For some reason you became Dictator of your own country, What would you do?

For some reason you became Dictator of your own country, What would you do?

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Solve the JQ

Sell my country to Trump's Republic for a heck of a bargain, then proceed to live the rest of my comfy NEET life in the most glorious superpower on earth.

Press the button or just become the next Napoleon and go for broke with manifest destiny.

Conquer the continent obviously

gas the kikes, race war now

finally have female interaction

Free healthcare and a universal basic income

First of all, kill commies & ban the ideology.
Then its fascism 101.

They're stupid.

1. Immediately remove all non-whites and returm them to their the ancestral homelands.
2. Genocide the Natives.
3. Genocide all subversive White people.
4. Start grand projects like coast-to-coast mag lev trains, space programs etc.

But Trudeau is white, wyd?

invert the samson option and attack israel

My country is ran pretty well but would change some laws of immigration maybe. Basically trump mode?

Repeal and replace obamacare

its simple

I would complete the system of German idealism

why do greedy white people keep selling all your property to chinese people?

i have family in canada and they got sniped of a house they had looked at for a long time because a chinese family paid about 100k more, literally 90% of the rich white people in canada gladly sell to non white families

sell the naming rights and become Supreme Dictator of the United States of America sponsored by Pennzoil

5. Start a eugenics program

probably rack up a massive body count then self sabotage gloriously. i would end my reign of terror naked and high on PCP on an LA freeway swinging a pocket knife at cops. a dictators gotta live large, nomsayn?

Remove all blacks/jews and make it punishible by death to racemix with them. That's all you need to do.

you already control the treasury..

You don't have to make it Jews specific. Everyone in government serves its native people, if not then they would be considered traitors and be removed.

1) Execute everyone serving in congress right now
2) abolish almost all laws that are not a direct extension of the constitution
3) amend the constitution so that taking bribes (lobbyist gifts) is treason, which is already punishable by death under the constitution.
4) amend the constitution so that the government cannot discriminate based on race, positively or negatively
5) establish a minefield across the southern border, then build a wall exactly in the style of the Berlin wall.
6) make illegal entry to the country punishable by death
7) abolish the welfare state
8) hold free elections
9) retire

I HAVE SPOKEN. Don't make me send you to the GoDaddyDotCom Penitentiary

Implement Adolfonomics.

I would get all the smartest Jewish engineers to start secretly developing nuclear weapons and accumulate over 9000 warheads. After the program was done, I would deport all Jews to the US and then completely nuke the entire US including Alaska.

Because boomers. When I was in an estate sale of a house, we had offers from chinks for a couple thousand more than asking. I refused every non-white offer on the house. I'm not going to sellout my neighbours to the insect menace. Fuck the chinks. They're soulless pricks.

>put all non-whites in concentration camps
>turn education into brainwashing
>kill my political opponents
>give the police crazy good benefits
>use them as my personal death squads
>decriminalize drugs
>free healthcare
>planned war economy
>use CIA to orchestrate false flags, and give me excuses to annex countries
>start WWIII
>nuclear holocaust
>exit vault 101 and start a new game

t. Lester B. Pearson

My secret dream is to run a pleasure island, similar to Macao, but built entirely as a corporation.

Depends, can I ever be removed from power or do I rule until I die of natural causes?

I would import 6 gorillion of the most ill-tempered and viscous emus from dingoland and then set them loose upon the unsuspecting and effeminate maple niggers. Remember, if they peck you to death, you win, leaf

1. Insure the nation is well fed.
2. Modernize medicine in the nation.
3. Modernize education and gear it towards economy building.
4. Develop state-owned factory to mass-manufacture unlicensed western weapons.
5. Outlaw the assembly of any communists.
6. Leave the UN's non-proliferation treaty and begin nuclear arms development.
7. Issue national ID cards at cost to serve as proof of citizenship and age.
8. Begin democratization by letting people vote after presenting ID and paying a poll tax.

>make all taxes voluntary
>make all tax records public so neighbours know who isn't chipping in and shame them in doing so
>make where your taxes go voluntary if you like
>force companies to print how much their company pays in taxes on each items packaging
>implement a EBD(Expected Break Date) for ALL PRODUCTS (The company must release when they expect the item to break on average instead of this warranty guesswork BS) so folks know if the product they're getting sucks
>make all drugs legal and controlled
>total and complete free speech no exceptions
>right to have weapons up too a .50 cal, no private missiles or bombs
>strict laws against religious based laws (sep. church and state)
>right to worship as long as it doesn't break any laws
>tons of social programs, but again, voluntary
>a labor backed currency as in Nazi Germany
>private property rights
>public land strict vice laws but wide open for degeneracy on private prop. and businesses
>strict immigration laws (best and brightest)
>programs to move dissenters and commies and liberals to liberal nations in exchange for their rightwing folk
>programs for anyone that "wants to go back"
>benefits for married couples that have kids
>benefits for stay at home moms that are married

Step 1: Abolish medicare and welfare
Step 2: Build a massive wall across the southern border
Step 3: Deport all blacks to Liberia
Step 4: Deport all hispanics to mexico
Step 5: Deport all jews to Israel
Step 6: Nuke Mexico, Liberia, and Israel
Step 7: Start massive infrastructure spending
Step 8: Disband any existing massive corporate entities that don't help the general populace
Step 9: Close the economy and immigration (no imports or exports)
Step 10: Double military spending and require 2 years of national service (ages 18-20)
Step 11: Default on all debts
Step 12: Get rid of birth control and incourage reproduction
Step 13:Taxes as so: Bottom 30%= 10% Bottom 50% = 25% Top 50% = 35% Top 25% = 40% Top 10% = 50% Top 5% = 55% Top 1% 65% Top 0.1% = 80%
Step 14: Start massive space program, put men on Mars in 3 years
Step 15: Put up orbital defense systems
Step 16: Put men on Jupiters and Saturns moons in 10 years
Step 17: Invade Canada
Step 18: Invade all of western Europe
Step 19: Purge all nonwhites
Step 20: Enjoy the super space power white ethnostate

I'd start by taking over the media, they will spend the next year declaring me the Great Leader of Greece. Then I'd seize the assets of the wealthiest. I'd allow the US to build more bases. I'd get rid of any immigrant or refugee by sending them back to their countries.

Lose my virginity

6 gets you nuked by Israeli subs.
8 and 13 causes capital flight.

>israeli subs
ok honey
>capitalist flight
See: Nazi Germany
I dont give a fuck if the fucking jews leave

First four measures would be:

1. Covert eugenics program;
2. Implement absolute anonymity in all public selection processes;
3. Radically strengthen antitrust legislation;
4. Establish a reciprocity based scholarship mechanism.

>close the borders
>deport all nonwhites
>kick out the banks
>nationalize the papers
>burn pornographic, communist, and anti-white literature
>ban the Islamic and Judaic religions
>declare the Cult of Nataliya as national religion
>cut all financial aid to third-world countries
>embargo China
>dismantle jewish businesses (google, facebook, etc.)
>embargo all Islamic countries
>replace coal and oil with nuclear power
>tell Israel to fuck off

>trial the (((bankers)))
>make new currency, people owned and government operated
>take over ownership of every critical infracture related to energy,natural ressources and communications. >Companies gets to rent the installations, they can be banned if found guilty of corruption.
>give tax cut based on investments
>reform cities to make them independants and accountable entities
>the natural leaders of each cities attend meetings with me and we discuss our visions of things
>healthcare is no more on the national budget, cities must budget their own healthcare plan based on how much they received and the needs
>education becomes a family duty
>reform the army to become small militias formed by each city
>make all drugs legal
>deport all races that werent there 100years ago.
>have secret deathquads roam each cities for those who didnt leave

kill everyone I disagree with


Actually perfect desu. Not 3edgy4me like every other post.
Nice one leaf. 10/10 would live there.

>Create control opposition
>find who disagrees with me and kill them all
>be alone
>think maybe I should have done things differently
>kill self out of principle

>Rename the US to "The Thalassocratic Imperium of the East and the West".
>Immediately deport all nonwhites from the country
>immediately deport all nonchristians from the country
>Send the SFs into Mexico to kill Enrique Pineto.
>Annex Mexico and force the population into slave labor.

>Foment rebel factions in the interior of China. Pit the Chinese mainland against its coastal, maritime region.

>Balkanize the shit out of South-East Africa, disrupting China's trade in that region.

>Make Japan a nuclear nation

>Make Japan's maritime reach extend to the East and South China Sea.

>Freeze all Chinese assets within the US.

>Give India all the best trade deals.

>Privatize the shit out of Vietnam, eastern Myanmar.

good taste.

THX man I appreciate that
I've put a lot of thought into things like that
By making taxes voluntary but public, you'd be creating an almost competitive atmosphere to pay tax instead of trying to get away with paying as less as possible
And when ppl choose what they're taxes pay for they're more likely to participate, imagine if you could have all your tax dollars go to the local hospital, instead of spread thin on every social program
It'd be a sure fire way to make sure we only get what we really want as a society and the quality we get it in is high
Same w/ the companies, if ppl wanna support a company that doesn't pay any tax they're free too do so, but again, I think companies would be competing to make it look good on the packaging
And the EBD would prevent against cheap goods flooding the market and pricing out quality goods, and if a company wants to make a shitty product look better, they can always do so by paying more tax and getting the buyer that way