Italian Sup Forums once again?

Sup Forums italiano?

Dato che in italia manca un gruppo alt right, che possa in qualche modo contrastare la propaganda che ci pervade, abbiamo deciso di creare un canale telegram con un gruppo allegato, in modo da poterci passare quella conoscenza da cui la società ci vuole tenere all'oscuro.

Other urls found in this thread:

Thats hilarious how we are handling these immigrants coming here everyday

Italy is basically getting raped

Istria, Fiume e Dalmazia, Ragusa, Zara e Pola, Carne e sangue del Italia eiaeiaalala

we r done


>alt right
Mi spieghi che intendi per alt-right?
Perché non vuold dire molto ora come ora...
ci stanno tanti gruppetti che un po' ci assomigliano


sto finocchio

vuoi fare meme italiani?
Lascia perdere pepe. Ci si azzecca molto poco.

Più che altro italianizza roba simile.

Fucking nice. Do we have more Salvini pepes?

ciò che intendo per alt right è quella destra condannata dall' hate speech appunto come una destra "estrema". Cerchiamo di aiutare nel passaggio di informazione come le realtà che tutti conosciamo in America, ma non vediamo molto sviluppate in Italia (pagine facebook come sinistra cazzate e libertà non ci rispecchiano)
is it true you guys are a bunch of Babylonians?

allora hai tutti i gruppi fasci tipo casapound, forza nuova, poi fratelli d'italia, lega nord, generazione identitaria, partito antislamico, il vescovo ortodosso Meluzzi... eh boh.

vattene mangiaspaghetti. fammi 'na pizza come tuo nonno qui in america. minghia minghia stuu cazzuu itaglianuu mannaggia la puttana fracica tua mammt fa bel pompino pompa pompa pompa


anche questa è una buona idea. Stavo pensando di fare dei finti mini-manifesti/stickers (solo che non so poi come incollarli in modo che tengano a lungo) in stile centri sociali in cui si dice che gli Italiani razzisti verranno rimpiazzati dai migranti e che bisogna essere solidali con loro per combattere il fascismo, o qualcosa di questo tipo.

Qualcuno ha qualche idea su come incollarli? Poi se piace l'idea posso postarli qua e altri si possono mettere a incollarli

esattamente, ma sono di nicchia e non hanno canali o gruppi telegram. Questo è ciò che tentiamo di riprendere, uno scambio di informazioni rapido senza metterci troppo la faccia come su facebook.

More like bullshit

Anche Nizza, Savoia, Corsica e Malta.


Si farebbe prima a fare una /itg/ qui su Sup Forums, o creare una piattaforma nuova che consenta delle connessioni. Un bel casino.

No sadly. Search a fb page called Make Italy Great Again


>tfw living in Nizza
Non conviene riprendersela.
è pieno di arabi e negri

Come funziona telegram e dove trovo il gruppo?

Seems pretty substantial like name records and laws romans enacted. But I found it really interesting that the author makes the case that stoicism is 'asiatic' and it's increasing acceptability marks racial change.


il gruppo è (come scritto nella descrizione del canale), telegram è un app di messaggistica con enormi funzionalità in più a whatsapp (infatti in crescita del 150% l'anno) ma in caso ti spiego meglio li

nero giù, può fare di più

polentone bimbominkia nelle botti piccole ci sta il vino buono... povero incapace

Io vivo in un paese della EU. you complain about migrants while our country is full of italian migrants

this is what italians do in my country

>singing in large groups in streets
>the only guys approaching every fuckin women in clubs at 2am
>screaming and shouting in their flats


>charcoal BBQ EVERY FUCKING DAY in densely populated areas (internal yard of condominium for example)

ci va più qualcosa tipo la mia immagine credo.
Dobbiamo far finta di essere dei veri antifa/centri sociali.
Se poi riuscissimo a tirare in abllo il PD con roba tipo "il PD è fascista ma lo supportiamo lo stesso per fermare la destra extrema. Morte a Salvini e al fascismo!" sarebbe ideale. Magari si possono davvero dare manifesti del genere a un paio di centri sociali e se sono coglioni li attaccano davvero

inb4 the thread gets shoah'd

immagine correlata

qualcuno ci faccia un loss edit pls

No, the vast majority of Italian's genetics are native, including the 'moorish' southerners (in fact there is virtually no 'moorish' DNA in Italy).

The 'Semitic' genes come from Greece, Anatolia and the Levant. However these genes aren't semitic, as everything 'semitic' north of Yemen/South-West Saudia Arabia is not genetically 'Semitic'.

Pre-Indo Europeans are the ONLY population in Europe to not be directly related to west-asians, and these people's closest genetic relatives are fucking Dravidians, Abos and Papua New Niggers. Their highest concentrations are in Scandinavia, Sardinia and Parts of Romania. They do however lack the Denisovan component that Abos have and are likely what Abos were like before they intermixed with people carrying Denisovan DNA in South Asia.

Tipically those are southern italians
and yea they r still like this
or at least most of them are

"asia" was kinda the greek world, that actually influenced completely Rome.


i am really curious...what is this addiction to BBQ you guys have???

it is stronger than the addiction to heroin. supernatural addiction

Ragazzi, un po' di PILLOLE ROSSE


gli buttiamo via con i francesi

Razzismo contro gli italiani

BBQ = barbeque?

We just love cook and eat in company, bbq it's the easiest thing to do.



nice, lo faremo


1) do not post here in italian or you'll be banned
2)no need to use telegram or social network
3)there are italian chans and some of them are nearly deserted, it's just easier to go to their Sup Forums board and start posting there
4) the best time to open a thread for italians here is not the morning, but afternoon and sundays

Hello chaps! Anything new with the African cuck who was rocky balboad by the Italian bambini mafiosso?

There is a rule that can make you be banned if you don't speak english?
Where I can see it?


Are any of you handsome? I heard Italians were sexy. ;)

are you a woman or a faggot?

Try searching in FAQs and rules on the homepage.

There are two main italian chans founded many years ago

They both a have a Sup Forums board.
Niuchan has an active moderation, so I don't know if they will allow a growth of the users with a Sup Forumsack tendency.
Diochan's Sup Forums is deserted, the only board active board there is Sup Forums (which is already overrun with Sup Forumsacks by the way) and there is no moderation.
There is also an italian board on 8 ch, it's small and they are pretty stiff in their moderation, they want everybody to use their own personal chanspeak, pretty annoying to be honest.

What are you talkin about

both id say

there was a thread yesterday about that young italian bullying a nigger and filmed by someone who posted it on facebook

>they fell for the fascim meme

Watch it pirate, we invented that shit

(((MSM))) are pushing it to try to ignite some indignation against the racist italian bully, but with no significant result since there's been a streak of rapes and violence by the dindus and (((MSM))) is not shutting them down fast enough.

Barbara Lerner Spectre subbed in Ita, to you guys.
Tell me if I translated badly.

100% correct mate

most of the italian didn't saw it, spread it.

How does telegram work? Do you have to leave email/phone number/make a subscription?

use discord for browser

It's a no-no for me.
Chans are better, completely anonymous and requires no subscription.
Using social networks and messaging services for polical discussion is the first step for being targeted and doxxed.
Thank you for the effort but I suggest you go check the italians chans first.
Proselitism is good, but actual discussion and action is not good on social networks.

Plz, speak English you Pinoccios

I told OP already.
He is new.

tl;dr me on the state of Italia, I'm learning Italian at the moment via duolingo and want to know if the language will exist in 15 years.
Also how are migrants usually treated in Italy? Meds are usually less tolerant of niggery than nordcucks

italy will never die out completely as italians take too much pride in their heritage
and yeah, most people don't like boat nigs at all and are vocal about it
the latest nigging with the rimini rapes and shit is souring the public opinion too



Other question, Germans are cucked into oblivion if any of them dare even mention Hitler or anything he did that was remotely positive. What about Mussolini? I know his granddaughter works in the parliament for a right wing party but what about modern public view of Il Duce.
Does the new right in Italy have any relevant presence?

Pretty well, but the welfare is not retard like swedish or Germanian.

Actually Italians are pretty tollerant, but they get relative quickly mad at some point. We are full of lefties btw.

We're way too divided as it is and probably that's our strength: we don't really see each others eye to eye, you can imagine with a sandnigger.
Also we can be vocal about despising nigs and all minorities without facing concequences, don't listen to the shill kikes, it is not as bad as the UK or Germany where if you say something peculiar you'll get arrested. Though it could be better. It could always be.
About the Dux many miss him, many diss him, not really knowing what he was about, but know that he isn't as demonized as Hitler in Germany at least by the average Joe. We don't have a new right.
That's a problem.
>I voted "yes" to see something change!

That was commies back in 1930-s.

yeah, pretty much like britbongistan or crautilandia. lel

Ok. I know very little about Italian politics, but I will say that you guys have some of the best food on the planet.

Hope you folks have a good day.


what is it? discord?



for discord same as for telegram (see here )

Giulio (Ion), I know you're in here somewhere lmao

Italians are NOT white.

Romanian are NOT white

l' alt right esiste solo nella mente dei ritardati americani, qui puoi dire quel cazzo che ti pare e alla peggio ti tolgono il like su facebook

>All'Italia manca un gruppo alt-right
>Cos'è Casapound
>Cos'è la Lega
>Cos'è Forza Nuova

destra nazionalista
>forza nuova
Scusate ma chi vuole l'alt right?
I ritardati del ''le kekistani xdddd'' sono inutili per noi

fuckin newfags speak english or mods will delete this thread

this is a stupid filo and it would be perfetto if they just throw it into the cassonetto
l' alt right va bene solo per i meme


we had some of the best parties in the world like the PNF...if only

There used to be a professor at the University that I go to that had a Mussolini bust in his office.


Well by Alt-right I understood anything further right than Grillo
Not the actual American definition of Alt-Right as a group

You are NOT white. You can NOT deny it.

In fact we don't need to form a new party (called alt-right or whatever you like) but to simply try to merge the ones that already exist into one coalition to BTFO the leftists.
And to do so we could use this Sup Forums or go to some italian chan using our language and cooking up some italy related memes.

Everyone is further right than grillo wtf
We just need the PNF back

as long as it isnt a relevant public politician doing some strong fascist apologize together with a pol-tier speech, it's not really enforced
duce memes are normal both on fb and irl, you can buy gadgets of benito and even if commies will maybe glare at you that will be it

la lega è un fantoccio, casapound e forza nuova sono irrilevanti
coalizione inutile

You gotta start somewhere

io direi che la nostra migliore speranza è Meloni con l'FdI
Anche se voglio il PNF

We need to ban ANPI and un-ban the PNF.
Then we have to make the initial plan of Benito reality: he wanted to form the Italian Social Republic before the assassination of Matteotti,the dux wanted to end the mono-party system and invite even socialists in the parliament.
But (((someone))) had to kill Matteotti and everything went to shit.