Hard to save the white race when this is what (((they))) are doing to our women

How do we demolish the sociology/gender studies faculties?

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I think any chance of being a proper women is completely gone the moment a woman decides they want to study gender studies

I feel like I'm in one of those cheesy 80s batman movies.

Exactly, so how do we destroy gender studies as a whole?

Coooome play moy gayme.

Dude I fucking LOVE Prodigy

>How do we demolish the sociology/gender studies faculties?

Why are the Jews turning women into twisted fire starters?

KEK i was thinking the exact same thing


>dude fuck women lmao
this is a duplicate thread

>ugly roastie in a CFM pose, ovulating behind 3-pac kabuki make-up, striking an Oedipal pose
>ugly roastie next morning, in her natural habitat

What did faggot OP mean by this...?


This shit depresses me. I'm sure these were all weak, easily manipulated souls to begin with but it just makes things seem so bleak.

Are we gonna make it guys?

Then dont pay for ut...pik a real degree

I saw a girl on campus with a nose ring and wearing a pin that said "proud socialist feminist."
Was surprised she didn't have danger hair. Probably gender studies major.

I'm so confused. When she says cis passing, does that mean the chick on the left of OP's pic is actually a trap?

She had that kinda trashy whore look before she turned. Would plow.

She looks like a worthless whore in both screenshots.

Basically, white women are evolving from being trashy, vacuous bankrupt whores to insane SJWs. Not much difference honestly.

stop it with this oldfags platform
