Is North Korea the most powerful nation in the world?

With all signs pointing towards a successful hydrogen bomb test, perhaps the very first of its kind, and now with North Korea having the capable technology to simulate multiple EMP attacks against the United States as threatened, are they a force to be reckoned with?


Top kek. Bring it on Korea, we're itching for a round two

They lack diversity

Why not?

Yes, bow before the supreme reader

Lack of diversity makes nations more powerful. The weakest countries in the world on a militaristic level are the ones with most diversity.


>the very first of its kind

It's literally a Teller-Ulam bomb.


starving ill equipped army. Israel has 200 nukes and is way more of a threat to the world then hungry swamp rats with a diet coke and mentos bomb.

Then why is America so powerful??? NATO is the strongest force and we all have diversity in the west.

>implying the U.S doesn't have the ability to actually simulate multiple EMP attacks against the entire pacific
Got a raging boner for norks, and think they're something special? Look up starfish prime.

North Korea, Russia, Iran, and China are the Top 4. USA is possibly #5.

Lol, no. USA is #1

>a successful hydrogen bomb test, perhaps the very first of its kind

Ha, what?

This dense motherfucker. kek

north korea best korea always food eat and many strong army

US is made on the backs of the Anglo-Saxons and Celts

50 million of them can do a lot

Seriously Trump needs to stop fucking around and smack the hammer down.
Dropping 15-20 nukes on North Korea would improve the country a lot.

Then how come I've been told it was just a few minutes ago?
China has the infrastructure the US lacks. So does Russia. North Korea and Iran have nuclear capabilities well above the US as well.

China would firebomb America and East Asia if so

lol, naive retard. Nice hitler dups, though

>firebomb the U.S
With what?

What do you mean we sucka.

Obviously... what are you? New?

We will patch this suggestion through to Trump.

North Korea is unironically the most nationalistic country in the world, one could even call them national-socialistic if you know what I mean.

>US is made on the backs of the Anglo-Saxons and Celts
Um no, black slaves, chinese slaves, and native slaves built the US.


Yep. With nationalism and socialism creates might on two fronts.

No. Kim is a petulant attention whore. Think for a moment what the world would look like 15 minutes after he nuked LA or Seattle. The rest of the world needs to do something if they don't want they world to change in that way. Kim would be doing US a favor. It would be the end of the Rat party for sure. The USA would move the old "Overton Window" clean back to 1776 in 15 minutes. Kim ain't our problem, he's yours.

free the korean peninsula from american degeneracy!

LOL no. The only reason we haven't wiped out North Korea yet is because South Korea would end up getting caught in the destruction


>With all signs pointing towards a successful hydrogen bomb test
What signs would those be?

At least the majority of Germans were proud and comfortable of the direction of their country before the war.. I don't think most of NK citizens legitimately believes in that. Might be natsoc in a sense, but it's not one that supports the viability of its citizens.

>successful hydrogen bomb test, perhaps the very first of its kind
Nigga do you even tsar bomba?

No. It's Zimbabwe, we wuz kangz

Do people still think that the DPRK is based because it doesn't have Jews? The way of fascism has always been to kill commies whenever possible. Whether you like it or not, these gooks have got to go. To hell with your "muh anti-imperialism" and "muh 0% kike" bullshit, we've a tumor to rid and we best tackle it whilst young!

I don't think N. Korea is a "young tumor", its a 60 year+ issue. The US fucked off in the middle of the Korean War while the Norks never quit.