In THIS household

These things are littered throughout my neighborhood now.

Other urls found in this thread:

>people becoming selfless is a bad thing
guess how i know you're a nazi


man if you call everyone a nazi nobody is a nazi and youre jsut a meth head.

They forgot
>Yes We Can
>Where's The Beef?
>Just Do It
>I'm Thinkin Arby's
>Why So Serious?
>Kony 2012
>I'd Buy That For A Dollar
>Nobody Beats The Wiz

>science is real

awesome, let's talk about Dr James Watson's work on IQ distribution, and the shockingly low evolutionary quality of sub-saharan African IQ

or the biological reality of binary sexes.

The saltmines will never close

So that is a single mom/coal burner household ?

How to know that this household becomes an asspain drome every time a republican wins so much as a dog catcher seat.

Put a sticky note saying
so your not muslim

>Science is real
>No Human is illegal

Well Immigrant consumption and Social Cohesion are real

Immigration is a factor of wealth inequality in the USA

Immigration widens the Gender Wage Gap

Ethnic Diversity increases Poverty

Ethnic Diversity decreases turnout. Comparative evidence from over 650 elections around the world

Ethnic Diversity lowers Charitable Giving within Communities, Creates more problems for fundraisers and policy makers

Ethnic Diversity has a strong direct negative impact on economic growth

Ethnic Diversity lowers innovation

Ethnic Diversity is associated with Civil War

>mfw when they thought Kony 2012 was a campaign slogan, and wanted to vote for this Kony guy they've heard so much about.


YOu could erase every word until it said: Believe black human. Illegal science is everything.

Piss on them

All of them

>science is real
Ah great, go ask them what they think about racial IQ differences and how to solve the problem.

do you disagree with something written here? unless youre some drooling polsperg i cant see anyone taking issue with any of it

that's sign does an amazing job of saying absolutely fucking nothing.

there's not even anything controversial or stupid to attack, it's just self masturbatory nonsense.

>When words don't mean shit anymore

>science is real
>black lives matter

It is.

>we believe

Is that a wig?

They are virtue signalling, quite literally.

>science is real
>denies theory of evolution giving different genealogical lines different traits other than those observable with the eyes.
The absolute state of liberals.

All collectivist ideologies, including Fascism, are predicated on "people becoming selfless".

virtue signaling faggots.

I know someone who proudly displays this while also buying up property in traditional black neighborhoods and driving up the prices so the blacks can no longer afford to live in said neighborhood. black lives matter thats why i'm gentrifying your neighborhood

Guess what? It's a jew lawyer

> Science is real
Except when science says there are differences between the TWO GENDERS and between races.

black lives, like everything in our universe, are made of matter. That's real science.


Reminds me of pic related.

burn these houses.

> Science is real
> Black lives matter
The contradiction is strong in here ...

how can that be true when race is a social construct though?

>Science is real
Except when it contradicts my beliefs

>science is real

That's not true. science claims to be a series of inferences from observed facts. That's it.

What the creator of this poster probably meant was 'religion is fake'. Of course it was the religious in the first plce who brought us science. Vincent of Beauvais was asked what would happen if someone bore a whole through the center of the earth and dropped a stone down it. He said it would rest in the center. Thereby admitting his understanding that the earth was a sphere and that he understood gravity, for all those atheist liberals who like to claim Christians weren't scientific.

this is literally the slogan of all of Sup Forums

>in that house they are too cucked to have guns, lets rob them tyrone

Fucking signs like that might as well be the same as sticking your ass in the air in a fag bathroom and expecting not to get fucked

You should burn that shit.

To them Science is some kind of divinity they praise like any other religious man. It's actuammy quite funny about that, they BELIEVE in science or rather what the mouthpieces tell them is science

Put that house in the middle of the nigger part of town and watch them donating Bitcoins to the Daily Stormer in no time.

What I mean to say is inferences aren't 'real'. The observed facts (I.e. A stone falling to the ground repeatedly when you drop it) is an observed fact. Your inference (how you perceive it) is imaginary, and of course all science is is this inference, not the actual fact itself.

Reminder that (((sociology))) is not hard science and thus needs to be thrown out to the garbage bin

their daughters are going to rebel and fuck american good ol boys.
think of the scandal of showing of their white boyfriends to their cuck parents

You have good neighbours.

Here's your song, fuckface....

>love is love
so that means theyre pro NAMBLA?

Sociologist sometimes dont account for race in their data so they end up with many contradictory results. There's a whole study on it that was done recently iirc

kek this

What city?

I'm in Seattle, I see them allllll over my very white, well-to-do neighborhood. There are a few variations at this point.

Interesting juxtaposition occurs here as well on what seems to be the majority of homes with these. They combine OP's sign, a BLM sign....and then the most NIMBY sign I've ever seen decrying the evils of high density, low cost housing that will hurt property values in the neighborhood in the center of a rampant housing crisis.

The one way that black people might actually be able to live in this neighborhood is what they take a stand against.

It's pure virtue signaling and extravagant ignorance/tone deaf behavior.


Very patriarchal

>science is real

then why do you reject science on race and intelligence

Love is love Nazi scum
Unless you're a non white, lesbian or tranny
Gay-straight master race

>our girl

If you need to broadcast how much of a humanitarian and selfless person you are, chances are you're a huge cunt.

Not to be outdone, some snowflakes in my area have opted for the all spanish version

Print this out and leave them around town....

In Seattle, it's people who paid an extra $300K to live in white only neighborhoods who have these. They're trying so hard to compensate.

>black lives matter and no human is illegal
>science is real
Pick 1

underneath them just add

"until shit hits the fan"

add some "stand your ground" imagery for bonus points. Pic related. It took way longer than it shouldve

>science is only real when it supports my agenda

pretty sure murderers are illegal.

Pretty much

Cucksband: "Hey honey, look at this great house in Tacoma! We're liberals, we can live with black people!"
Waifu: "..."
Cucksband: "I...I.. can get a loan, surely this tech bubble will never explode"

Which ultimately means selfless people are removing themselves from the gene pool. William Pierce explained this decades ago.

swear. I live in the ghetto, like nigga shot on my street last month ghetto, and there are more "we must stop killing each other" signs than anything. BLM a close second, and a lot have both

And this is in St. Louis

This thing is, does anyone on any side of any argument ever go against any of these notions?

Black lives don't matter, women shouldn't have human rights, some humans are illegal, science is fake, hate is not love, kindness is nothing.

I mean, has anyone said these things ever unironically!?
Just who the fuck is the target of those posters?

>I'm against racism
Well done, so brave. You're a real inspiration....

>women's rights are human rights
>science is real
>except when science goes against women usurping other human rights by killing them in the womb

>when you've got to virtue signal 24/7

Where's your ancap flag "morality is weakness let's all be dicks to eachother

For example gravity was perceived differently in different era's. The medievals believed all things 'kindly enclyned' toward the center, or towards the earth, that water kindly enclyned together, 'in lyke matter', and that all like matter had a desire to be joined with its fellow self. So water with water, air with air, etc. the didn't actually believe that inanimate objects were sentient or purposive. They saw 4 grades of terrestrial reality: mere existence (as in stones), existence with growth (as in vegetables), existence and growth and sensation (as in beasts), and all of these with reason (as in man).

If we could ask the medieval scientist why he spoke as if he did believe they were sentient, he might (for he was a dialectitcan) counter your question with 'but do you intend your language about laws and obiedience any more literally than I intend mine about kindly enclyning? Do you really believe that a falling stone is aware of a directive issued to it by some legislature and feels either a moral or prudential obligation to conform?'

We then have to admit both ways of expressing the observed facts are metaphorical. The odd thing is that our modern view is the more anthropomorphic of the two. To talk as if inanimate bodies had a homing instinct is to bring them no nearer to us than to pigeons; to talk as if they could 'obey laws' is to treat them like men and even citizens. So in this same sense you can tell a lot about the mindset of each period based on how they view these observed facts.

What I'm getting at: science is simply inferences based on natural phenomena and these inferences differ with each civilization and time. Therefor, science is not 'real'.

nazi is so overused now. you do realize the nazi's haven't been around since the 1940s?

bumper sticky of that could make a pretty penny if you did distribution in certaon regions/gas stations

I have these all over my neighborhood

>target these houses for robberies since they don't own guns

thanks for the gibs

i can't imagine being so invested in a politician that you bawl when they lose

>What city?
Grand Rapids.
I live in a fairly half n half neighborhood with middle-class to semi-low class. Every now and then I'll see another sign along with "No matter where you're from, we're glad you're our neighbor (then the same thing in Arbic(?)) pop up around here. I don't have a problem with people believing what they want but it's like they're desperately trying to PROVE to others they have no quail with race, gender, politics, etc in the wake of Trumps win. At least that's what it comes off as to me.

You right wingers and your retarded theories.

The world has only become more selfless as time has gone on. I'll give you a real explanation from decades ago that doesn't crumble under a second of scrutiny. "The arc of the moral universe may be long, but it bends toward justice." No thanks to quitters like you.

Well as long as they only believe on what's on the sign and not any extra "white, cis, het devil" bullshit, then all the power too them.

>science is simply inferences

No it isn't. Not even in medieval times.

Science creates models of predictability, that's all it does. It never infers anything, to infer something would make the result completely worthless.

Both scientists in the past and present both agree that the stone falls and theirs a number of constants that can be used to create predictability.

The metaphysics behind it is NOT science, it's philosophy.


>be libtard
>wants to have an individualistic household
>also wants communism
>has government regulated houses

Really made me think

>science is real
unless it hurts their feels

See how considerately he closes that cupboard door? He waz a gud boy

>science is real

After I read my post again I see that's what I was really talking about, and that you are correct.

But what I am getting at is that the modern view really focuses only on the metaphysics's and draws universal statements from them. We have essentially discovered all the observed facts we can that occur naturally on our planet. In a sense these have been understood by men since the beggining of humanity, in one way or another. The facts and phenomena of nature do not change. How we understand, categorize, and perceive them does.

You must admit someone who would post this sign in there yard would be much more inclined and interested in metaphysics of science then the actual facts behind them. They believe the metaphysics of science are the actual 'science'. And that isn't true. That is what I am getting. Perhaps I explained it poorly

Racism is not science.

Aw, poor baby is offended ;(

There are biological differences between the races and anyone that denies that is anti-science.

>Science is real
>Apart from human biology, probability, genetics and anything else that challenges the liberal religion.

How many times you need to be debunked? There's no point to do it anymore because you're childish and ignore it.

I think the entire sign was moral grandstanding. The "science is real" part could mean anything, as could anything else on there.
Maybe they're trying to lend credence to their point of view, implying "I believe in science there fore I'm rational" or something. Ironically, the sign it's self shows their actions and words don't really line up.

Please, debunk it.
Why are Asians so damn smart?

I googled it one time and came across Global Warming articles. I assumed that what it was to begin with.

Africans have the most abundant continent on the planet, yet they've never built a structure more complex than mud and straw. They're exactly the same as every other race that's built magnificent structures for thousands of years.

Don't forget that German Shepherds and Pitbulls are exactly the same too! I mean, they can breed so they must be the same right?!

I personally also perceived 'science is science' as some sort of global warming virtue signaling

Move to a black country and come back and tell me if you learned anything about advanced Earth Organisms and their differences when bred for thousands of generations independent of eachother.

Then we'll talk science.

Tell a hoodrat these are the houses with $ and no guns.

I've seen two houses around Reeds Lake with this sign.
There will be a lot of dry leaves on the ground soon, good for starting fires.

>some phrenology bullshit from the 19th century was debunked
>"lol, racyss, all your argument are debunked forever"
>ignores IQ distributions

Looks like the liberal/enlightenment ideology taken to its logical conclusion.