So if multiculturalism is a Jewish scheme, why do they enrich us with Muslims, who are Jews worst enemy?

So if multiculturalism is a Jewish scheme, why do they enrich us with Muslims, who are Jews worst enemy?

They don't do it consciously.

It's unconscious a deep down they feeling that if they disallow another group in, it will lead to them being disallowed.





Here is an example of them consciously pushing immigration but.

They're making a mistake, Muslims are allies, just not in our own countries



because it drives more jews back to israel



Muslims will destroy nationalism by creating isolated legal spaces. This will in turn create opposition from natives to create their own "western" space. This will lead to the destruction of national states at the benefit of the crumbling european union.

Is that Mclovin?

they have a home to go back to

They miscalculated.

Organized white society based on ethnic identity appeared to them an existential threat which they needed to destroy above all.

Very obviously, spreading 10-20% blacks/muslims/arabs in the population would permanently end anything like that, because it would make it impossible for such a movement to arise, at least without a massive prolonged civil war.

At the time, Muslims seemed weak and uncoordinated. White society seemed like a far bigger threat.

Since then, in the last 2-3 decades, it has become apparent that Muslims are a far bigger threat to the Jewish existence in Europe than white society was. Through a combination of higher numbers than expected, greater hostility than expected, protections for Jews being lower than they imagined.

You will notice that far fewer Jews today than in the 1970s are pushing pro-islam and pro-Arab immigration. They are much more against anti-Semitism, but that's specifically a defense for Jews which is always useful in any society. They have also observed that their time amongst white people has, in spite of Nazism, been far better than most other alternatives amongst other peoples and in other parts of the world - a bit of "turns out white goyim aren't so bad after all, compared to life amongst Muslims".

Jews aren't perfect at all. Sometimes they miscalculate. And I say that as a person with a couple of good Jewish colleagues.

Jews won't let WWII end.
They're powerless without that guilt trip.

logical fallacy, you assume brown muslims from the middle east are the jews worst enemy, but that is fart from the truth. The worst enemy for the jews is a white benevolent who is aware of the jewish sceheme. They flood europe with illiterate and violent non-whites in the hopes of breeding out the white race with more easily controlled humans.

White conglomeration like the nazi's who ousted the jews from their control is the true jews worst nightmare. Smart Goyim and Ambitous Goyim are the worst nightmare for the Jews.

Multiculturalism is a scheme of the globalist elite, not the common jew.

So that "diaspora Jews" get scared and move to Israel? That's why Israeli jews are promoting the alt right. They want us to be as publicly anti semitic as possible so that Jews freak out and move to Israel.

To fractionalize/dillute/destroy the nations. That whole mess can only be ruled by in-your-face totalitarian governments.

You see...the "Leftwing vs Rightwing" farce served them well but has reached the end of it's potential, time to move to the next phase of the plan. "Managed Race War" to move to in-your-face Totalitarianism.

And btw...they don't want to "brown" the World totally, to a big extent yes but not totally. The brown races would eat them alive because brown people are just as racists as Jews are.

Furthermore they will need a considerable amount of intellectual power to keep the nations that they cannot control or fully control from conquering their Jew Empire...they will need to keep a considerable amount of Whites.

But im not saying that the situation is not so is terrible...but it's just that the whole "browning" thing is not supposed to be total.

>So that "diaspora Jews" get scared and move to Israel?

>who are Jews worst enemy
every one who is not jewish
think about it

So we would destroy each other? Two worst enemies do the job for the jews by killing off each other.

According to that theory at least.

Learn what a Semite is.

There's a simple solution you're all overlooking, and one that Jews know of but are terrified you will all figure out; a solution to the immigration flood into Western nations and one which would cause immediate retreat into the immigrant's homeland.

You see, the immigrants themselves hold no special love for Jews. They just see easy money and welfare for themselves by moving to Europe. But they also value their cultural identity and fear losing it to the West.

Think like an immigrant. What would put pressure upon you to return home and protect the nation that spawned you?

>Muslims, who are Jews worst enemy?

Who persecuted the Jews for centuries -- the muds or Europe?

>putting themselves in the middle of 400M muds because they (((fear))) them

Getting as many muslims as possible away from their homeland.

really gets that ol' noggin joggin...

Jews fear European Christians more than they fear Muslims.



They'll fear European muslims even more then.


because it's US, not THEM


they want the Middle East for themselves

The want the planet for themselves.

cause they hate us