We wuz

How come almost 1 out of 10 Black Americans are we wuzzers? Literally on every facebook post or youtube video there is one of them writing Like This or using emojis and ebonics. Using shitty low res pictures saying white people are monkies cuz neantherhal genes and that we smell like dogs. How did afrocentrism become so popular among the Black American community?

Other urls found in this thread:


Nawaubian nation influenced early hip hop.


Because they were full of shit and sheeeiiit. Gnomesaying.

>ancient Egyptian kings wrote hieroglyphs
>modern blacks write emojis and screenshotted lowres pics
>white bitch still try to deney it truth
hmm it really makes u think

They always mention their fucking melanin. Or how white people are unnatural cuz we cant stand sun to much

>white bitch canf understand abstract concept like emojis and screenshot
Lol breinlet penislet stupid whiteboyz

artifacts, ancient testimony

>he had. No. Argument.
Just keep cry and whine white kid maybe your caladudy friend will be friendly

ex. 1.

Who did sell blacks for slavery?



pink skinned europeans didnt raid coastal lands. ok.
pink skinned arabs didnt collaborate with their cracker brothers. ok.
pinks didnt hire literal mercenary armies that they led on slave raids. ok.


earliest pre-pharonic trappings are found in the sudan. those are not muh Mediterraneans.

KAINGZ. And shit

ex. 2


they have always thought this, its just now they have found the internet so now white people realize how fucked up they are. In like 1992 we had a nigger come to our school I believe it was Farakhan or whatever the fuck his name is but its been too long... Anyway he told everyone in simple terms that white people are the devil and black people wuz kangs and also invented the lightbulb and electricity and found america but but all of their efforts were stolen by da white man. Florida, around 92, professional public speaker making his way through the nigbelt to talk to elementary school children.

why hire mercenaries when you could literally just buy the catch of the day in tripoli?

Aftee their long humiliation under the oppressive rule of the Shep-herd Kings, the Egyptian people rallied for a great national uprising under the Theban king Amosis, Ames, or Aahmes; and the Hyksos were driven from Eg3rpt, after a desperate contest, B. C. 1600. Then began the New Empire — ^the most brilliant period of Egyptian his- tory — which lasted a little more than a thousand years (B. C. 1 GOO- SES). Amosis united all Egypt into one kingdom, with Thebes for its capital, and founded the Eighteenth Dynasty. He married Nefruari, the daughter of the King of Ethiopia — "the good and glorious wo- man" who held the highest honor ever accorded a queen.

Ancient history By Israel Smith Clare

why cut out the middle man when you could literally triple your returns.
also fuck pink-arabs.

It reads out "we wuz kangz" doesn't it.

yes my nubian queen


in the early Predynastic period, there was a degree of cultural uniformity throughout Upper Egypt and Lower Nubia. The pottery of Naqada I and the earliest phase of the Lower Nubian A-Group are virtually indistinguishable. Moreover, A-Group sites are found in southernmost Upper Egypt (for example, Kubania) indicating some overlap between the two cultural areas. For the late Predynastic and Early Dynastic periods, the cultural inventory from sites in the Aswan region, especially Elephantine, indicates a contact zone between Egyptian and Nubian cultural areas, rather than a clear boundary (Seidlmayer 1996b:111). Cultural transfer between Nubia and Egypt is suggested by the cattle burials in the élite cemetery at Hierakonpolis, Locality 6 (Hoffman 1982:55–6). This practice does not seem to have been indigenous to Predynastic Egypt, but is attested at Qustul in Lower Nubia (Williams 1986:176).

The white crown, associated in historic times with Upper Egypt, is first attested later than the red crown, but is directly associated with the ruler somewhat earlier. The earliest known depiction of the white crown is on a ceremonial incense burner from Cemetery L at Qustul in Lower Nubia (Williams 1986: pls 34, 38).

He was the grandson of the Aahmes who drove out the Hyksds He had thus hereditary claims to valour and military distinction The Ethiopian blood which flowed in his veins through his grandmother Nefertari Aahmes may have given him an additional touch of audacity and certainly showed itself in his countenance where the short depressed nose and the unduly thick lips are of the Cushite rather than of the Egyptian type His father Amen hotep I was a somewhat undistinguished prince so that here as so often where superior talent runs in a family it seems to have skipped a generation and to have leapt from the grand sire to the grandson Thothmes began his military career by an invasion of the countries upon the Upper Nile which were still in an unsettled state notwithstanding the campaigns which had been carried on and the victories which had been gained in them during the two preceding reigns by King Aahmes and by the generals of Amen hotep He placed a flotilla of ships upon the Nile above the Second Cataract and supporting it with his land forces on (13)

inb4 egyptians had some different features than cushites that makes them separate races.

>unsure of own ancestry beyond the fact they are a nigger.
>adept at theft and lying.
>seek ethnic identity the only way they know how.
Pretty self explanatory really.
The sheer arrogance of it reeks of poorly concealed self-hatred.
Like the poor child at school talking proudly about his incredible house and wonderful home life.
In reality he lives in a two bedroom shack with three siblings and a mother who earns her living on her back in the other room.
Try to call him out on his bullshit, he doubles down or punches you.
That is the African American.


ancient greeks said they were descendants of ethiopians.

guess first eye witnesses were liars or blind.

Source on this?

The majority of American blacks originated from West Africa. You'd think they would try to learn more about the Sahelian Kingdoms. Mansa Musa I and Timbuktu are more up their alley than the Pharaohs and Cairo.


african origins of civilization myth or reality

also a representation of pic related

Just ask them whether they're going to pay reparations to the Jews for enslaving them and building the pyramids.

They'll unKANG real quick.

you mean the khazars who have to historical link to ancient isrealites? the khazars who converted in 8th century en mass? disappointed in you hans.

Because of Nation of Islam influence in the Civil Rights Movement during the 1950's/1960. That plus da joos/da commies.

See pic related, most of the times the egyptians depicted nubians as being completely different from them
"The Ancient Egyptians’ use of color is a controversial topic, one which is quite often deeply misunderstood. It is a famous point of contention for those overly concerned with “race,” specifically Afrocentrists, some of whom often make claims to the effect of Egyptian deities being “literally Black” because some were depicted with black or reddish-brown skin in some instances, and that Ancient Egyptian society, rather than being a multi-ethnic Afro-Asiatic mosaic* society as has been clearly and repeatedly demonstrated to the point of intuitive ubiquity, were originally and uniformly “Black Africans” by virtue of one of the several names for their homeland: Kemet, or “Black Land.” However, such claims furthering specific racial ideologies grossly decontextualize and distort the Ancient Egyptians’ codified systems of metaphor and depiction. These depictions are not always literal or true to life, particularly where the representation of Divine, Otherworldly beings and sacred concepts are concerned."
"Tutankhamun’s famous ka statues that once stood at either side of the entrance to his burial chamber are shown with pitch-black skin. This is attributable to the color-concept of black as a signifier of all things to do with the Afterlife, along with the Divine"
The woman in that painting clearly has no characteristics that are present in depictions of nubians, her only similarity with them is the pitch black skin, which is symbolic

think about it.
These are the same people who were raised by an entire generation of blacks who's understanding of their heritage is Alex Haley's plagiarized fictional account of "Roots". Despite the mountains of evidence that none of "Roots" had any foundation of truth or that the Atlantic Slave Trade was rooted in any genocidal influence, they cannot be bothered with actual facts. They are too simple to be bothered with anything other than popular culture. Their knowledge of history can only be digested through 1.5 hour movies or music videos.

"Black Athena" has been been BTFO by every legitimate historian known to man


This image needs a 2010 update for dindu

>This is attributable to the color-concept of black as a signifier of all things to do with the Afterlife, along with the Divine

paint their gods/ancestors as black. they were white.

>The woman in that painting clearly has no characteristics that are present in depictions of nubians, her only similarity with them is the pitch black skin, which is symbolic

Ahmose Nefertari, she was actually a nubian. So the lack of muh nubian characteristics just goes to show they were depicted with egyptians characteristics when they integrated into the country.

nice try though, atleast try to converse with sources instead of muh memes.

Fucking shit. Why'd MLK have to get popped and not the entire goddamn leadership of the Nation of Islam.

like cnn is legitimate, like msnbc is legitimate, or washpost.
>red pilled
>appeals to authority fallacy

which historian? what arguments did they make? have you read the book? have you read the criticism..

I didn't use memes
>paint their gods/ancestors as black. they were white.
When did I imply that? I believe that the Ancient Egyptians weren't white and weren't black, I also provided you with actual sources about their color symbology, do you have any sources for your claims that Ahmose Nefertari was nubian?

>I believe that the Ancient Egyptians weren't white and weren't black,
This is what amuses me most about the WEWUZZERS, they pretend that there's literally only white people and subsaharan blacks.

>THOTHMES I was the grandson of the Aahmes who drove out the Hyksos He had thus hereditary claims to valour and military distinction The Ethiopian blood which flowed in his veins through his grandmother Nefertari Aahmes may have given him an additional touch of audacity and certainly showed itself in his countenance where the short depressed nose and the unduly thick lips are of the Cushite rather than of the Egyptian type.

Ethiopian blood which flowed in his veins through his grandmother Nefertari Aahmes

ancient egypt
January 1, 1886


>Ancient Egyptians weren't white and weren't black
only they said they came from punt, from the start of the nile. the nile starts in the heart of africa. punt was in the south and most likely in somalia. and the people of punt were depicted as africans with fucking rastas lol. idk many other people who live in africa with rasta and are not blacks.

>which historian?
Martin Bernal

> what arguments did they make?
tldr - Greek intellectuals studied in Egypt. Egypt is on the African continent, therefore WE WUZ KANGS (regardless if black Americans are primarily descendants from WEST Africa, which is a whole other world apart from Sahara North Africa).

It is an exhaustive work, but one borne completely out of confirmation bias. I bought and read the book as a young kid into rap music believing the meme of black oppression. I didn't get red-pilled until some decades later. The author makes a lot of leaps in logic in his assertions that black Egyptians laid the entire framework of Greek society and that the Greeks and Romans conspired to suppress any credit to African scholars because "muh racisms"

> have you read the book?
yes. When I was in high school in the late 80s. Ironically enough, a basketball american at the time, who fancied himself a militant black wanted to read the book and I let borrow. He never returned it, I'm sure intentionally and I sincerely doubt he read it, but just carried it around like all the other retards wearing horned-rim Malcolm glasses at the time.

>Then a king will come from the South, Ameny, the justified, my name, Son of a woman of Ta-Seti, child of Upper Egypt, He will take the white crown, he willjoin the Two Mighty Ones (the two crowns)


Egyptians referred to Nubia as "Ta-Seti," or "The Land of the Bow," since the Nubians were known to be expert archers.

You do realize these "Kangz" believe that Japanese people are pathetic cuckolds that worship crackers and "massah" because they believe their favorite Dragonball characters are supposed to be white?

Understand who you're siding with, because they think Japanese people are fucking retarded or WORSE they believe there are ancient Japanese proverbs about African DNA being required to be Samurai.

>red herring
thats not the argument, greeks believed they were descendants of ethiopians.

Some Egyptians said that they thought the Colchians originated with Sesostris’ army, but I myself had guessed their Egyptian origin not only because the Colchians are dark-skinned and curly-haired (which does not count for much by itself, because these features are common to others too), but more importantly because Colchians, Egyptians, and Ethiopians are the only peoples in the world who practise circumcision and have always done so.
The Histories

its easy to attack and argument when you misrepresent it.

By my knowledge, nobody truly knows where the Land of Punt is really located, the East African thing is a theory, what do you think about the recent genetic tests on Egyptian mummies?
"Both analyses reveal higher affinities with modern populations from the Near East and the Levant compared to modern Egyptians"

Into archive

>washingtonpost com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2017/05/30/dna-from-ancient-egyptian-mummies-reveals-their-ancestry/?utm_term=.cd4af965253f

fucking hell dude

are there any actual africans who believe this or is it just the amerinigs?

>greeks believed they were descendants of ethiopians
who cares?

None of that matters.
Whites (who are whites?) don't get up every day needing to tell themselves they sent people to the moon and explored the entire galaxy to exist.

Lets entertain the notion that Greeks and Alexander were all midnight complexion Africans. What difference does that make in 2017, where BLACK MALE can't do anything for himself but be a toxic parasite on society, contributing nothing but perpetual ignorance and violent crime?

If you need a pep talk to boost your self-esteem, then by all means do what you must. However, any action you feel you need to take at the EXPENSE of others is wholly short-sighted and juvenile.

If you want to read another yarn of self-congratulatory revisionism, I recommend, "There is a River". Same kind of positive spin, at least this one doesn't deny slavery, though it does play up the slave revolt / Native American heritage business


>coons are from Sub-Saharan Africa
>Egypt and the rest of North Africa are actually Caucasoid (but not white)
>dumbass coons think all of Africa is the same as them

>the Colchians are dark-skinned and curly-haired
Props to you for not using the "black-skinned and wooly haired" afrocentric meme
But phenotype != genotype, I doubt that the Egyptians originated from Ethiopians just like I doubt that Colchians originated from Egyptians

Shut. Up. You. White. Baboon.
We Japanese was built a Egypt the a pyramid used to store rice for original sushi used papyrus, Black African is just Ancient Japanese Tanned over many gifted generation, also brain damaged the ultraviolet light &sometimes interbred a wildlife


Watch and learn Cracker


When black pretends to be white complaining about black.

Punt is almost certainly modern-day Puntland State of Somalia based on the evidence of the ancient Egyptian inscriptions. According to historian Ahmed Abdi, the ancient city of Opone in Somalia is identical to the city of Pouen referenced as part of Punt by ancient inscriptions.

The debate continues as to where Punt was located with scholars and historians on every side offering plausible supports for their claims. The two best possibilities are Eretria and Somalia with Eretria so far gaining the most widespread acceptance.

It would seem, however, from the reliefs telling of the expedition carved on Hatshepsut’s temple at Deir al-Bahri, that Punt was likely located in present day Puntland State of Somalia. According to historian Abdisalam Mahamoud, the ancient Somali name for their region was "Bunn", a name referenced in texts regarding trade with Egypt as "Pwenet" or "Pwene", and the region is known as "Bunni" in the present day. The culture of Puntland State of Somalia bears a number of striking resemblances to that of ancient Egypt including language, ceremonial dress, and the arts.


that dna study is moot. 1. Data can be skewed based on the city they choose the mummies from, and the time period. i.e. Could pick mummies from north, during Hyksos rule. Or from greek/roman rule.

>Scientists took 166 bone samples from 151 mummies, dating from approximately 1400 B.C. to A.D. 400
>This period covered the rule of Alexander the Great (332-323 B.C.), the Ptolemaic dynasty (323-30 B.C.) and part of Roman rule (30 B.C.-A.D. 641).

egypt had already been invaded by asians and others and their people driven further south by the time of the study

haha come on. too easy.

some of the egyptian dynasties were actually nubian

>tries to show ancient egyptians.

shows greco-egyptian haha either don't know the history or your are just being philosophically dishonest.


>some of the egyptian dynasties were actually nubian
isn't Nubian "Ethiopia"?

Yes, there were African Dynasties...no shit.
None of them had any impact on the world and haven't been relevant in the last 400 years.

muh nubian. going from pre-dynastic times all t
he way to 25th there were nubians kings/queens.

We wuz Birds


Nubian Dynasty

1st greatest conqueror was ethiopian.

>1st greatest conqueror was ethiopian
we care, why?

>when your white racist guild leader kicks you out of your guild on a private EverQuest server due to creating a racist system to prevent you from awakening your peers about the truth behind arcane power and its links to melanin

I think if any of the bleeding heart liberals actually had this happen to them their opinions would be a lot different. Jesus Christ that's savage.

Because they have been taught to hate America by the left and don't want to be American, but they don't have their original African culture(s?) anymore so they have to make shit up.

Also the perpetual victim narrative.

>dating from approximately 1400 B.C. to A.D. 400
The mummies covered such a large period and not a single one of them has large affinity with Sub Saharan Africa, interesting.
I know that the Fayum portraits are from the Greco-Roman period, it's true that it is pretty hard to know if the people in the portraits are Egyptian, Greek, or mixed people.
Egyptian art shows continuity in their appearances.

Stupidest analysis yet. None of those groups are supposed to be Egyptian

> The mummies covered such
speaking of mummies...

you are right, when the Old Kingdom of Egypt fell, some hebrews and nubians believed they were the real KANGZ, but in the end the lost.

The question is... do whites deserve the light of Ra?

> hey don't have their original African culture(s?) anymore so they have to make shit up.
how dare you, sir?
A basketball American misappropriating the culture of another? Tell me this isn't so

Imagine knowing in the back of your mind that all your people did for the past few million years was sit around, not invent anything, and savagely kill each other in tribal wars. You'd want to claim something different so other groups will start to think of you as civilized. What niggers don't realize is their claims have to be backed up by facts for us to believe it. They believe, but we don't see the facts to support it, therefore we're racist and oppressing them. Any questions?

Also in the subject of appearence, the Egyptians painted the Minoans pretty similarly to them (reddish skin, black hair), but DNA shows that they were unrelated
>Pale as fuck
>Can tan
Feels good

>Egyptians painted the Minoans

das ritee

Egyptians are MENA. Always have been and still are. Most of them cannot pass for actual white people, but a black person cannot pass for an Egyptian. Even if the Muslim community in Egypt was of foreign origin (it's not), the same can't be said of the Coptic community.

There are statues, painting, and mummies from every period of Egyptian history, which shows the same people have always been living there. The idea of black Egypt is based entirely on the association that Africa = black. That's like saying that Asia = Chinese. Of course when we say "Asian" in America we really do mean Chinese people, but we also recognize that continental Asia is much bigger and includes other peoples as well. Indians and Chinese live right next to eachother but look absolutely nothing alike.

> Egyptians wore linen from the flax plant, and used looms as early as 4000 BCE

Nubians were black, but the African-Americans weren't taken from that stock. Black Americans come from west Africa below the Sahara.

Also, from what I've seen, Ethiopains, Sudanese, and East Africans in general have contempt for Black Americans and Bantu in general.

They also claim they're Jews.




Top kek. It's a site for donating to kangs

Who's excited for the new assasins creed?

thats a late roman empire painting..idk what youre trying to prove with it

>in one town
suppose to represent >5000years of history. yeah ok.
egypt was an empire with foreigners inhabiting whole cities. Can you take a look at detroit over the last 50 years to represent the population of americans 200years ago? not really.

there are clear breaks in egyptian art from old-new-greek kingdoms.

british have contempt for irish, irish arent the same race..
how do you know the migration pattern of africans for the last 4000years? yeah you dont.


Doe ray me,
Kangz wuz we

>Even if the Muslim community in Egypt was of foreign origin (it's not), the same can't be said of the Coptic community.

muslim pink arabs are of foreign origin. you fail to realize there are so called black muslims black arabs and black coptics. so your argument is moot.

lemme guess.
Your character comes from a long line of thieves?

See Of course there are differences in art styles and other things, but the people in general don't look very different

>presenting 19th century recolorings as "proof"