We need to clean the slate

Extremism on both sides, left and right, has caused America and the rest of the civilized world to become a mess.

The left swims in its own filth now, inciting violence against all who do not believe in their ideologies while having so many that there is no coherent goal. Beating your fellows on the street for having differing opinions is not how you solve problems. It only drives more to the other side. Just because you're in a group does not make you any more than skinny, weak-minded and weak-hearted fools causing property damage. These so-called 'Neo-Nazis' have opinions that are just as valid as yours no matter if they're racist, misogynist, transphobicist, istist or however many other buzzwords you can stick an -ist after to scare people into agreeing with you to keep their jobs.

The right has been invaded by the same mental illness that they condemn in the left, albeit in a different form. Losing your sense of self in blind hatred of people who are different to you makes you just as much of a fool as the people you think are fools. 'White genocide' is about as realistic as 'dinosaur cloning'. This is not a genocide of whites. It is a genocide of the middle class who have the funds and looks to be called 'privileged', but don't have the political power to fight back.

We need to clear this country of all extremists, no matter their place on the political spectrum or where their place of origin is.

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So....you're advocating centrist extremism...claps.

Also, it is a genocide of whites. Look at any statistics. It's bad for europe too. Low birthrates + massive migration from Africa and MIddle East and Asia

The world has more of these other races than it does whites. These people want better conditions that their home countries cannot supply, so they come to Western countries and bring their idiotic religions and traditions with them. Its the politicians who condone their violence and the violence of leftist groups that are the real problem. They just don't know any better.

Also, not everything needs to be extreme? Why can't we just phase them out of relevancy by properly educating children and promoting individual and free thought?

Elephants and donkeys were created by the Devil.

Two sides of the same problem debating on which is worse.

>He doesn't know that intelligence is mostly hereditary


youre right. we need to solve the extremism from the left by physically separating ourselves from it


this kinda looks like genocide to me
what do people think is going to happen to all these extra people?
they are going to flood the west

I suppose that's why it has a .5 correlation with brain size, right?

Either way you must surely see that this will cause complications as it correlates highly with wages, and also welfare dependency.

That wouldn't work in present society. Not all leftists look like clowns.There needs to be legitimate debate and growth.

Drones>Numbers. Not all of them are going to come to the West.

That's implying people from these other countries are actually inferior and it isn't just us being prideful.

its not that i think white people are superior
its that i dont like non white people
and denying whites a homeland is cruel and sadistic

Also unfortunately, if whites don't start having more children, this is what will happen. Its happened before with the Italians, and now a lot of Italian-Americans from 50-60 years back are considered American. These things happen in phases, and are normalized. Fight it all you want to, but its simply the way the world works.

Its okay to not like things. But don't be a dick about the things you don't like.

ill be curious how many people fall for this obvious, pitiful fallacy

notice that Satan lies by telling you some things that are true, and neglects tiny details that are necessary to make good decisions

the JEWS are the worshippers of Satan, they're more than happy to convince you that you're wise because you don't act like idiot #1 or idiot #2

until you identify their evil in a way that normal people can understand, you can't actually get anything done


The jews worship YHVH, which is a stricter and more conservative version of the God you worship today.

Yes, that's the way the world works.

>'White genocide' is about as realistic as 'dinosaur cloning'.
no. it is very real, and not just in our minds.
>This is not a genocide of whites. It is a genocide of the middle class who have the funds and looks to be called 'privileged', but don't have the political power to fight back.
when stupid lefties want to talk about stuff but dont know what to say they turn it into capitalism

if anything middle class should be eradicated
>muh kids muh family more important than x
>cant touch em
>everywhere you go their poorly brought up kids are making a mess
>hurrr kids be kidsss yo
>"baby on board stickers"
>but they drive like maniacs
>or like people who forgot the entirety of road regulations a week after getting the licence
>will always prefer safety rather than freedom
>will always vote moderate good-for-nothings that wear suits and sit on their asses and smile
>thats all they do
>muh kid has ADHD school needs to cater down to his standards
>they think the world should bend around to make their life more comfortable
>they make the worst economic choices and expect welfare to cover for their mistakes
and the list goes on.

You'll need to be more specific than 'these countries', East Asians for example have higher IQs on average relative to European populations. Further more, I have based my conclusions on objective data. I have not arrived at these conclusions, for example, because I believe something arbitrary like the English language to be objectively superior to Spanish, or Arabic, or what have you. So no, I am not being 'prideful'.

As for your claim on inferiority, this is only half-true from my perspective. All humans, as per evolution, are adapted to their environments as ideally as possible. To deny this is to deny the theory of evolution, which places you in the same basket as creationists.

For example, Europeans have longer noses with smaller nostrils in order to warm the air we breath due to Europe's cold climate, whereas Africans do not need to impede their ability to breath.

These different environments have also resulted in variances in intelligence, and variances in types of intelligences. It also just so happens that these qualities, among others, are necessary for stable, prosperous civilisations.

If you're lucky, this can be solved with genetic modification, but I really don't see why its in the interest of Europeans and their descendants to retard their development like this.

Satan is also a creation of God/YHVH/Yaldaboath made to test and judge humanity by causing disasters and unleashing demons, which is the evil and cruel system you are endorsing by worshipping the Sophiac Demiurge.

and it can only be solved with a white homeland
i think its extremist to say whats happening now is fine
advocating for white separatism is a moderate position


> This is not a genocide of whites.
Oh yes it is. White people are the smallest race of people on earth already. We are 1 billion people total on the planet. There is more of EVERY other race on earth. And in ever country, EVERY COUNTRY, we reside, we are told we are to become a minority.
That's called genocide.
Genocide = the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group.
Sticking your head in the sand about it? Makes you part of the problem, not the solution.

Do you really want to be reduced to the state of Israel?

You are the minority in the world. Nobody is going out of their way to kill you, though. When you're being pulled over and murdered on the spot for being white, then you can claim genocide.

No we are to become a minority in our own countries. Not the mention anti-white rhetoric is EXTREME, and institutionalized in nearly all white nations.
Do you know what happens to a minority population who suffers institutionalized racism?
Your kids are gonna find out. Moron.

I'm black.

Also, if whites do indeed become a minority, then so be it. That, too, will be another chapter in human history.

Oh well then I guess it doesn't matter to you that all white nations are going to become less white.
But then, I assume you live there. Among them.
Hey, do you know what countries look like with a white minority? Why don't you go look. Because that's what your kids have to look forward to. Better than mine of course. My children will probably be hunted down in the street.
Your children will simply live in third world conditions, no middle class existing, the Jews cackling as they rule the planet and your stupid asses too.
The only thing that keeps your kind from the Jew leash? Is white people. Better figure out what's happening before it's too late.
The civilization you live in, is being purposefully wrecked. And it's white.

The fact that you can't grasp even the basic fundamentals that white genocide is a very real and pervasive threat means you're either a beaner or a shill. You're way too fucking obvious.

Your use of insults and ad hocs isn't making the outlook for your race any better. And I quite like white people. Beautiful race. Could use a bit of a more worldly view on things, though.

Buzzwords. Classy.

>Extremism on both sides, left and right, has caused America
fuck off we're gearing up for the 4th turning total war


Did the point fly over your head entirely? More of a WORDLY view?
Oh we have a worldly view alright. We see what's coming. Trying to wake black people up to what they are going to suffer? Not happening.
I'd say about 1% of you seem to actually get it.

I could go for my first bowl of nuclear fallout popcorn right now.

This "extremism" is just a parody of politics. For both side these ideology are functional surrogates political involvement. People haven't had to experience objectively radical or hard politics for generations.

The public at large is lost in a sea of political meaningless at this point. The difference or indifference of public opinion no longer correlates to the importance of an issue.

People don't give a shit about foreign or monetary politics because the issues are so remote. It's generally known that these are important fields, but media consciousness doesn't foster abstract issues. It's much easier to get people to kill each other in the streets over whether tranny restrooms should be public policy. It's an issue that's more proximal and digestible.

I think the left/right dichotomy is purely aesthetic at this point. It's surrogate political involvement for the small minority that actually takes part. To the rest of the public it's just entertainment and allows for aesthetic political surrogates to align themselves with.

In general though, the public is apathetic. They'll do nothing more than form an opinion and bicker on Facebook. Life goes on the same regardless.

Are you tacitly admitting that this is a bad thing? The holocaust, black death, and spread of Old World diseases to the Americas were also just 'chapters in history'.

You must also realise that whites are the only race in the West that are systemically discriminated against - do you think that this will cease to occur when they become a minority?

Do you actually want a group of people to suffer this badly, especially the ones largely responsible for the quality of life you enjoy in the States (that isn't to say that African-Americans haven't contributed, mind you)?


Oh, believe me. I'm not eager to have muslim neighbors and communities near me. I have a rare moderate muslim friend, and his 'brothers' are fucking insane.

Anyways some may say so, but as a white nationalist it's not YOU I'm after.
I want the fucking Jews. I know what they did to your people. I fucking see it. And now? They do it to mine. Whites should have done more but we didn't see it. Not until it was happening to us.
Your culture and people have been viciously corrupted. With a will. They now turn on the whites. Filling our white media with the same exact kind of bile and shit that turned your people entirely rotten.
They'll bring us all down low. All the goy.
It's the plan.
And you can joke about it all you want. But your people are to made slaves again. You won't notice as much because everyone else will be slaves too. And there'll be no collars or leeches on your necks. But they'll be there all the same.

deport Rupert Murdoch, #1 Enemy of the People, Freedom and Liberty, demolish Fox News, reinstate the Fairness Doctrine,

Waterboard Hannity Limbaugh Savage-Weiner


>the only

I couldn't care less about what you do to the jews. Go right ahead.



Yes, everyone is aware of this. What's your point?

there is NOTHING natural about this
its EXTREMIST to say so

America is diseased, rotten to the core, there's no saving it

No, its logical. Mexico is directly south of us and its a shithole. Of course people are going to want ot go somewhere better.

What buzzwords exactly? I hope you didn't expect an actual lengthy response other than fuck off with your obvious bullshit. Spend more than a day here or gtfo before you start posting horse shit that isn't true. Quit shitting up this board with your drivel, faggot.

I've been saying since last spring, this job won't be finished until both parties burn to the water-line and 75%+ of each one's membership is forced out and barred from ever coming back.
Democrat and Republican parties need to get emptied out and rebuilt from the ground up, the current members have been compromised for longer than many anons have been alive.

Its not as bad as that yet. There is turmoil, but we just need the right President to step up and be able to listen and compromise between both sides.


Hey, someone who both agrees and isn't offended that I'm skeptical about white genocide. Nice.

Slow-genocide is real though, it's not as if there's some dark concentration camp where whites are secretly gassed or something, but the campaign of replacing what is already a numerical minority is certainly underway and plainly obvious in the words and actions of certain individuals who, through influence, are able to recruit regular people into the cause through brainwashing into them the idea that whites are responsible for the world's ills and should therefore be breed out over the next several generations. This is occurring while the genetic pools of the white population overseas are themselves being flooded with the apparent purpose of ruining the lineages of an entire kind of people.

But that aside, at least we both recognize the party system as trash, as all anons should. GOP and DNC need to get gutted.

there's nothing at all logical about this
you have been brainwashed
why would we accept those people?

imagine you create a perfectly functioning village in the middle of nowhere with your 5 best friends. 50 years later you're overlooking a thriving self-sustaining community of hundreds of wonderful people that look just like you.

Do you:
A. enjoy it
B. seek to import hundreds of mexicans

Of course they WANT to go somewhere better.
And I'm not fine with them having somewhere better to go to. Why...what a callous and mean thing to say.
No really.
A place a people come from they bring with them. Read that carefully.
If they can't manage a functioning and healthy society on their own I see not how they would add to ours beneficially. In fact I assume the contrary.
When you mix every culture together, you'll get solid color. A solid flavor eventually. Everything will balance out over time. Good healthy societies will turn far less healthy and good. Horrid societies will find themselves in a SLIGHTLY better situation. But we will all suffer equally in what is to come. Not that it will.
Whites are waking up.

>centrist extremism
Maybe some people just think that both abolishing private property and sending niggers to gas chambers is bad. It's not extremism. Extremism would be if he was hating people for being a bit to the left or to the right.
>muh graphs
Surprise surprise, people who live in shitholes want to live in the 1st world, damn, you sure showed him. Maybe, just maybe you could make tighter imigration laws (trump is doing exactly that: you need a masters degree in stem, have a job offer, know english perfectly), add a limit to the number of imigrants per year and send illegals back. Problem solved ! It's not an argument for 14/88. That would be that the gays hurt your feefees.

Finally, some sense. And from an Anarcho-Cap at that.
