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Neither are niggers. They're just stupid.

Do you think they know that, by striking down egalitarianism, they're single-handedly creating a white identity and fuelling the far right?

niggers don't seem to be very good at understanding the English language

i think what he means to say is that racism against whites doesn't sting as much as racism against blacks, since it doesn't make as much sense.

>get systematically oppressed everyday
>because being white
>not racism


Hmmm, what's the definition of racism again?

ackshually the entire system is engineered to handicap white people at the expense of everyone else, especially jews. whites are more oppressed than any other group.

>You can't know the struggle of PoC
>We know exactly all about white people

A nerd nigger desperately trying to look smart

Op is a bundle of sticks.

Well, they are (((white))) themselves

A ragtag movement of shiftless first worlders don't really represent a problem for anyone, so they don't notice because there's nothing to notice

Well, actually, whites are the only ones being systematically oppressed.

Niggers on the whole are
>Easily distracted

They keep themselves down well enough


the 2 arguments don't follow

Yes yes YES!!!! keep posting shit like this!!!
I love the power we're amassing, there will be stopping us in 2020 and beyond

>Our governments endlessly supply gibmedats to subhumans with our taxes

How the fuck is this NOT systematic oppression? I could have 10 kids otherwise, but I have to feed nigger mouths

Shut your Cory in the house looking ass up.

I just love how everyone is supposed to start buying into the new definition of racism that they made up like 10 years ago.

Niggers aren't either and haven't been in decades.

Except whites are systemically oppressed in hiring, college admissions, and scholarships. Plus, only white areas are forcefully 'diversified' via Section 8 housing, school busing, and business ownership.

Sup Forums btfo of existence!!!

How will they ever recover?

Affirmative action is an example of a system that directly oppresses whites and Asians. Literal institutionalized racism.

Oh if you say so let me write that down. If some nigger says we aren't being oppressed as we are ethnically replaced, I can't speak for the rest of Sup Forums, but I know when I have been rationally defeated by a superior shit skin.

He's right, whites are systemically oppressed. But you can still be racist towards white people. One white person hating all black people is just individual racism. A black person hating all white people is also considered individual racism.

Jim Crow and racial segregation laws are known as institutional racism where the government is creating a system that benefits one race and relegates the other as an underclass.

What these young idiots don't understand is that although whites aren't systemically oppressed like blacks, you can still be racist towards whites on an individual level.

if you didn't bring up white people
would this little guy think it was fair for one race to speak as an authority on the experiences felt by another race?

South Africa, Zimbabwe... We just pretending these don't exist?

>1 Post By This ID


wtf i hate myself now


I honestly love niggers showing their true colors.
They chimping out like this only pushes more and more whites to our side.

>Jim Crow and racial segregation laws are known as institutional racism where the government is creating a system that benefits one race and relegates the other as an underclass.

So affirmative action then.

just call it
>Anti-White Rhetoric
and they can't declare it doesn't exist, because it does, and they're getting worried.

>muh systematic systemic system

Cool argument, bro.

There was a time when I would agree with that statement. Not any more.

A white male cannot even get a high level Job without debasing himself blathering about these leftist hobbyhorses. He literally HAS to celebrate his own demographic eclipse, or no job for you.

Put that together with the various affirmative action programs and there actually IS *systemic* racism.

they want to systemically oppress us though, thats what we are trying to prevent, fucking niggers

Lmao niggy got mad

Racism =/= systematic oppression exclusively.

Welcome to Sup Forums newfriend

his 3/5 of an opinion has been duly noted.

>frickin CROSSFIT

like pottery

>So you're a nigger girl
>You decide to change gender
>You pick Oliver as your name
>Please sir, can I have some more?

You can look at it like that. The reason affirmative action was introduced in the first place was because equality might have been reached under the eyes of the law (in theory), social inequality was not. This meant that a black man could have gone to college, gotten himself a diploma and applied for a job only to be denied because nobody wanted to hire a nigger.

Past discrimination required the government to step in to help uplift some minority groups that were stuck as a permanent underclass due to low social standing and stigma.

>laws and regulations put in place to give minorities preference over whites
>not systematic racism against whites

I hate when normies use buzzwords like "systemically" without even knowing what it is or how to use it. This is what has led to the current decadent political state, everyone thinks of themselves as some kind of genius philosopher only because they can spout abstract words on twitter and tumblr and get a thousand likes for it.

That's.. not how racism works.

>what is affirmative action
>what is section 8
>what is forced integration

Sup Forums racists BTFO

I'll bet the OED gets 'corrections' sent for that entry every other day.

This should absolutely get them the poor and middle class white vote they've been losing en masse.

fuck humanity all is lost

It is now, can't stay a permanent victim if you aren't willing to slide reality.

>giving black people 3/4 of a vote is racist
>AA giving whites and asians 3/4 of a point on the SATs for each point they should be getting is NOT RACIST MMMMMMMK??

Remember when Japanese people were placed in concentration camps? And then when the US nuked them twice?

I don't see any Japanese people crying oppression and begging for welfare. Black people should thank Europeans for dragging them out of primitive HIV ridden Africa and bringing them into civilization.

>tfw know hwere that background image is from

we should do the same to the niggers, except just nuke them all.

That niggardly little coward hides his tweets. sad.


sure as fuck feels lik it with niggers yelling each and every day in my face about things which none of us control. wish all their dicks would have been cut off when they were enslaved but noo. damn YT had to be nice and not castrate it's slaves. fucking morons

>verified libcuck
are they just handing them out to anyone that can get 10 followers and suck Marx's cock at this point?

white people truly are systemically held back by diversity quota shit a lot of the time

I think its pay for play now.

With a little more thought you could have spelled

Pretty much this. Every now and then you need to change the definition of words so you can get victim gibs. That's how gender went from meaning male or female to being a social construct, to being an identity, to being an expression.

what are taxes

This is just a continuation of the modern leftist trick of redefining words when they can't win an argument.

So, for as long as man has had reason, racism is acting on prejudice based on skin color.

So... when a white man beats a black man because he is black, that is a racist act.

And... when a black man beats a white man because he is what, that is also a racist act.

But that opens up a whole bunch of problems for the left, so they have attempted to redefine the word in such a way as to exclude 1/2 of the equation.

So, they now say that racism is prejudice + power, so it's impossible for a black person to be racist.

Even when you point out an obvious point, the city of detroit for example.

In detroit, you had 40 years of black leadership. They held the mayor position, all of council, the police and fire chief, and all department heads.

But when you ask a leftist... does that mean they have power and can therefore be racist, they turn blue and try to talk about "tradition power structures" and other BS to keep up the sham.

This use of language to win arguments is nothing new. 1/2 of the book "1984" is based on this concept.


or just be a buzzfeed """journalist""" and produce shit like this on a daily basis

> Racism is just SYSTEMATIC oppression
But racial prejudice is just prejudice on racial grounds. It can come from rational reasons or out of absolutely nothing.

>Agitated easily
>Easily distracted
>Sub-human IQ

I tried, the A needs a little work

Varies from person to person and day to day tbqhwyfamalam

Except that Jim Crow and separate but equal but abolished.

So how exactly are black people opressed in the present day?

>This much damage control
Lol sorry kikes, you fucked up. Don't know who's gonna take you in next with the internet to tell everyone your past. Good luck with maintain Israel with 7 million more useless Jews, no more US gibs, and no more backing off the us military

cant tell if shes a tranny because shes black

they have made their own dictionary and call what should be called racism as prejudiced, you can be prejudiced but not racist in their insane asylum land

>my definition of racism is the right one

Why do they think like this?

Neither are black people.

Some people being "unconsciously racist" is not systematic oppression.

>cars running down commies intensifies


>Jim Crow and racial segregation laws are known as institutional racism where the government is creating a system that benefits one race and relegates the other as an underclass.

So is Affirmative Action and other quotas, but I don't hear blacks lament that.

Oh it's just a user picture that shows a nigger faggot.

Not an argument. False declaration. Sage


Is this a repost or did you shop the date on that pic? Because this tweet has been around for years.

They'll repeat anything they're told to repeat if it furthers their cause, even if it's an easily provable lie. The gender pay gap being the other obvious example.

>nigger tranny

I can't think of anything more horrifying.

lol wut


That definition comes from sociology books written by (((certain people)))

companies dont want niggers employees because they fucking SUCK, if they were profitable and productive employees the companies would not care, all they care about is money, DAT GREEN, but nah, niggers are niggers and most of them are garbage tier workers

Try to keep in mind that while Jim Crow laws were abolished in 1968, that doesn't mean that black people were socially seen as equals to whites. Hell, even to this day most people consider black people to be inferior and poorer workers than whites. Just look at how much disgust the "BLACKED" meme brings to most people here.

Also, the war on drugs disproportionately affects black people with blacks having higher incarceration rates for marijuana and crack possession. Having a criminal record will seriously hinder your chances of getting a decent job.

I thought his name was corey.

We are having a discussion on slavery in class Tuesday. Should I tell me professor "I hate that slavery ever happened, it brought to many fucking niggers over."

People who think like you are why affirmative action laws exists in the first place.

>Also, the war on drugs disproportionately affects black people with blacks having higher incarceration rates for marijuana and crack possession.
Maybe they should stop taking drugs, then.

I love that the left will never be able to kill this meme as it drags all their political power down into the grave with them.

The DNC and lefty corporacuck leadership is trying to stop it now but it's too little, too late.

Why is it always the most unfortunate looking people that talk like this. Typical lard ass, shit eating grin, photo that they think looks good and always spouting some shit they know will get them like and re tweets and when any push back happens it’s muh oppression muh racists