The absolute STATE of Christ cucks!



Most Sup Forums users could benefit from seeing a psychoanalyst desu

We have a different concept of time from those outside the faith. We will be fine. We've had bad times before, we'll have them again. Christianity is a long game.

That is the pope not Christ. He and his church do not represent Christianity in any way shape, or form. He was probably asking if his attraction to litttle boys was normal.

he's still human you cretins, how retarded are you both

>he has to post it often and doesn't even change any part of his OP

>King Theoden says he regularly saw a Jewish psychoanalyst to "clarify some things"

>Most Sup Forums users could benefit from seeing a psychoanalyst desu
Grow the fuck up. Only (((psychoanalysts))) benefit from that quackery.

You're talking about the Pope and the Vatican. That's like saying, Israel has nothing to do with Judaism in any way, shape or form.

Would it be a safe bet that a church isn't worth shit if they don't say that Jews are going to Hell since they don't believe Christ was the Messiah?

>(((New York Times)))
It fucking astounds me that Sup Forums completely ignores what we all know about the media when it comes to them reporting on the pope.

How can anyone still follow these pedo Catholics faggots?! The Catholic church is literally ran by pedophile faggots taking guidance from kikes.

Well let's face it, this isn't inconsistent with the Popes actions.

Based Pope

He's destroying cucktianity by showing out its retardedness. He'll be the one to accelerate the demise of the church and remove cucktianity by playing the retard

He's doing Zeus' job

Catholics aren't Christian

But that's my point, most of the shit coloring the opinion of people on Sup Forums comes from these kinds of things, and it's a demonstrable fact that the media frequently misrepresents the Pope, sometimes intentionally, like his comment about Trump's wall back during the election campaign, or unintentionally, because they don't understand Catholic theology, like when they said the Pope said atheists can be saved (what he actually said was that if they earnestly convert and live as good Catholics they be saved).

Dude sex lmao

What is the issue here? Are naziboos scared of communicating with Jews?

The Vatican represents the old Roman Empire religion with the various Gos, and Godesses turned into saints.

"Kikes" established the Church.

Listen cunt, he's not calling for a crusade on the Muslim invaders, he's a fucking cuck.

>"I saw Jesus on a toast", the post

>There are people here that believe catholicism is real christianity
>despite worshiping idols
>still believing Mary retained her virginity after Christ's birth
>confessing to an old fop inside a both of their sins
>Pope is literally worse than a jew at this point and cucking himself to his sworn enemies and bastardizing the teachings of Christ

>some autistic German from the Renaissance knew more about Christianity than the Apostles and the Church Fathers

>The Vatican represents the old Roman Empire religion with the various Gos, and Godesses turned into saints.
Ah yes, I am sure playing the guitar every Sunday in a baptist condominium is the true form of Christianity, and not the 2000 year old Church and her sacraments and rituals.

I mean if you're going to fuck with least get a jew. Those fuckers are completely neurotic.