The face of white supremacy

Is she our gal?’-op-ed-rails-against-modern-culture-‘inner-city-blacks’#.Wad-wmLiR0Q.twitter

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i was so happy to read her article. It's good to know that there are people that understand us in academia. But, it's a god-damn shame it had to be a woman of all people, and one that looks like a fucking kike too.

She looks like a fucking kike.

look at this based jewish career woman! Fucking based! lets show those essay jews whose de real racis!

No problem here

>angry about opinions


Here's the original article:

>can't un-see it

>says being a whore at 12 and getting jacked up at 13 is bad
>wah only we can't shit on blacks man they do that
It's now to the point where you might as well call the groids out for what they are

Not bad, not bad

>all cultures aren't equal
as i've known for awhile, this is the winning argument. it exposes the leftist.

Amy Wax and Larry Alexander, both kikes .

>the jews are seeing Hitler return and in panic damage control mode , bringing back conservatism and counter-left ideas while denouncing antifa on tv.

Amy Wax was strongly endorsed by Heather MacDonald. You should have already read Heather MacDonald's books Are Cops Racist and The Burden Of Bad Ideas.

The eye brows and skin tone scream Armenian

Can you really call it redpilled if its lamenting the collapse of bourgeois culture and not advocating the restoration of aristocratic culture?

Shill detected.

Amy Wax(man),shill, and she appears sephardi even if her name is ashkenazi

some faggot leftist in the comment section says:
>"Citation? Preferably one that actually shows that people "have more babies to get more money". Especially since 1996 (which was almost 20 years ago)."
why must dems consistently be so fucking stupid and brain-dead to believe the craven lies that (((academia))) and the (((press))) jizz down their throats and anuses?

if a kike says the sun is out when it's out, it means the sun is out. I'm not saying she's based or /ourgal/ but the truth is the truth regardless the source.

niggers and spics

not that it took a rocket scientist to figure that one out.

based. it's despicable that she is banished persona non grata for daring to speak the truth about muh dead niggers and those evil, evil cops.


Get in here faggots!

why the hell would it be a shame that it is a woman? if she speaks the truth, she has to be respected as if she were truth itself.

Fuck off all racists

Civics (or the lack of) was weaponized by politicians and this is the result

Wise trips.
Women are on a bell curve, a few are exceptionally brilliant.
Kikes can be a hit and miss, but kike features are found in many white Mediterraneans (inb4 Varg)

fuck off kikes and your pet sjws

what about nazi culture?

It's just the ride side of the kosher sandwich.

Is she a jewess or does she just look like one?

>Wax, who grew up in a Jewish household

Thanks leaf

Good article. Solid points. Written better than you faggots.

Waaaa she has a big nose waaaa. So your only friend looks jewy. Get over it.

> saving a picture of a nigger

People are just fed up with the liberal dogma now. They just couldn't say it before, they are now though because the taboo is starting to weaken.

Mussolini had a Jewish mistress. His daughter was also with a Jew. The rise of Hitler and Mussolini would not have happened if Mussolini did not have support from his Jewish supporters.

Lol what is that from?

lol nice catch

Thought that was RBG at first

An honest professor? Now I have seen it all.

they're arguing for assimilation and civic nationalism
into the trash

>Wax, who grew up in a Jewish household, took on what she sees as the difference between black, Jewish and Asian-American cultures in a 2015 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law article,

>“On Not Dreaming of Affirmative Action”

She has form and she is not backing down:
> “I’m waiting for them to get there and march against bourgeois values.

Larry Alexander:
>you just make claims like it’s racist, it’s sexist, it’s homophobic. That’s a sure sign you don’t have an argument.”

What would you prefer niggery nigs or black people who behave the same as you? inb4 muh ethno-state

>saying "all cultures are not equal" will get you called a racist nazi by the same people who cry their eyes out over the abuse of animals (see the chinese), children (see sudamericans) and women (see arabs)
Seriously, how do they do this kind of mental gymnastics? How is this level of cognitive dissonance even possible? My brain would be literally incapable of it even if I tried.

...and look how well using appeasement to stave them off ended last time?

I have a good feeling about where all this is going.