But by virtue of the concept, "god/afterlife" is a claim. If you were to encounter a race of beings on a planet who had no concept of gods or the afterlife or omnipotence etc, how would you explain it to them if not with a claim?

>Its literally 1:30am, and without knowing your beliefs, I find your post respectable and well thought out, I would love to do this after a good night's sleep(I am trying not to ramble), but in short I'm trying say that atheism is being confident the universe works in a set way when there are too many variables we don't understand.
Same to you senpai, it's been a nice discussion.

We should all be satsnists then huh? cuz Satan brought us the "light". You are literally willing to be the first person to fall for Satan's simplistic tricks and you think you've hit checkmate bc you figured out lucifer = bringer of light. You're an unter-jew, you are truely a radical infidel.

>No existence or thoughts.
No memmory, no awareness, you become nothing.

Really think long and hard, try to imagine what thats like, its terrifying.

If you have and you don't find it terrifying, then I don't know what to say. Maybe I just have rare fear, but I can't shake that it is the worst thing ever. All your accomplishments, all the great things, just ending.

Opening myself a little, although I am fairly sure if Christianity is right, I'll go to heaven, but if I don't and burn in hell for an eternity, I'd rather experience that than nonexistence.

As I said, maybe it's just me.
>But by virtue of the concept, "god/afterlife" is a claim. If you were to encounter a race of beings on a planet who had no concept of gods or the afterlife or omnipotence etc, how would you explain it to them if not with a claim?
That's a good question, but if I were to explain a god to them, I'd say "a omnipotent being" or explain what that is in terms that get progressively simpler. "A entity that is capable of anything and everything within our reason and beyond that was around before even the creation the universe, and even started said creation"

Afterlife I feel would be easy "isn't of non existence when you die, you remain concious in some fashion, be it in a intangable/invisible existence, or your mind is taken to another dimension"

>Same to you senpai, it's been a nice discussion.
I'm probably going to bed now though, I don't want you to think I'm having the last word then leaving, but it's 2am.

Part of the reason I have a tripcode, is for situations like this, to continue previous discussions. I try to limit the amount of times I use it, but I had the feeling this would be a good thread for it.

In closing statement, as I said a few times, I do have omnist beliefs, and although I try to help atheists be more open minded, ie agnostic, if someone is set on being that way, it's their choice, as long as they don't turn into stalin.

I thiink those little secret message inside the plain view is what makes our "rulers" turn into satanist, because guess who's the Prince of this World is.. you got it.
But then there's another, even deeper level beneath this all, where it all is just a test, because we actually do have conscience installed in our bodies.

He read that right, christcuck

Depends on the circumstance, but I generally think they should be exiled at best.

>figure out something blatantly known for centuries