Why do homeless people exist in welfare states like America?

Why do homeless people exist in welfare states like America?

People can literally be fed, clothed, and housed by the taxpayer yet homeless people chose to sleep in their own shit.

Someone explain?

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Living in a community center is not fun they just dont give you a free flat when you ask. Also drugs and drink.


the US doesn't really offer that many gibs for the homeless. there aren't enough shelters and free food all over the US for everyone.

Canada has more homeless gibs, but even then there are always people who won't stay at a shelter because
1) they are addicts and they can't drink and do drugs at the shelter
2) they're mentally ill and don't always do what's best for them

This and mental illness
Throw a dart at a crowd of homeless and you'll almost definitely hit one who's either an addict or mentally ill
Keep throwing darts though because seriously there's too many homeless

most of them are bums by choice because they think its cool. The other half are just lazy assholes who make more money pan handling than they would actually working.

Unless you are a woman with kids or married to one, odds are you are shoved into a hostel with violent drug addicts. Lots of people prefer to live rough. There are also lots of mentally ill people and addicts that can't live under a roof.

I live in Los Angeles. Yes I know. The homeless epidemic has become a huge disaster. Fucking liberals and the laws they passed allowed them to build multiple tents in the downtown area. Allowing them to crowd and fill up the streets. You know instead of solving the general problem. Fucking shit, now you have crazy druggies who are violent and pester you. Fucking idiots.

drugs or mental illness or both

ever meet homeless people? they are completely dysfunctional. the homeless problem is as much a mental health one. when we used to have sanatoriums before they were defunded and closed in the 60s-70s, homelessness was never a problem like it is today.

Also mental illness (schizophrenia/untreated bpd)

>.t physician assistant lmao

Shelters are dirty dangerous and full of niggers. Sleeping in the woods and streets is much safer.

>1) they are addicts and they can't drink and do drugs at the shelter
This right here can not be understated enough. I live nearby a settlement home that will provide three hots and a cot, but you have to be sober to receive benefits. Guess how many homeless in the area prefer to slam heroin and get ripped on bum wine instead?
>2) they're mentally ill and don't always do what's best for them
This is another huge problem, and one that tugs more at my heartstrings because I know that these people can't really rationally act and the more than likely have family connections that care about them but can not give them the care and support that a schizo needs because of limited resources and limited expertise. Fixing this problem is much, much more difficult than telling the druggies to fuck off to a more liberal city that will tolerate used needles and broken bottles in the parks where children are supposed to play.

One time I met a homeless guy that didn't want to go to the clinic/center.

Now this guy was pretty lucid and didn't seem to be suffering from any crazy problems but he essentially broke it down to me like this:

The clinic sucks.
People are nasty.
They won't stop making noise.
They steal all the time.
Fuck that place, the streets are more hospitable.

Here in the UK, I believe our homeless are a mix of addicts/mental cases, as well as Romanians/other poor slavs who are trying to cash in on the begging.


How do you solve the problem? Just execute or imprison them?

Treat the schizos and gas the crust punks. Easy enough to tell which is which.

Most homeless are white men.
You almost never see black homeless. They get section 8 and food stamps. Women get women only shelters and case workers.

White men dont really have that many options believe it or not.
Only shitty shelters full of crazies.
Plus the sheter costs 3 dollars to enter.

Mental illness -/+ Drugs


this. White men are a vast majority of the homeless

A lot of homeless I see in Virginia are military vets. In California a lot of them are larping as homeless at least in the beach areas. The rest are crazy. I think military vets and ex cons have the same problems that make them homeless.

>you never see black homeless
Yeah no, that's bullshit. Like 95% of american homeless people are either white or black. You seldom see asians, pajeets or mexicans being homeless there because they actually work.

because if they got more gibs, then we'd have even more homeless and worthless fucks and then we'd be Canada. Id rather see the Hillaries burn this country to the ground than see it turn into Cantada.

we should let in migrants so they can have friends

Ex-homeless here. Lived on the street for close to a year. Now housed and employed, working my way on getting off benefits. Ask me anything.

It would be easier if we weren't paying for perfectly healthy niggers to laze about.
I mean, you're a leaf, so it's not like you care about white Americans.
Go burn yourself in a pile for the light and glory of whatever godless Commie you worship.

Because too many faggots any America are happy to let forms of social support disintegrate because they think these things are socialism or are the government taking away our rights. The result of this is that the wealthiest country in history has an appalling number of people living in poverty and destitution. Making things worse is that Trump doesn't give a fuck about these people. Where is his policy on poverty elimination?

The real question here is what actually made Americans so fat, selfish, and retarded??

Because the US is extremely stupid about how it handles its homeless problem. There are ways it has been handled before that have shown themselves to work, like Utah's experiment.
Plus there's problems with drug/alcohol abuse and mental illness, but even then, there are ways that could be realistically worked around.
I don't know why nobody has tried or suggested a combination housing project with an on-site psych clinic and free drug clinic w/ built in rehab center and regular drug testing just to get these people off the streets.
> You almost never see black homeless.
Nigger please, they're all over the fucking place

If you take a good look, it's almost always a man.
Women only shelters are a thing. They refuse to take homeless men.

You can't just walk up to your welfare building and ask for it and expect to get it. You need an address, like 3 forms of ID, often times proof of employment or schooling.

I don't know how illegals get it. It has to be blatantly obvious to people in the office when someone is using fake shit.

Homeless are severely mentally ill. They shouldn't be confused with professional panhandlers.

We used to put these people in nut houses. Thanks to liberals closing down the nut houses these mentally ill people live in cities, harassing normal people and dying from exposure during the winter. Instead of reforming the nut houses, leftists just closed them down creating an even bigger problem.

Former hobo in the USA here.

Am currently doing IT consulting in Denmark.

I was homeless from about 23-25 when my dad disowned me and my sister because the whore from Thailand wanted him to take care of her bastard children instead of us.

Shelters only operate from 9pm and often throw you out super early like 5am.

Then you can hang out in a public library, or mix with the commie scum at some coffee shop / book store that doesn't force you to order stuff.

If you're a blue colar man you're not welcome at any shelter, only gib niggers and emo future antifa members / crack / fetal alcohol syndrome babies are.

As far as permanent housing, get in line for a few years and be prepare for Mohammud and his 15 kids or Saniqua and her little of boons get priority over you.

I got lucky with some friends taking me in.

if it wasn't for that I imagine I'd kill random elderly couples and just live in their homes until I had eaten though the food in their fridge / pantry.

I got back in University and got a CS degree and then got into network security, so, life is really easy for me now.

Most homeless people I've met are homeless by choice. The welfare state can't help when the homeless would rather sell drugs and live on a boat.

How did you end up in Denmark from that background? Did you get citizenship and have to learn the language and everything? They don't even make that easy, do they?

Its actually extremely hard, I'm technically here on a tourist visa my company keeps reseting.

I got here via hard work and being smart about who I work for.

It's not hard, you just need some base line opportunity and drive.

nigga you were 23. why didn't you haver a fuckjing job I got one when I was 15. kill yourself you fucking failure

Homeless people exist in Japan too.

This. Crusties are the fucking worst and you can usually tell them apart from people down on their luck/people too far gone to be saved. Every time I see a crustpunk I want to knee their face in while they're sitting on the corner with their dreadlocks/retarded pin/patch covered jackets and awful guitar playing.

Shelters are disgusting. If you like tuberculosis and your shit getting stolen, be my guest. And, spoiler alert, everyone is out using drugs during the day.

Then you have entitled crusties who think they can get everything for free. They make me cringe.

I've been homeless for too long. I work when I can find it, but at the same time, the flip side is that if I pay taxes into the American system, I'm filling the coffers of the people who put me in this position in the first place, and seek to displace and destroy my ethnicity, especially if said taxes go to blue states. No, only under the table work with private citizens of my choosing for me, and when I find it, I'll bust my ass sideways, because I know that something for nothing is a lie, and I miss having roots.

I suppose at this point, I advocate for accelerationism. Burden on the blue states. When it all falls down, maybe we can return to normal, but upheaval and collapse is the necessary first.

I just want to rejoin the normal world at this point. I miss not drifting from State to state, a rootless loner in the country I was born, eyed with contempt and disdain in every community I pass through, but I'm not. I'm the logical byproduct of a single mother household raised in hyper liberal LA, and then kicked into a world that has donned me with the original sin of being white and straight and a man, of not being allowed an existence.

I wanted a family. I wanted a career. I studied in college for engineering. I worked hard at dead end jobs. I wanted a wife and children, and I wanted them to have a chance. And it's all being viciously denied by enemies within and without.

So yeah, I guess my first reaction to all that insanity was that I didn't wanna play. I didn't want to support it. I quit. Ironically, that's what they want the most. We're supposed to just roll over and die.

I refuse.

most are mentally ill and dont like the affects of the drugs to control their illness

>nigga you were 23. why didn't you haver a fuckjing job I got one when I was 15. kill yourself you fucking failure

I had my first job at 8, always been a hard worker.
My father had made me promises and reassurances that he would help me pay for university.

I had about a year of savings I kept personally hidden away for personal expenses I was able to land on, but its not something you can pay for university with.

Getting disowned by a parent so he can be a cuck to some shit skin children is hard on people mentally.

I know since your a Nigger and never had a father or a real parent this would be hard for you to relate to.

But have fun using a MEME flag on Sup Forums while real men are paying your NEET Nigger bux.

Don't forget their emaciated doggos, usually a pit bull or some other nigger tier pupper. Everyone of them deserves a shower, compliments of the working folk.

>people chose to sleep in their own shit
So, we should lock them up, for their own good?

>starting a sentence with "And"
You deserve to suffer.
No but seriously I'd hire you.

the original NEET

Yeah, we should kill your boomer parents and live in their house until we are done eating though any food they have.

Or at least get a gun / kife and rob some bitch.

Living on a street is a real sign of weakness and stupidity.

the vast majority of the homeless are either mentally ill or addicted to hard drugs or both.

Regardless of their vices and whether or not they have a mental illness, they can literally have their entire life funded by the taxpayer. Why don't They?

Lol don't get so defensive my guy. Just because your dad was so ethnically suicidal he didn't want to look or rear his white children to his death bed doesn't mean you have to carry that chip on your shoulder to every single person you meet. Urban dictionary "crustpunk" or something, and you'll realize you're getting offended over nothing. They're not your average loser hobofaggot, they're advanced stage 4 melanoma homelessness By Choice. That's emphasis. By choice. Now go back to pushing paper in your scandicuck country and avoiding eye contact with the innercity nigs.

i got my first job when I was 7. Not one-upping you, but I am the harder worker.

Also, you must be really insufferable for your pa to want to rear some thai harpy's spawn instead of associate with you.

Not in America.

Why do people assume that there is some welfare safety net that catches everyone?

It will catch families or single mothers with kids.

Single men get no welfare, they become homeless, there is no safety net in America for single men.

Many homeless people are completely sane, drug free, and even intelligent.

Simple. Government assistance comes with strings, like EBT cards that can only be used on grocery items or welfare that requires you to maintain at least nominal custody of children. Meanwhile, your freely-given pocket change is legal tender to every liquor store or drug dealer in the US and beyond.

Frankly I think higher of panhandlers than I do welfare recipients. The panhandler makes a constant effort so that he can live on his own terms. The welfare recipient slavishly does whatever it is will bring in the most welfare. Not to mention, I can choose not to pay the panhandler; the welfare whore gets my money whether I like it or not.

>Lol don't get so defensive my guy. Just because your dad was so ethnically suicidal he didn't want to look or rear his white children to his death bed doesn't mean you have to carry that chip on your shoulder to every single person you meet

It has shaped my personality and outlook on life. I think you would have to be truly naive to not have it alter you.

I now see middle class white americas and disgusting, and deserving of death. However I also hate niggers and people of color. I imagine this is what the international Jew must feel when they are trying to simultaneously destroy Israel and The West.

I actually quiet enjoy it when a Paki or Boon tries to cut me off, it's quite cute to watch the countenance on their face change when they realize I'm an American and not a scandi-cuck.

I imagine it is something like how you will feel when some office place sociopath finally is putting pieces of you into hefty bags.

their homelessness is an eyesore so don't complain when I vote for the police to beat the shit out of them. By Choice. That's emphasis.

Its driven me quite mad. I truly hate the white race now.

I realize how disgusting a race is that can't even care for its own family. Even the niggers manage to get gibs for other niggers.

Whites are the only race that seems to be this capable of hating itself.

You guys got the welfare thing wrong. It's supposed to help people who are in a bad situation to get on track. If it doesn't do that it's literally a waste of money.

>homeless people who think they are being "intellectual" free spirits by "being outside the system" and having this dumb attitude of "It's everyone else fault but mine"

People like you are insufferable.
I'm also seeing that same idiotic mindset in this poster Like, it's hard enough to deal with druggies and schizos, but how do we deal with these entitled millenial leftists who are just going to lash out at us and call us sheeple while at the same time, demanding we help them or feel sorry for them?

Sort your shit out.

There's probably a lot of guy who got divorced in the 40s and 50s and have nowhere to go.

What was your day to day routine?

Free bus tickets to Canada!

because when you don't have the mental faculties to not shit or piss in your pants constantly going to a welfare office and filling out paperwork isnt gonna happen

most homeless you see would generally be considered mental patients, and we broke that program so now they're just homeless.

A failed system

Many Shelters won't allow drugs or alcohol. They made a choice. Too many programs out there through tax dollars and charity and they made their choice.

90% of the bums I see are white men

It's alarmingly easy in Australia to end up homeless. I've come very, very close a few times before. It just takes a few things to all go wrong at once. Our welfare system is particularly brutal on young professional men, whereas single mums are paid insane amounts to keep whoring around popping out kids. Protip: never be honest with centrelink if you have a professional background.


Fuck wrong thread. Sorry everyon


> Copyright © 2017 BBC. De external site no concern BBC De way wey we de take go external link/Link policy

IANAL but I hope we get to see pidgin legalese tested in court someday.

>Ya wey wey yo judge man hol up you be sayin what we ddidu but we dindu see.

Are you insane?

The welfare system in Australia is the most ridiculously generous system in the world. People can get up to $1200+ dollars a month, and all they have to do is, what, apply for 10 jobs a fortnight?

Yeah sure, lie about your professional background. If they know you are educated, they would probably put you in a more rigorous program. Isn't that a good thing?

I consider myself a bit of a lefty. Not ashamed. I'm glad I was born into a country that provides a safety net, even if I may never need it. But even I admit that it is too generous at the moment

typical homeless, first you cant commit to hard drugs and now you cant even commit to answering a question.

They are mental cases. Plenty of places to go if they wanted to. Only mistake Reagan made was turning them all out.

That is what's happening in America my friend.

Stereo types are real here.

Don't be fooled by our habit of calling it "welfare." The system to which I was referring is specifically designed to attract, secure, and create votes for the Democratic Party. Helping people get on their feet in life is an unintended side effect at best.

Freedom. Some of them don't want to deal with all the paperwork and institutions and shit.
But most of them are just on drugs. they don't give a rat's ass about anything but the drugs.

white men dont get assistance.

>welfare state

good one

mental illness, addiction and flat out laziness.

>Why do homeless people exist in welfare states like America?
Because they're insane. The vast majority of homeless are insane but you can't just lock them up anymore unless they get violent so the most that can be done for them is the hospital keeps them overnight and gives them a couple's days of anti-psychotics.

They want to avoid having to live according to rules that will prevent them from drinking/using drugs freely

Rehabs and halfway houses are structured. Addicts don't want to mess with it

Frequently, people who can't hold a job or care for themselves also, for the same reasons, cannot seek the help that would otherwise be available for them.

Well, that's one reason anyway. There are other more sinister reasons as well.

this is a welfare state, but not in the way a goy brain can comprehend.

They're simply that worthless. There's a homeless general on /out/, go have a look for yourself.

Welfare is for minorities.

Welfare doesn't help people get on their feet

In Klamath county oregon, you had to work or volunteer a certain number of hours to be eligible. This can be waived by the interviewers discretion. This is only waived for minorities.