Please troll this

Oregon goon squads want to keep tabs on you. Seems like they need a little trolling.

Extremist groups with dangerous agendas are setting their sights on Oregon. They’re spending big money to attack workers, women, immigrant communities, and Oregon families with a series of destructive ballot measures.
We won’t be able to fight back unless we know what our opponents are up to, and we’ll need your help to stay informed.
If you’ve seen circulators collecting signatures or leafletting around town, for an anti-worker, anti-gun safety, anti-immigrant, anti-choice or anti-healthcare measure, it helps our efforts to know as much about it as possible. Fill out this form with as much information as you can.

Other urls found in this thread:


I would be a shame if they got flooded with reports.


Penis taxes are the worst!


FYI, Oregon's area codes are 541 and 458, so when you're filling in the phone number they'll see you're actually from Oregon.

Also zip codes are numbers between 97001-97920

For full list see

That link is good. It tells you all the zip codes and then each of their corresponding area codes. It'll make it so they can't just instantly throw out any forms that don't instantly look like they came from an Oregoner

ave a bump
Maybe say they're passing out leaflets showing statistics that show black abortion rates under the heading: SAVE BLACK BABIES

Or how about stats showing the gay bashing rates under the headline: GAYS NEED GUNS

Scramble the leftwing brain

Have a bump OP

did my part.

posted about how planned parenthood tried to sell me an abortion for my black islamic fetus and steal muh jew goldz for tax scam

A notorious Klan leader has announced a plan to form lynch mobs to ethnically cleanse Portland on September 11th. The racists at Fox News and CNN refuse to report this horrible hate monger because they are afraid of his uncle, Donald Trump. Don't let Sam Hyde get away with it.

Do yourself a favor and research/keep tabs on your local INFRAGARD chapter

I did my part. I hope the rest of you have the courage to stand up to HATE.

>anti-gun safety

I'm an actual Oregonian, I want to know what these measures are so, I can vote in favor of them, I want to turn this state into Montana, Area code for Portland metro is 503 btw.

I bet if you set up a dummy email and asked them they would send you all of their literature. I understand your desire.

t. Montanan

503 is also a valid area code

These guys nee our help

alert them of this.


You are a world leader in tolerance.

fbi considers antifa a domestic terrorist group now. report marxists

Remember, guys, you can submit pictures to this survey! Be sure to give them your highly sophisticated and well sourced pictures on these """Campaigners"""!


You realize that this is basically the Stasi right ?

What pictures should I attach?



Ol Israel Goldstein ran into guys that told him this

in Eugene Oregon

"They told me that Jews were behind illegal immigration to depress the wages of black and white people and create profit for big banks and corportations then tie everyone to the welfare system like walmart does for their employees.

They said that Jews are behind the push for immigration because if everyone of all the different races are fighting amongst themselves they won't notice the jewish banks robbing them blind especially with almost all left and right news run by jews and owned by corporations."

Please post similar stuff and that you saw them in Eugene


Real picture.

David Duke has been visiting Oregon to set up sleeper cells of the KKK in the Portland metro.


Homophobia needs to stop.

Have a bump from overseas.

i salute you sir

97620 This is literally the middle of nowhere, nobody lives their, and the people who do are very very conservative. use Portland metro and Eugene Metro area codes, that iss where the clucks are at.

Corvallis would also be valid, OSU is there

That's my Alma mater.

It's gotten worse

How'd I do?

I know, I was there in 2009


Nicely done, user-kun