How has feminism been to my detriment when it's only helped me?

I like the ability to use my mind, achieve, and make money. There's no point to having adult responsibilities if you can't spend the money you want or have control over your life. I've never experienced this so-called disaster. I never experienced divorce, daycare, ADD meds, or any of those things people whine and complain about so I don't really care. I also never experienced the wages falling or even my parents wages falling. So tell me why it wouldn't be in my best interests to support feminism when it allows me upward mobility.

Other urls found in this thread:

Tits and gtfo

Because you're not the only person who needs to use society? Because society shouldn't exclusively build roads for you and you alone, but for the everyone or at least those who earned the right to use the roads?

It's very self entitled to follow a supremacist ideology and then turn around and say, why not? It's only helped me. Yes, it was meant to.. at our detriment.

and why should I care about "society" more than my dreams? The roads aren't suddenly going to stop being made just because I make a lot of money.

Roads don't mean the kind you drive on here, if you make it impossible to gain opportunities then you'll stagnate and become stuck. There will be no metaphorical road out of your condition.

>more than my dreams?
Seeing as you've already rejected "because you're not the only person who dreams, you self entitled whore" I'll go with "because your dreams are plain, boring and kind of pointless considering how average they are."

I mean, sure, if you want to keep rebutting "feminism has become supremacist and that negates any reason it should still exist" with "what about me and my stuff and my life and my dreams and why aren't you thinking about me?" But you just look really, really immature. Like, 7 year old Piaget style ego centrism stupid.

That's fine if you acknowledge its mostly horseshit you're taking advantage of to get ahead. Just don't be surprised when others are resentful they need to earn jobs, promotions, grades, and degrees with merit while you get ahead by virtue of your gender.

You don't know all my dreams and I don't think there's a point to having adult responsibilities if you don't have freedom and money to spend.

I'm feminist because a lot of men are backlashing against women's rights. It's the only response to protect myself. I don't feel some intrinsic satisfaction in living for the impersonal construct known as society.

>I don't think there's a point to having adult responsibilities if you don't have freedom and money to spend.
Then you shouldn't pretend you're living an adult life, you literally shouldn't have romantic relationships because that's an adult responsibility.

>I'm feminist because a lot of men are backlashing against women's rights.
Yes, backlash is a natural response to having your ability to pursue happiness aggressively attacked, are you incapable of seeing things from other people's positions or do you reserve the sociopathy to men?

>It's the only response to protect myself.
From what? See The only way you could be more privileged is if you had brown skin.

Protection from the angry men when they get in control of the companies and government.

we dont even backlash against your rights what do we even do to impede on your rights

the government is the power that gives you your rights and there has been nothing that has stopped you from going out and making money and sucking dick or munching carpet.

You're scared of someone's emotion? I'm scared of losing my job to open it up for a less qualified woman? Do you honestly believe your feeble response to someone's emotion is equivalent to my very real fear of losing my livelihood?

Do you actually believe your emotions are worth more than the money I actually lose when I'm offered fewer (or no) opportunities?

This is why feminism is a detriment, it's actually convinced you that your feelings are worth more than my ability to feed myself.

As a business owner myself it hurts all women because I and a lot of other business owners won't hire women anymore because of the potential law suit, especially if they're attractive.
This is what feminism did to our society and soon it'll be really apparent.
And when it does will come the "diversity quotas" to force us to hire women, then we just move to countries where there is still freedom to do with our companies whatever we want causing the markets to crash for your country.
but you OP won't have to worry about this anyway since the consequences of this will be for the next generation to face and since you're a feminist we all know you won't be having kids since it'll be too late for you when you realize how retarded you are.

TLDR: Feminism will destroy western civilization like it did with Rome. Have fun being free to wear your burkas under Muhammad. We won't be saving you.

>I don't have children
fuck off roastie

Ever thought you could be an overbearing hose beast that is apart of an amoral, pathological movement? I have only rarely heard criticism of feminism from feminists. Most of the time the criticism is actually a thinly veiled compliment. It is like you women are actually little girls who watched too many disney princess movies and have decided not to grow up, and then bitch about guys not growing up. Society has a tendency of crumbling when nobody takes responsibility.

By the way this was really fun bait. Keep trolling, you will go places here!

Without feminism men would bar women from a lot of professions. What about female social mobility?

Feminism is an acceptable idea but third-wave crust punk moldylocks degenerates "offended by literally everything" feminists suck


the point im trying to make is your entire cause is a false narrative

antifa fights fascism that doesnt exist, like seriously i get to smoke weed all day and hang out with friends how am i under a fascist government whatsoever?

the government is overwhelmingly behind "womens rights" which aren't even a thing, because rights are just called "human rights" now. Because we don't fucking care about whether or not you are a woman or a man.

A woman needs social mobility like a fish needs a bicycle.


Antifeminists countries are poorer than feminist countries. I don't see this imaginary civilization collapse. If you refuse to hire me because I'm female you're scum to me because I deserve the right to make a good living.

As I move upwards in my career I'll live in low crime areas. Nothing for me to fear.

Yeah because I should be stuck never buying anything or having any freedom. I'm not stupid enough to fall for that.

respond to me

why do you hate men?

>Without feminism men would bar women from a lot of professions.
I'm not talking about feminism 50 years ago and that's obvious to anyone reading my posts besides yourself, you do this because you know I can't rationally argue against first wave feminism and can't rationally form an argument against second wave feminism. I see your dishonest tricks and raise you with "calling your shit out so everyone can see your dishonesty."

>What about female social mobility?
Absolutely reprehensible and a pure zero sum game if you achieve this at the specific detriment of individual men and boys.

Anyway, I'm done pretending to be trolled, point is don't call yourself a feminist. Ever. Not even to troll. Zero reason otherwise.

I'm fighting the attitudes of the angry men who will take over the government, media, and corporations one day.

so you are fighting something that doesn't exist? Just an excuse to call men evil and angry?

>Antifeminists countries are poorer than feminist countries.
You've got cause and effect backwards. Rich countries can afford feminism for a few generations before it wrecks their shit.

>I should be stuck never buying anything
completely unrelated to social mobility; poor women buy shiny garbage all the time.

>or having any freedom.
What do you mean by "freedom?"

There is a reason to be a feminist. I've seen websites like Return of KIngs and other antifeminist websites. I'm not falling for the there's no need for feminism meme. Not when many guys are arguing to take away the rights our foremothers fought for. I'm fighting this before you have the chance to do this to women.

Because you're a man.

im tired of feeling attacked for being a man. im tired of feeling scared of these people on the streets wearing all black out to beat up white males. If you keep vilifying men what will be left? Just more violence. What is the point?

If there's a woman with more qualifications than a man no sane businessman would hire the man.

Female social mobility is now a priority where male social mobility has taken the back burner because of feminism.

Feminism doesn't want equality.

Yeah, you think it's great now to live your life as a man with your career and the money you get to spend on frivolities but when you're childless at 40, you're going to wonder why you feel so unfulfilled and unhappy despite having all the things you thought would make you happy. Then the realization that you wasted your youth making some Jew richer instead of marrying a man and starting your own family will hit you harder than a Dodge Challenger.

Then comes the chronic depression.

You mean the angry men that already control the world along with angry women? Hate to break it to you, but women can be corrupt monsters. They are indeed flawed human beings. Why don't you pay more attention to your neoliberal overlords. Read about why those you disagree with are so upset with them.

Study Iran Contra, or the Franklin scandal, or the Dutroux affair. Some of these rarely discussed scandals unveil a dark heart behind power in government that is tied to the neocons/neolibs.

Freedom to chase your dreams and get ahead. How exactly is America being wrecked? Explain because I don't see this imaginary collapse.

Actually user has a point. Feminism has created a hostile environment, and is hurting relation between sexes due to paranoia. I dont want to be with a girl who claims to he a modern new wave feminist out of fear of false rape accusations.
The only problem you're fighting is one you're causing. Treating people like this by claiming men are angry will only make you enemies, and radicalize others against you.

it might not be to your detriment. thats why women like feminism so much. so they can have an easy ride without any of the work.

And what rights are you fighting for? the right for quotas for job applications and scholarships that benefit women over men?

But where have all the good men gone?

If feminism practiced by an individual goes so far that double standards are being held, communication becomes filled with vitriol, and relations between men and women are fractured, that can certainly cause problems that damage societal cohesion.

I had this issue with a woman recently - her unwillingness to have civil discourse about certain topics, despite her demonstrated ignorance on said topics, made it impossible for us to stay together.

If you may believe those sites represent all men, why am I not allowed to believe the SCUMM manifesto represents all feminists and denounce it all as a vile, hateful supremacist ideology?

It's currently Marxists, it's created the hostile environment deliberately to spark revolution. The response is to deliberately fight the very natural hate that arises from this.

What rights are feminists fighting for in western society in 2017?

Also why do feminists only want women in high paying CEO jobs why no strong women garbage ladies?

>I'll live in low crime areas

How do you think it got that way?
Who do you think will replace us when we all move our businesses overseas?

You'll be working for companies that are owned by Islamic oil barons that see women as nothing but animals and soon they'll lobby for their beliefs to be implemented.
Oh you'll be safe alright, as long as you follow your husband like a master otherwise you'll be beaten.
Or never show any skin in public or you'll be raped.
have fun roastie

i liked the part about radicalize others against you, because its the fucking truth. spit facts bro.

I can tell you're not a LARPing neckbeard because you you exhibit the typically female thought process of the world revolving around you and society existing only to serve you.

There should be more women in the trades. I have no issue with that.

Its all a gear in the marxist machine... New wave feminism is another divide an conquer, legal equality was achieved long ago, fighting now is wanting special rights..
Thanks pal

This is a very generalized idea. Nobody is trying to shit on you for chasing your dreams and getting ahead if you deserve it.

We're shitting on the idea that you can get by easier as a woman because of affirmative action, but the reverse idea, that more men should be more nurses, teachers etc, is vehemently denounced as misogyny.

No, without forced feminism and gender quotas you won't get rich and powerful if you don't meet the standard. Neither will a midwestern white man who was born poor and retarded. Drop the entitlement, it's the first step to getting men's respect without castrating them

>it got that way?
>Who do you think will replace us when we all move our businesses overseas?
>You'll be working for companies that are owned by Islamic oil barons that see women as nothing but animals and soon they'll lobby for their beliefs to be implemented.
>Oh you'll be safe alright, as long as you follow your husband like a master otherwise you'll be beaten.
>Or never show any skin in public or you'll be raped.
>have fun roastie

Muslims are only 1 percent of the country.

Then why do feminists call trades a "mans" job? If you want the equality you're after, why dont you take a "mans job" like a trade, carpentry for example, and do it?

I know you are never going to get it. No matter how much i try and prove to you that this ideology that has "helped" you by making you angry at problems that don't exist like womens rights and violent men (that you dont know) is corrupt and only made to create division in the sexes and violence in the streets. Find your innerself, outside of gender. Find what makes you happy. Find your big fat reason for living, and don't let it be something that will cause the downfall for our beloved country.

Have a goodnight

>I've seen websites like Return of KIngs
1/10 completely unacceptable

>Freedom to chase your dreams and get ahead
Women are mentally children and have the dreams of children. Women are to be humored, not obeyed.

>How exactly is America being wrecked?
various cultural trends resulting in the reduction of the white birth rate and all stemming from political competition between men and women and decoupling of sex and reproduction

Do you consider programmers, database admin, engineers, or scientists in men's jobs?

OP, this is why Women shouldn't be allowed to vote or be politicians. They should be allowed in the military either.

Women are fucking terrible at everything besides providing a position of a mother figure. And if they can't do that they aren't worth shit.

Hey OP

Are you white? If so why not support white nationalism, it would promote you and enhance your social mobility. That's the basis of what you are evaluating things by right?

I only care if someone does a job well. Do not turn this around on me. I am talking about physical labor jobs here anyway, fields most women put off on men, why dont you become a shining example of woman empowerment and take a path very few women take??

Women only want the comfy jobs that men have already established as high-paying. You don't really want to work, you want to experience making a lot of money and gaining some semblance of power.
What's the biggest mistake you've made in your life so far, femanon?
also tits or gtfo, ho

Wahhhh I'm destroying civilization. I care sooo much about that NOT.

I'm better at a lot of male jobs than female jobs. I also have a male digit ratio.

The military is a good way for poor women to be able to afford college. They should be allowed in. You making the point about how women shouldn't vote or become politicians made me even more feminist. It means if women let their guard down and become anti feminist, this is what's to come.

They are comfy when women do it but when men do it they are hard work and should be respected. Contradiction much?

>Freedom to chase your dreams and get ahead
what a naive thing to say. dreams? there are wars being fought all over the globe, kiddo. your dreams don't mean shit, and neither do anybody else's. if you're not ready to grow up and accept that then please stay out of politics, you're not mature enough to handle it.

Only when the women are there due to diversity requirements, of course.

Feminism has caused so many issues in today's society. It really is a fucking cancer. Women need to be making babies and getting a husband, not trying to have a career and make more money than men. Feminism goes against a woman's nature of being submissive and feminine.

Then why did I never feel this intrinsic need to be submissive?

Yeah we should just let men have all the money and all the freedom and all the decision making. How exactly does that benefit me?

The problem OP is that the foundation of your philosophy is in shambles. Your ideas are inherently incoherent, and with the further passing of time, it will get exponentially worse. Your attitude is the attitude that is polarizing shit further. Know how many guys here on /pol used to be flat out lefties? You think it was one funny joke that made so many switch? Why not really read the perspective of your so-called enemy, and try to empathize with them. I can guarantee you that quite a few racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist posters here have empathized with your point of view.

Problem is there has been so much venom from the SJW left, that you are beginning to see many on the right turn off and start to resort to identity politics and ideologies. This further polarizes shit and it can only lead to heartache and grief. You are wrong, OP.

You put too much emotion, not enough logic and reasoning into your words, I can confidently say you come off as pretentious in the worst ways possible. People like you, are why I am distrusting of women who claim to be feminists, you are snakes who only care about yourselves and nothing of others. There is a mental issue at work here, and it will drive down your chances to snag yourself a quality mate in the future. Humans by nature are social creatures, by being hostile, you will not only fail your role as a social creature, but you will become depressed and lonely. T. Lonely individual who has been burned many times by people in general.

Daily reminder that all rights you enjoy were given to you by men out of sympathy. You lack the ability to truly compete with men without protection from men, by men.

t. The Patriarchy

>How exactly does that benefit me?
by benefiting society which you are hopelessly dependent on, we all are. if you destroy american society you will be living in a third world hell with everyone else. do you seriously need this explained to you? i learned this in my seventh grade civics class. every one of you posts is "me me me" but what about all the actual work being done to keep the country from collapsing. why do women never think it's their job to help carry the weight? they want the payment but none of the responsibility, it's pathetic.

You again? Get the fuck out of here with your selfish drivel.
Yes, we know you're selfish.

and you want women to slave away and be submissive for no money. If I'm little more than a submissive slave in society for life, why should I care about the society I won't get to benefit from?

We need more female garbage collectors, miners, merchant mariners, diesel mechanics, oil rig workers, linemen, plumbers, police, HVAC repairmen, hunters, fishers, politicians, teachers, surgeons, welders, butchers, bouncers, barbers, septic/sewage/sanitation workers, exterminators, construction workers, soldiers, and firefighters.

>The military is a good way for poor women to be able to afford college.
All college students should be forced to join the military and women should be banned from the military. The military is not supposed to be a fucking gibsmedat program, their job is to kill people.

No, you're not listening. Typical.
Comfy means not physical. Women pretend they want to work as hard as men, but when it comes down to it you have different priorities. Women always want one foot in the traditional world. You want to be a boss but you want to be treated like a woman at the same time.
You didn't answer my question: what's the biggest mistake you've made in your life?

You know my brother who isn't as Anti-SJW/Anti-Regressive as me asked me why I consider all these kids so dangerous.

I simply said that it's because they have no ability whatsoever to understand the concept of Causality, that their choices have consequences that is beyond them & their immediate future & environment.

In the past this childish mentality was just a phase that people grew out of simply due to the reality of the world, but now because of the internet & social media they can extend this phase of delusion by hiding within safe spaces where they reinforce each others delusion. Postponing the inevitable realization of reality, then it's too late.

And soon it'll be too late for the US because this PC generation will wake up to reality too late to fix what they destroyed.
imo it's already too late since it'll take time to fix everything and there's not enough of it to fix the coming collapse.
I hope I'm wrong tbqh but I'm rarely so.

This user understands it very well. Extremism breeds extremism. Feminism acheived what was already necessary (legal equality), at this point you are quite literally asking to be treated like a little princess now, after you got your privileges taken away as per you requested.

Before feminism, women were not part of the work force, outside of secretaries, by biologically established gender roles which date back to our times as hunter gatherers (which is why these roles exist today even, its in our culture and nature). I daresay, women back then had it much easier than they have it today, as they weren't really required to work to function as a cog in our society.

Let's be civil now. Show some empathy even for those who disagree, we have rights to disagree here, and we should be able to be at least civilized about our discussion. Accusations/Name calling only turns people further against you. Additionally, why should we care about you, if you aren't giving society anything of grave importance yourself?

>and you want women to slave away and be submissive for no money
i never said anything of the sort.
>why should I care about the society I won't get to benefit from?
i just explained the benefits, it's living in a first world nation. you're not a feminist, you're just selfish. i used to hate sexists when i was younger, then i met feminists. feminists made me lose the respect i had for women, and now that nobody respects your gender anymore you idiots all shriek, "this is why i (never 'we') need feminism!!!" you've made yourselves easy to hate because of feminism, doubling down isn't going to end well for your gender.
>me me me me me
you're pathetic and should kys.

How is it easier to depend on a man who can screw up at any time and have no options of fixing it? If I was in the pre feminist days I'd try to pass as a man, marry an old man to get the property, or live a life of crime.

How is being nice to the people who say I shouldn't vote or have rights going to help me?

>you're pathetic and should kys.
oh they're killing themselves alright,
problem is they're gonna take a lot of people down with them with their suicidal ideology.
cuz if innocent people wouldn't be affected then hell I wouldn't be against feminism & PC culture
I'd be cheering these retards all the way to their graves.

Everybody here has made some awesome points, Feminista. If this is just a troll job, then really, good job. If you are serious, though, check out what folks have written here. All joking aside, there are some pretty awesome guys and girls around on /pol that are more cosmopolitan and intelligent than 94 percent of the people you could meet at university. If you post here like a regular person, and not using the female card, you will find that there are many wonderful people in spite of the obvious cancer that comes with the territory. Hell, even some of the cancer starts to have it's own innocence and charm to it... It is fucking weird here, but quite thought provoking and fun! We could always use more lefties that genuinely contribute to the threads, instead of retard shills.

>How is [literally fucking anything] going to help me?
>me me me me me
you have to be 18 to post on Sup Forums, dear.

How would a man want you, if you have no faith in him? Additionally, women hold the keys to sexuality, if a woman gives the keys to anyone willy nilly, it shows she is doing a bad job as a sexual gatekeeper. If you are bad at choosing a mate, these actions reflect upon yourself. Everyones always at fault somehow.
>marry an old man to get the property, or live a life of crime.
You are incredibly selfish. To use someone just for the money says a TON about you as a person, reminiscent of an ex of mine who tried asking for $3000 dollars so she could get an operation on her pet turtle. She didnt have a turtle.

Additionally, living a life of crime is especially disrespectful to a working society as a whole, and further embellishes your selfishness. I am happy I do not have to live near you.

As for you passing as a man, gl with that lmao

Guess what: I'm a woman

I've been using Sup Forums for 8 years now. I'm an MIS and Marketing major, top of my class. I have an IQ of 146. I'm only a sophomore and have had 7 internships. I'm a member of the MENSA society. I voted Trump. I fuck based black man exclusively. I'm not a feminist, however, I'm probably more intelligent than most of you in this thread.

Wether you like it or not, females are comperable. I'm not here to steal your money. I'll probably make more than you. I'm not going to make you a sandwhich, I'll have my personal chef do it. The ironic thing is my father married for looks and I'm actually attractive as well. Cocky? Yes. Ashamed? No.

I won't show you my tits, I'll be your CEO one day, and you'll beg to be my beta "provider."

>I'd try to pass as a man, marry an old man to get the property, or live a life of crime.
No you wouldn't. You just like to fantasize about it. Why don't you stop living the movie in your head and join the real world?
Since you're too chickenshit to answer my question about the mistakes you've made (women never admit mistakes) how about this one:
What's the most controversial thing you believe? Something you're not comfortable sharing with friends or family. Or do you just agree with everything you've been spoonfed?

Now THIS is bait. OP could learn a thing or 2

>tfw ywn be a mtf housewife for a strong, independent woman kicking the patriarchy's ass

Life is pain, pham.

I'll give it 'pasta' but bait would be too strong of a word.


It's definitely linguine.

If my options in society were taken away I'd have no choice but to do 1 of the 3 options. If you want me to be moral don't take my options away. I have many ideas on how to pass as a man. Respect society? If society takes away my options again they are not worth respecting.


I didn't grow up in a daycare and wasn't fed ADHD meds like you probably were. I wasn't exactly taught the same things.

I don't believe you should be forced to have vaccines if you don't want them. I think forced vaccination is deplorable.

Well, what you're fighting for will only cause you to lose options, and more importantly the respect of others. Being militant as you are, you are only going to alienate those around you, poisoning your own social life and worse, your own dreams.

As I said, extremism breeds extremism, and what you currently stand for is only going to breed hatred towards you. Using another fellow person as a tool alone is still selfish I might add, and if you consider that from the get-go, then your morality is bankrupt to begin with.

>I think forced vaccination is deplorable.
That's not controversial. You don't have opinions, your opinions have you. You're so far removed from honesty you can't even be honest with yourself.
When you're ready to be a real human being, come back to Sup Forums, faggot.

Yeah. All the stock shit in one post. And still littered with spelling errors.

Another is I think a woman has the right to reject someone for sex for any reason at all. I don't care how discriminatory the reason is. It could be race, being trans, having a small penis, having straight hair, whatever. The right to say no to sex is fundamental.

I wouldn't buy stock in that company. Woman CEOs suck, particularly narcissistic
cunts who think everyone is there to serve them, rather than accepting that they are there to serve the company. It's no small wonder you exclusively date black men, because you like subservient slaves. I bet your not half as good looking as you claim,
but your internships at McDonald's were partly due to the fact that you are semi-fuckable.

They'd hate me either way. It's either submit to them and have them treat me like trash without any freedom or fight against them and have them hate me.

Expecting me to be a literal slave in the name of morality is immoral. It would be immoral for society to block me on the basis of the greater good but you never talk about that immorality.

Men have the right to reject anyones sexual advances, it could be because shes fat, that "she" has a fake vagina a la chris chan, having small tits, having a jew nose, whatever. The right to say no to sex is fundamental.

>a woman has the right to reject someone for sex for any reason at all
Again: nothing controversial about that. Who the fuck would argue that someone should fuck someone they're not attracted to?
Do you have a philosophy? What motivates you through life?
I've worked with a lot of older, childless women. It's hard to describe the look in their eyes when they talk about their future; another 40-50 years with no family of their own. The biological clock is a real thing.
Which will you value more when you're 70 - another week vacation in Mexico or Turks and Caicos, or a grandchild who tells you they love you?

You think one dimensionally. People do not hate without reason. You are giving them reason to hate you by being the way you are.

Morality is necessary for the survival of a society, if you act immoral because people treat you immorally, then you do not understand the fundamentals to improving yourself and the environment around you. Positivity begets Positivity, the fake it till you make it meme DOES work, and it does improve your life because it attracts similar people. You are merely outing yourself as an awful human being, I hate to say it.

OP let's be real. Unless if it's your passion and even then, people don't like to work! I wish I was a girl. I would happily be home, be with family, and have the afternoons open to meet friends.

Why put yourself through wage slavery? Read up on history and see how the labor pool expanded just to expand tax base and suppress wages.

Only 1st wave feminism was useful. Anything after just celebrates free sex, degeneracy, broken marriages, and broken families. More people live alone than ever before. STDs are through the roof. 50% of marriages end in divorce because no one can compromise.

Single parent homes (especially single mothers) lead to more criminal activity. Even with 2 parents, they usually both work to make ends meet, leaving children with no parental nurturing. Children are growing up without love. Their only love comes a blue screen.

That's why I believe in traditional family. It keeps social cohesion and has maintained our species for millennia. 100 or so years of philosophical ideology is not going to make things better. All evidence points toward the opposite: a competitive and loveless world.