Serious question - how did this happen? One year ago were we having this conversation?


Other urls found in this thread:


gay marriage did it.
it opened the floodgates for the normalization of all this gender based degeneracy

Never doubt the power of suburban cunts with money being blacked by democrats.

Holes did this to us.

Devil's advocate: Some parents do not learn the sex of the baby before birth, and can wind up with shitloads of baby-shower gifts for the wrong gender. Happened to my mom and my first six months were spent in various shades of pastel pink. Having a duel-gender option for when you have to bring something to a baby shower but don't know or care the sex of the baby might not be a bad thing.
However we all know the mentally ill will try and use this to push their "gender is a construct" nonsense, so my point is largely moot.

>Sup Forums: Children don't even know what gender is, why should we allow them to be trans?

>Also Sup Forums: No! Wait! Why are you getting rid of gendered children clothes??? How else can I make sure my kid knows the gender I want them to be???

epic strawman

it really was a slippery slope, now blowing dogs is legal in canada and boy and girl, man and woman, father and mother, have become dirty words as everyone is expected to embrace over 70 different genders beyond my imagination to comprehend.

it all happened quickly but just gradually enough that it feels surreal and it's hard to connect sometimes with how far we've really fallen.

Epic argument.
Instead of "STRAWWWMANNNNN!!!!111" How about actually making a real argument as to how it's a straw man?

children do know what gender is. in the same way that animals know what gender is. they either feel and act like a male or feel and act like a female because GENDER IS A BIOLOGICAL CONSTRUCT

How about you shut the fuck and kill yourself instead?

furthermore, unless you try to force some weird shit on them, boys automatically prefer boy shit and girls automatically prefer girl shit. many panicked genderlarpers have had to deal with the frustrating scenario of their little baby boy wanting to play with cars and not dolls. studies have been done showing babies fresh from the womb prefer the toys designed for their gender, before they've even been socialized. BECAUSE TIS A BIO FUCKING LOGICAL CONSTRUCT

because you're acting like Sup Forums didn't want children to be trans because "they don't fully understand the nuances of gender" or something like that, and that it's totally normal and acceptable for an adult to think "hey actually I'm a woman lol" and chop their cock off.

That's not normal. People don't differentiate gender and sex. To everyone that isn't mentally ill or intentionally subversive, those mean the same thing.

If you're a guy with a strong desire to cut your cock off and put on make up, you are not "secretly a woman", you are mentally ill, and need help.

Children shouldn't be taught that such behavior is acceptable, in any way. It's bizarre and disgusting. Children know what gender they are, because they know what sex they are. Sex and gender are the same thing. You can not change either.

just use new labels 4 people like dickhead, nigger, faggot, jew, scabbs, make up labels for people we might as well have some fun with these insane people before they kick in the door and drag us to an executioner. also make the "short people" song by the big retard your anthem.

even furthermore you have to really fuck with a kids mind and teach them weird genderlarping and reward that behaviour for a boy to want to act like a girl and vice versa.

gender disphoria is a MENTAL DISORDER and should be prevented and treated and not indulged delusionally

but naive and degenerate social engineers trained and working for the malevolent establishment that seeks to dismantle humanity to obtain ultimate power and destruction for the evil they literally worship... have totally fucking boggled the naive and ignorant degenerate normies mind into accepting literaly madness.

and frankly, i am quite justifiably pissed off in the extreme. genderlarping faggots are costing us western civilization so they can indulge their sickness.

meanwhiel in glorious canada it is now illegal and punishable with jailtime or a fine if i don't call someone by their preferred gender. i expect to end up in jail at some point because i'm not indulging this fanciful bullshit delsuion. disgusting

how is a truck linked to being male?


do you have a penis? honest question, because if you do i don't see how you don't already understand this.

boys are fascinated with the fact that a roaringh loud platform on spinning wheels can take people from one palce to another. boys are automatically fascinated by technology and tools in the same way that girls are automatically fascinated with dolls and people and babies.

it's almost like we're born into a role nature or even god intends us to fulfill. fancy that

So it's not the truck but a fascination with moving parts and loud noises?

no, you're trying to boil this down, trying to distill an essential concept. it's technology, stuff, things. neat things. the loudness and spinning wheels just makes it especially interesting. have you not noticed how males typically have different interests then females even at a young age? did you think this was 100% social conditioning?

weapons, technology, these are male roles, natural male roles. female adults can get into this sort of thing and to a limited extent girls can show interest in cars and shit. but generally speaking it's a biological inclination towards differing interests related to the roles we have in life as man and woman.

leftists pretend human beings are blank slates that can be programmed with whatever ideologies. we're not little robots, we're human beings, we have an essential human nature largely rooted in our distinct binary genders. it's natural

well i guess i said everything that needed to be said and now the thread dies

>prostitution shouldnt be legal

you have to be a literal cuck to think you shouldnt be allowed to be given a fair and direct price for pussy

Im simply grappling with the idea that it seems we've enterred a stage where everything and all things 'diffrent' NEED to be identified and through identication these become the norm. It seems like an inverted state. Being unique or diffrent or odd or special was never politicised as much as it is now.

so then why the fuck is there still mens and womens clothing departments?

what the fuck is wrong with these people? their logic doesn't even make sense in their own store

A truck is a tool by which one acts upon the world. That is fundamentally male.

because there's a war between good and evil, there always has been. the weakness of good is naivety and inability to understand that evil beyond self interest is even a thing let alone the dominant force at the head of the state

baby clothes are one thing - read the article, they're talking about how school uniforms need to be unisex

True fact

Your mom and her friends are stupid they could have easily bought a bunch of yellow/white clothing. Both of which are "gender neutral" colors

Im wonderring if this means boys can wear skirts and girls trousers - or will they be redefined as kirts and rousers

i think we once used the term 'gift safe'.

Well that's pretty fucked

>Your mom and her friends are stupid
Well yeah

Last time I was in John Lewis I took my mother to buy Christmas decorations, and went to a local JL store, where they were selling gold-painted twigs for £40 (we declined to make a purchase, and no fucking wonder). But ALL the males on the shop floor looked like that toothy gay cunt Rylan from ITV, they all SOUNDED gay, and walked like they were trying not to dribble spunk out their arses. They must be working to a gay agenda already, based on their hiring policies.

trucks are cool lol

See here's the thing ... Watching 23 minutes of this 2017 Tomorrowland after festival video - loaded with millenials and I suspect progessive liberals - in all the couple shots - couples holding hands/ kissing being romantic - there are NO trans, NO mixed race , NO gay or lesbian . Nothing. It's all white. Even the vegetarian option is shot down with some dude breaking in to two burgers which have labels - pure beef. The mixed messages are dizzying! youtube.com/watch?v=AtdnWYqbMwc

Their sales will drop and they will change it back or die.
