How can we fix Men when this generation just stays on internet 100 hours a week, larps as nazis...

How can we fix Men when this generation just stays on internet 100 hours a week, larps as nazis, gets 20 grams of protein a day, and won't touch a pussy if their life depended on it?
Man is going back to the natural state of sexual selection. Religion and civilizaiton gave equality of pussy where every man was given one pussy as a right. Shit, nigger just had to be 17 years old, and your dad and neighbor would set you up no questions asked. It wasn't a choice. YOU WERE GETTING PUSSY WHETHER YOU LIKED IT OR NOT.
Now it an't like that. 10% of men, get 90% of the pussy, and without it, men are dropping out. We are gonna go back to chimps, where the alpha gets 10 wives, and the betas and omegas just sit in the corner fiddling their dicks and eating bananas.


Good. Chad needs to destroy 2000 years of beta male Christcucks so we can usher in a new age run by alpha males.

You beta Christcucks are beyond useless. The sooner you all die the better we'll all be.

I'm literally fucking three different whores on the regular raw. They don't even know my real name and my phone is a burner. I'll stick around until the baby can't be aborted anymore and then move on to sow my seed further.

hey Varg, I thought you had a wife

get rid of the other races.

that would fix it all.

I just don't give a fuck anymore. Women are shit fucking cunts and I hate them. I FUCKING HATE THEM.


but 55% of the world is female. We NEED them

I'm not in a rush. NOT IN A RUSH. Rushing is a feminine trait. They only have ~10 years of adulthood in which they look good and can pump out kids. My cum will still make babies even when I'm in my 70s.

preach it brother, we need our women back

newfags get easily lured into women hating by you know who, don't let them push your agenda on you lil bro Timmy.

Most women are garbage these days, and the internet has the only people I get along with or find interesting

get them to stop masturbating and put more focus on life goals.

>oops now i have aids

Lots of men still get laid, I see young couples a lot outside.
The only solution here is to usher in a new era, a new age of men.
Also, take away women's right to vote. Ban porn and encourage a culture of honesty and decency.


>I see young couples a lot outside.

plenty of them break up, sadly, I'm all for first love for life

we got to wake the kids up, slap the pokemon out of their hands, and instruct them in how to be a family man

A better society.

>New age run by alpha males
You mean revert to caveman status. You know, all your worldly comforts are pretty beta, you're relying on someone else's inventions for comfort. You're also probably LARPing to boot. Faggot.

>Reviewbrah got demonetized by jewtube

How do you know they break up for sure? I'm sure they do, but you seem to be pulling out all the stops so you can blame "men these days".
I already told you everything we need to do. That includes taking away women's right to vote.

your plan is pretty solid, ain't gonna lie

Women are a pain in the ass. That's why Chad is so good with them, because he's such a dumb fuck he can tolerate their company for so long.

It's actually reverse darwinism.

Don't care the future is a shitskin upper class. You fags are way too late.