Thats what happen with AntiFa in Poland

Fuck antifa.
>Antifa nie przeszła. Nawet nie ruszyła się z miejsca. Marsz w Katowicach zamienił się w pikietę, tym samym totalnie ośmieszając jego uczestników. Żadna spotkana grupa antify nie chciała lać faszystów, z trudem też przyszło oddawanie flag i baneru. „Łowcy nazioli” w znacznej przewadze liczebnej, ze sprzętem i kijami od flag chowali się w np. w… Żabce. Wasze wszystkie artykuły i internetowe wypociny możecie wsadzić sobie w dupę, dobrze wiecie kto rządzi na ulicach Śląska, co pokazuje między innymi dzisiejszy dzień. Oczywiście zaraz ktoś napisze, że bajdurzymy, dlatego za niedługo wrzucimy filmik potwierdzający wasze bohaterstwo. >Jesteście zerami.


Other urls found in this thread:


Not all of us speak kurwa so translate.

Translate that pls.

Some football hooligans talking about BTFOing antifa and wanting to make a video of it.

I don't talk russian/german rape baby speak

I ran it through the translator. OP is faggot for not doing this

>Antifa has not passed. She did not even move. The march in Katowice turned into a picket, thus totally ridiculing its participants. No group of Antipodes encountered the fascists, and the flag and banner were hard to come by. The "hunters" in considerable numbers, with equipment and flag sticks hiding in eg in ... Frog. All your articles and internet sweepstakes you can put your ass, well know who ruled on the streets of Silesia, which shows, among other things, today's day. Of course, someone will just say we are bubbling, so we will soon be releasing a video confirming your heroism. > You are zero.


>Antifa did not pass. She did not even move. The march in Katowice turned into a picket, thus totally ridiculing its participants. No group of AntiFa encountered the fascists, and the flag and banner were hard to come by. The "hunters" in considerable numbers, with equipment and sticks hiding for example in ... Żabka(local store). All your articles and internet sweepstakes you can put your ass, well know who ruled on the streets of Silesia, which shows, among other things, today's day. Of course, someone will just say we are bubbling, so we will soon be releasing a video confirming your heroism. You are zero.


Thank you.

Thank you.

Polandbros come through yet again. Nice job fuck antifa.

sorry i do not oingo boingo

Btw today or yesterday our nationalist make AntiNazi Picket for victims of attack Nazis and USSR.
Even antifa with soros folks make counter picket..... so anti anti nazi(=nazi?) picket.





I don't know why, but it seems its going to be an uneven fight :DDDDDDD

>The "hunters" in considerable numbers, with equipment and flag sticks hiding in eg in ... Frog.

what the frug

Dont forget about them.
"Capitalism = Freedom" and "peace and prosperity"

Seems like antifa is complete trash in Poland too


Not everyone can speak subhuman, poopland.

aren't your county a literal prison that was created by British empire so it can send rapist whores and murderers away from UK ?

Something has seriously gone wrong with this generation.

This is an international poisoning of culture, internet was a mistake.

It's uncanny how this repeats itself worldwide, the dressing patterns, the irrational newfound love for communism. All of it is absurd.


Must be countered big time.

"Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to."

—Theodore Dalrymple, “Our Culture, What’s Left Of It”

In Poland it is just some sad cunts, the overwhelming majority of the youth here votes for the far-right and traditionalism


>Banner and sign are upside-down

Yeah so we recognise the symptoms of being a rape baby.

We love you Sup Forumsand


Yes, but it still has manifested in poland.

That's my point, this shit is international, worldwide, it knows no borders, no (((ethnicity))), no cultural identity.

It's spreading like cancer and manifesting itself everywhere, just like the concept of communism itself. "The Internationals".

It's sickening really.

because the /pollacks/ stole that shit from Antifas who failed to conduct their protest.

Obviously bad translation but here's google translate:

>Antifa has not passed. She did not even move. The march in Katowice turned into a picket, thus totally ridiculing its participants. No group of Antipodes encountered the fascists, and the flag and banner were hard to come by. The "hunters" in considerable numbers, with equipment and flag sticks hiding in eg in ... Frog. All your articles and internet sweepstakes you can put your ass, well know who ruled on the streets of Silesia, which shows, among other things, today's day. Of course, someone will just say we are bubbling, so we will soon be releasing a video confirming your heroism. You are zero.


Read the entire thread next time, thanks.

Wew lad

Communist cunts must be taken down.

Rofl , these people are so brainwashed it's not even funny


Braun or nothing

when will they release the video ? did they already ?

also Poland si so fucking funny, i went to the independence march last year, where 150 000 people march together against basically marxism and to celebrate polish independence, and there was a group of leftists, like 500, all rounded with barricades and police cars for their security, they were in a literal fort

at least they THOUGHT they were in security, because some still managed to throw bottles in their fort

funny shit moment

all the west has no fascists at all, and have big gangs of antifas, while Poland have a fucking lot of "fascists", and for the few antifas there are, they even have anti-antifas groups

i love you Poland

Poland is strong

