Are Satan, Lucifer and "the beast" separate entities?

Are Satan, Lucifer and "the beast" separate entities?

Trying to cram before "the end of happenings".

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They're all poorly copied semitic versions of Seth.
You're way off base if you're referring to the (((bible))).

Yes. No.

Its seems pretty clear to me that Lucifer and satan different ideas. But maybe im a poor researxher

fug. where are the cliff notes for this shit?

Why wouldyou refer to lucifer as a semetic version.. Its a latin transliteration of a koine greek word.. Or no?

When something has 1 iteration it is significant. iterated 2 times it is awesome. And 3 times it is the perfect of perfects.

An angel repeats itself 3 times you better shit your pants.

God is a trinity.

There are no such 3 forms of the devil. Satan is a pathetic creature and hell is small. It only seems large and terrible to sinners who aren't fully alive and aware of creation.


what? no end of habbenings? or too late to cram?

He watched zietgiest once


I think he means Satan and Lucifer are same being but the beast is not.
Which is true.

islam has a "shaitan". is there devil better than other devils? i mean it is islam so it has to be the worst.

The beast in the bible are countries coming together, yes they worship Satan but he is not a country

It all comes down to the Babylonian Canaanite Tri Pantheon God, Jahbulon (combination of Jehovah, Baal and Osiris)

This is the entity worshipped by all these Moloch loving kid fuckers.

and Eblis too, who was cast out of islam heaven. lost his 72 virgins privilege.

the foil or opposite of Christ consciousness


>The Beast

What exactly is Satan anyways? What is it made out of? Why? Is it basically God's Ai gone rouge?

Satan mean the adversary in hebrew. Lucifer describes same being that possessed the serpent. Or dragon. A fallen angel in Latin. That's it. Any other distinctions might be that Lucifer is the name before he was cast down onto his belly and Satan thereafter. Already thrown in his furnace. But Satan is the one who tempter Job, etc etc

I'd never thought robert dinero would get JUSTed.

He was AAA star elite chops.

nobody knows if lucifer and satan are one and the same or separate entities because of translations being shit and the original context also being impossible to make out

my guess would be it's a saul → paul type deal which marked a change in his character.

What? Lucifer was Satan before he fell.

but lucifer was an arch angel once. so is satan something else? or is lucifer and satan the same?

>improved derivation is the same as poorly copied
i feel sorry for you man hope you can find some reason in your life.

the beast = goverment , empire , kingdoms

The whore and the prophet rules them.

satan is the devil and lucifer was his angel name , but this is unconfirmed and only in isiah
Isaiah 14:12
>How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

archangel (lowercase) is a lot different from Archangel (uppercase)

lowercase refers to a race of angels- the warrior class ones that are only a step above normal angels. they are the second lowest type of angel.

uppercase refers to the angels that are above all other angels, typically belonging to the Cherubim or Seraph race (top two types). it is more of a rank.

Malachi Martin said on his Art Bell appearances that Lucifer and Satan were different. I don't think he elaborated though. So I guess that's the official catholic belief?

>thinks satan is a male

a caste system. nice. are they all white at least?

It's just Latin, "lux ferre", bearer of light, also known as the morning star. Originally the name of Venus, the brightest star in the sky that always appears close to the sun like it's following it. It was also the name of an associated pagan god.

>What exactly is Satan anyways?
The most beautiful Cherub of heaven, well, used to be.
>What is it made out of?
Angels are spirit, but Cherubs are described as angels with of a human and a body of a lion. Basically, Lucifer was a walking instrument that played glorious songs to God. It is a reason why music industry is so filled with degeneracy.
>Is it basically God's Ai gone rouge?
Pretty much. However, angels are implied to be given the same free will as humans are. Lucifer was jelly that God created a more loved species than himself, so he wanted to take the throne for himself. The rest is explainable.

Greeks believed that everyone believed in the same gods under different names, hence why Greek gods are based off of a lot of Semitic gods

Satan and Lucifer are the same, the Beast is a system of government.

>Yaldaboath of Shomron
>improved derivation

my sides

>Satan, from the Hebrew meaning "adversary"
>Lucifer from the Roman "Light Bringer"
>The Beast from the Biblical devil

Three distinct entities from distinct cultural and historical backgrounds, which modern religion and mistranslation have dishonestly promulgated into a single entity

Lucifer also believed that since he was the most beautiful angel in heaven, that he should be above God. So than a civil war happened while God was busy with Adam and Eve(he still knew what was going on since he is omniscient) and Michael and Satan fought.

Apparently Michael and his army was getting SATAN'd by Lucifer until God intervened and cast Lucifer and his minions out from heaven.

at least 3 types are white in every depiction (angel, cherubim, seraphim)
all are male except for possibly the normal angels which have been depicted as female on occasion
the third highest rank of angel isn't even humanoid, it's a literal interdimensional omnidirectional wheel to God's throne that has eyes plastered around it and presumed sapience

rank 4-6 angels usually aren't depicted because they don't show up in corporeal form and usually pull the strings behind the scenes

I love Sup Forums theology threads. It's always an amazing mishmash of half understood Sunday school nonsense, conspiracy stuff, C- understanding of Levantine mythology and archaeology, and randomly selected scary movie canon.

Please, do continue.


Pretty much that. I think God gave him the name Satan before or after casting him out.

and you're a loser trying to act smart on Sup Forums

your welcome to join me in the hell elevator. there is lots of room.

well no because
*brings the mic closer*
the last 9 dimensions are trying to bleed into this one

>There are no such 3 forms of the devil.
Sure there is. Satan always tries to make a mockery and perverted version of the authentic things God makes. If there is a father, son, and holy spirit, than Satan's version would be the Satan, the Anti-Christ, and the evil spirit.

Well, are we talking mythology, or are we talking for real, and discovering the root of the mythology, or perhaps, allegory. It's the greatest quest you'll undertake, it's all the same shit There's light, and absence of light. The light, day, deos, is God itself. The dark, the absence of light, is Set, whatever you want to call it, Shaitan, Satan. It's literally the eternal struggle of light and dark, good and evil. And all religion is based on it, but some get more mystical, and some use it for mass mind control.

>Are Satan, Lucifer and "the beast" separate entities?

>malachi martin
>official catholic belief
thanks for the laugh m8

>reads lavey once

The concept of the devil is literally to scare people into giving money to the church...this is why it was literally invented. Before modern Christianity the hell we know as the place of suffering didn't exist. Hell literally means underground or place after death or w.e something like that

>the third highest rank of angel isn't even humanoid, it's a literal interdimensional omnidirectional wheel to God's throne that has eyes plastered around it and presumed sapience
fucking kek.
I love life, and God.

is the eskimo red pilled or blue?

First of all both archtype's are human production from the mind and imagination , it's not a physical archtype that you can touch with your hand.
And i don't believe they are the same as you say , that is why you have people who identify themselfs by the philosophy of luciferism and other by the church of satan .

There is a long history of religious traditions in humankind since the timeline post Cro-Magnon till today and many religions , some very recent as example of church of scientology.


>let me sin in peace
no going back now ;)

>Satan mean the adversary in hebrew.
Which could be a angel sent by god to provide challenge. God created *everything*.

Lucifer was trapped inside the serpent by the demiurge, when he told eve to eat the fruit he was liberating her so she could know good from evil.

Show me.
When lucifer comes up in the bible its a description of a babaloyina king. They call him lucifer and it is poetic because he was respected. Like saying oh bright one you fucked up.

Afaik the connection between lucifer and satan is the "fall". In one case we have a metaphor(lucifer) in another case a proper noun(satan)

But then again. If i misunderstand.. Pls show me.

>>There are no such 3 forms of the devil.
But there are ten.

Well yea.. The Latin transliteraltion of phosphorus. Koine greek for venus. What are you getting at

Satan and Lucifer is the same being

They are different
Lucifer is actually a female also known as Lucibel or Inanana

Goes back to the Sumerian text....
Inanna (/Jˈnɑːnə/; Sumerian: 𒀭𒈹 Dinanna)[2] was the Sumerian goddess of love, beauty, sex, desire, fertility, war, combat, and political power, equivalent to the Akkadian, Babylonian, and Assyrian goddess Ishtar. She was also the patron goddess of the Eanna temple at the city of Uruk, which was her main cult center. She was associated with the planet Venus and her most prominent symbols included the lion and the eight-pointed star. Inanna's origins have posed a problem to many scholars due to her diverse range of characteristics; some have proposed that she may have originated as a syncretism of various other Sumerian deities or as a Semitic deity who entered into the Sumerian pantheon after it was already well-established

That's her pentagram it's the alignment Venus does uponearth

>When lucifer comes up in the bible its a description of a babaloyina king.
Yeah, it's a latin word; first popped up in KJV.

More to the story

So Lucifer brought knowledge and light to civilization or the serpent in the garden

Here is the original story
She stole the mes (knowledge creating duality here) and gave it to humans

Inanna was the most widely venerated deity in the Sumerian pantheon[3] and she appears in more myths than any other deity.[4][5] Many of her myths involved her taking over the domains of other deities. She was believed to have stolen the mes, which represented all positive and negative aspects of civilization, from Enki, the god of wisdom. She was also believed to have taken over the Eanna temple from An, the god of the sky, thereby becoming the Queen of Heaven. Inanna, however, was not always portrayed positively; she also had a fierce temper. She was believed to have destroyed Mount Ebih out of jealous pride and to have unleashed mass chaos upon the world after being raped in her sleep by the gardener Shukaletuda.

They're not really the same.

Lucifer is prometheus. He wishes to see humanity self determine. He subverts the authority of God by giving power (knowledge) to man.

Satan is a hedonist who encourages pleasure over virtue. Also wishes humanity to rebel against the authority of god.

The beast refers to the dark side of human nature as a societal phenomenon. The beast is the result of a sinful society.


They get part of it, Jordan Peterson can give you the thematic basics of Egyptian cosmology but there are serious details he has missed or has chosen to omit.

Which is actually a female goddess Inanna from summerian lore

Titans were stolen from Sumerians
Go back further lol

It is not explicitly stated
>Satan is Lucifer
But it is implied given that both Satan and Lucifer were both from heaven, and kicked out. Since there is no difference labeled between the two, it is obvious that they are the same

Only in Christian sources are Satan and Beelzebub the same in Jewish sources they are different. Christians do not want their believers to think about anyone else but God and worry about Hell and to distance themselves from paganism so they do away with pantheons and any references become synonymous.

In Judaism and the old testament their are barely any references to hell and there is only purgatory on so Christians got the idea of hell from the Roman afterlife to make Christianity sound like a better alternative.

Mostly, the underworld is when the sun travels around to the other side of the earth, it is a hero (Horus) tale of dying, going into the underworld, and being reborn every morning. And Hellish concepts from Sheol, they mix it all together from various mythologies,

so what i am getting is that no one knows. maybe it is for the better.

I think all those pagan gods are simply other devils that have fooled the humans, or maybe Satan himself. It would make sense that Satan would try to use men's inner desire for a spiritual entity to exploit and try to muddy the water between the different religions/cults.

>Which is actually a female goddess Inanna from summerian lore

I mean, potato potato.
I'm just giving him the answer in terms of archetypes he knows.

The mes were originally collected by Enlil and then handed over to the guardianship of Enki, who was to broker them out to the various Sumerian centers, beginning with his own city of Eridu and continuing with Ur, Meluhha, and Dilmun. This is described in the poem, "Enki and the World Order" which also details how he parcels out responsibility for various crafts and natural phenomena to the lesser gods. Here the mes of various places are extolled but are not themselves clearly specified, and they seem to be distinct from the individual responsibilities of each divinity as they are mentioned in conjunction with specific places rather than gods.[1] After a considerable amount of self-glorification on the part of Enki, his daughter Inanna comes before him with a complaint that she has been given short shrift on her divine spheres of influence. Enki does his best to placate her by pointing out those she does in fact possess.[2]

There is no direct connection implied in the mythological cycle between this poem and that which is our main source of information on the mes, "Inanna and Enki: The Transfer of the Arts of Civilization from Eridu to Uruk", but once again Inanna's discontent is a theme. She is the tutelary deity of Uruk and desires to increase its influence and glory by bringing the mes to it from Eridu. She travels to Enki's Eridu shrine, the E-abzu, in her "boat of heaven", and asks the mes from him after he is drunk, whereupon he complies. After she departs with them, he comes to his senses and notices they are missing from their usual place, and on being informed what he did with them attempts to retrieve them. The attempt fails and Inanna triumphantly delivers them to Uruk.[3]

He was a white man, but God cursed him for raping Eve, by turning him into a black woman. He is immortal and walks the Earth. The rape of Eve alludes to animal experiments. Human looking creatures born of animals. Usurpers of the children of Adam's inheritance. This is why science pushes the theory of evolution all the time. They only appear humans. Satanic mockery in the image of man.


Yea. Also random fact is that most think devils are red, scary creatures that harass, and go all "just a prank bro lol", when in fact they are described as an organized legions of well calculated, and tactical demons who follow commands from the upper echelon.

Ever heard of the Prince of Persia? It was demon that was the head of Persia and fought to slow down the advancement of Gabriel's message to Daniel. If the Prince of Persia was simply a commander of that state, just imagine how many they take control, like a spiritual war.

And I think that the map is not the territory, not even close in this case.


Nigger you're literally worhsiping a dead jew
If I were you I'd stop talking ahit tbqh

It is a well known fact that the word of god created the world and the word of god is jesus , therefor he was talking to jesus offcourse .

> a dead jew
A jew that is hated by (((jews))), and not dead.

they are each different faces of the same essence

Sup faggots Lucifer here, no they are not the same thing/person . They are all subsets of the human psyche including Jesus Muhammad etc . Remember kids don't try to analyse history, no one knows what the fuck happened or how to correctly interpret historical "evidence" . Everything you think you know is wrong, shut the fuck up.

I unironically know this is the truth.

Satan is "the adversary," the angel or divine being who tempts humans to sin and prosecutes them before God. He was a member of the divine council in Job, but is elsewhere identified as an enemy of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Lucifer is "the light of the morning," an ironic epithet applied to a Babylonian king in a prophetic oracle. It may refer to an earlier stage of Canaanite mythology in which a minor god tried to overthrow El and was cast down to the underworld. (Biblical writers frequently repurposed existing mythology.) The name itself is a Latin calque for the name of the Greek dawn god, which was used by Alexandrian Jews when translating the Hebrew. It refers to the planet Venus, the day star.

In Revelation, Satan and the serpent (presumably from the Eden story) are identified which each other. The Beast's seven horns are probably the seven hills of Rome, the ten crowns perhaps being a symbolic number representing Rome's client states. Whether you believe it refers to the sack of Jerusalem in AD 70 or some future event is up to you.

Lucifer in Australia.. Sure why not.

>Yeah, it's a latin word; first popped up in KJV.
St. Jerome would like to have a word with you.

"quomodo cecidisti de caelo lucifer qui mane oriebaris corruisti in terram qui vulnerabas gentes"

Hell, so would Wycliffe.

"A! Lucifer, that risidist eerli, hou feldist thou doun fro heuene; thou that woundist folkis, feldist doun togidere in to erthe."

It is man who has woven such veils over the truth across ages. What is apparent here is that a number of anons are aware of fragments of such truths and are not devoutly devoted to any particular one. Sunday school nonsense = the biblical fragment. I'm glad you agree. There are other fragments. The newer the less truth. Thousands/Tens of thousands/hundreds of thousands of years passed when the bible narrative came along. Only a misguided soul is of the belief that it is the one true standard for all of man across all of time and was formulated in a vacuum.

So, anons will thus continue until such day as is no more. As man has continued thus far weaving of tales across time claiming it the one true word of the creator.

On this subject thought.
The Bible states that Lucifer is the worlds greatest deciever.
The Quran states that God is..
Fricken evil Muslims

>the beast
the beast is any and all humans that have lost their soul but are still living, they become animal-like, often inhabited by the souls of demonic entities. "Mark of the beast" refers to a person who has a mind and body, but no soul. They are 2/3rd's whole, or in decimal form: .666

Whether satan and lucifer are different entities is debatable, and ultimately semantics.

> Enough has bled through
> The pathway revealed

There are all such things and delimiters across creation. Two view one as good and the other as bad is to miss the scope and purpose of creation.

There are as many forms of darkness as there is light

Creation didn't occur like a day time drama

Drop the bible and go back in religious history.. in time closer towards actual creation... See the tales and beliefs of prior men not the liars of late.

Creation didn't occur like a human drama. Infinite regression is a clear red flag.

A great deal of understanding could be gathered from this if discussed and analyzed at length. Sadly, most churches concern themselves with fire and brimstone and how to get to heaven sermons keeping many away from deeper truths.

Jesus is a metaphor for creation. The word of god when referred to as Jesus is known as 'the living word of God'... Essentially : All of creation.

Again, another area people could gain grand understanding but rarely probe deeper than surface level understanding.

^gets it


You'll see such structuring all throughout time in different forms and functions just as you will encounter light in its infinite forms. It's what creation is all about.. A journey through the infinite. Many claim they want to know the more ultimate truths but few truly venture to find them. Few recognize them even though they stare them in the face and grace them everyday.

Thus the need for time and scales upon time and scales. Eventually you come to 'see'. You live long enough to see yourself in every form committing everything you said you never would.

Lucifer -> Satan -> the "beast"

Within the realm of chirstianity, Lucifer is the light bringer (Knowledge and free-will), satan is the iconography of evil. Lucifer became satan when christians became fearful of the world. The "beast" is a further debasement of the satan iconography. The 'beast' connects evil to the materials physical world.
They are all memes meant to denote a particular iconography.

ITT: Pagan larper edgelords hating on the Bible.

There have been quite a few here tonight. Fun!

> cram
> Attention gone after a couple of post
You spend your time on what you feel is most important...
This likely isn't important for you or many others..

See you in September user.

It's like the Holy trinity, so yes and no.

The end happening isn't about to happen.

Satan - man in Jewish text that was against mankind's 'order'

Lucifer - Christian copycat of Satan, basically tried going against god's order for the betterment of mankind - god banished him.

the beast - can be a variety of things, usually depicting other religion's god's in a violent and bastardized form of the gods, such as Baphomet being Allah. The bible also bastardizes Pan,and Fenian gods, such as Baal the exalted, turning Baal into Beelzebub.

Wouldn't Satan be Apep?

>both are literal serpents of darkness
>both attempt to devour all goodness
>both defy the ruler of their respective cosmologies

Seth is a reluctant and untrustworthy bro. He's Judas, if anybody.

First post worst post

there is a code to be found in revelations , break the code and you will know what will be happening.

>what did the bible mean with pic related ?

most people dont have a ear and are to blind to see

>16But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear. 17For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.

Wow, Sup Forums tackles a subject they know nothing about.

protip: none of you know what you're talking about.