Far-right: Who are your inspiractions?

Question from a curious outsider: if you're on the far-right (nationalist, white nationalist, traditionalist, far-right populist, neo-Nazi, fascist, monarchist, third positionist, reactionary, ancap, eurasian and so on), who would you say are the thinkers, activists, and other people that have influenced your thought?

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Friedrich Nietzsche
William Pierce
Ted Kaczynski
Eliezer Yudkowsky



Jared Taylor and William Pierce are good starters

Commander Rockwell
Dr pierce
Dylann Roof
James Fields

Hitler (Mein Kampf)
Jean Raspail (Camp of the Saints)

>Donald Trump
>Adolf Hitler


>Dylann Roof
>James Fields
edgy huh
>Donald Trump

Social contract theory was a mistake.

That guy in the back with a fat stomach needs to get better shorts. Cargo shorts (especially ones that go past your knees) are tacky and dirty. Ditch them please. It's not even masculine it's degenerate if anything.

The Golden One.

I love his videos and humour and appreciate his love of literature. Even if you disregard is political message a lot of his videos focus on just being a good person (quitting porn, eating well, training, reading literature, being an honest person).

But politically I agree 100%. No bullshit, focuses on serious issues (not bedroom feminists like the alt light do), calls out jews on their shenanigans, etc.

Marx, Engles and the Marxist paradigm they spawned.

I'm not so much drawn to the right as repulsed by the left.

Lou binford (processual archaeologist)

The fruits of the leftist thinkers is rot and misery. The fruits of classical liberal thinkers is human dignity and advancement .

God learn to spell.

I'm a fascist, specifically an admirer of Mosley.
This is one of my favorite speeches of his: youtube.com/watch?v=vrBbN0vvGLA

Kim Jong Ill
Jonathan Bowden
George Lincoln Rockwell
Based Tojo

kek, that's a right wing movement? Those faggots from r/hapa are hardcore niggerdik loving sjws. Monarchist & Traditionalists are the real right wing and don't really have much in common with the rest but has WW2 has shown, monarchist tradionalists (Imperial Japan) have no issues allying with third positionists.



one thinker ive recently been highly influenced by is jordan peterson and Jung. that man is absolutely no joke

not technically far right-right but with where the culture currently is a person like that IS far right.


Christopher "quite frankly" Cantrell, guitarist for Minorities in Chains.

Adolf Hitler
George Lincoln Rockwell
David Lane
James Mason
St Augustine
St Thomas Aquinas

Alexander Hamilton
George Rockwell
Thomas Sowell
Walter E. Williams


Hans Herman Hoppe
Augusto Pinochet
Rodrigo Duterte

I would probably add Malcolm X to my list as well just for his very astute dissection of the Democrat party and how it has historically hurt black people more than the right/far-right ever has. I'm white but he was the original redpill for blacks that's probably why he was killed. He aimed for the sun and got shot down but I can respect his resolve to help his own people and wake them the fuck up.

George Rockwell
Theodore Roosevelt

Not sure, but I think they have spell check.

Mussolini and Jose Antonio were pretty good

I like Codreanu as well

Also, the Rexists would be sad looking at Belgium today

Learn to spell you substandard dumbfuck.

I'm going to find you this week. Be prepared. I know where you work and track your habits.

Your IP address is easy to track. Beware.

Karl F Boetel


Literally everything we say is a joke tbhfam

Beware of what? Naming off books I've read?
Curious George
Dora the Explorer
Bananas in Pajamas

What's it matter?

I reject your labels that does not represent my views to others and do it in the name of survival of the good people in my country.

If you have nothing to hide, then you shouldn't worry. Or should you?

Yeah I definitely don't. Kind of weird you picked me out of the list to respond to though. Are you not a fan of Sowell or what? As far as I know no one on that list said anything particularly super-radical in their writings and I responded as someone who leans to the right but not in the neo-nazi/mein kampf camp. Pretty sure there's nothing wrong with being a Conservative despite what MSM is telling you, you paranoid fucks.

James Mason
Martin Heidegger
Oswald Mosley
Julius Evola
Cornelius Codreanu
G. L. Rockwell
Karl Maria Wiligut
Marcus Aurelius
Uncle Adolf

Honorary Japs:
Otoya Yamaguchi
Yukio Mishima
Hideki Tojo

There are plenty more but that's off the top of my head.

Libertarian here.

The thing that "inspires" the right I believe is simply the insanity of the regressive left.

Looking forward to this.

Wew very spooky lad

so fascists love the EU?

u'll be h4kd m8

Moldbug, Joseph de Maistre, Carlyle, Hoppe, Kuennehlt-Leddihn, Bowden, Evola

Oh shit! My valuable collection of reaction images and pirated e-books.
What a kook.

you'll end up in the huffpo or something


Oswald Spengler
Julius Evola
Adolph Hitler
Corneliu Codreanu
George Lincoln Rockwell
William Pierce
Patrick Buchanan