Smelly Dumb Beaner Scum

Working right now in an ER in a large town while going to school. One thing I've learned is how lazy Mexicants are. They don't want to learn English, they expect us to know their stupid taco language.

Aside from the ghetto monkeys that come sauntering through, I see all my tax dollars pay for these lazy fucking beaners. How should I go about reporting them to ICE? I want them out of this country. I really am learning to hate Mexicants more and more each day.

Other urls found in this thread:

Illegal Aliens: If you would like to report illegal aliens, please call Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) at 1-866-DHS-2ICE (347-2423). They will need to know names, locations (either work place or residence) and any other specific information you can provide

Sweet, I hate them so much. They're so ugly, stupid, and lazy. I hate their beady brown eyes, their ugly sloping foreheads, those big flat noses. It's just a sign that God doesn't want them to exist.

I think they're great, producing chattel for the cybernetic flesh harvesters.

Most Mexicans pay taxes..... Mexican women are also sexy. You're just a bigger that thinks you work hard.

This is your answer. They will swamp the US no matter what (undoubtedly) but we do not have to back down because of the onslaught. Just think "Reconquista" and we'll bridge right through it.

Pic fucking related.

Dude I actually live in the bay area in California. I am surrounded by Mexicans. The women are fucking uglier and fatter than the woman in the OP pic and I have never, ever, seen a mexican woman above the age of 25 who wasn't FATTER than the girl in the OP image. Mexicans are fucking hideously ugly and moving here made me despise mexicans.

Fuck off you beaner apologist faggot

>Browsing Sup Forums as a Spic

Most beaner women look like savage indians that should have been wiped out by the Spainards. Mexicans are subhuman.

get the fuck out of my country, beaner. Tired of you taco benders polluting my country. I hope we go to war and kill all you smelly spics. I'll give you a toilet to scrub, pedro.

puta madre

Sorry I don't speak that stupid taco language, something about my mother being a whore? How about I match you with LA MIGRA!!! INS!!! Wetback.

Being a red pilled spic is a very special brand of suffering. Every day I find myself pondering what even is the point of living to see tomorrow.

Trannies are most definitely mentally insane and just plain sick, but I sympathize with them deeply. I can bleach my skin, saw off my legs and put in limb enhancers, destroy my skull and recreate it into the proper shape, and change the color of my eyes, but I can never be white.

>Go to war and kill all you smelly spics
>I'll give you a toilet to scrub, Pedro.
>Cleaning your toilet when I'm dead
checkmate, whiteboi

Do us all a favor. Pull an Omar Mateen and kill a bunch of smelly Mexicants in one of those clubs they frequent. Like wipe out a bunch of them and yourself. you'll become an honorary white. Scout's honor.

Meant for

You know why beaners make refried beans? You ever seen a Mexican do something right the first time.

I am of Latin decent and find this offensive

Just kidding the fuckin mojados that come through expecting not to assimilate and just do what they did in fuckin mexico is dumb.

He said something along the lines of bitch mom.

Coming from a spic who is one of many beaner brood to a single ugly spic mother, I'm not really offended. He's lucky I don't cal INS on his family and get them deported for being wetbacks. I never thought I'd develop a hatred for spics the way I have but man they do not want to assimilate. They just want to rob our country blind. It's time to just execute those fucking fruit picking, job taking, no shower taking, lazy beaners.

stay mad, gringo

>lives somewhere that used to belong to Mexico
>complains about all the Mexicans

really interesting to think of all the future muslim-made "Fucking white people scum everywhere. When will they fucking leave Britain already?" threads in 2049 desu

Keep in mind, Pedro, when whitey chimps out, we tend to have camps for you subhumans. Keep picking strawberries, you'll be doing much worse in the camps. Fucking smelly dumb, beaner scum.

The way I see it is even if our collective is subhuman tier compared to whitey, we can still strive to achieve things as individuals and fully embrace an Individualism/merit based mentality to overcome any perceived shortcomings you see in yourself regarding race. Although, I personally don't delve into any self-hating I still seek to improve myself as to not be seen as another statistic and prosper as an individual. best of luck spic bro

They lost a war, they forfeited the land. Also muzzies will be sent to camps as well. I hope we have a race war. I'll be shooting beaners and hajis left and right.

>calling yourself a spic and being a self-defeatist while gagging on whitey's dick

Disgusting. Literally the "lmfao im white but when r white ppl gonna pay for slavery? fuck white ppl!!!" of hispanics.

>Keep picking strawberries
>implying i have a job
lmao you dont do shit. keep wage cucking on my behalf while your women get blacked and vote for open borders.

They lost the war and were subjugated by US boundaries, doesn't actually mean they left their homeland. Legally "giving up their land" doesn't mean shit, it's not rocket science as to why there's more Mexicans in the southwest US than any other region.

Hispanics aren't a race. Neither are Arabs. An ethnicity race makes more sense desu.

Uh bro, you quote me but I ain't not spic. And thank god I'm not, god damn ugly subhuman race.

What do you do in the ER?

LOL, with Trump in office, we'll be deporting you beaners and building a wall you can cross. And we'll have men with guns on those walls to shoot you filthy shitskin bean baboons to hell where you belong. I can't understand you, go back to your country! White power!

>deporting american citizens
trailer park education

I'm a volunteer while I'm getting ready to go to med school. I can't stand the fact we have so many filthy beaners flooding our ED's (technically they're emergency departments, not rooms) and I can't stand how entitled these fucking wetbacks are. I wish to send them back and build that god damn wall.

>Sup Forums - ""Politically Incorrect""
>Using Sup Forums terminology on Sup Forums makes a self-defeatist
>Believing using that word and having it used against me upsets in any way, especially when the majority of Sup Forums's demographics are reclusive autists

Mexcians aren't real US citizens. They're smelly anchor babies with ugly gargoyle looking mothers.

which god?

The only true god, you dipshit brit convict.

>not real US citizens
>anchor babies
>these things are mutually exclusive

If your parents weren't legal citizens, you can't be one. Don't care if you were born here. Same with muzzies. They are never real americans. They need to go back to the desert.

We "spics" should learn from the jews, always despised and always attacked but through hard work and education they molded themselves to excellent persons

Neither one of you are hard working, you're just sneaky little shits. Get the fuck out of my country, spic. If you're going to stay, scrub my toilets, mow my yard, pick my fruit, and bus my tables. Lazy fucks.

>Mexicans are subhuman.
Says the jews shit eater HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I'm sorry you fat smelly taco bender, you're a faggot who believes in witchcraft. Beaners are so superstitious it's hilarious. You literally can scare them with anything.

>Most Mexicans pay taxes..... Mexican women are also sexy.

Why would you go on the internet and lie?

Spics and their kike puppet masters have ruined CA. When the white man wakes up, their multicultural fairytale will eventually implode and we will annex it.

Make CA white again

They think if they can lie enough, we'll eat those frijoles of lies. Beaners are dumber than you think. At least jews are crafty. Spics are just dumb as hell.

Spics on their own are no threat of course, like nogs.This was no problem before the (((immigration act of 1965))).

It's when they become useful idiots for the marxist/zionist agendas that they become powerful weapons against us

They're like rats waiting for a pied piper. They're still a threat, ust a dumb unorganized mob of chaos. I say we still wipe them off the planet.

But, I was born in was my Dad, and grandpa. Keep the salt flowing white boy.

I don't care where your spic parents latched on to to stal from whites like me. I want you out of this fucking country, you god damn spic. I guarantee if a war broke out between us and mexico you'd side with them.

Nice flag. Kind of a minimalist Venetian style.

>I guarantee if a war broke out between us and mexico you'd side with them.
nah, id be fucking your wife while youre out getting decapitated by my cousins.

nice one

Proves my point, you can take the beaner out of the crappy country and shitty culture but you can't take the shitty culture and crappy country out of the beaner.

You're nothing more than a subhuman spic that needs to be dragged behind a truck. Fucking filthy spic. I seriously hope youre madre gets gang raped and murdered by some niggers.

>Most Mexicans pay taxes

Then they'll have nothing to worry about when ICE comes a'knockin.

>I seriously hope youre madre gets gang raped and murdered by some niggers.
>Blacks murdering spics

Yup, dubbiess, just think of it as those smelly beaners paying their bus icket back to Mexico, where they belong.

Moving to Florida; speak fluent American.

How fucked am I?


You'll deal with smelly island beaners called Cubans. They're not human either. Just more trash that needs to be thrown into a dumpster.

Is it just me more does this dude is starting to like a certain Turk Roach that lurks around here on Sup Forums

Sorry to spoil your salsa there, Jose. But I just hate you spics with a fiery passion.

99 percent of the population that existed there opted for US citizenship rather than repatriation


>doesn't even eat salsa


Trump lied. I still see spics in my town, and I know 98% of them aren't legal.

spics are dog eating cannibals. never allow a spic to tell you they aren't scum of earth. niggers and spics compete to see who is less human

look at these welfare leech scum. there's no such thing as a based conservative spic. that's spics on Sup Forums larping. they even make threads where they beg white men to take their women so they can border hope and get gibsmedat

think about. spics are such coward subhumans they offer their women so they don't need to go to their OWN country. they need to live in white men's countries so badly they want to let you fuck their mother, sister, and wife even to stay. HOW SUBHUMAN ARE THEY??? every "look at these hot latina" thread they spam proves it

>us based spics are so good. look we're based conservative spics and that makes us better than white liberals.
this is the spic brain. they're low iq and can't understand math or logic which is why they can't build a functioning civilization. no matter the amount of white people they will fix america. it's because spic subhumans come here that they're going to ruin it forever once they get the vote. they're subhumans who just want gibsmedat. spics and niggers can't run a functioning country anywhere in the world

spics and niggers don't know have the words law and order in their language.

this is always the endgame of spics. they can't build country or civilization so they're here to steal it

>this is always the endgame of spics. they can't build country or civilization so they're here to steal it

>send half of your population to live on gibsmedat in america
>they live 10 people in a single room apart picking fruits sending the money back to their own country
when fruit pickers sending your country money is the largest source of income in your economy you don't have a real country. only europe and asia are humans with ciivlization that excludes you and africa beaner

Please don't flood ICE with frivolous complaints. Submitting a report on a Mexican with no proof just wastes time.

Better to spend your time dealing with cucks like McCain or Ryan who are cockblocking Trump's immigration proposals.

So would you consider a mexican barbershop that only takes cash, none of them speak English, and that it just is highly suspicious how many times it changed owners to be frivolous? I walked in there just out of curiosity and those spics can't speak English.

that guy is a spic who is defending his own people. don't forgive 30% of america is spics. they always shill and lie about themselves on Sup Forums look at all the ugly fat goblin spic women they spam everywhere begging white men to fuck them.

call ice on those illegals.

We Sup Forums now

Odin, obviously.

Alrighty, they just are classic wetbacks. Beady brown eyes, greasy black hair, blasting that god awful Tejano music. They used to have speakers outside of their shop blaring that terrible and overrated bitch Selena. I called the cops and they had to put their speakers inside. I lied and said they were threatening people in order to get a response from the cops.

I'm ready to get them fucking deported. I hate spics.

What a submissive little bitch you sound like. You're mother is probably dating a nigger.

Nothing wrong with being red pilled but geez, that doesn't mean to bend over and spread your ass for a white nationalist sperg on an Indonesian pua site.

ICE makes it easy to report people online. It was easy as fuck. I hope I get to see those wetbacks get hauled back to Mexico.


Think that bothers me, Pedro? Just wait to see what we do to your country when we march down there and burn your towns to the ground. We'll finish what those faggy puffy shirt wearing Spainards should have completed when they were genociding your savage indian ancestors.

>when we march down there and burn your towns to the ground
you barely can get a job at McDonalds, so stfu jews bitch faggot

>Play the Vidya
>Windowed mode for maximum multitasking
>Get matched with beaner teammate
>Fire up Google translate
>Speak in poor beanese
>Piss off beaner

Hell I'll even run it through a couple of times to get the most gargled broken mess of beaner language I can

Hey Jose, I don't work in those places, that's your people's kind of work. picking fruit, mopping floors, and flipping burgers. Until we make machines that can replace you lazy subhuman trash.

I want to buy a piece of land on the border and just use it to take shots at spics that are trying to come over illegally. Fucking stupid ass shitskin spic monkeys,

Doing the white race a favor user. Thank you. I need this information to help me deal with a beaner that stole my gf.

If you know for absolute certain that they are illegal, just look for ICE's website (pretty sure it ends in .gov) and they have a number on the contacts page
Easy as that

>Until we make machines that can replace you lazy subhuman trash.
Again with the >we assmad cuck, you know that you are not in position of power and neither you are capable of create shit.

fuck off dipshit you wouldn't last two minutes in mexico with that mouth. Remember that russian guy who went to mexico to talk shit thats what would happen to you .

How many Americans are bilingual

you walmart fucks are lazy pieces of shit too

Wow, a vodka nigger got beat up by a bunch of bean manlets. You spics aren't really that tough. Just like niggers, you just pour out of everything to gang up on someone when one of your pussy cousins bite off more than they can Chuy.

Walmart is full of spics and niggers. Have you even been to Walmart you sheltered liberal faggot?

>muh capitol g God, nomsain?

>and owning all the world's banks


that russian got btfo like 50 manlet spics and even killed one them. he went all around shit talking spics too. spics are the biggest cuckold race on earth white men can stare at you and make you piss yourself. you even offer your women to white men to get in our favor.

Anyone who shops at Wal-Mart is automatically a nigger.

Looks like someons wife got fucked by the gardener or poolboy ;)

Here's a thought. Name one good thing about beaner culture. You can't.

I can name a lot of shitty things about those stupid smelly spics.

1.) Ugly women
2.) Terrible food.
3.) Mexican Rat Dogs (called Chihuahuas)
4.) Manlets who have a napoleon complex.
5.) Terrible music called Tejano.

Women are hot

Food is bomb

Tequila is good

Work for cheap labor

Why you crying bro? Wifey got knocked up by Jose?