What are some Sup Forums approved philosophers?

What are some Sup Forums approved philosophers?

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Ayn Rand

Fucking kill yourself

Thomas Hobbes. He saw man for what we're really like (the state of nature).

Lazy butthurt faggot detected. Ayn Rand is right about everything. If you want your life to be better, work harder.

>be a literal egoist and not caring about your race.


Not really a philosopher, but a culty shit.

Hans Hermann Hoppe



philodophy like all art is merely a farce

everyone's going to shit on this, but no one will make an argument


1) Ethical egoism is what we should all follow

2) This doesn't exclude you from uniting with people from your race in order to secure the best things possible for your race


adolf hitler

in a free society, no one would stop you from forming a racial collective. You're just afraid that no one could be convinced to do it through rational argument, so you want to use guns

>ethical egoism
Thats just called I won't do anything that I can get punished for.

>This doesn't exclude you from uniting with people from your race in order to secure the best things possible for your race
It does, egoism is the exact problem with white people today, they care only about their little life and do no sacrifice for that of their races. Thus why a group like Muslims who will sacrifice for their group are taking over.

Remember not to have kids has it contributes zero benefit for you.

>dat flag and comment combo

Nietzsche is the best philosopher I have read. His works are powerful and provide a means of rewiring your understanding of the world and advancing yourself. He does this without trying to confine his audience into an axiomatic way of thinking. It is metaphilosophy.

Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas

Jordan Peterson

>Thats just called I won't do anything that I can get punished for.
...no, it's called serving your own interests, and not expecting somebody else to serve them. It's private enterprise, rather than socialism.

>It does, egoism is the exact problem with white people today, they care only about their little life and do no sacrifice for that of their races.
As I say, ethical egoism does not preclude you from forming groups in order to better serve your interests. It's just a position that maintains that serving your own interests is the most rational thing to do in life. Obviously the reason that whites make communities (or Muslims, or anybody else for that matter) is because it benefits all of them.

>Remember not to have kids has it contributes zero benefit for you.
But it literally does because passing on your genes is the goal of every organism you fucking moron.


Stirner, Nietzsche and Rand

Egoism ho!

>No arguments against Ayn Rand
Agree. Sometimes I think that pol shits on her for the lols...but also there seems to be misunderstanding that libertarianism does not say WHAT to do, only GUIDE on what to do...the NAP, somehow, is too complicated for most people...SAD!

she has a few hot takes but lets be honest her adherents are mainly cocksucker lowest of the low neoliberals

Aquinas is extremely difficult to read. You pretty much have to be an academic to really grasp what he's saying

You mean: "highly successful people".

>...no, it's called serving your own interests, and not expecting somebody else to serve them. It's private enterprise, rather than socialism.

You do realize that the only reason laws exist is due to morality right, and that this fall into hedonism and egoism are causing the collapse of morality which itself is causing the collapse of civilization.

>As I say, ethical egoism does not preclude you from forming groups in order to better serve your interests. It's just a position that maintains that serving your own interests is the most rational thing to do in life. Obviously the reason that whites make communities (or Muslims, or anybody else for that matter) is because it benefits all of them.

The very term ethical egoism is a fallacy, you cannot be ethical and egotistical. You can simply obey laws to avoid punishment. But if there is no punishment for murdering somebody for one million dollars, it is logical to do it but not immoral and not ethical, that is egoism

>But it literally does because passing on your genes is the goal of every organism you fucking moron.

Not from atheist egoist point of view. Only the individuals life is worth anything, children can be difficult so where is the logical reason to do it? This is the reason Ayn Rand had no children.


most people who dislike Rand or objectivism have either never read any of her work, or don't understand it. They see the guidelines laid out by her and think "oh I don't like that, so her philosophy is bad" not realizing that under objectivism, you can and should do whatever provides your life with value as long as it doesn't involve force against other people

having children is good because it helps insure the continuation of your works and provide for you in when you become too old to work
>but if your children are egoists, they won't want to support you in your old age
they will if you provide enough value to their life that they want to help you

>not being at least a hobby level academic.
>not being fluent in all jargons (medical, economic, et al) just to stay ahead.
>being that lazy.

Seriously you make America look bad saying shit like that.

Thread. Read Fountainhead.

You're basing all this on morality and having some sort of meaning other then just pure hedonism of the individual, which is what you are preaching. The universe is all going to end one day and you only have a short time on earth. What point is there in exchange for years of self sacrifice and work to have something you can't and never will experience. Having children is the complete opposite of the hedonist or egoist mentality.

Anyone from the Frankfurt School

Read Popper! Disregard the Soros connection. He has corrupted what Popper actually argues for in the Open Society and Its Enemies and in the Poverty of Historicism. Robert Nozick is likewise good.

Required for any right wing libertarian

you either become a hedonist, which you'll get bored with or die off basically or become concious of every step you take- aim for a higher goal which is usually a contribution to a society
>Having children is the complete opposite of the hedonist or egoist mentality.
do not act please like having children is some saint like thing.

Pick 1

Know thine enemy.

Benjamin's the work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction and on hashish explain the current statue movement and pushing of drug use by the left and their pet media!

Stirner if you are high IQ, Nietzsche if you are insane and if you are retarded Ayn Rand

Rand is an impoverished Nietzsche or Stirner. Her benefit is getting that sort of thinking in the head of novel reading normies.

>you either become a hedonist, which you'll get bored with or die off basically or become concious of every step you take- aim for a higher goal which is usually a contribution to a society

That's what i'm saying hedonism doesn't contribute to society unless guided by morality and higher goal of the race.

>do not act please like having children is some saint like thing.

Having children isn't a saintly action but just look at the decline of the white birthrate and how it coincides with the rise of egoism and hedonism,

>You're basing all this on morality and having some sort of meaning other then just pure hedonism of the individual,
Rand was against hedonism, she thought that chasing pleasure instead of using your mind to improve your position was subhuman

Nietzsche was idiosyncratic in style but his psychology of drives and moral philosophy are profound and likely true. A good overview and systemization are present in Richardson's Nietzsche's System.

For the frankfurt school read Kant, then Hegel, then Marx and Freud, after reading those try Adorno. Frankfurt school is cancer btw, not worth your time but whatever.
You need Kant to understand Hegel, and you need Hegel to understand the FS interpretation of Marx and Freud and you need Marx+Freud to understand the Frankfurt School.

Mother fucking Diogenes

He shamelessly masturbated in public and took Plato to fucking school

read Leviathan a while back, and have to disagree with Hobbes' belief that it is okay for the gov't to break the law, that they are somehow "above" the law.
That's the sort of logic that justifies the CIA operating pedophile rings.

Reading Atlas Shrugged, the whole time I was thinking "You don't say!" "duhhh" etc
Probably very influential on blue pilled comrades though but so goddamn basic it hurts my brain.

Russell Kirk
Thomas Carlyle
HL Mencken
John Ruskin
Edmund Burke
Thomas Hobbes
Samuel Johnson
Alexander Hamilton

That's my Sup Forums tier list. Left out continentals for being retarded autists. Anyone want to add?

>A good overview and systemization are present in Richardson's Nietzsche's System.
Having other people interpret Nietzsche for you goes against everything Nietzsche writes

You need Kant to understand any philosophy after Kant. The A/S distinction (coupled with the epistemic status of the synthetic a priori) effects every knowledge claim in ethics and ontology writ large.

In being an egoist you are natural a hedonist. There is no other reason or meaning to life for egoists.

No. It's a examination of whether Nietzsche has an implicit metaphysics and if so is it inconsistent with his perspectivism. Nietzsche scholarship is of value.

You can read Nietzsche and Ayn Rand(although Ayn Rand in general is for retarded people) without Kant

>Having other people interpret Nietzsche for you goes against everything Nietzsche writes
Most of Nietzsche's ideas are plagiarisms, platitudes, or trash, though. One has to pull out the best ones and let the rest go.


She's not bad for an entry-level redpill, so I have no gripe with her.
Except for the fact that her writing is absolute shit and she really needed an editor.

Philosophy PhD here.

You guys are all fucking idiots and hypocrites.

Nietzsche (preceded by Spinioza and Descartes) is literally the reason the cult of individualism is around and why everyone (like you faggots) are all fatalist butt boys.

Please don't talk about Philosophy... its embarrassing.. Ayn Rand... you fucking serious?

Heidegger. Not for the layman.

I used the philosophy of Being and Time in my useless Masters thesis. If you are into ontology and epistemology its a must read. His later work gets more veiled and obscure, and harder to understand.

This is legit me, I'm the only liberterian I know and swinging my dick on all the government titty sucking noobs. Their arguments are absolutely abhorent and they've had a small laughable amount of experience in whatever free market left here. Still a virgin albeit

You need Kant to get at Pierce and Piercian philosophy of science is integral to Nietzsche.

>What's will to truth, how does it work, why is it important, etc

if everything focused on the self is hedonism, then what else is there?


Nietzsche is awesome if you don't let it effect you in the wrong way.

My dude, if you're on board with Evola and Plato you can drop NEETzsche

Most of the postmodernism from Nietzsche is misinterpretation or selective reading. They took a few of his skepticisms, already hackneyed, and used them to excuse the worst sort of behavior

>Most of Nietzsche's ideas are plagiarisms, platitudes, or trash, though. One has to pull out the best ones and let the rest go.
Ditto for every philosopher in history

Phil PhD here too. Nice argument buddy. I'll rip up my Nietzsche thesis. You showed me. He must have just been a raving syphilitic afterall. That genealogy was such a bad idea...

Styx Hexxenhammer, 666
The usuals

Solid. I'll add Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Descartes and Newton (more because they're important than because they are consistently reliable teachers,) and note recently Charles De Koninck.

Its funny how you make fun of people who like Bitcoin but depending how old this image is that guy could have made a hefty amount of pocket salad


Correct. And they forgot his raison d'etre re: Christianity v Dionysius

No worries, dumb dumb. Way to fall for the academic snare of Nietzscheism, dumb dumb


Plotinus the Beautiful

Outside of egoism requires self sacrifice, which is how you make civilization.

>Sup Forums approved
Robert Nozick - The State, Utopia and Anarchy.
It throughly debunks John Rawls - A Theory of Justice which is the modern basis for Social Justice.
He does it by using Libertarian social and economic arguments.
I encourage everyone on Sup Forums to read it, even if you hate libertarians, because it addresses any sane argument that could be made by an intelligent SJW and has a more moral response for it which is right wing.
So even if you hate Libertarians you'll be able to eat SJWs for breakfast while hungover.

Heretic... with a Deus Vult Flag too... repent.

Kierkegaard is just a christfag who admits the logical conclusion of being christian is to be unhappy and throw away your life in (((hopes))) of an afterlife.
Dostoevsky, this is just existential slav fiction

Yes, Hobbes makes a compelling case for the necessity of the State

Kierkegaard is absolutely sublime


Hobbes is funny at times, and not always clear what he actually thinks. For example, when he says that you have no right to overthrow the state, unless you manage to succeed in overthrowing the state, in which case good luck with your new state.

HL Mencken and Edmund Burke are amazing, but I would like to add that you are an idiot for dismissing continentals, and if anything, analytics are FAR more autistic

Agreed on both counts. Both amazing, and utterly incomprehensible without a lot of prerequisite study.

>inb4 muh devil/kike worshiper

Morals and Dogma is a beautiful piece of work, in which he says Jews essentially worship the Devil and Catholics are faggots.

Here here

I wont say what you are, its too Ugly.

>Ayn Rand

I love how pro censorship lefties are citing popper thinking he remotely promotes their positions because they have entirely missed the point

Lol you got a PhD in philosophy


Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Evola

but read every philosopher, you can't be Nietzschean if you don't

Fuck Stirner and fuck Rand

Nietzsche may be due to his concepts of master/slave races of men, or ubermensch and untermensch. His ruminations on thought and being are also fair, but idk if all of /pol is into him.

God forbid they actually read The Open Society and It's Enemies... they should though it would argue that pseudoscientific Marxism right out of them.

if everyone has to sacrifice to make a civilization, then everyone must lose something for an undefined gain to an unknown number of people. why is that desirable?

Oprah. Martha Stewart. Mommy Trudeau.


This thread is now my property

Demiurge followers.

Pike wanted to destroy all these False Religions and the Atheists to give the world the true Light of Lucifer.

The Gnostic Lucifer is an Aeon from the Pleroma.

Only a follower of the Demiurge would look at that as evil.

ITT: sociopathic psychopath literature.

Hey why don't you add some Spengler, Hobbes and Marx to your list too. Maybe some Lidellhart or Alinsky, and you're good to go, a full fledged Psychopath library.

Enjoy living the rest of your life with paranoid schizotypal OCD though. Perhaps you will be lucky and have balls to blow your brains out with a shotgun before you reach old age. Some people are lucky enough to end their misery early on after all.


You sacrifice a little to gain access to the higher human pursuits, that would normally be denied. If you are constantly concerned with every aspect of your own safety and wellbeing, there is a cap on how much time you can devote to more ephemeral projects.

The state of the modern Phil PhD.

Boy, no wonder no one takes this discipline serious anymore when we have this level of dumb dumb

I know... tell me about it.

>Stop, look, and listen,
>TCB in a flash

Loser, Meme, Meme..

Good advice, first semester student.


His biography by Ray Monk is a pretty fun read, too.

britain as a civilisation will cease to exist before the end of the century but you concern yourself with shallow materialistic gain aka prostituting yourself before the bourgeoisie aka the logical conclusion to jacking off over rand, all im saying is its ultimately of no consequence, its a distraction. this is what swathes of your country increasingly resemble while you wageslave and toil jacking off to pictures of steve jobs, go find a non-classcuck personal philosophy pls and dont give me the comedy routine about "ethical egoism" saving the white race like all its ever been about hasnt just been selling your countrymen down the river