What are some other BASED anti-muslim, Christian fundamentalists like Adolf Hitler

What are some other BASED anti-muslim, Christian fundamentalists like Adolf Hitler

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You're an American and you believe Adolf Hitler is based. Ok.

You dumbass.
Hitler said that he wished Christianity was more like Islam.

FUCK this shill poisoning natsoc ideals, fuck off.



Hitler was neutral on Islam and didn't like Christianity. But okay, you can find a quote here or there proving your case.

"We will have to deal with Christianity in a tougher way than hitherto. We must settle accounts with this Christianity, this greatest of plagues that could have happened to us in our history, which has weakened us in every conflict. If our generation does not do it then it would I think drag on for a long time. We must overcome it within ourselves. Today at Heydrich's funeral I intentionally expressed in my oration from my deepest conviction a belief in God, a belief in fate, in the ancient one as I called him - that is the old Germanic word: Wralda.

We shall once again have to find a new scale of values for our people: the scale of the macrocosm and the microcosm, the starry sky above us and the world in us, the world that we see in the microscope. The essence of these megalomaniacs, these Christians who talk of men ruling this world, must stop and be put back in its proper proportion. Man is nothing special at all. He is an insignificant part of this earth. If a big thunderstorm comes, he can do nothing about it. He cannot even predict it. He has no idea how a fly is constructed - however unpleasant, it is a miracle - or how a blossom is constructed. He must once again look with deep reverence into this world. Then he will acquire the right sense of proportion about what is above us, about how we are woven into this cycle.

Then, on a different plane, something else must happen: we must once again be rooted in our ancestors and grandchildren, in this eternal chain and eternal sequence. By rooting our people in a deep ideological awareness of ancestors and grandchildren we must once more persuade them that they must have sons. We can do a very great deal. But everything that we do must be justifiable vis-à-vis the clan, our ancestors. If we do not secure this moral foundation which is the deepest and best because the most natural, we will not be able to overcome Christianity on this plane and create the Germanic Reich...

Wow, so salty. You cucks need to read Mein Kampf

>Christian fundamentalists
That's not what that word means nigger

Also "Positive Christianity" throws the old testement away. It didn't work though. It was all Jewish

I'm not a retard so no v

So before he could voice his true opinions, cool.

It's funny, the enabling act that gave Hitler the right to become a dictator and forego the parliament, was passed only because the Zentrumspartei, a large centre-right party close to the Catholic church, also voted for it. They said they would only approve it if they could have a promise in writing that the role of the Catholic church wouldn't be diminished. By the time voting started they still hadn't gotten that piece or paper but were told it was being typed up. Of course they never saw it and their party was made illegal shortly after.

Imagine being so cucked that you literally vote for your own demise. Weak Christfags in a nutshell.

I like how their religious views are ALWAYS a reflection of the posters on these threads

>fedora tier metal theme pic
>hates Christianity
>goes with obvious biases against it

You're so stereotypically one dimensional, it hurts.

absolutely fucking bro tier.

He would find the concept of a white race ridiculous. Seeing as he loved the Japanese but saw slavs as vermin.

He was pro-German/pro-Nordic race at most.

>Germany declares war on Poland. Poland had already gobbled up part of Lithuania and the Slovakian lands.
>USSR invades as well

>France and Britain declare war on the country that suspended property rights, freedom of religion, expression, speech, purges it's own people, causes intentional and unintentional famines, destroys tradition and nationalism?
>Britain and France declare war on Germany


>""The race struggle is the primal one, and the class struggle secondary. The last dominating race is the German."

>falling for literal Stalinist propaganda

No m8, Slavic was a mixture of eastern and western influences, and the positive influences he thought he saw were from the western migrations. Look at Russian nobles, many of them were Germanic and often enough even had Germanic names

You fucking morons are retarded Hitler loved the Muslims. This is the Grand Mufti of Palestine meeting with Hitler
>pic related

And you think one picture of Hitler and a mudslime validates his appreciation for others? What kind of jump the gun world do you live in?

Hitler would never support muslims, SS Handjar and SS Skanderberg are hoaxes

^OP pic is related to the opposite, senpai
