How long do you think the Third Reich would have genuinely lasted, if it had won the war?

How long do you think the Third Reich would have genuinely lasted, if it had won the war?

1000 years

1000 year Reich my friend

National (((socialism)))

Not very...

Not every peaceful huh? I wonder if being a misnomer has anything to do with it?

1000 years. It was the long awaited rebirth of the Roman Empire which had slumbered in the west for nearly 2 millennia. What could have been...

It would probably last until now, though it would probably be unrecognizable as the nazi party would just immediately work on building up their country.

Then again a surviving nazi party would mean that Germany, instead of jumping the gun and conquering, simply waited for the paranoia over communism to spread and used that to declare war on Russia while asking the would be allied powers to help him.

maybe if he gassed the jews

just a thought

The saddest phrase - it could have been

Hitler would've achieved immortality and we would be colonizing the galaxy by now, we would be kangz n shiet

In the form it was during the war, until Hitler's death. He was the only thing holding it all together. After his death, (unless based Dönitz pulled off a miracle,) there would've been government infighting between the traditionalist Prussian-oriented faction, the SS/True believers, and the Christian bloc. Could've descended into civil war, but maybe not.

Either way, if it survived as a polity, a Cold War with the US seems likely.

It would have been only comparable in length to the Roman Empire

>american education
how even this dumb

I'd say a fairly long time. They'd be relatively unrivalled depending on how peace agreements go, which, I imagine, would have punished the Soviets and any Slavic area qutie harshly. The French would also probably transfer parts of their empire over. Puppet states would be made in countries such as Norway, and to some degree, Sweden. The British I feel would be spared mostly in terms of their Empire by Hitler, seeing as he had some form of respect for them. Americans would mostly likely have to transfer a lot of wealth, but remain relatively intact, possibly transferring most of it to the Japanese.


how long do you think my Aunt Alice's dick would genuinely be, if she was a man?

oh for fuck's sake.
Capitalists call us Communists and Communists call us Capitalists.
Venezuela is more similar to Stalinist policies. Nicolás Maduro even looks like a Venezuelan Stalin.
Gaddafi Socialism was working for a time until the Clintons. Nordic Socialism also does not equate to Marxist policies. It may surprise you but not every government with a more centralized government is Jewish.



Probably until the 1970s at most.

There was a timeline split during the last century regarding the Nazi World Order and Western World Order

Had you been in the Nazi timeline, it would not of ended, it would of become the new global hegemony, and thats all there is to it.





Came to post this.

Es lebe.

wish it was

>Probably until the 1970s at most.

I think this, like the Spanish regime and Portuguese Estado Novo para-Fascism.

There was nothing unstable about it.

No one wanted anything else but national socialism.

I heard that the Nazis would have exterminated all other races on earth if they won. Is this true? Was this their goal?

I'm wondering this because Nazi Germany had non-white allies and neutral friends.

It would not descend into civil war. This is the error people make when trying to imagine Germany without Hitler. Hitler didn't want Germany to be about him, he wanted it to be about the Volk, which is why he detested Goebbels trying to make a cult of personality around him and didn't plaster statues of himself everywhere like Stalin did. I urge to read up on the Adolf Hitler Schools. That will show you how far thinking Hitler was about the future of Germany without him. If you want to know how Germany would have most likely functioned then imagine China. A one party state where the but the leader of the party can be voted in by the people.
He was only chosen by Hitler in his fleeting moments in 1945. Hitler actually had a deputy Fuhrer, Rudolf Hess. And if Hess was unavailable then it was already public knowledge that Goering would take over
What happens to America depends on when Hitler wins. If Hitler wins in 1940 and gets his peace deal with the British then the USA is ruined. There's no war to profit from and no destruction to the European economy to catapult the USA to the number one economic and military superpower in the world. If Hitler wins after the USA enters the war, say around 1942, then the USA will be powerful but German controlled Europe more so. Nothing will happen to America at first but Hitler's economic system based on labor rather than the gold standard will bleed the US Wall Street kike dry and America's and England's attempts to monopolize the global economy will have failed (After all much like WWI, WWII was a battle over greed, money and economic influence and anyone who tells you otherwise is a naive idealist who actually believes anyone goes to war for 'humanitarian' purposes)

Haha no that's just Jewish propaganda

It would have turned into a giant Sweden. Germanic peoples have a genetic predisposition to being cucks.

Silly cunts like you don't even understand why it was the third reich.

The first being the Holy Roman Empire which only ended some 200 years ago.

forever. the german people would never fail. nor would the spanish, french, italian, or other europeans. america and australia would have forged new white ethnic identies for themselves. together they would ally and conquer the stars

>Exterminate all other races
Completely untrue, logistically unfeasible and completely unnecessary. Why on Earth would Hitler want to kill literally every other race on Earth? Not that he could even if he wanted to.
>Hitler's goal
Hitler's goal like all German leaders was the establishment of a powerful German state that dominated the European continent. He was prepared to do this either through economic might or force of arms. Hitler's goal in particular was ensuring the continued existence of Germany through autarky (Complete self-sufficiency) and the destruction of Jewish Bolshevism as a threat to Germany and indeed all of Europe as he saw it.

>Hitler didn't want Germany to be about him, he wanted it to be about the Volk
True, but he said it's tied to the party. Basically like present-day China.

There was no clear plan.
Hitler's long-term plan was to clean the US with the help of the British, and his focus was solely on aquiring soil in Eastern Europe and Western Asia.
The major issue was the Japanese Empire. Himmler himself hinted that Germany would eventually end up in a war with the Japanese.
In general, Himmler was more into the race war aspect. Hitller's interest was mere survival. I think - if he completely got his way - most areas outside Europe would have been left up to the British.

Hitler made sure the world did not see him as an enemy or threat, he had no reason nor desire to invade other nations, just as he has no reason to murder billions of people.

Best bet is just to go with the average.

Shut the fuck up censored endoctrinated retard.

>Hitler's goal like all German leaders was the establishment of a powerful German state that dominated the European continent
If Bismarck had wanted an all powerful German ethnostate, he'd have kicked out the Habsburgers after the Austro-Prussian War with the support of Hungarian and Slavic nationalists.

>Shut the fuck up censored endoctrinated retard.

Would you please point out where you disagree with me, who owns an original copy of Mein Kampf, Mr. Censor Wanna-be?

I legit don't know

Hard to say. After Hitler's eventual death there may have been internal power struggles for leadership. Corruption combined with ongoing insurgencies in conquered territory. Financial difficulties, food shortages, etc.

Corruption and degeneracy would have been widespread by 20yr tops. Drugs, the sexual revolution, mass consumerism, these are results of the economic conditions of modernity National Socialism never properly solved.

>True, but he said it's tied to the party. Basically like present-day China.
I agree. I think I said in a previous post that the future after Hitler would look like China. A one party system with leaders chosen either by the people or nominated by the party. Have you ever heard of the Adolf Hitler Schools?
>Clean the US
Hitler never had designs on the US. I assume you are referring to Hitler's thoughts of Britain and Germany marching against the USA together correct? That doesn't imply Hitler's goal from day one was war with America but he definitely foresaw that only the combined might of Europe could stand against continent spanning superpowers like the USA and USSR.
>Acquiring soil in Eastern Europe and Western Asia
I agree with Eastern Europe but where do you get Western Asia from? Unless you mean the Middle East? Or Central Asia in the hypothesized Reichskommissariat Turkestan?
Hitler did foresee that there would one day be a great conflict between East and West but that does not imply that Hitler explicitly wanted war with Japan in the eventual future. However you are right when you say that Himmler did hint at war with Japan as an inevitability.
>Left to the British
Depending on when Hitler wins, not much would change in terms of borders. The major changes would be in economics and the political balance of power in the world. I don't think anyone let alone Germany would just let Britain run around haphazardly but for their current empire Hitler already promised to pledge troops to protect.

>Corruption combined with ongoing insurgencies in conquered territory.
They wanted to kill them.

>Financial difficulties, food shortages, etc.
If Germany had seized Russia's natural resources and soil? I beg to differ.

Again, I think post-Mao China is more likely. On the global scale, the question is how the war would have ended. (Status of the British Empire, US etc.)

hitler is julius, goebbels is augustus

The reich wasn't sustainable without the war.

Welcome to the level 2 redpill on Hitler.

Six gorillion years, desu, one for every imaginary gassed merchant.

>Was this their goal?

- Send Jews to a homeland (he was negotiating for Israel, he didn't want to take it by force like the allies did.)
- Combat Jewry, known as Communism/pornography/usury/etc.
- To establish a united Europe (with Germany leading it obviously.)
- To basically establish world peace. The Nazi motto was basically as follows: Traditionalism, anti-degeneracy (anti-Jewry), anti-"big banks/business", etc.
- He wanted each peoples that participated to take pride in their countries and peoples, while having respect for others.

> But user, he wanted to genocide the Jews.

No, he wanted to ship them to their own homeland (which he was trying to establish in Israel) so they would quit leaching off all the countries they've been scattered within. He also recognized religions place within society. There will be a lot of Pagan LARP'ers that claim otherwise, but it's not based on any historic accounts.

How does that sound?

> But user, I heard he liked blonde hair blue eyed "Aryans" the most.

Everyone has a favorite type of person they're attracted too. That's just the way we are. Some people like Asian chicks, I like blonde hair/blue eyes or red hair/green eyes. It's just a preferred type, it doesn't mean anything.

But Bismarck wasn't interested in a Greater German solution to the German Question. He wasn't even that fond of including the Southern German states. And Bismarck did more or less get his German ethnostate (Some French, Danes, Lithuanians and Poles non-withstanding) Austria served its purpose as a counter balance to Russia in the Balkans which also safeguarded German interests. I'm sure Bismarck understood this.
>Sexual revolution
>Mass consumerism
The chances of these things happening are almost nill. History is not linear. We can't say that Hitler would have had to deal with the same things in the 60's that we did. Those events we had to suffer were a direct result of Germany losing and the fabric of the old order breaking down. If Hitler wins, that order doesn't break down. The frame of mind for drugs and casual sex and consumerism and nihilism ins't present in Hitler's Germany so it's people are not preconditioned to falling for these vices. They have a purpose and strict demanding worldview to adhere to. Additionally, Germans themselves are MUCH more conservative than Americans. The only reason Europe is like it is, is because they follow the lead of their overlord America. If Germany is hegemon, then you can expect many people's to follow German ideals as a good way of moving into the future much like Europeans idolized Americans after WWII.

Depends on what the end goal was.

A German empire of Europe probably would have failed quickly.

If he released the occupied nations after some sort of agreement then maybe it could have worked, at least for Germany.

One thousand years.

>Hitler never had designs on the US. I assume you are referring to Hitler's thoughts of Britain and Germany marching against the USA together correct? That doesn't imply Hitler's goal from day one was war with America but he definitely foresaw that only the combined might of Europe could stand against continent spanning superpowers like the USA and USSR.
That is pretty much what I mean.

>I agree with Eastern Europe but where do you get Western Asia from?
I believe the border they decided together with the Japanese meant that the Greater Germanic Reich would have extended into Asia. It wasn't a personal aim of Hitler, I just mentioned it for teh sake of completeness.

>British Empire
Hitler had long pledged his assistance to maintaining the British Empire as a force of European civilization in the world. Hitler and Britain would work together to restore's Britain's economy and help keep up her flailing Empire. However this would mean that Britain would have to abandon the Gold Standard and join Hitler's New European Order and adopt the labor backed standard (Which is much better to begin with) Personally, I would hope that Hitler would send a few SS or Gestapo units to the City of London (The organization) and the Rothschilds and bring them to justice, really clear our international Jewry and high finance from Europe for good.
America is fucked. Without the gold standard upon which America's wealth lay (This was especially concerning because Germany's barter system was having heavy influence on South American countries, particularly Brazil which is commonly considered to be within America's sphere of influence) they wouldn't have the capacity to propel themselves to number one economic and military superpower. Additionally after witnessing the success of the authoritarian state model in Europe, many Americans might see fit to seek cooperation with Hitler and his little 'European Confederation' than opposition. In any case the USA would not be powerful enough to sustain even a 'Cold War' scenario with Germany. It's very likely the USA might even break up.

>A German empire of Europe probably would have failed quickly.
I think the Russian Empire managed to control occupied peoples for a long time, and Russia still does that.
The Germanic areas where supposed to become client states and eventualle end up within the Reich itself. Hitler originally wanted Britain as an ally or a neutral country - same with Italy - and that didn't go so well.
He was no fan of France; France would have had to cede territory to Germany and to Italy probably too, with the ports remeinaing under German control and the rest of the country being a crippled middle power.
The Iberian peninsula would not have been touched; Greece would have become a part of Italy.
Eastern Europe - enslavement and genocide.
I don't see how it would have failed without external influence.
That's why they destroyed Germany and contained the USSR.
Once you combine the Western European industry with Russia's size and resources you have won. Hence Eurasianism.

How would he achieve would peace by establishing Israel? The middle east would be in the same state it is now, hostile.

>I believe the border they decided together with the Japanese meant that the Greater Germanic Reich would have extended into Asia. It wasn't a personal aim of Hitler, I just mentioned it for the sake of completeness.
I assumed as much. You probably mean something like Reichskommissariat Turkestan. However Hitler did wave these plans as future endeavors because after all, it would be hard enough to consolidate his gains to the Urals let alone Central Asia.

They try to make the nazis look like bad guys in that show but they are doing a pretty bad job most of the time desu.


If the Axis "won" WWII, then Bolshevism in Eastern Europe and Russia would be crushed, and neighboring countries like Sweden, Norway, etc, might slowly adopt NatSoc as their primary ideology, after seeing Germany's success.

I don't think the Axis could have dealt with the US at the time, after being so beleaguered by the fight with the Soviets. The Angloshpere would likely go into a "Cold War" with the Axis. If so, the Third Reich might have the risk of liberal-democratic ideological subversion. On the other end, the constant nationalist and antisemitic propaganda being broadcasted by the Axis would get more normies woke on the international Jew. Turkey might have gone fascist, since they were already more "modernized" than other Middle-Eastern nations, and they would see Germany as a historic ally.

I think it's safe to say that Maoist China would still be around, since their sheer numbers are a deterrent in of itself, and the fact that the Axis was likely too exhausted to launch an attack into Western China. If so, communist ideology could still spread into southern Asia, the Middle-East (though facing the same tough criticism from the conservative forces there), Africa, and Latin America.

There might have actually been a "3-Way Cold War" between the Anglosphere, the Axis, and the Maoists wither their various communist rebel pockets in poor nigger countries.

He's not establishing Israel. He was just sending the Jews to Palestine. At the time Palestine was still a British Mandate so Hitler assumed they would become the English's problem and be out of his hair at last.
>Eastern Europe - enslavement and genocide
Please don't tell me you've fallen for the meme plan that is Generalplan Ost?

well just fipple my bipple

20 years.. not eve that. Hitler was lost already in 1942 and he survived his political bodies only because he was needed to run all war shit. the main third right figures already divided the wealth of conquered countries among themseves and already were fighting each other at the "food bowl" playing hitler like a little fag he was.

1000 years

Then it upgrades to the united earth reich

>Personally, I would hope that Hitler would send a few SS or Gestapo units to the City of London (The organization) and the Rothschilds and bring them to justice, really clear our international Jewry and high finance from Europe for good.
One of the most confusing aspects of his world-view is that he correctly analyzed the outbreak of world war 1 and the Jewish influence in it, but was so naive about Britain and its occupation by the tribe when he was in power.

As far as the US is concerned - the question is when and where the first nuked had appeared, but the next big issue for the US would have been the Japanese regardless of alternative history theories.

Also the giant ass dome some people posted wouldn't work in Berlin at least. Berlin is rather marshy underground so a building of that size would just sink into the ground. Also it would have been so big clouds would form inside from people's breath.

>the main third right
This is as bizarre as the rest of your comment.

We would have already conquered the local supercluster with our UFOs.

I wish forever. We would have been in space by now, and big pharma and the jews wouldn't be this out of control. Such a sad world. I wish we could have done more to prevent this :(

I own a (professional) book about this whole issue and it says the Volkshalle would have been technologically possible.
The real idiocy was that Hitler would have been completely dwarved by the architecture.

He isn't entirely wrong. From the onset of rearmament the Third Reich had a ton of infighting between different government ministers and the companies they supported, each trying to advance their goals. The adoption of the BF109 being an example.

Or should I say... In control.

How is Maoism going to spread with the Japanese Empire dominating Asia and the Pacific? Unless in your scenario you envision Japan losing its war with the USA?
>Cold War
That depends on when Hitler wins. If he wins in 1940, then the USA is not powerful enough to challenge German supremacy. If Hitler wins in 1941 over both the USSR and the UK then the USA is definitely out of the race. If Hitler wins after Pearl Harbor, say 1942 then the USA would still not have the power to fight Germany directly and their position as the world's number one economic and military superpower would not be established as yet. It's unlikely the USA could sustain a Cold War then. They would have to trade with Europe somehow and if German run Europe forces (Or persuades others through success) to adopt their barter labor backed system and reject the gold standard then the USA is fucked.

>How is Maoism going to spread with the Japanese Empire dominating Asia and the Pacific?

I don't see Japan being able to hold on to their captured territories that long. They might have kept Sakhalin, parts of the Russian East Coast, the Korean Peninsula, Taiwain, and some small islands; but China, Indochina, and Indonesia are just too big/populous to control. The almighty Murrica has a hard time just trying to control Afghanistan.

>Rebirth of the Roman Empire
>Started by descendants of the snowniggers who destroyed it in the first place

>Marshy Underground
I think Hitler had a solution to that (No pun intended) if I'm not mistaken. Speer did inform him that the marshy ground of Berlin wouldn't be able to support Hitler's superstructures. This is why Hitler commissioned the experimentation of some new form of base I believe to compensate for the marshy ground. There are actually some test buildings still in Berlin today I believe that Hitler ordered to be built to test this new base and see if structures like the Arch of Victory and the Volkshalle would be be supported by Berlin's ground after all.
This is one of my problems with Hitler. He was FAR too naive about the goodwill of the British. They were bought part and parcel by international Jewry a long time ago. I think Hitler personally thought he could save them. He was wrong, he should have been much harder on them. His love of the British basically cost him and Germany the entire war.

It wouldn't actually be that hard. Especially since Japan didn't actually plan to incorporate those territories directly into its nation. Much German controlled Europe, Japan had planned a Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere of freed independent Asian nations that took guidance from Japan as regional hegemon. Additionally, unlike Afghanistan, many local Asians (Not the Chinese) though welcomed the Japanese as liberators from European Imperialism. As long as they have their own national leaders and are allowed to maintain their customs and traditions I would not think they would openly rebel against the idea of Japan as regional hegemon.

Complete Subjugation of the World

japs were savages. They would have genocided the fuck out of all those little island countries. There would be no occupied people left

Nice. This one looks almost as good as the fake South America invasion plan route that Roosevelt showed to the American people.

Their economy was based on expansionism, but with the same economic architect that turned them from an impoverished and indebted satrapy, into a major player on the world stage, they may have been able to adjust to actually governing, rather than conquering.

Now, there's the issue of ruling the various peoples they had conquered. Contrary to popular belief, the Poles were inflicting the major casualties on the occupying Germans, instead of the Meme Resistance, comparable to American losses in Vietnam.

If they could adjust their economy to peacetime (possible, for Germans), and find a way to suppress or come to agreement with the new peoples of the Reich, then they'd probably remain as a state today.

6 gorrilion years goyim, oy vey!

>centralized government=socialism
No you commie, Hitlers national socialism only worked because he took everything from the money hoarding Jews, he was also working on complete self sufficiency of Germany(like Soviet Union but with capitalism instead of communism.), I believe it would have worked and he would have gone further away from government owned businesses in the future. Modern socialism and Russian socialism was used as a scam for complete control, Hitler used it for the good of Germany

>Economy based on expansionism
Citation needed
They'll be quite alright. In fact many of them would be eligible to move to Germany and become Germans with their families if Himmler gets his way. Or if they choose they can be educated in Germany and return to Poland to acts as leaders of their own people.
>New people's
I suppose one could count Reichskommissariats as 'new people's as much as you could count Indians as a 'people' of Britain because of their inclusion in their empire but otherwise there would be no new people in Germany itself. Hitler voiced on several occasions that he felt the Slavs would resent him if he tried to force German culture on them so rather let them to their own devices while he managed the colonies of Germans being settled in strategic areas of the former USSR for the betterment of Europe.

>666 get