Friendly reminder that Rick is a Bernie bro


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Because everyone in Northern europe is a genius and nobody is sick (not)
Also it's not free. We are being taxed for everything. There was a thread about panic gas prices in houston area, the price was danish standard price

Also Rick is clearly somewhere near anarchist/libertarian. It's clearly said that he dislikes government.

>It's clearly said that he dislikes government.
And jews apparently. In an "ironic" or "haha" manner, of course. Rick is as much /ourguy/ right now, as any mainstream fictional character has the potential to be, ever.
That said, OP pls stop with he retarded shit. A fucking cartoon character is not going to convince anyone, especially if you lie about it. Don't forget to sage.

>dislike government
>"the government should control the lives of people so that equal outcome is guaranteed"

Libertarian socialism is wanting to eat your cake and have it too.

if college were free nobody would know to appreciate it and education would go to hell
not to even talk about how would the budget pay for it
im not even right wing, but this kind of utopianism is somehting id expect from a 11 yearold from a liberal hosuehold

>free college
>everyone would be geniuses
This is what libshits actually believe.

Make him Oswald Mosley from BUF
It kinda look like him, if you take off the glasses, but the mustache and the black clothes


Or a Hitler Rick.

why do they say the other character's name after like every other clause.

No presidents will ever deal with the College bubble, sorry OP.

I'm from the future by the way.

Never understood this retarded characterization. Rick is a strawman ancap if anything.

Why the fuck do cringey fandoms always have to ruin decent shows?

Make Rick Oswald Mosley again.

>advocating turn-style (re)education
even reddit doesnt watch the show apparently


Rick is Ancap you retard


>school will make low iq people into high iq people.
Incorrect. Also who's gonna empty the rubbish bins when everyone's a genius?

time to get auschwifty


Trotsky said that after the revolution there would be a Kant on every street corner - that turned out just great didn't it.

How about now? Most people these days go to college and if anything the general IQ of the West has been rapidly descending.

I can't imagine how free college would make anyone a genius.
If anything it would make the colleges even more left wing. Now if you could find a way to pay for trade schools in impoverished cities and teach the people there to better themselves, I would be all for that.

Why do Sup Forumsacks like this show? Isn't it for redditors?

Nobody cares about youre shitty cartoon, now pls go back to redit.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

W-We have to kill them Morty.
It's either them or us Morty. They want's to push COMMUNISM on us Morty. I will show us a way out of this, imagine what we can m-*burpppp* make if we unite everyone to fight them!

Obviously a jew would support communism.

It's funny to rick post because I can hear his voice inside my head while I read it. I bet normies do too. How can we exploit this????


You should open a pasta restaurant.

Ravoli to go plz

>being this out of touch with both reality AND fictional worlds

He sells weapons for money and destroys governments because he hates being told what to do.

He literally gets drunk and shows his power level in the show, calling Isreal "the greatest evil nobody wants to talk about". (And when called out by the normies he does the same shit we do, save face and be all like "I was just joking yeah but there are some things that make sense just saying..."

He also believes there is no such thing as right or wrong, and he spits in the face of emotions and morality.

He is most definitely Anarcho-Liberitarian and anyone who says otherwise is not capable of authentic character analysis.

What's with this forced meme?

Does ShareBlue really think Rick and Morty fans are retarded enough to think an extremely superficial resemblance (pale skin, old, that's it) to Sanders is going to make fans forget that Rick takes every opportunity shit on the basic concept of government and has literally destroyed entire societies because they were trivially inconvenient to them?

You'd have a better argument comparing Rick to Antifa. At least they're both remorseless, unrepentant terrorists

We should exploit it and make Rick fashy

>hates government
>drunken anti-semitic rants
>considers himself a god
>hates therapeutic ideology
>does crazy business schemes regardless of how dangerous they are
>walks around with a personal arsenal of mass destruction including neutrino nukes
He's /ourguy/, statist bootlicker

True, so why don't you make ancap rick memes already, faggot?

Because comparing a political ideology to a fictional character shows arrested development.

Listen Morty, I was wrong about everything. Travelling around having drunk sex with aliens has given me super aids, promise you won't end up like me. Christ is the way. You have to let Christ into your heart Morty. Go to church and contribute to your local community Morty.

I miss Goof Troop too user.

how does Rick resemble Bernie in any way? They're like diametrically opposed to one another.

Bernie - "free shit and equality for all"
Rick - "I'm better than you in every conceivable way and it's your own fucking fault you aren't as good as me. Read it and weep, sucker"

Rick is basically a selfish an-cap. Pretty much the furthest thing away from statist socialism

Dude the creator is a jew.Typical new york liberal. Look up his nazi rant on yt.


Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...

This was some bernie bro meme back during the election not share blue

Yes, because college makes people geniuses who don't lie, aren't sick, and hate no one. Not only is this image retarded for comparing a literally ancap to a socialist, but also retarded for thinking socialism works.

He's not fashy either. He's just a nihilist.

That's quite literally wrong, IQ has been increasing in the west steadily, 100IQ of today is like 110IQ of 50 years ago.

I remember a journalist even asked Bernie Sanders if he had double nationality.


>the creator
Yeah, it's one of the main guys. Dan Harmon, right?
Or are we talking Roiland? Haven't seen anything even lefty from him yet.
Anyway, you are aware these shows are not made by one person, right? Not even the writing.

Kek. Who made this?

Why do normies love this joke so much? It's probably the least funny joke of this shows entire run.

Only joke they understand probably

>lel so randem XD

>there is literally an entire episode about rick selling guns to assassins
That's right, he sells GUNS to hired killers. How are these people retarded enough to think rick is anything like Bernie?


>enjoy seasons one and two
>kind of obvious that the lead creators are preachy nihilists, but the humor is really good and there's that 'joke a minute' snappiness that I've missed since Futurama ended
>season 3 is very lackluster
>still kind of funny, but the pace has really slowed and they've lost a lot of the sharp wit that made the first two seasons funny
>suddenly relationshit is all over the place, and not in a joking or flippant way, rather than being used to set up jokes it's being taken seriously

Then I thought jokingly to myself, "it's like a bunch of women wrote this."

Then I Googled the writers and found this:

Why do women ruin everything they touch?
The show wasn't amazing or anything, but it had its moments, now half of the plotlines are about bleeding vaginas.

What if we archive it

I can see this being an alternate Rick.

But Rick hates schools because they're just there to brainwash you. He says this in like the first or second episode.
Do lefties even pay attention?

Leftists in general have that smug superiority complex.

It's painfully obvious that rick would support Trump, if you had actually watched the show you would know that.

Justin Roiland said Rick voted for Donald Trump though.

The animation of this show is depressing as fuck. Reminds me of salad fingers

died my sides are gone now.

The shows creator actually went on twitter and made sure everyone knew he was.

Are we still being raided by that college program?

>caring what someone who uses the "word" incase has to say about anything


this, and since any nigger could go in college employers would just go for people who comes from private schools, anyway a free college would be for STEM fields and only high performance students so this could prevent being flooded for niggers and special snowflakes but this not a good idea because niggers and snowflakes would start to protesting and crying because they still have to pay for their useless liberal art degree

He made the show so what he says is the final verdict.

Justin Roiland is actually a pretty cool guy.

I watched a few episodes of this on account of housemates, it's not exactly awful, however I remember the old scientist character saying 'don't worry about killing them, they're bureaucrats'. Left wing people don't even understand their own ideology, it's weird. They want a massive centralised government, but just think it would work organically. Idiots.

The main character is a terrorist and hates pretty much any centralized authority.
He's pretty much an ancap meme with a drinking problem

Aside from his atheism, I don't think there's anything to suggest Rick is a modern leftist. He hates government and formal education. He makes insensitive comments on the women-only Gazorpazorp planet. He pretends to be a Muslim when shooting up a plane. He's a class-A shitlord.

It's more believing that if the government exists, it should take care of the needs of the people.

I thought that tweet was fake? If it isn't, it's certainly not there anymore.

probably .

It's rick and fucking morty
Who the fuck cares

>named the Jew
>a Bernie bro

Hah, good one

He deleted it after getting a ton of shit for it. It's like how dilbertman got dogpiled the moment he said anything good about Trump.

>it's ok to shoot them Morty, they're just robots
>they're not robots Rick!
>it's a figure of speech Morty, they're bureaucrats, I don't respect them

The character is actually a really interesting exploration of what might happen if someone obtained a God-like status.
Faced with infinite possibilities, Rick comes to the conclusion that nothing really matters, and so he lives in a state of perpetual, self-destructive nihilism.
All comedy is derived from tragedy of course. He's always drunk, he tries to kill himself several times, and puts himself in dangerous situations that are likely to result in his death in practically every episode.

It's funny that leftists believe that he would espouse any kind of ideology that wasn't completely self-serving, and that they think an alcoholic, suicidal nihilist who has no respect for life is any kind of role model.

Doesn't he say that schools and public education are for retards in like the first episode of the show

Rick would spit in Sanders face call him a commie and do some science shit

>being anything but ancap

Good copy pasta lmao almost got me 6/10 bait

rick is an intergalactic arms dealer

It's because the character isn't a leftist you tard. You just fell for the meme. A LEFTISTS meme. Shame on you, bong.

I could see that having been a big story among the community that watches the show. The only time I have seen that tweet was in that Sup Forums image.


There was a few "news" articles about it.


Wouldn't Rick be all those idiotic an-cap and Max Sterner memes made real? His political compass is "I do whatever I want to advance myself and nobody else". He'd be the last person to be anywhere near the left.

but he turned himself into a pickle

Didn't Lying Ted have a dual citizenship?

You Rick and Morty faggots are the same shit heads in antifag


is Rick /ourguy/ once he gains purpose/enlightenment?


Faggot, you got that off kikebook