So has anyone thanked her for starting the ball rolling that got Trump elected?

So has anyone thanked her for starting the ball rolling that got Trump elected?


Is she the rural and suburban retards?

are you a dog fucker?

are we just humans?

Tribute her everytime I masturbate.

i actually think shes kind of cute
but i like that slightly overweight stoner hair dyed trailerpark girl thing

i just wanted to play video games

i never asked for this

Drumpf is gonna start WW3 but ok.

please leave, video games are literally made for children and adults playing them is just sad

No, we shackle her to a respectable workstation and make her write code in C all day, and every night Sup Forums critiques it.

If she ever writes any good code she gets to watch XArts hetero porn, the sopranos , and eat steak and avacado.

Bad code will result in water with unflavored protein powder and mustard greens.

Objectively false


I'm a Patriots fan and when I saw how hard the NFL fucked over Tom Brady just because they wanted him to lose that was when I started to really see it.

She won't be harmed, but slowly we will build her Into a competent programmer and she will know and understand the time and energy that a real programmer puts in. Now every Gurl gaymer etc will seem so childish and she will hate them for trying to sidestep the work with a Pussy pass

boardgames are made for children, therefore you shouldn't play chess because it's a boardgame

>drumpf won thanks to racist old people

>"gamergate did it"

how retarded are you?

>thanking her for getting Trump elected

I bet he has a barcode behind his head.

She really was the Jar Jar Binks of this whole operation. Anyone who has second thoughts about the way things are going, need only think back to the early days of GG and how large, on fire and belligerent the SJW and Lefty kiddies were at that point.

They've largely fallen back on "WE'RE THE VICTIMS" narrative to justify themselves, but back then they truly believed they were some untouchable shitstorm of piss and shit that would exist unchallenged, forever. All it took was 6 years under Obama for the world to see what the "oppressed victims" would do with power when they finally got it.

>hear about some bitch ruining a reality show with jontron
>see depression quest featured but it's garbage and the whole Five guys thing happens
>get redpilled by the media elite shitting on everyone and everything

they really did create their own opposition by being such insufferable cunts

>Anyone who has second thoughts about the way things are going, need only think back to the early days of GG and how large, on fire and belligerent the SJW and Lefty kiddies were at that point.

This, I actually didn't know about gamergate for a month or two because it happened at the same time that Michael Brown was shot in Ferguson. All the SJW and victim types were screeching about that nonstop and must've drowned out the gamergate stuff.

Looking back on it I think the social justice stuff peaked sometime between the start of Obama's second term and August of 2014.

when did this happen?

If you really think about it
it was not Aragorn or Sam or Frodo or even Gandalf that saved middle earth.
Gandalf and Aragorn could not even hold the ring and Frodo in the end succumbed to its power with Sam powerless to stop his master.
Ultimately none could throw the ring into the pit of Mount Doom.

It was Gollum who did it.
He bit of Frodo's finger out of wrath and lust for his precious and then stumbled into the pit while in ecstasy of finally reattaining it.

Quinn is the Gollum of RL

>old racist people
Whites aged 18 to 40 voted Republican (Trump) at greater numbers than any similarity aged generation since Coolidge gained office.

Millennials done good and if you look at their politics pre-gamergate their was no way in hell one could have predicted such a switch.
Hell those same people minus those aged 18 to 22 who voted for trump (they would have been too young) voted for Obama 4 years earlier!!!

The cunt that launched a thousand shitposts


This is a great plan!
Why aren't we supporting this plan?


It's so damn hilarious too because otherwise it would have just been like Round 3219231 in the fight between gamers and game "journalists" -- just another of the billion and one examples of collusion between devs/publishers and writers.

You're right, SJW mania seemed to peak around 2014, and it's all been downhill from there for them.

someone give her a fraser cut in this pic
i'm too inept for that

No one outside of Sup Forums, reddit, and kotaku even knows what gamergate even is. Pull your head out of your ass.

pick up that sword and slay that dragon faggot, because your father is stuck in his belley and you need to kill the dragon so you can take the virgin and repopulate the kingdom with your winner seed so that the human race can thrive on

>no one outside these three top 1000 alexa rank places have heard of it!

This is also true. I have a friend who works in the industry as an environmental artist and when it was all ongoing I asked him what people in his world thought about the whole thing and apparently nobody gave a shit, and they still don't. It was all just autism in a certain sphere of the internet.

Fuck off Ahmed.