About two weeks ago I made a thread about being told to change my polish pepe avatar in company intranet to something...

About two weeks ago I made a thread about being told to change my polish pepe avatar in company intranet to something else because someones fee fees were offended. I did change it to the following pic a day later, and yesterday I was told I'll be investigated by HR for breaching "code of conduct".

Thread: archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/138502781/

When my manager told me I laughed hard, but he seemd not too amused. The speople really think a cartoon frog is a sign of neo-nazism or some shit like that. This world has gone insane.

You should switch it to this. You're welcome.

Pepe is a hate symbol. He's a Nazi frog.

That's pretty hiliarious actually.
At least the people that would be annoyed by this are not such faggots to run to HR right after they see something that hurts their fee fees.

It's a really sad state of society when somoene can't just come up to me or write me an email sayin "hey man, I find your avatar offensive, maybe you could take it down?", instead they run directly to HR. Hell, I would even consider taking it down if someone honsetly talked to me about their problem with it. But when they jump for the corporate hammer right away I naturally recoil.

Pepe is a meme, and can be used by anyone in any form for any purpose.

If someone made a version of Mona Lisa in which she wears a nazi uniform and started spamming that on twitter, would that make every version of Mona Lisa a hate symbol, including the original? That's some seriously slippery slope.

>be a cringey racist from TD

>why do people treat me like a cringey racist cancer?

Except I'm not a racist, even though I am posting on Sup Forums. The fact that people are labeling others racists or nazis for jokes and memes really shows the state of our society.

I don't paricurally care about the job, I was going to leave within another few months, but it is pretty crazy.

The funniest thing is I'm working for Amazon. When you go to amazon.com you can easilly find pepe merchendise like shirts and shit.

>being the retard who mixes politics with work so your boss has to have conversations with you to not be retarded

What do your workmates think?

Shill harder

This is why you work for small companies without HR departments. HR is absolute cancer.

They think it's insane, some laugh. I haven't met a single person that takes this seriously, except HR i guess.

Whats the name of your company? we'll tell them you're a regular of the liberal totally not nazi not racist not alt right hugbox site Sup Forums's Sup Forums.

You are absolutely right. I'm doing this just to get a bit capital so I can start my own company.

HR are the lowest form of animal filth ever existed.
Those are people are good for nothing (they wouldn't be in HR otherwise) but still they hold so much power.

Leaving right after you gave them the middle finger for proving that you're a nazi isnt going to look good in your personal record.

True, but I don't intend to work for others anymore, I'll have my own business once I go home(not irish).

Is this really worth losing your job over?

Not really. I don't intend to opose them in the "investigation meeting", I'll say that I'd be happy to change the picture, and I just find it sad that people run directly to HR to complain instead to falking to me like a human being to a human being.

It was just my knee jerk reaction to corporate power pushing on me to use the trump picture.

I don't disagree...

Amazon is a CIA operation, so it's pretty obviois why (((they)))'d be triggered by pepe on their intranet, kek!

friendly reminder to report d&c whining about t_d not being fyad enough for the cool kids only asuka club

Misato is the only correct choice my friend.

Hikari best girl, Misato best woman.