What's Sup Forumss opinion on depression? Why are there so many people suffering from it lately?

What's Sup Forumss opinion on depression? Why are there so many people suffering from it lately?

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Setting aside the folks whose brains are wired to make depression a legitimate medical condition, I'd say that it has much to do with how unnatural our lives have become. Our souls - for lack of a better term - know something isn't right and that feeling creeps into us when we have nothing around for distraction.
I'm probably just talking about myself, though.

The reason why you think that only recently more people started to suffer from depression is probably because you started to read more about it on the web to understand your own depression.

Its caused by humans being seperated from our natural enviroment. If youre suffering from depression try getting more vitamin D, getting excercise and generally improving your diet (no jewish mainstream nutrition stuff go for paleo diet which provably works). Also cum bareback in a pussy it works cause your brain knows your back on the right track doing what biology intends you to do the good feelings you get will certainly help with depression


you must be a newfag

Poor diets, lack of physical exercise, lack of exposure to nature. Humans evolved to spend our time outside in the sun, socializing regularly, and doing mild physical work every day. Urban life is the polar opposite.

Have it. Ask me anything.

My opinion is biased because I've got it. It's a nagging despair that corrodes the edges of my consciousness. I put a gun in my mouth some seven years ago, ended up bitching out and going home. At this point I'm so tired of my own bullshit that I can't even take my own recurring suicidal ideation seriously.

You'd think that's weird right? Not being able to take suicidal thoughts seriously. You would think that once I had reached that point then they wouldn't bother me anymore, but they do. It's the result of a chemical imbalance in my brain. Nothing more, nothing less. All I can do is fight it until it kills me.

That's all there is to say.

It's fashionable.

real depression is different from being a fucking faggot

Nah look at how far our lives have gone from the traditional lifestyle. If you're married with kids at 25 or under, then people are surprised, not because it's weird, but because of how hard it is to do successfully.

I'm depressed because i haven't left my house for 4 days, I'm alone and my fucking facetime fap cunt found a fucking bf and i can't fap to porn. And fucking exams in 2 days.

It's really not that hard, hardest part would be finding a loyal woman

Thing is men need to swallow their pride and do what needs to be done rather what they "want to do", which is easier than finding a loyal woman

But a lot of men doubt the existence of loyal women so they just say fuck it, which I get

Depression is fucking awesome. You can do anything you want and face absolutely no consequences. A guy just killed his whole family, wife and two daughters, and was found not criminally responsible because of muh depressions. You can do so much cool shit. The other day I pooped in the water tank of a toilet at this guy's house, i'm not sure if he found it yet or whatever but he knows i'm depressed so he won't say shit even if he did. You can't let depression just be about you.

Depression is the least of your worries

We don't chase our food or do manual labor, and rarely see sunlight. All of those activities release hormones we need to feel good.

Smashing pussy releases said hormones as well, and we don't get to do that too often because some dumbasses thought it would be a good idea to give them rights and let them be perpetual children.

For real though, why does everyone think that marriage is a bad thing? People act scared of it like they'll lose an arm or something when they get married.
There really are very, very few loyal women. In all fairness there might be roughly as few loyal men as well but most of us would never have a reason to find out. I would say that modern culture is incredibly toxic to a person's moral fiber but it seems like culture throughout history is decided by the most weak willed people in society.

Depression is glorified sadness.

It is OK to be sad, but it is supposed to make you change something.

Nowadays people don't want to make any change that implies sacrifices or go away from mainstream.

People aro really programed by media and school in a way that only leads to vice, sin and therefore sadness.

Eat shit you cum felching nigger

Also location plays a big role in it, I doubt loyalty means anything if you live in NYC or LA

Loyalty was only ever a common trait when it was necessary for security. Now that the state exists as a safety net to everyone from single mothers to asshole kids it's largely meaningless to the general population regardless of their sex.

I spent some times on depression forums and for males the main cause is realizing you wasted too many years of your life away, lack of sex, and blickness of the expected future (which are all correlated).

That's me right know

Lack of
Good diet and nutrition (multi, Vitamin D, magnesium, zinc)
Purpose in life. Gaming, clubbing till 30s slayin sluts and getting more $ just to blow it every weekend doesn't count.

True Happiness and Purpose comes from:
1. God through our Lord n' Savior Jesus Christ
2. Family and kids.
3. Giving back to your country and community

Nature Deficit Disorder!
Go the fuck outside; get into nature.

cause they're pussies thats why. A strong minded person doesnt need any drugs just his mind to battle depression.

Depression is your inner jew.

Families are distant, only really seeing eachother on holidays. Most people feed themselves unhealthy garbage, spend too much time inside and force themselves to act unnaturally. Guys aren't allowed to be crude anymore, women trick themselves into thinking that they have to be sassy six-figure earning divas. Our society today is fake as fuck.

Some good ideas posted here and I don't think it's just one of them but the combination of all of them ...Also we cant forget our consumerism driven society and social media. Upon first glance, you see what these people want you to see and assume their life is grandiose and perfect when in reality it is shit just like yours and those people are battling their own demons, and all is not perfect...

Another thing which ties into what a lot of you guys posted already is the current state of technology contributing to this "instant gratification" society. With information at our finger tips and the ability to have anything one could desire (and quickly) via the internet, patience for payoff is dwindling.


You don't have depression, you have developed anhedonia from overstimulating yourself with pornos, weed and videogames to the point of shutting down your dopamine transporters and reward system. It's very easy to mistake the two, and actually that's why SSRIs are so overprescribed and psychiatrists still haven't figured out why they either don't work or make autists shoot up schools.

Get yoursefl some GRB-GABA6, HTP5-Nettle, Melatonin and start lifting weights. No sugar, no screens. If i were you i'd stop information intake altogether. Stop reading, stop listening to music. Stop edging to hentai VNs until 4 in the morning. Stop alcohol, nicotine, weed etc, naturally. In the morning go for a walk as soon as you walk up.

>In the morning go for a walk as soon as you WALK up

How do you expect us to take any of your shit seriously when you can't even form a coherent sentence?

Probably brought on by sedentary life/crappy diet.
Staying informed on the state of things doesn't help.

It appears to be some type of societal sickness. It is likely a whole stack of problems. Overpopulation/population density causes a soulless society. When you live in a city, you're surrounded by so many people yet at the same time, you're a ghost. And 99% of the people you see daily wouldn't realise if you simply disappear or were replaced.


As many others have said, shit diet and exercise, living in overpopulated environments and an unrealistic outlook on life generally.
People have conflated depression with not being happy. They are not the same thing. Because of this "not being happy" has been medicalised and people think its their doctor's responsibility to make their lives better.

workout, eat healthy, sort yourself out

I think modern society has made people weak.

We get handed so much, and so much of life is easy that our expectations start to naturally drift up. Look at young people today who feel entitled to almost everything, healthcare, education, the right to clean water and electricity, to internet etc.

I know as relatively well of person who sits at management/director level of a small business that it's easy to get used to the easy life. We recently moved office to a bigger/better building and I had the responsibility of making sure all the IT was done. It ended up in 4 days of working 14 hours a day and then another week of 10 hour days. And when I was done it made me reflect on how grateful I am that I could sit behind a desk all day during normal working hours.

I think this is part of Peterson's advice to people, go and lift the heaviest weight you can find, sustain yourself, don't expect anyone else to. Humans are goal orientated, we need to set goals and feel the reward for accomplishing them.

Seriously, go and do a hard work for a while and watch all of your stupid complaints about trivial things disappear almost immediately, and enjoy the feeling of accomplishment wash over you.

thanks for your (((concern))) bud

Same reason there seems to be more trannys and faggots. Its popular now so people are larping.

Because everyone leads an unhealthy mental life nowdays. You can sit in front of your computer so far saying "im not lonely im alone" before the fact that humans are a social animal before anything gets to you.
Biggest traffic on the internet is porn and social media. Being alone will kill you. Prisons worst punishment is not death row, its being locked in a dark cell alone for the rest of your days. Death row will kill you, being alone will make you kill yourself.
Ive had early or not so early symptoms of schizophrenia and i used to feel this loneliness type feeling even when hanging out with my best and only friends and it hurt me less than all the self inflicted wounds, all the broken arms, broken fingers ever did.
People sit online on social interaction websites all day trying to replace the fact that they are so fucking lonely but after awhile it simply doesnt cut it.
And this is just 1 part of it. The second one is terrible piss poor upbringing that doesnt encourage children to seek out actions in the real world. 20 year old men that dont know how to replace a toilet or fix basic electric circuits around the house, dont know how to use any tools, dont play any sport.
Shit parents that let kids drop out of school, when i wanted to drop out my mother told me i can expect to live on the street the second i drop college but thats not the case for others. Instead they drop out of everything and when theyre 25 they realise they didnt do jack shit with their life and that makes them have a crisis as well.

Most depression in the modern world is a lack of spiritual meaning and cultural relevance. Everything is trite entertainment, or temporary products designed to be thrown away (even our governments!). Such an environment is suicide of the soul.

Understand what's actively being attempted around you and what's being taken away right under your noses and you'll understand why more people are suffering from depression.

This is on the right path.

The web is also a massive source of dopamine, which the platform developers understand, and manipulate reward-response in order to keep people coming back.

Even Sup Forums has an element of this, with (you)s and so many new threads popping up constantly.

most leftists fags use it as an excuse to be lazy and watch Netflix the whole day.

Read "Ultramind Solution".

No such thing. People are simply failing to follow their biological imperatives and are rejecting nature. Just natures way of showing societal rejects that they are better off killing themselves than ruining us.

social media gives the illusion of anonymity which allows people to be assholes on the net, which bleeds into their lives. thus causing everyone to be fucking assholes. the 90s were fucking cash btw

>Why are there so many people suffering from it lately?
They're not depressed. They just think sadness=depression.

It's probably just a response to (a) the luxury of a generally safe existence, and (b) the development of modern science pretty much knocking down more literal interpretations of nihilism. It's led to widespread nihilism, just as many predicted it would, and it will continue until humanity constructs anew belief system that is (a) not incompatible with science and (b) not too conceptually difficult to be understood by the masses. Not sure whether that will be an evolution of current religions, or something new altogether, but I think it's inevitable that it will have to happen.

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

and lack of things to do
as my brazilian ex loves saying: we dont have time for that shit in brazil