So why are gay people not allowed to donate blood

So why are gay people not allowed to donate blood

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Because God has damned faggots, and taking their blood means going to Hell with them.

Then why are blacks allowed?


Yes. Your hospital, if they refuse blood from gays, is too cheap to screen for HIV.

In Poland they are.

they are in Russia

Don't want to spread the gay..

So what? Str**ghts are also susceptible to aids?
Also they check the blood for aids

Just a cost cutting mechanism, nothing to see here.



fags from the polgb discord is creating gay threads, just a reminder that the leader of that discord is a gay jew

Normal people dont make a bad habit out of fucking other mens assholes, who make a habit of fucking other mens asshole, who make a habit of fucking other mens assholes. Get it now? You are a sexual degenerate with no standards.

Because it's a waste of money.
If half the bag of blood from gays have to be thrown to the garbage bin after screening, then it's probably faster to just refuse gays and then concentrate your effort on getting more non-gay blood.

Just because a resource exist doesn't mean it's a good idea to extract it.



Because they're fucking faggots

did you just censor the word straights?

Good job, leaf

Are you pretending to be retarded?


sorry fags, blood bank's closed

>not stocking up on AIDS memes

to much nigger cock = AIDS

they test black people for sickle cell after they donate and if they have it they throw it away like their sperm

It is actually this!

>What is the Blood Service policy regarding blood donation for men who have sex with men?
If a man has had oral or anal sex with a man, including safer sex, he is unable to donate blood for 12 months after the last sexual contact.
>I’m in an exclusive relationship, why can’t I donate blood?
The Blood Service recognises that there will be different levels of risk among men whose sexual partners are men. However, scientific modelling shows that overall – even men in a declared exclusive gay relationship – have, on average, a 50 times greater risk of HIV infection, compared to heterosexual Australians with a new sexual partner.
>Shouldn’t I have the right to donate?
Nobody has the right to donate. Our greatest concern is safety.

>Also they check the blood for aids

>Don’t you test blood for HIV?
Yes, the Blood Service tests every donation. However, even this sensitive testing is unable to detect HIV, hepatitis B virus, and hepatitis C virus very early in the infection. You might hear this referred to as a ‘window period’ – it’s a time when the infection is just starting and is not yet detectable. This is why we don’t rely on
testing alone.

>The right to x
people need to stop doing that

agree 100%

Because putting O type blood into A type people is one of the methods that the Jews love to ruin Europeans.

>>Shouldn’t I have the right to donate?
Shouldn't I have the right not to get aids ridden blood? Human rights are beyond retarded

fbpb I see.

because gay people are a lot more likely to have AIDS.

>Shouldn’t I have the right to donate?
Wtf is wrong with people. Donation is not a right.It's an act of charity, but nobody is obligated to accept it especially if it's dangerous. This shows that these people are not as virtuous as they claim because they don't care about the safety of the patients as much as they want to feel good about themselves.

Increases the risk of accidental transfusion of contaminated blood. And there's too few faggots to make any real difference in amount of blood gathered. The more such cases, the less people will sell their blood. So blood business will actually lose out on blood if they accept faggots.

Common mistake. You can donate if you're gay (in aus) if you haven't been sexually active for a year. Reason being a lot of diseases more common among gays, like hiv, aids, hep c, are difficult to detect in the first 4 months or so. So it's more a cooling off period than a ban.

"There’s no such thing as brain death; it’s an invention of transplant medicine." -Professor Franco Rest

What they aren’t telling you is that your organs must be alive when they take them out of you. Even a master surgeon won’t be able to bring dead organs back to life. If transplanted into a living body, they won’t start functioning again either. So your body is just as alive, just as functional, as it was before your brain stopped working. “That means organ removal is a form of murder!” you cry out, appalled. Yes. That’s exactly what it is.
And that’s what it was, until the day in 1968 when a commission at Harvard University decided that there is such a thing as ‘brain death’, a state from which the patient can never recover, finding themselves in an irreversible coma. The basis for this decision lay in the heart transplants first carried out by the South African Christiaan Barnard on December 3rd 1967. They naturally entailed taking a living, beating heart from an accident victim or someone in the final stages of illness, and therefore killing them.

The patient is normally tightly strapped down during all of this, because the living body rises up and tries to defend itself against the outrage being inflicted on it. An anesthetist injects muscle relaxants into the body; in Switzerland they go so far as to administer a general anesthetic. The German Organ Transplantation Foundation recommends the use of fentanyl, an artificial opiate, “to optimize the surgical procedure”. Fentanyl is around one hundred times stronger than morphine. Food for thought! A rise in blood pressure, pulse and adrenaline can all be measured in these supposedly dead bodies: during normal operations, these would all be seen as unambiguous signs of pain and distress.

Even the methods used to diagnose ‘brain death’ cause unnecessary, even inhuman pain to people who are not really dead, and therefore still sensitive to pain. These include pricking the inside of the nose, irritating the cornea using a blunt object, exerting firm pressure on the eyeball, pouring ice-cold water into the ear canals, and irritating the bronchi with a catheter. Sometimes, medical staff go so far as to conduct an angiography, 2 which in living donors can lead to anaphylactic shock resulting in death.

Last of all comes the respiratory failure (apnoea) test. The doctors switch off artificial ventilation and observe whether a breathing reflex sets in in the next four to ten minutes. If that doesn’t happen (in the meantime, oxygen is being fed directly into the trachea), the patient is declared to be ‘brain dead’.

But not really dead, as transplantation specialist Werner Hanne stresses in his writings. He explains: “When it comes to ‘organ production’, the apnoea test is the riskiest: the patient must not ‘really die’ during this test (circulatory collapse). If this happens, resuscitation will be attempted if necessary. If the apnoea test proves negative, i.e. there is no spontaneous respiration, then the two doctors present, by means of their signatures and a date and time, transform a patient who was alive up until that moment into a ‘corpse’ from whom organs can be removed.”

“If the patient still isn’t brain dead after all these tests (for example if respiration restarts), then it’s just their hard luck having had to go through this torture twice. The patient is then regarded as a ‘normal’ coma patient again. However, the tests will be repeated at a later date. And the time of death is perfectly flexible. If one weekend, for example, no one is available who is qualified to diagnose brain death, then the assessment of death will be correspondingly postponed. The paradox: the heart-lung machine saves the patient, two signatures kill them.”

All the more horrifying, then, that on many occasions, ‘brain dead’ patients have come back to life

This had been picked up on by public prosecutors in several countries, who made a case for wilful killing. Something had to be done otherwise legal constraints would put a stop to organ transplantation. So it came to be that – in hospital – a human being is no longer dead when their pulse and respiration have ceased once and for all, rigor mortis and livor mortis have set in, and spirit and soul have visibly left the body. Instead, it is when the brain ceases to function. According to the doctors, this is the point at which the warm, breathing, heart-still-beating body can be wheeled into the operating theatre – to be taken apart with scalpel, saw, hammer and chisel. Blood shoots out in high fountains, and to quieten the still-living organism, 15 litres of ice-cold water are poured as quickly as possible into the torso. The organs are then cut out one by one.

i'm all for the ban

>What do they do in the rest of the world?
Australia is usually given as an example of one of the more liberal deferral policies. Many countries including Germany, Singapore and Denmark still have indefinite deferral for any man who has ever had sex with a man. Progressively, other countries are moving to temporary deferrals, with the USA, UK, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Canada and France already having implemented 12-month deferral.

We are so progressive yet the fags still bitch and moan

We are, depending on how long it's been since last encounter.


Are you okay Norway?