How do you fight the negative side affects of the redpill Sup Forums? You know what I'm talking about

How do you fight the negative side affects of the redpill Sup Forums? You know what I'm talking about.

Working out and going out into nature

Get control of your fucking feelings and adapt. Change.

hard times make hard men
dont be a pussy faggot.

Great advice

Life isn't even hard yet, the thought of the future is crippling.

"THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated."

-Thomas Paine

suicide, you wont die, your consciousness will move to a blue pilled version of yourself

but if you then become redpilled again, you will flip out and commit suicide again, trapping yourself in an eternal existential suffering loop

start shooting

Just because it hurts, doesn't mean it's bad. Pain is part of the healing process.

we will come for you french user

we have it so fucking good in todays world that it's mind boggling. guess that's why the fight for a good future is important

>negative side effects of redpills, what do?

Exercise daily and getting in shape is a huge help.

Take breaks to remember why you want the redpill. Why the truth means so much to you.
Go outside. Talk to your neighbour about gardening or fishing. It's therapeutic to go out.

Psychedelics and liftwaffe. Get swole and visit DMT aliens or you ain't woke.

I'm actually a Brit on holiday

Keep reading, keep learning.

"Wisdom is a tree of life to those who embrace her; happy are those who hold her tightly." - Proverbs 3:18

Shitposting breaks are also helpful.

Viagra works for me. My partner prefers Cialis.

I'm not right in the head enough to be so out of control like that

If you're not already Catholic become one. Learn the prayers and have faith in God that He will eradicate all evil from this world and save his Christian European children from harm.

If not for my faith I would have lost my sanity and will to live a long time ago. Remember, evil may be currently running amok in the world but ultimately the Lord is in charge.

Dumbass college kid in a small town here
Where the fuck do I obtain psychedelics

I guess spend less time on Sup Forums and the internet in general
it isn't healthy being pissed off 24/7 about niggers, jews, faggots, womyn, etc
if you don't learn how to just tune out every now and then and enjoy life you might end up a bitter, lonely old man 30 years from now

My biggest problem is that I'm quite masochistic. A normal person would ignore the anti white rhetoric on social media but I find myself looking for it.

depends. Did you already pair off your daughters with niggers thinking you were making the world a better place?

Its not negative, its the reality.

Every month or so, for couple of days I forget all the shit, shut the blinds switch off phone and just watch anime, watch least degenerate tv shows and read a book or two, just pure relaxation and a mental brake from the world and all its degeneracy.

Of course I go to the gym regularly and also work+study, relaxing and taking a break when you have done nothing useful is not relaxing at all.

control your breath
slow inhave and slow exhale
do from 10 to 20 breaths like this
and your brain will become empty

Faith and family user.

Just know that having a hard time with red pills is normal. It is supposed to change you. You can't go back. You can't close your eyes to what you know.

The only way is to move forward.

A lot of times, people become red pilled and just stop in comfort of their knowledge without questioning it further. Red pilling is a process that doesn't stop. The smarter you are the further you can go but it doesn't stop. Think it out. Ask why a lot even to the new knowledge. Don't accept things just cause you read it or someone told you it was a fact. We DO NOT have perfect knowledge. Look for confirmation that you can relate to yourself.

Finally, be an ethical person yourself. Red pilling is great but if you act like an asshat because you're woke, that wont help anyone. Ultimately, this is for your benefit, how does this make you a better person.

>watches tv
>red pilled

>don't think
>red pilled

>falls for the race baiting
>red pilled

sad state of thiings.

I have never lost a debate with an anti-White piece of garbage and I have debated countless of them. That being said, I work super full time and don't have time to address all the absurd diabolical filth they spew so that's why I shun out all evil from my mind and life and focus on prayer.

I go to church regularly as that is a wonderful safe-space from this sick world.

It's demonic entities tempting you to listen to these earthly evil doers because they know exactly what gets you down. I know well from my own struggles.

The only place you should visit online is good sites like Sup Forums or the Daily Stormer. Do not go into the dens of scum until your faith in God is unbreakable and your mind is rock solid.

oh haha

but, still...

Or take up Buddism, learn about 8 fold path, and become vigilant of your thoughts, feelings, and the make-up of your identity, as well as those around you, who might be very well on the path of blindness (though they mean well).

You don't. But you do learn to sit still, observe yourself and others, and realizes the causations and consequences of yours and everyone's and everything's actions.

I dont, I havent owned tv for the last 8 years, I watch selected tv shows, in fact some are only found online. Only the least degenerate shit, I am redpilled enough to filter the shit out, obviously if it becomes too much I drop it.
Such is life, there are very few mediums of entertainment that hasnt been affected by the jew. And I am not some soulless robot who can just forget all pleasures of life.

take the brandis pill

>This fucking thread almost everyday
Blackpills being dropped everywhere on the board since the last 2 or 3 weeks.

sage these shit threads. You know what makes us going on, everyday: pride, hope, love for our people, tradition. Have faith in your own people, in your own country and your own race and stop being a depressed faggot for Christ's sake. Don't snap now, it's still too early

You don't. You analyse what you need to do so that they, or what they portend, doesn't come to be. You see where things are going, and you shit yourself at the thought of it. You want to run but you can't. You want to hide but it's stupid. There's only one thing to do but you don't even know how: no worries, determine to learn how, and until then solve one problem at a time. Are you fit? Can you get there? Are you connected? Who are you reaching out to? Who are you red-pilling in turn. Take that anger, that fear and anxiety, and turn it around. This is what you're alive for, right now, to get this and do something with it. So fucking do it. Get to work. Maybe we need a miracle, but even if we got that there would be so much more to do, so let's at least get to that. You're not alone, many of your fellow countrymen are on the same path. Find them, and walk it to the end. Hail victory.

Negative effects?
What negative effects?

Imagine this.
The sheer thought of being completely aware of the fact that Jews are ruining France, Germany and UK ( rip UK, first to fall) makes my dick hard.

Redpill is the best thing that happened to me since.. Ever.

Hey man this is satire dont take it too seriously the holocaust happened and there are no reptilians but if there are we shouldnt worry because when was the last time a reptile has bitten you?

By converting to Islam.

Find someone else that's redpilled to talk with.

Allow them to become fuel. Don't let the negativity eat away at you, instead you should eat away at it by using it as a motivator. When life gives you lemons, throw them right the fuck back at life for thinking it could defeat you with a retarded piece of shit lemon. The way I see it when someone has a heavy burden weighing them down and that burden is within their mind, they can either continue to pretend that it's a heavy rock and that nothing can be done or they can see it as clay. You have all that clay right on top of you just waiting to be used and you aren't doing shit with it, what a waste. When it comes to matters of the mind it's all about how you choose to perceive things, OP. Don't choose to see your problems as impassable obstacles, choose to see them as useful tools to better yourself with. That way the more you have, the more you seek to gain rather than lose.

Get off Sup Forums lol eggsdee
No kidding, as much as eye opening this board is also mind poisoning

Also this. Take a break every now and then, it might do some good.